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Silence Broken — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Knowing that Vlar would spark a story of epic proportions to the pup’s head as she told Raigo the story of the bear, Borden’s tail tip flicked with an air of delight. The feeling wouldn’t last, however, and he soon found himself facing his duties, things he ought to be doing instead of losing himself to the moment at hand. He swallowed quietly, his mind spinning about with thoughts about what he must do before he left the glade in the morning. Ensure their safety, hunt, deliver the meal, scou--… sc--… The male eyes blinked a number of times as he felt warmth brush up against his side. Scout. He tensed and his heart, which seemed to pound against his ribs, skipped a beat, but the sound of her words made him relax, even smile once more.

Noting her closeness, he didn’t dare to look at her as he attempted to work out the situation. “No need to apologize,” he said, his tone of voice warm and forgiving. “He’s still learning; no fault in that, really…” He kept his gaze trained on the opening in the thicket where they had entered, deeply wanting to remember this evening, this night, for as long as he could remember. Somewhere, somehow, just being with this unlikely pair, made him feel whole.

Once he had brushed away his current cloud of thoughts, he looked at her. He wanted to ask something, know something, but whatever it was, she was making him draw blanks. Whatever she presented him, it was new, undoubtedly something he couldn’t even grasp a year ago. Was it attraction? Fondness? For all he knew, this thing, this connection was more than just trust. Love, maybe? His brows knit together for a brief moment, either way, he stayed put.

To flinch away or simply get up to regain space between them, he figured, would hurt her feelings or send out several wrong messages that he didn’t mean to convey. It was ungentlemanly in the least to turn a lady away, particularly when she merely requested his presence. He tried again to ask her a question, but was distracted as Raigo’s figure came into focus and, to his surprise, nestled, not just nearby, but right on top of both of them. His jowls closed silently, just smiling as he suppressed a chuckle. The weasel must have been thoroughly enjoyed...

(This post was last modified: Jan 23, 2011, 12:52 AM by Borden.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
It was the fact that he didn't seem to mind her being so close - and that made her smile softly. Of course, when Raigo came over and sprawled across them, she chuckled, shifting to get more comfortable before tucking her tail around her paws. The female was content, and warm and she was perfectly happy to remain that way at least until she was made to move.

At first, she hadn't thought anything about this wolf - he had helped her escape the bear.. but now... Now she was beginning to have odd...feelings for him. Whereas she would normally have avoided the other wolves like the plague, she seemed to enjoy being around this one in particular. Even to the point that she had let her guard down, and allowed him into their den site, and to even have come close enough to do that was surprising for the female. She let her eyes close as the three settled into the snow - and it was reminiscent of when she'd been a pup herself, and had curled up among her brothers and sisters along with the older adults for warmth when the winter was cold.

It had only been that one winter, but she remembered it faintly, though the smell of the pack was different, Bordens' scent had a different undercurrent to it. The spicy scent of rocks, fresh water... She let loose a contented sigh, her ears shifting until they were relaxed against her neck. With Raigo being well fed, and her own sharp hunger appeased for now, she was content to wait until morning - a good nights rest may be almost too much to ask..but it was a blessing.
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Played by Shadow who has 123 posts.
No Rank
Raigo Akreon
<i>N</i>estled where he was, right up against the two older wolves, Raigo felt almost calm. Well, as calm as he could feel, really. His fear and anxiety at the presence had been entirely assuaged, thanks to Vlar's behavior, and now the yearling trusted him nearly as much as he trusted Vlar and that was saying quite a bit, seeing as how she was the only wolf that he has interacted with for the past several months.

W<i>i</i>ggling his body a little bit to nestle further against Vlar and the male, who's name he still did not know, Raigo let out a small sigh of contentment as his eyes began to drift closed. While not quite as warm as the den, Raigo found that he was even more comfortable lying out here, where there were others to keep him company. Sure, the den was warm and cozy, but it also got lonely. In the long hours of the day and night when Vlar was either out hunting or trying to figure out where they were going next, Raigo was largely left to fend for himself and to entertain himself. But he liked being around Vlar. As the runt of his litter, he had always been mostly ignored and shunned by the few brothers and sisters that he could remember. But now, he had a sister that had proven her care for him. He would devote himself to her as thoroughly as he could.

