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Something Inbetween — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote><i>Middle of Day, partly cloudly, 36° F/2° C </i>
Three months. He had been gone three months now. Ninety-five days. Fall had even come without him, and it looked like winter would do the same. The rest of the world continued, and once more she wished it would halt. No one could stop the world from revolving, any more than she could bring Borden back into her life. It was hard not to think about, what she didn't want to. She missed him terribly, right now her heart ached for comfort, possibly the kind he could only bring. Lonely solitude her ears drooped profoundly, and she did not carry her head nor tail high. She walked with weight on her shoulders, going only somewhat close to the spot he had last been. She had not yet given herself permission to look through the fields -not yet. Much sad she was, she was also angry. And his scent was so close to being something of a memory, or at least it barely seemed to linger where he once had called home, it was eaiser if she would just pretend she had forgotten it.

Shuffled steps, and quiet breaths she walked in circles through the orchard under the protective branches of the trees. They were not naked yet, only slightly bare they were enough to keep her cool form the mid-day sun. The children were likely resting, and she had in mind to call them for their own hunt possibly tonight, or tomorrow. She only wondered if she should keep them close to home, or let them further past the hollow boundries. Licking her lips she stopped, briefly sniffing the red cherries that covered the ground. They did not appeal to her at first, so she scooted them into piles, to clear a spot where she might <span class='word'>loll</span> for a time. Though she felt much more like hiding, and sulking. She curled up right there on the cool ground, trying to press the urge away.

After a time the silvery-white wolf closed her eyes, and tried to accept sleep.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Iceh who has 16 posts.
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Richter Munro
He always accepted the cool of autumn and spring-- autumn being a particular favorite of his. Richter never was one for the harsh of winter or summer, but he always could deal with it. For the longest time he had constantly been moving, managing to steer clear of any packs that were unwelcome to loners. He had not been in a pack for years, unable to really find it in his heart to be bound to a pack. It was a responsibility, he guessed. A responsibility that he wasn't quite sure he could keep up with. Seeing the same faces, doing the same thing.. it just wasn't his forte. Going anywhere and everywhere was his comfort zone. Not that Rich couldn't obey rules-- on the contrary, he would more than likely be an amazing addition to a pack. He just had yet to really find one that would feel so welcoming and warming, as he had seen many wild, vicious packs before. He had seen some rise and some fall, although he was still young he lived every day as if it were his last.

You never knew who you were going to piss off.

He had traveled far and for months, it had seemed. His legs ached and he still continued on. He had found a small rabbit to prey on that morning, so he was full for a while. It had gotten colder as he continued north, managing to stay from many packs on his journey up. He had woken up early and now that the cool of morning was gone he enjoyed the warmth that the sun brought, so didn't even attempt to hide under a tree to cool himself. He had made himself comfortable in the grass, almost dozing off.. or, at least until he saw some white female, who seemed as if she was falling asleep. Richter watched her for a moment before finally rising on his long legs, closing some of the distance between them (while still keeping a few feet distance). "You might be careful sleepin' 'round like that, darlin'," his voice was low and soothing. He guessed that was why many would come to him for some type of comfort-- Richter seemed to have a warm soul. A smile spread upon his dark lips, he did his best to keep him from showing teeth. "Big bad wolf might snap ya up."
(This post was last modified: Oct 24, 2011, 08:41 PM by Richter.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Eyes hardly seemed to close when a male's gentle voice broke the quiet afternoon. Head popped up the same time her ears did, and her muscles tensed beneath her pale coat because her mis-matched colored eyes did not recongize who he was. She was a little vulerable she supposed, resting in the open, and for other reasons. He had her attention by his cloak of warmth, and telling words. <b>"Oh,"</b> she managed to say with a quirked brow. His smile was almost catching - almost. She had yet to return it, unsure of his intentions.

The mention of big bad wolf coaxed a small grin out of her. <b>"What if I don't believe in such things?"</b> She asked a playful tone in the current of her voice, while she pushed herself up from her belly to a sit.

