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still i see monsters — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>She was North of the pack boundary, she knew. For the moment, she preferred it that way. The young, static-colored wolf's head and tail were low, as though the dark grey of the clouded sky above weighed her to the ground; her feathered tail brushed limply at her ankles as she followed the scent of cascading fresh water, careful to distinguish it from the overwhelming musk of eminent rain that saturated the earth. Away from Swift River, though she hadn't gone far, everything was quiet. She couldn't count on running into any familiar faces here, could she? It was her secret hope, pale eyes focused blankly ahead as she picked her way through the trees.

Within moments she found the familiar location, her recent haunt, Bramble Falls. A quick glance told her nobody had disturbed her makeshift home, a small cave on the Falls' right side, where a large stone jutted out from the rock face. Under that rock, the assorted bones of various small kills lay in a heap, the yearling's only sustenance lately; she returned to them with a sigh, heaving herself to the ground and resting her slender jaw on the cool, hard floor of her little cavern.

What were they going to say when someone found her? The thought made her heartbeat quicken, and she focused on the gently flowing water beyond her perch to calm her nerves. As she let her eyes slip shut, the day of the hunt slipped into her head, and she could see Marsh approaching her, could feel the icy tension between he and Ruiko as Triell uncomfortably stood by. If Ruiko, who as she assumed was well respected among the Swift River pack, could be held in contempt for abandoning them, then how would they treat Volkan, a newcomer? She hadn't proved herself yet; she had done little but pledge her allegiance to Indru before vanishing. And though she hadn't been gone long, she knew, the fear of how they'd react when she returned tore at her insides. <i>Vicious cycle,</i> she thought inwardly. Think about going back. Freak out. Resist going back. Take even longer to return...

But she needed them, didn't she? She couldn't leave Ruiko, anyway, she realized, trying to relax as fat drops of rain began to plummet to the ground. The sound of the peaceful afternoon rain made her pale eyes open once again as she fought to stay awake.
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>He was unusually tired, his walk indicating his drowsiness as he clearly could not walk a straight line. He didn't know if the hunt's events had put him in this stupor, or the soft falling rain. Maybe it was simple his own melancholy which could easily put him out of sorts. He had not felt like himself for so long now, happy moments seemed to replace the few sad he had had. This really bothered him, the dark abyss of depression seaping the life from him. He could not take being around Swift River for the moment, least he snap at one of his brothers, or worse pull them down into this with him. Most of all he didn't want the pups seeing him like this, true he was the brightest in their company, but not today.

He wandered the rain first light soaking against his body. It would be cold to most but it was a refreshing change, something he could feel, and now it's source. He aimlessly wandered away from the river trying to not run into anyone. It soon became clear his large paws were taking him to Bramble Falls. He didn't mind, he countined his effortless pace like he had no where to be, and briefly mused how the falls would be a nice place to sit quietly. It was a place of good times. Frist of meeting Ozera, and second teaching his brother Kinis to swim. There was nothing bad about being there, and the water would be kind to drown his throat with it's roaring song.

The closer the yearling became the heavier the downpour began to fall. It was then he started getting annoyed, because these drops were starting to pelt against his skin like tiny rocks. He hastened his pace, knowing the falls were close, and even knowing where he might seek shelter. His topaz colored eyes fell upon the cavern, and he smirked to himself. Quickly he trotted through the veil of rain, but when he went to enter he jumped, startled by a pair of pale blue eyes.

<b>"Volkan?"</b> He blurted, a single leg raised while his ears were flattened against his damp head. He was unsure if she would welcome him in, as he had not seen her so he was in limbo to stay or go.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>The haze the rain brought with it clouded Volkan's vision, and she narrowed her eyes, peering through the curtain of gray droplets at the dark figure approaching. The more energetic female from one month ago might have backed up apprehensively, as she couldn't quite make out who was coming toward her— but she didn't have the energy to put the effort into moving in preparation for whoever this was. But soon enough the eyes became clear, and when she heard him speak, a small smile crossed her face, for he looked pretty ridiculous with the rain beating down in his face. <b>"Triell! <i>Hey...</i></b>

<b>"Well don't just stand there,"</b> she quipped after a second, scooting over awkwardly as though her body weighed a ton, grunting until she reached her spot and had made room for him beside her. Did he come to this spot, too? <i>Damn,</i> guess she couldn't have any place to herself. But part of her felt gracious that it was Triell who had stumbled upon her, instead of... well, anyone else in the pack. In fact, she found that her spirits had been inexplicably lifted, and she hoped he'd sit down beside her to get out of the rain.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2011, 04:59 AM by Volkan.)
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>He probably looked like some disfigured creature, his fur flat against his true form, all scraggly. He thought he saw a smile on her silver lips, because there was movement by her cheeks. It wasn't till she told him to get in did he set his paw down, and do exactly what he was told....not stand there. He pushed his head through the curtain of rain into the protective opening. He tried not to stare as she wiggled over, but he smirked at her rather ungraceful motion to make room.