In <i>w</i>hatever situation they found themselves in, be it wandering on their own or adoption into a pack, Raigo would stick by Vlarindara and do his best to protect her. Of course, not in a mate sort of way, that would be weird, but as adoptive siblings. And, fortunately for the peace of everyone involved, Raigo had decided that he liked this male wolf that Vlar had brought back. If she decided to stick with him, that was okay with Raigo. A large yawn curled the tip of his tongue and elicited a small squeak from him and that was the last sound he made before dropping off to sleep.
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Musing as the pair settled down, Borden kept quiet. He wanted to usher them inside, so he could guard the entrance of the den, but it was already too late as he watched the yearling yawn and rest his head against Vlarindara’s back. The small cage of ribs resting against his rose and fell in a relaxed rhythm and the male knew Raigo had fallen asleep. He sighed softly, allowing his eyes sweep over his newfound companions. They were safe and taken care of just as he had hoped.

Insisting that Vlarindara slept and got a good night’s rest to regain her energy, was a simple request, Borden thought, and if she did just that – at least for tonight – the male would extend his gratitude. When and how he would, he’d have to figure out soon enough. As the duo slumbered at his side, he allowed himself to sift through his mind, picking up questions he had yet to bring up and things that he ought to delve deeper into. He thought of the mountain and how his perch, a mere rocky ledge, was vacant and how the winter wind brushed against the shelf without having to weave around him for once. The pack den was probably unoccupied, save for Alexander’s silhouette, and how beautiful the falling snow probably looked from inside.

Nestling his head onto his paws, he listened to the nocturnal songs of distant birds and the scurrying of tree-bound critters. It later occurred to him that Vlarindara had not properly introduced him, only assuring Raigo that he was, indeed, a friend. A smile curled around his maw; that was fine, they would have time to get acquainted with one another. As the storm slowly passed, covering them with a blanket of snow, he watched as dawn broke over a new day. The sun fought to shine through the cover of clouds as it rose over the trees, but nevertheless the world around them brightened by the hour.

Doubting he could leave without waking the pup, Borden glanced to the ward. His heart sank; he had to get back… he couldn’t stay. Slowly, he inched his torso away, watching, waiting to see if he would open his eyes or move or disturb Vlarindara as she slept. His ears folded back anxiously, if Raigo had heard him whispering from deep within the den then moving just might definitely wake him. He hoisted himself onto his feet cautiously and took a step back to take one last glance at them before slipping under the hedge to find them something to eat. Already his mind was set, he’d hunt as quickly as he could, dart back and leave the ‘gifts’ near the den. He only hoped they would understand, that they would know he wouldn’t abandon them. He couldn’t

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
It was strange, sleeping as soundly as she had - and as warmly. It was that sudden absence of warmth that brought her through the fogged mire of sleep and dreams. By the time that Borden had stepped fully away and only his tail remained within view, the female had woken completely and turned, just in time to see the last bit of him flashing out of sight. A soft chuckle escaped er throat as she lowered her head, gently nudging the sleeping pup. "Come, Raigo, back to the den with you." She understood Bordens need to leave, and hadn't a problem with his escape - he had a pack to tend to..

Her tone was soft as she spoke - and she felt extremely rested despite having slept buried in snow - that reminded her... The first order of business, after seeing her charge to the den, was to shake all that extra weight from her hide. After the vigorous shake, she shivered slightly before returning her attention to Raigo. "You're too big to carry, else I would have already...up you get." At close to a year of age, he was gaining on his full size - not quite, but almost..and certainly much too large for her to lift on her own.