Ears pricked forward a little more, and she gave him a silent once over. He was a large fellow, much taller than she, she wasn't sure if she had seen a wolf as tall as him in fact. She was not intimidated by it, it wasn't always the outside that counted the most or so that's what she had learned on a few occasions. The moment he was friendly, and she was curious. She could not quite detect any scent, as the breeze did not blow in her direction. A quiet breath in, she wrapped her tail around her haunches. There was nothing like meeting a stranger to put thoughts of sorrow aside -at least for now.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Iceh who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Richter Munro
And then she grinned.

A bit of pride swelled up in his chest at the grin, he sure did love a wolf that could relax and smile for a little bit-- he had a feeling that this silvery female here would have no trouble in catching on his smiles. He grinned back at her, lowering his rump to the ground. He had decided that keeping the distance from her would be less intrusive than getting so close-- if she decided she wanted closer, she could move herself. He had no problem hearing and no problem speaking loud enough for her to hear him. The girl seemed in a good enough mood for him to just relax and be himself, though he could smell the familiar scent of one of the packs (though he had yet to venture near one just yet, he had no need to start trouble at the moment). "Well, I guess there ain't nothin' we can do 'bout that," he mimicked her playful tone, that smile of his never leaving him. "Just be careful," his voice lowered a bit, he suspiciously looked around, "Ah coulda sworn I seen 'em 'round 'ere," though he was well aware that he might seem suspicious.

Richter never did worry too much of that. He might be a loner, but he meant no harm-- if the female wasn't too sure then, he was more than certain that she would be soon enough. Richter was quick to let others see his true self. He saw no need to hide things from strangers. Being truthful always got you on others' good side, anyways, which Rich was always intent on doing.

"Anyways, Miss. m'names Richter," he offered her a small bow, if only out of politeness. He then went back to sitting up, nice and tall-- proud, even (which Richter very much was). "My apologies if I disturbed ya," he gave her a sheepish smile. Even so, he had just disturbed her in order to get a little bit of conversation. She seemed like a wolf that knew her way around Relic Lore-- Richter planned to accustom himself to the lands. He just had yet to really do so. He had done very little resting, unsure of the packs that were there. Maybe he could get a little information out of this pretty little girl in front of him. She did seem like she'd know a thing or two, especially if she was in a pack.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>She wasn't sure what to think about him for a second. If there was such a wolf now in Relic Lore or if he was merely teasing. Time might tell, and then again it might not. She eyed him through raised brows, but kindly laughed, genlty shaking her pale head. <b>"You sure it's not me? Looks can be decieving."</b> She said, her face slightly smoothing. Wasn't it things that didn't appear threatning ended up to be the worse kind of trouble? But she was only teasing him back. She was no the big, bad wolf, not really. Sometimes she wondered if her inside storms reflected on the outside. They must not, she decided or he might have acted differently; her worries must not be aging her just yet. Besides she didn't think he was the bad kind either, but had yet to really make a decision. She wasn't sure who she could count on being what she thought. She'd trusted too many who had let her down. She, like she often would do, would let him simply prove what kind of creature he was. Everyone deserved at least one chance, didn't they? So far he was good natured fellow, keeping his distance with a friendly conversation.

<b>"Pleasure Richter, I'm Jaysyek, but I go by Jayse more or less."</b> She said, a more simple smile curving her lips. Shoulders softly shrugged as he continued. <b>"I never mind seeing a new face,"</b> she offered, not offended at all. She really hadn't wanted to sleep, she would more than likely would have been sucked into a miserable world of another kind. Somewhere she wasn't sure what reality was, and waking up realizing at the end of the day nothing had changed. She did sit up a little taller though, clearing her throat. <b>"If you don't mind me asking, your new around here, right?"</b> She doubted he belonged to Swift River because she could have caught the familiar aroma, and she knew for a fact she no one had accepted any new members to the hollow, herself included. Who knew, someone could have tried starting another pack, her treks only took her so far. <b>"I don't mean to pry, just curious."</b> She said, grinning once more to prove she was easy to get along wth too.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Iceh who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Richter Munro
Rich let out a lighthearted laugh. "Well, maybe. I'll be sure ta keep an eye on ya," he squinted at her, though it only lasted a few moments, quickly reverting back to his smiling. It felt good to smile, it was normal and felt good to him. It was a little sad, he guessed, that some wolves were the complete opposite. You couldn't really change who you are, though, it was something Richter had decided long ago. You were given your body, your personality, your quirks and habits and very little could be changed. Sure, you could try, but in the end you just had to accept who you were. Either you were harsh, a fighter, a hunter, a lover, a hater, it was all given to you. To him, though, it was reassuring. He felt like he was blessed in that one aspect. Sure, he was a wandering spirit, but he did good when he could. Everyone deserved to smile and everyone deserved to laugh-- and Rich was always there to bring it out of others.

