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Willow Ridge Pack Thread — Willow Ridge 
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Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Not even a few steps were taken before a bounding ball of black fur belonging to Deacon came to greet her, excitement written as plain as day on the young prince's face before being replaced momentarily by signs of respectful submission. After a quick lowering of his tail and a lick to her chin the brightness returned to his swarthy maw. It was astonishing how much the little prince and his siblings had grown since her joining of the pack. Had four months really come and gone so quickly? Wherever did the time go? These were questions she could not answer, but neither were they important enough that she needed to know right away. Instead her priority was seeded within the present where Deacon spoke of his daily doings before she could even mutter a word in question. So the boy had been following in his fathers footsteps literally and traced the boarders before returning to the den which was a good thing in Enoki's mind. That was less traveling she had to do to find him. "Hello to you too, Deacon. Actually, I was to make sure you and your siblings weren't getting into trouble and giving your mother a hard time." she teased while lifting a foreleg to drape over his shoulders in a playful rather than dominate manor while nipping equally so at the tip of his ear.

Removing her leg the boy proceeded to lower his rump to the ground while his gaze focused upon her face, a small and gentle smile gracing the ebony of her lips as her body posture then mirrored his own while Deacon proceeded to ask the piebald woman permission for an adventure. She contemplated the matter carefully before answering, feeling safer knowing he was under her protection rather than wandering alone in the freezing snow. Besides the Ashrelle woman could use the company since the entire pack had been so busy as of late with the constant hunting to keep the caches full. Meeting his gaze briefly with her amber one she gave a curt nod before speaking up. "I don't see why not, Deacon. I'd feel better if I accompanied you rather than you go out alone."

Played by Allie who has 81 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Quil Attaya Lyall
I don't know where to begin to get back into the swing of things around here, but any interaction is much welcomed!


The girl's heavy eyes opened to darkness and to a world that was cold and quiet. Air blew past the oblong-shaped mouth of the burrow where she tried to sleep, and maybe it was that sound that had woken her up. With a groan she shifted about; for a short time she curled her body around itself, tucking her nose into the crease of her leg. For a time she stretched her long, willowy legs, leaning against the dirt of the innermost wall of the den. Then she flopped about, flipping around in many attempts to find a comfortable position before eventually resigning with a long-winded sigh.

She was never going to be able to sleep again, was she?

Just like she had so many nights before, Quil rose to her feet and shook the languid feeling of exhaustion from her body. There wasn't much sense in laying around until the sun came up and she always had so much that she felt like she needed to do. The winter had foiled the majority of her plans and goals, and with the whole of the Lore covered in snow she'd had very little luck finding much of anything to bring back to Rook. The night that she'd promised the boy that she would help him to get his father better still burned brightly in her mind and her heart, but she wasn't making much progress. More and more she felt her will being pulled to the east, as though there was something over the mountain that was calling for her ─ something that held more promise than her never-ending trolling of the territories immediately surrounding the Ridge. Perhaps it was because she'd had no luck, but she couldn't help but to feel as though the herbs that Borden needed were just on the other side of the snow-capped peaks of the Pass...The problem was that there was no way of knowing if her intuitions held any truth, and there was no way of getting there to find out, either.

With that thought always in the back of her mind, the girl stepped out from the safety of her hole in the ground and into the early morning frost. The ice in the air clung to her whiskers and settled with a chill on the tip of her nose, and she couldn't see but for a number of lengths in front of her. Quil would press on along familiar paths to the borders where she would make her round for the better part of a number of hours or until the sun came up. And after, perhaps she would seek @Cinder out. Or run into @Skoll. Or stumble across @Elettra, whom she'd grown quite fond of. One way or another, the Attaya would fill her day with things to keep herself busy, and perhaps somewhere in between she would figure out how in the hell she was going to make good on her promises and find her way back to @Rook.