He hoped she had not seen that, and shook his coat quickly before stepping into the cavern. It seemed to shrink once his rump came in out of the rain. He stared down at her wondering just how close he dared get to her, because he knew if he pushed his luck she would surely tell him one way or another. Hey, she had offered him place, so he gladly took dry spot next to her, hoping not to squish her, though it was nice to feel her own warmth. In the moment he felt even if he still got wet beside her he would not care.

He licked at his wet limbs, and rotated his soggy ears. He offered her a quick grin,<b>"I hope I'm not getting you too wet, and that your not clastraphobic...I'd hate to have you claw past me to get out."</b></blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>As he got beside her, Volkan tried not to look over, instead calmly resting her head on her forelimbs, enjoying the cool feel of stone on her stomach, and the warmth that he brought into the small sanctuary. Outside the rain fell heavier and wind bent the treetops; with the slight downward slope of the little cavern, though, the ground inside was relatively dry. Triell was getting it a little wet with his soggy self, but the static-colored yearling didn't mind much; besides, having him stand out in the rain would have been rude, albeit funny. She wasn't feeling much in a mood for <span class='word'>knavery</span>, though, and instead of teasing him, she was content to be peaceable and friendly until the mood struck her otherwise.

<b>"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon,"</b> she responded lazily, blinking as she looked sideways at him finally. Was he going to shake that water off of him? There was hardly room, but he was dripping. <b>"Besides,"</b> she added, <b>"Seems like I stole your spot, you came right to me. You stalking me or something?"</b>

She grinned sloppily at him, turning her head sideways to look at him mock-suspiciously, icy eyes taking in his face as she cocked a brow. It was actually a little odd, she realized, that of all wolves, he had been the one to find her here— she remembered the bones, which were now behind their tails, and hoped it wouldn't betray the fact that this had been her hideout recently. Whatever Triell's feelings were about the whole Swift River loyalty thing, she didn't know, but she hoped he wouldn't guilt her too much about it. If he did, she might have to kick him out. Her expression slid easily into a grin to indicate that she'd been joking, tail beginning to swish against the stone floor behind her.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2011, 06:17 AM by Volkan.)
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>He continued licking the extra water off his coat, ears slightly drawn back to the twinkling sound of down pour. How long would it rain today, would the rain turn into snow? He tried not to think about the thick white stuff, he wanted to remain in good spirits or at least try. The word being try as he could not forecast his mood, or what Volkan's may be. Of coarse she was quick with her own wit, and he thoroughly believed if he wanted her out of her it would't be easy. He gazed back at her from the corner of his eye, tongue paused on his shin, but he continued the motion until she asked if he was stalking her, his tongue curled back in his mouth. <b>"Um...no?"</b> He responded thrown off by the accusation, though much sounding like he could have been. He swallowed the stale taste of what was in his mouth, and looked at her with furrowed brows. It was evident she was teasing, and he should have been quick on that fact. <b>"I..was just wanting to go for a swim...and well it started raining and I knew this was here."</b> He said trying to keep his tone casual.

<b>"I think the question is what are you doing here? Your not wet,...or well you weren't..."</b> He smirked, a soft laugh in his closed mouth because he was sure she was now with his wet hide next to her. He had noticed her lack of appearence at Swift River, but he sorta assumed it was because of Marsh. Which he could not blame her for, Marsh was hard to get used to. Or Triell, he might have guessed maybe Cori or Borlla had her leerie though he wasn't sure. But he was pretty sure one day she would leave with Ruiko, and thought the Swift River thing was more for Ruiko's thing then hers for Volkan to really think of it as her pack.

