Three months. He had been gone three months now. Ninety-five days. Fall had even come without him, and it looked like winter would do the same. The rest of the world continued, and once more she wished it would halt. No one could stop the world from revolving, any more than she could bring Borden back into her life. It was hard not to think about, what she didn't want to. She missed him terribly, right now her heart ached for comfort, possibly the kind he could only bring. Lonely solitude her ears drooped profoundly, and she did not carry her head nor tail high. She walked with weight on her shoulders, going only somewhat close to the spot he had last been. She had not yet given herself permission to look through the fields -not yet. Much sad she was, she was also angry. And his scent was so close to being something of a memory, or at least it barely seemed to linger where he once had called home, it was eaiser if she would just pretend she had forgotten it.
Shuffled steps, and quiet breaths she walked in circles through the orchard under the protective branches of the trees. They were not naked yet, only slightly bare they were enough to keep her cool form the mid-day sun. The children were likely resting, and she had in mind to call them for their own hunt possibly tonight, or tomorrow. She only wondered if she should keep them close to home, or let them further past the hollow boundries. Licking her lips she stopped, briefly sniffing the red cherries that covered the ground. They did not appeal to her at first, so she scooted them into piles, to clear a spot where she might <span class='word'>loll</span> for a time. Though she felt much more like hiding, and sulking. She curled up right there on the cool ground, trying to press the urge away.
After a time the silvery-white wolf closed her eyes, and tried to accept sleep.</blockquote>