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Dated  3/3/2015 - Elettra or Angier please (I don't expect this to be more than two posts from each of us. I don't want a full thread, tis why I posted in the pack area, and I know breeding threads make people busy. This is just to move plots along)

Titan felt a rush of heat flush straight to his chest as his body tensed at the smell of women in the den. For some damned reason they were beginning to smell really good to him, and not just the younger gals like Morganna. Enoki's scent, and even Elettra's was causing the young male to walk around in a daze wondering what to do with himself. The large Thorben had urges he couldn't even think of how to satisfy. Sometimes his thoughts turned from the women of the ridge to Danica in a futile attempt to try and figure things out. However thinking of the velvety pelted Renier female didn't much help his situation. If only he could figure out why he felt this way, and how to fix it.

Titan's father Sloane Thorben had not been around for the youth since he was a tiny pup, Ash Hervok had only been around for a short time, and Titan did not know Angier well enough to feel comfortable asking the man about his issues. In truth, Titan thought that if he did ask the elder Lyall anything, that the man would evade answers or try to point him to another pack mate who would supposedly be able to help.

This discomfort with Willow Ridge because of breeding season was causing Titan to figure out his next move. He wanted to ask his personal questions to those he was more familiar and comfortable with, but those wolves were back in his mothers pack. His mother in particular was a wolf he wanted to speak to. Though the chance to check up on Danica also pulled Titan towards the Ridge's western borders. Rarely during this frustrating time did Titan think about his friend Rook and the plans he had of joining the young gray wolf. Those thoughts were being pushed to the back of his mind by the urges that Titan couldn't place. The feelings that continually had him thinking about the girls shapely rears, their scents, and the feeling that he shouldn't be looking their way.

Tonight though, he just wanted to to notify @Angier or @Elettra that he would be leaving in the next few days. Titan knew that they would appreciate him telling them. Even if he was just heading back to Whisper Caverns.

The dark wolf snooped around the den enjoying the perfumes of women while trying to locate the leaders scents in particular. He hoped one of them was around to speak with. Otherwise Titan would have to seek call for them instead of just meeting up here. "Anybody here? Lady Elettra? Angier sir?"

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
<div align=justify>It had been the day after her interaction with Angier that she returns back to the pack den, after having spent the entire night with only her mate's presence. Her scent, if not stronger now, was mingled with that of her mate and although the deed was done, she had no intention of not returning to Angier once more after her duties as a Leader were fulfilled, if only by making sure once more everyone else were doing what they should be amongst the pack lands. @Titan was easily heard as she rounded the rocky formation which made up their pack den, sitting the large, young wolf peering in with intent to seek them out. <b>"Yes?"</b> Elettra's voice rang from behind the dark youth, her ears perking and her tail offering a single sway in greeting. Her eyes shifted then, moving out over the sparse forestry of her home. <b>"I'm sorry you were a part of that trouble the other day..."</b> She mentioned, having placed the event to the back of her mind until now. She had not seen Titan since that day, after all, when she had demanded Titan escort Rook away from her lands - hopefully for good. <b>"Borden and I's relationship is anything but pleasant."</b> Oddly enough, despite this very fact, she had obvious ties to Angier Lyall, his very own brother. The pair had seemingly not been very close and Angier's whispers of Borden's foolishness had been truthful after all. Personally, whatever was happening now with Borden's health, he deserved. Still, having lost her connections with @Quil and the rest of the Attaya children was certainly a shame, given the fact that she had cared for Kade so much - the <I>rightful</I> Leader of Grizzly Hollow.
(This post was last modified: Mar 17, 2015, 07:30 PM by Elettra.)
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Titan's keen ears heard the paw steps behind him. His tail began to wag in a friendly fashion for whoever was creeping up on him before her voice sounded. Titan turns to greet Elettra with a bowed head and a charming smile. However he was unexpectedly caught unawares by her scent.

Gods she smelt good... Like all the other danm females in this place. Titan still had no clue why all of the sudden that smell was making him so.... uncomfortable. Shifting uneasily and clearing his throat, the dark Thorben nodded his head once at her words. He was too embarrassed by himself to even ask why she smelled the way she did, or even why all the females were being strange like this. Instead the tall male tried to keep his head on straight and only think about what he had called her there for, but then she spoke.