"Pleasure's all mine, Miss Jayse," he had decided on the shorter name. Jaysysek seemed like it'd get twisted and jumbled up in his mouth and he'd end up spitting out her name. It was a unique name, though. Exotic, even, while his name.. oh, he felt it was nothing, having been named after someone from his family. "Yer not pryin', Miss," he kindly said, "An' yes, just got 'ere the other day," he was reminded of how his legs ached from the long walk, and he suddenly felt tired. Her grin was contagious, he ended up grinning right back at her, if even for no reason at all. The grin faded, though, and he wondered if the girl really was curious. "Seekin' recruits?" he could guess, at the very least. He was sure she could smell that he was held by no pack and he could smell that she was.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>She joined him in a quiet laugh, hers more quiet compared to what it could have been. It was still sincere, and felt good no less. She loved to laugh, and tried to do so at least once every day if not more. Often it was possible, because her children could easily whisk one from her with little effort, thank the Creator for them. Who knows what state she would be in without her pups. She would probably be much more pitiful, and miserable, and nothing to do but to wallow in it all. She did not think <i>he</i> would have stayed either way. Perhaps because Rich didn't know what she'd once been like it didn't bother her to share small things, maybe to him they appeared normal of a stranger. No doubt she was grateful to meet someone in high spirits, they could only help her be the same.

The silver streaked wolf smiled once more, glad to see he'd chose Jayse. Hearing her full name always made things seem more serious because those were the times she heard it most. If it was not for her mother she would never mention her long name, but she did it out of respect for what she'd been given. She was more grateful last names hadn't been mentioned. She was having a long debate what hers was anymore. His name was placed to her memory with his friendly face. She had thought it was just as unique, and it seemed to suit him even though she did not know the meaning. She thoughtfully gazed to the grey wolf, listening attentively. He looked in good shape for just getting here, but she knew the life of a loner was full of many miles. She had done just that before finding this place.

When his grin vanished, hers did too for a second. She'd met loners who wanted nothing to do with packs, and she could not blame them. She'd been one of them for a short time, because the first one she'd joined had been a fiasco. She stood up, and closed the short gap between them, a sideways smile played at the right of her muzzle. <b>"My pack doesn't necessarily need more members. We'll do okay come winter, but the Leader doesn't mind offering wolves a home, and a family so to speak."</b> She casually shrugged her shoulders, her smile gone, as she bit the inside of her cheeks slowly letting out a breath. She meet his grey eyes, and continued,<b>"I suppose if you know anyone in need of that sure we are recruiting, if not no skin off my nose."</b> She stood still studying him, a faint grin on her lips. She did not mention she was the leader, and was just curiuos what he would take from her words, and if he liked the life of a loner or not.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Iceh who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Richter Munro
Rich was glad to find that the female had closed the distance between them and returned her half smile. He could get a better look at her eyes, which was a little unusual. She had two different colored eyes, something he hadn't seen before. They were gorgeous, and maybe even just a little bit mesmerizing. His ears perked as she spoke, he listened to her every words and really did consider the pack. If the wolves were as kind as her, he'd probably join-- but he knew better than to judge a pack by one wolf. A pack was made of many different wolves, varying in personality and coming together as a whole.

