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Played by Lulz who has 25 posts.
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Estella del Universo
It had been give or a take a year since Estella had last been to the ruins… It looked the same to her as it did many months ago. The only difference was the scents. She didn’t know where Indru was. He had accepted her into his pack before and now it was almost like he had just disappeared. Of course whose to say that he would accept her again. She had vanished into thin air without a trace. Sure, her scent was left behind and they could of followed. But even she knew he had a pack and they wouldn’t send anyone after her unless it was urgent. Perhaps if there was another scent that accompanied her or the smell of blood, but there was no reason for him to be worried. For all the pack knew she left due to personal reasons or just didn’t want to be there no more. Nothing serious or of their concern and she understood completely.

To be frank not even Estella knew exactly why she left. Perhaps for adventure or to find her soul mate… She had no luck finding him. He had to be somewhere close she knew that for sure, but perhaps it was best that she joined a pack. She couldn’t survive much longer on her own living on rodents and trying to hunt on her own. It was no fun. The only wolves she met were loners that had no interest in joining a pack, talking or playing with anyone and were complete ignorant jerks. She couldn’t understand how they could live life like that. Not to have the company of other wolves depressed her. She need to be entertained and to have some sort of conversation and to make friends.

Even with Stella being gone from the ruins for many days and months it was amazing what memory she had. She knew exactly where her last den was other then the one in the plateau. She headed to the woods and searched with her head hung low so she could view the ground better. Alas! She spotted her former den and slowly wagged her tail with relief. The only creatures while she was gone were a family of rabbits and then a fox later she observed as she sniffed her bed. Quickly she began digging deeper in her den getting rid of the nasty smell of rodents and the fox. Her den deserved her scent not some lazy creature that claimed her home.

(This post was last modified: Nov 11, 2011, 06:12 AM by Estella.)
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
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Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>Relic Lore had always been a point of transition, so many wolves came but so many went in the same breath, staying for hours or days or weeks, in the case of a few. There were very few wolves who Kinis knew personally who lived here on a permanent basis, but who had not been born here. Even the converse wasn't necessarily true; so many of his brothers and sisters were missing, elsewhere in the world, making their own way. After his brief absence from Relic Lore, Kinis had concluded that he could live nowhere else. He couldn't understand why Tainns would want to leave the land that had birthed and nursed them, but he did not judge them. There was no point in holding onto bitterness for people who, now, were little more than memories.

Occasionally, he would come across a new scent, and though he rarely encountered the wolf it belonged to, he stored it away just in case. Usually, he never registered them again. Another wolf come and gone, Relic Lore as their crossroads. He could only hope that they went on to find whatever they were searching for.

Today, the scent that he noticed was another new one. Whether or not he had ever noticed Estella before would have been irrelevant; this time last year he was nothing more than a child, and too much time would have passed for there to be any recognition. So it was with fresh curiosity and no expectations that he made the snap decision not to let this one fade away. Swift River needed some more females to balance out the genders, anyway! Though that was a poor excuse, and he knew it, his choice was built partly on the desire to meet someone new... someone who might stick around for more than a day. Every now and then he did come across these loners, but there was never any point in putting in much effort into being friendly, though he did it anyway.

Fortunately, the woman's scent didn't take him far off his intended path, and it was with excited but shy intrigue that the sounds of digging and movement came to his ears. Was this her? He peeked around a tree, but saw nobody - until a tiny sliver of movement caught his eye, a small bit of flying earth pushed out of a hole in the ground.

Did somebody had a den here? Did she actually live here more than just temporarily, then? The area didn't smell very lived-in, not by wolves anyway... Curiosity getting the better of him, Kinis approached with caution, his tail down but ears high and eyes full of nosiness. Who was she? <b>"Hello?"</b></blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Lulz who has 25 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Estella del Universo
During her long journey away from Relic Lore she had mostly been surviving on small rodents and birds. That is if she was able to catch anything. She was very quick, but her trying to be sneaky and quiet never really worked out that well. She was tired of smelling for rodents and just to smell the rabbits in her den made her sick. Estella wanted to eat deer once more. The meat was always so tender and delicious not too many small bones and much more meat.

A bit irritated that the rodents just went ahead and claimed her home as theirs rather to make one herself she mumbled and growled to herself as she kept digging and kicking up dirt with her hind legs. They had no respect for any other living creatures other then themselves. Estella was too busy to notice that she was being watched and she kept on going. She stopped as she finally could only smell her scent as she looked around the small den and smiled.

The beige female’s ears stood erect as she thought there was movement behind her and quickly she spun around to see a young wolf to greet her. With relief she sighed she wasn’t really sure who she was expecting to be there, but she was glad that it was no one that would cause her no harm. Well, she hoped he wouldn’t. The male didn’t seem to be one of those stalkers or murders. <b style="color:#628A97">“Oh I'm sorry,” she automatically said without thinking. She hoped that he wasn't upset with her for digging. Perhaps he wanted to have her den to himself. Which she wouldn't really be able to refuse seemed as through he was there first. <b style="color:#628A97">“I hope I didn’t bother you. My name is Estella,” she decided perhaps it was best to introduce herself. It was obvious by his scent that he was in a pack. Something about it smelled familiar, but she couldn’t place exactly what.
<b style="color:#628A97">
(This post was last modified: Nov 11, 2011, 07:41 PM by Estella.)
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>Having expected more of an outburst to his intrusion, the rather relaxed response he received was pleasantly surprising. You couldn't guess anything about these lone wolves, they were all utterly unpredictable in their own way.

He smiled automatically when the first thing she said was an <i>apology</i>; it was totally unnecessary and therefore rather cute. His tail gave a wag of greeting, comfortable now that she didn't see him as a threat - which, in all fairness, would have been totally within her rights, especially considering that it appeared as though that was her den. But nothing about her body language spoke of tension or hostility, so Kinis himself was able to relax... mostly. This girl was really quite pretty, and Kinis had never really known how to deal with attractive females.