Instant curiosity dragged at him. Borden and Elettra didn't get along? Why? was the question he asked himself. Titan wondered at what kind of relationship the pair of monarchs had with each other. Obviously as she spoke their history was not a good one, and knowing this made Titan evaluate what he was going to say next.

"It was no problem really... I have no other real job to do during winter as you know... No herbs to find and such."  He shrugged his wide shoulders before noticing his nose twitching at her alluring scent. Again Titan cleared his throat and looked away to the trees trying to hide his interest in her. What the hell would Skoll think of me... Titan could just imagine the dark Archer looking at him as if he'd sprouted three heads.

"Actually I uh.. Called you to say that I plan on heading back home if just for a little while. I want to check on Danica you see. She got injured, somehow got a chunk of pointed wood stuck in her leg, before I had left and I had treated her. I want to make sure my handy work is okay and that Kassander has been taking good care of her while I was gone."  Titan had decided to avoid the entire topic of also wanting to help Borden until he got a little more info from ELettra about their sour history together. He didn't want to risk her getting angry at him.

"I suppose mom will also want to make sure I'm feeding myself well enough and that I kept out of trouble while I was here. She likes to hover like that if I recall correctly, and who knows... Maybe I'll strike out and search the land for interesting herbs after ward."  He gave Elettra another short glance while smile ruefully. Yeah he was annoyed by his mothers actions and protectiveness, but ever since Malia's death he could understand it. Still, that didn't mean he wouldn't show his annoyance of her actions in front of others, especially when it was clear that he still loved her anyway.

"I'll never forget what you've taught me... Nor the debt that I now owe you and your pack."  Titan scuffled his paws against the ground wishing that the womans scent wasn't messing with his head so much. He couldn't stop thinking about her curves...

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Titan was happy to see her, this was much certain with the smile over his features and the waving of his tail in greeting as he respectfully presented himself to her. However, it was not without noticing he seemed a bit, odd or uncomfortable. Perhaps it was do with the reasoning why he had called her here in the first place. Of course, it was breeding season though at the age Elettra was, she did not take the time to notice that although Titan was only just now reaching full adulthood, that he would actually be effected by the drawing desires and needs for reproducing and forming a pack and family of his own. She was then assuming something was wrong... but what?

He did not say much about the information Elettra had leaked to him. Did not ask why she had decided not to help Borden and what had happened in their past to make him not like him so much. Certainly, he had to be curious, yet perhaps in was the well-mannered personal which kept him from asking her. If anything, Narime had done very well in raising such a polite, respectful male who was not only impressive in strength and structure, but was smart and patient enough to learn the art of herbs and healing.

Now, he explained that he would be leaving, filling with her with enough reasoning why including that he wished to check up on his injured friend, Danica (which she recalled being the name of Nina's daughter), and let his mother know that he had been doing okay within the pack lands away from home. From his explanation, although he mentioned going back home 'if only for a little while' it became very clear he was not going for just a few days to visit, but that he was leaving Willow Ridge entirely. Elettra Archer could not find herself upset, for she knew him being here was only a temporary measure. He had come here to be her pupil, learning all that he could from both her and Xetor before the winter kept him from being taught further. Now, he would be returning home. It was simple as that.

"That is fine, Titan. I rather enjoyed the time I did have you here amongst us. Your growing to be a well wolf, Titan. I've little question you will make something quite useful of yourself." She speaks as she moves, each step a sway of her hips and her head lifts, sniffing the air - sniffing for Angier. All the while, Titan was sniffing her. "Promise you will tell your mother I said hello?"
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Titan's heart was warmed by the compliment from the dark queen. To have someone he still considered to barely know anything of say that he was growing up well made him glad that he had come to the pack. Even if he was leaving because he was scared for the future. He definitely didn't want to be there when the pack found out about Xetor's body. Even if he hadn't been the one to do it, Titan had egged Skoll on. Just by doing that made the young Thorben feel as if it was all his fault. One tiny part of him said that the Archer had deserved it, but one big part of him said that it still shouldn't have happened. How did he get so caught up in Skoll's games?