At the warning call of the few birds waking this morning, she lifted her head, swiveling her ears around on their mounts. Nothing too out of the ordinary..but she couldn't be too careful - simply because of Raigo. Had it been she alone, she would have been able to leave had she suspected a stranger. The female began pacing along the edge of the trees, her nose to the ground as she scented about. She only smelled Raigo, Borden and her own scents intermingling with one another. She returned from her short walk and went back to Raigo, once more nudging him with her nose.
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Played by Shadow who has 123 posts.
No Rank
Raigo Akreon
<i>D</i>reaming of many pleasant things, Raigo was enjoying his sleep tremendously. However, as the male got up and left, the support on that side of his body was suddenly gone and he fell over, into the snow that had fallen during the night. Never one to wake up very quickly, he blinked around, wondering why he was outside. If he had seen the departing male as he slipped through the bushes, his sleepy brain had not registered it. After a moment or two, he shook his head, knocking the snow off that had gathered there and looked over at Vlarindara, who suggested that he gets back to the den.

"A<i>r</i>e you coming with me?" he asked, standing up and giving a prodigious stretch and turning back towards the den. His tail wagged at her comment that he was too big to carry. "See? I told you that I would get bigger. You just have to wait for it." The young wolf pranced back to the den, kicking snow up and generally frolicking about, until he lowered his body and entered the warm, dark den.

He <i>a</i>lmost got all the way into the den when he noticed that Vlar was not behind him, but found that he could not back out of the den, nor could he turn himself around to exit forwards. Growling slightly in frustration, he made his way all the way into the sleeping area of the den before turning around and starting back out.

Sti<i>c</i>king his head back out of the den's entrance, he looked over at Vlarindara as she sniffed around the border of the small clearing. "Are you coming?" he asked again, watching her sniff around. "I don't want to go back to sleep if you're out here having fun. That's not very fair." Pouting? Okay, maybe a little bit. But what can be said? Raigo enjoys his fun.
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Looking under logs and sniffing about hidden roots of crooked trees and wayward shrubs, he finally found what he had been looking for, even though it presented itself in a rather generous display… a murder of crows flocked around the remains of a deer. He edged closer to the corpse, his nose wrinkling as he laid eyes on it, relying on his bulky frame to ward off the feathered menaces. Caws were exchanged as Borden addressed them with a growl, making off with a hefty portion of what was once the deer’s shoulder. It was only when he dragged the piece away from the body and the group that he realized that sometime during the night, this doe had misjudged a step and broke one of her legs after tripping over an unseen root or deep hole.

Ogling at him, the crows chattered amongst one another, successfully irritating the wolf that had suddenly joined them. Borden scowled and barked at them, causing them to fly up into a tree. They all stared down at him as he growled. Well, he had gotten what he wanted and now he was going to leave. One of the crows let out a cry before taking off, as though warning him of something’s approach. The wolf watched as they took to the sky. When his gaze returned to what was left of the doe, he finally noticed the large gashes across its back. The bear...

Clasping the shoulder meat in his jaws, he fled from the scene, his eyes wide with fear. If he had to face that brute again, goodness knows he would barely escape. He had already evaded it once. Lady Luck could only be so kind for so long, right? Tracing his steps back to the den, he dropped the large piece of meat with a dull thud at the well-hidden entrance under the hedge.

Keeping true to his agenda, he silently bid the secluded sanctuary good-bye for now and dashed off towards the east. After running for some time, he marked another tree, thoroughly rubbing his shoulder against it before continuing on his way. The potpourri of scents that now mingled in his thick winter coat now told a rather stirring tale and he was more than eager to share it his adventure with the alpha who possibly awaited his return to Midnight Plateau.

(This post was last modified: Jan 23, 2011, 04:02 AM by Borden.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Her expression turned to laughter as he complained and she smiled as she shook herself once again. "Well, seeing as we both have had quite the night of sleep.." The female wolf yapped a high pitched bark before she charged the smaller wolf and leaping over him before galloping off to 'flank' him before zipping past him again. She'd been fed, and they had a haunch of meat courtesy of Borden...So she may be able to take a bit of time off and enjoy her day with Raigo for a bit.

Her gentle laughter filled the small clearing as she spent her day playing with her charge, and generally just acting like a young wolf that she was. Vlarindara rounded out the day by settling down for a meal, taking enough to sate her hunger, but leaving quite a bit to Raigo. When night fell, she knew she would return to business as usual, but for now, she simply enjoyed herself.

((-does a little dance!-))
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