<i>I hope I didn't bother you.</i> <b>"I was worried about the same thing,"</b> he laughed easily, glancing past her to the hole she had been busying herself with. <b>"Do you live here? I mean - not to be too forward, I just didn't know that there were many wolves here. On a permanent basis. Oh,"</b> he said, remembering the introduction (it was so easily forgotten when all you really spoke to were family), <b>"and I'm, um, Kinis."</b></blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Lulz who has 25 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Estella del Universo
She observed the male that stood in front of her. He reminded her a bit of Indru. Thinking about him she wondered where her old acquaintance was at. Did he still remain in Relic Lore? She wondered if this male knew of him. She doubted it though. It had been a long time and from what she could tell by the scents many wolves had came and gone since her first arrival. Once she saw a smile spread across his maw she knew for sure that he indeed meant no harm to her and she smiled back.

After Estella apologized it almost seemed as though he was laughing at her. She just stood there with an embarrassed smile. <b style="color:#628A97">“I’m not going to lie I was a bit startled,” she responded. She had learned that she shouldn’t show many emotions being a lone wolf. You never know what to expect from other wolves and she couldn’t allow others thinking she was scared of everything or one.

The male looked past her and she could tell that he noticed her den. <b style="color:#628A97">“Well, I use to not too long ago… I recently came back. Just had an urge to soul search,” she really had no family and she wanted to explore what else was beyond the relics. <b style="color:#628A97">“No luck though,” her voice with such disappointment she really was hoping maybe to find her prince charming out there. He just never showed up though. What a waste of her time. <b style="color:#628A97">“Nice to meet you Kinis,” she replied glad that he had given her a name. <b style="color:#628A97">“Are you in a pack?” Stella knew that she wouldn’t be able to last more then ten days as a loner. Not anymore it was just so much! No social life not to mention no delicious food to keep her strong and healthy.
<b style="color:#628A97">
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>A bit startled! Now Kinis really did want to laugh, for he had encountered wolves with <i>slightly</i> stronger emotions than that when he had crossed their paths. Oh, he had done his fair share of backtracking and apologising. Estella was definitely a gentler soul than many he had met.

Hearing that she had lived here once was of interest, but Kinis supposed that it must have been before his time, or at least before his adult time; her scent rang no bells at all. But did she mean that she had left to soul search, or come back to soul search? Having done most of the pondering about life in these very lands, Kinis thought them to be perfect for working out who you were and what your place in the world was, but he had to admit that he was biased. His ears pricked as she continued, and he smiled with suppressed bashfulness, latching onto her question as a means to distract from any social awkwardness he was feeling.

<b>"My family's, yeah. Lived here all my life, really. Is this where you lived, before you left? I'm sorry to hear you didn't find what... what you were looking for."</b> He took a step forwards, beyond her, to get a better look at the den - hopefully she wouldn't be offended! - curious to see it, for it signified all sorts of possibilities. Just how many wolves had such holes in Relic Lore? Would they come back too? Did they, without anybody ever knowing?</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Lulz who has 25 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Estella del Universo
Sorry she's hopeless dreamer >_<
She was amazed that he lived in one area his whole life. Was she really that stubborn in finding her true love that she abandoned her family? How selfish she was as a young pup, but it was unfortunate that she didn't remember in which direction her birthplace was at. She wondered if her family missed her. Perhaps they were still searching for her. She knew that they would be worried since the pack she left was her family. She became sad as she realized what a dumb mistake she had made and then she repeated it twice, but this time she would stay in one spot. If she were to meet him. He had to be in Relic Lore. She wouldn't leave, not again. She couldn't do it a third time.

The female didn't really know what exactly she was looking for... Well other the the obvious reason she had originally left her family... For her knight in shinning armor coming to her rescue, to sweep her off her paws and take her to a magical land so that way they could live happily ever after... How lovely that would be. If only there were wonderful wolves out there with such a kind heart and strong mind, but have a weakness for her love. One day she knew he will come for her. If anyone were to know exactly how she thought what love was and how perfect her mate will be they would see her as being pathetic, but no Stella was already in love with him even though she had no idea who he was or what his name maybe. When will she meet him? Who knows, but it has to be soon! She just couldn't bare it any longer! <b style="color:#628A97">"I left in hopes of finding someone special, but I failed." She was upset with her failure of a journey. <b style="color:#628A97">"Maybe it wasn't the right time," She said fascinated with the idea of meeting him one day soon. She knew he was around here somewhere.

<b style="color:#628A97">
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
She's adorable! <3 Kinis, meanwhile, is just plain hopeless xD

<blockquote>Her dreams would have been completely alien, had he comprehended them. All Kinis had ever strived for was a unified family, and when the possibility of that went down the drain, a life for him and Ruiko. Though not discarded, Kinis grew more and more impatient for it each passing day. He understood that Corinna needed the solidarity, that Swift River needed the numbers... but surely that condemned them to remaining forever? Indru and Corinna would have another litter come spring, in all likelihood, and the circle would continue onwards.

Leaving without his brother wasn't something Kinis wanted to contemplate, but his feet were growing... itchy.

{i}I left in hopes of finding someone special.[/b] Though a curious way to phrase it, it was a sign that Kinis lacked any romantic streaks that he assumed she was searching for someone in particular. But 'not the right time'? He looked back at her, curious again, though a guilty for prying. Hopefully she would stop him if his questions became too intrusive. <b>"I could help you look, if you like. What do they look like?"</b> It was unlikely that he had met whoever she was looking for, but you never know. It gave him an excuse to think about something else, at least.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>