A melancholy feeling swept through Titan now as the feelings El's compliment left were eroded by sadness. He almost didn't want to leave, but now Titan had no choice in the matter. For he feared Skoll now more than any wolf in this pack.

Largely distracted from the languid she wolfs scent now, Titan was able to smile and nod to @Elettra when she asked for him to say hi to Narime. It was then that another question arose, one that his mother never seemed to answer fully when he commented about it back in Whisper Caverns.

"Yes, I'll be sure to give her your greetings, but if I may ask... Why are you two so close? I've never understood why she is so devoutly loyal to you."  Titan glanced to the shadows hoping Skoll or Morganna wouldn't come by the den until he left.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
I'm breaking the pack thread law! Lemme just put down what I had and then we can say this is a fade? Idk. Sorry I suck, ignore me...

<b> "Your mother was a Yearling when she joined my ranks, a founding member actually, still a child looking for her father. I took her in and, with no children of my own, guided her I suppose. She was - is - much more talkative then I and had a way with helping me let things out. She was young but our best hunter and when she left, she left on proper, respectful terms."</b> It was really the only thing she could hope for in her pack mates before they left. She did not expect them all to stay forever, knowing they would ether like to explore lands further or build a family for themselves. There was no need to break pack law and burn bridges which you could be allies, especially if something went wrong and you needed their help once more in the log run...
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall

June 28th; Afternoon; Partly Cloudy; 74 ° F, 24 ° C

It was out of habit that Angier swept by the pack den. He had just finished his rounds about the northern part of the territory when he had decided to check up on his and Elettra's newest brood. The day when the cubs were transferred (if El had so decided) to the main Pack Den would be upon them before they knew it and he couldn't help but wonder how the trio of youngsters were doing. Every so often, he spied on them through the trees, watching as they squared off in their own little dominance spars (Niles, it seemed on first impression, was a pushover but only under Ravenna's paw). Sven, he assumed, was just about the same age, perhaps a little younger or smaller judging on how round Piety's belly had seemed at the last pack meeting.

His pale yellow eyes scanned the entrance to the den before he crept inside. While the soil within was cool and damp, the Leader figured he would prepare the space for the cubs. Something pricked him from underfoot and he hissed in pain as he gingerly removed some sort of thorn from between his paws. Now, that wouldn't do...

Utilizing his upper body strength and digging up an inch of earth and pebbles from the original den floor, he began to shove the dirt to the entrance of the den, piling it up high just outside the entrance. If Niles, Ravenna, and Isolde were going to use the den along with the rest of the pack, he wanted it to be clean and fresh for them...

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
July 28th; Evening; Patchy rain nearby; 68 ° F, 20 ° C

For one reason or another, Skoll had become reclusive to a point where the only one who ever saw him was his son, @Sven. If anyone actually did catch sight of him it was always in passing, a mere shadow against a backdrop of willows with two colorless eyes that seemed to peer through one's soul or at nothing at all. The rain was a welcome relief from the warmer days that characterized a typical Canadian summer in Relic Lore. For a while he let the sheets of downpour soak through to his undercoat, welcoming the cooling feeling to envelope him as he stood out from beneath the umbrella-like canopies of the willows. When he had had enough of standing still, he began his nightly walk within the territory, which would soon lead him to the pack den... just for kicks.

He bared his off-white teeth in a wide grin as he approached the cavernous entry, peering in once to check if his younger half-siblings had been moved into it yet. A twitch of his nose confirmed nothing. His upper lip came down to draw his mouth in one very disappointed frown. He rather liked spooking his little brother who also shared some sort of partiality to the night; it filled him with a sense of delight that he was never able to glean from Deacon, Castiel, or Greer. Waving his tail about and turning around, he gave a loud scoff before quietly making his leave. Perhaps he should have followed his instincts and stopped by the Infirmary first.

(Skoll exit.)
i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
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