No, he wouldn't join a pack just yet. Maybe when winter came, maybe if he felt that he needed the security that packs provided... but for now, he was happy on his own. And, well, he'd just come to Relic Lore. He wanted to get to know the lands before he settled down, which may take a while. Relic Lore was large and beautiful, and the autumn was a perfect time to go exploring.

"Well, Miss Jayse," he started, "If I do find som'n, I'll be sure ta send 'em yer way," his lips curled back to offer her another grin. "I plan ta go explore this place a little more, at least fer a little while 'fore the winter comes in," he didn't know how harsh the winter would be here, but he'd soon find out. He'd spent plenty of winters alone, though, it wasn't so hard. Just as long as the snow didn't drive away all of the smaller prey. "How's the winter 'ere?" he suddenly asked. He might as well get a little information about the place, better to be slightly prepared than not prepared at all. And, assuming that the girl had been here for a winter or two, he might not have to join a pack. But, hey, you did what you had to do to stay alive.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>She smiled, hopefully not staring at him to dilegently while he thought upon her words. She only liked to watch for small hints of reactions of what might be going on inside, and she was not put off by his reply at all. It actually was nice to hear honest words. One ponit she had wished she would have waited to join a pack when first coming to Relic Lore. Who knows how different her life would be if she'd never run into Borden. She couldn't change what had happened, she could only act now -in the present. <b>"That's rather sweet of you,"</b> she responded to his offer, believing he meant what he said. She wouldn't count on it to much, because wolves were always coming and going if she expected something to happen there was always the chance of dissapointment.

Tail gave a gentl wag, and she sorta agreed with him.<b>"I don't blame you. Relic Lore is very pretty, and is a collection of very different things. I'm still discovering new places myself."</b> She said, smiling because of the casual conversation was her favorite. She often didn't get to talk to someone without being in I have to fix everything mode.

His question had her pause for a moment, her face wrinkled in thought. She had first arrived in the middle of winter, which is why she had joined a pack so quick. She'd been worried about being alone, and going into heat. She swallowed for a moment, a lot of memories she often supressed coming to the front of her mind. She pushed them back by fluttering her eyes, and looking to the small scar that was on his muzzle. She didn't stare long, just a second before meeting his friendly gaze. <b>"Well, I actually live in the Cedarforest now, but when I first came here, last winter, I joined this pack that lived on the mountain there,"</b> with her muzzle she pointed out the large Mountain of Dire,which was whitened with snow already. <b>"So it was pretty cold, and harsh there, but we managed so I don't see why down here you wouldn't be okay."</b> She said, adding a small grin. She honestly wasn't sure what to expect herself this year, but anything from the mountain had to be a little less rought, hadn't it?</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Iceh who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Richter Munro
Sweet. That was something that he'd heard a lot. He didn't look at it as being sweet, nor really kind. He just liked to help out, was all. And, well, if anyone was looking for a home, he definitely would send them to Miss Jayse. He just had a gut feeling like her pack would be a good one for someone looking for a home.

He wondered how long she'd been in Relic Lore.. she probably didn't stray far from her pack, because if he'd been there for a few months, he'd have it all explored. And then some. It was more his adventurous spirit, he loved to find new places and learn about them -- which is exactly why he wasn't looking to join a pack just yet. And if the winters were like she said they were, he might be able to spend a long while there. It was nice-- so far, at least. No one had randomly attacked him, he had yet to meet any snappy wolves (though did expect to soon enough). At the mention of mountains, his gaze followed her's. He studied the mountain, deciding that he would wait for the warmer seasons to go up there. He never was too much for mountains, though. They tended to be a lot more dangerous than pretty.

"Well, that's good ta hear," he pulled his gaze from the mountain and to the girl once again. He could have asked her about her past, but it was something that was better to leave behind. Troubled pasts never were too good to talk about. "So, Miss Jayse," he decided to ask, "Tell me some of your pack," it was odd, just sitting there. Usually he'd be antsy to walk around, but today... well, he just wasn't. He was happy to sit (and had he been in a different mindset, he'd be laying down) and relaxing. It was a lazy day, he concluded. A wonderful, autumn lazy day.