He shook his neck, and head spraying her with a few droplets. <b>"Oops."</b> He said, though he did not mean it, and he laughed wondering how she would best him in this small dwelling quite remembering their water fight in the pool.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Even if Triell seemed miffed by the rain, Volkan found herself cozy in their little shelter next to him, and wouldn't mind if it kept raining for some time yet. So she grinned as he gave her a slightly incredulous look, and instantly knew he hadn't understood her joke. At his words, she lifted her brows as though she didn't believe him, tilting her head slightly as though she just wasn't buying his excuse. Though in a moment she saw it click as his facial expression eased somewhat, and beneath his knit brows his orange eyes twinkled as he covered his tracks. She shrugged in response, grin widening to herself as she returned her head to her paws, blinking out at the rain. It was a valid alibi, she concluded— but she had to admit that their meeting today was uncanny, to say the least.

As he turned her question upon her, Volkan laughed a little, too. <b>"Yeah, thanks for that,"</b> she countered sarcastically, though not unkindly; she found herself promptly sprayed with his excess water droplets, and she shut her eyes, hoping to deflect them from getting in them. She shook them off in turn, using a forelimb to wipe her now damp face. With her sun-bleached fur sticking up in odd places and wet in others, she must have looked like a frizzy mess. Triell didn't look so bad, being wet; the smoothness of his dark coat just illuminated the sleek definition of his muscle. For the first time, Volkan took notice of the size difference between them. While she wasn't a small female, he was quite a bit larger than she was, and she mentally measured the comparative widths of their forearms, his being substantially thicker than her scrawny limb.

She had chosen a brief second of silence to imitate being annoyed, though her smile probably betrayed her actual contentment. It had also given her a brief moment to ponder her excuse for being here. Of course the question had been coming; no doubt he'd noticed her absence. Or, at least, she sort of hoped he had... and actually, he was the only wolf who she hoped had missed her around. A sigh.

<b>"...I dunno, I beat the rain I guess,"</b> she admitted at last, her tone having taken a more sincere turn, slightly apologetic. She didn't look at him as she spoke. <b>"...I mean, forgive me for noticing, but Swift River... doesn't like being abandoned. I saw how Marsh treated Ruiko, do you remember that? And... I took some time... to be here on my own, I guess, and now I'm— sort of afraid to go back."</b> She held her breath after she finished revealing that to him, hoping it wasn't too somber of a turn for their conversation to have taken. But she wanted to tell him, because honestly, she wasn't sure what to do...

She sighed again, pulse beginning to race, nerves nagging at her brain for having let him into her mind.
(This post was last modified: Nov 23, 2011, 12:33 AM by Volkan.)
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>The rain had initially bothered him because he'd wanted to go for one last swim before winter, but finding her was a hundred times better. If it weren't for the fact of his wet coat, and the soft tinkering of rain against stone, and earth he wouldn't have remembered it was raining. He would be perfectly fine to sit here, and talk. He didn't get to do that so much any more, and if she was permantly leaving Swift River eventually, he wanted to spend whatever time he could with her. Though lately he wondered if he would be better to join Ruiko.

Pale blue eyes seemed to stare through him, and he decided it didn't matter if she believed him or not. Like he could convince her otherwise, and it wouldn't be awful if she knew he had missed her...or he didn't think it would bite him in the butt. Her grin was good enough for him not to change her mind.

In return he crinkled his face, and lfted his head to avoid getting to wet by her own flick of water. He felt one drop touch his nose, and rubbed elbow along it.<b>"Awe, your welcome,"</b> he said, and softly his teeth nipped at her dampened cheek while she ignored him for the spray. He wasn't sure she was pretending, so slightly worried his brow raised, and he peered down at her silver face. He scooted a little closer to her, curious what was going on behind her peppered mask. If anything he hoped she'd tell him. A quiet sigh broke the silence, and his ears brushed off his head ready to listen.
Of coarse he felt a smidge of guilt if he had made her feel bad about Swift River. He had only wanted to know why she was here, not there. He did not interupt, and took note of what she thought.

<b>"Oh Volkan, Marsh was mad at Ruiko because well the whole dominance thing. When you were there it made Marsh uneasy, and it didn't help Ruiko was all protective. Yes, Swift River doesn't like anyone leaving or I should say when you come home,your told what a dissapointment you are for not being there,"</b> jaws tightened, and he forced himself not to growl his displeasure. He remembered his "conversation" with Indru, and was having a hard time being around. <b>"Look, I don't think anyone would hold it against you. The Tainn family does accept others back, and I don't think Indru would grumble at you. If anything I'm sure he knows your here with Ruiko, and are bound to go when he does."</b> He let out his own sigh, it was rather rough compared to hers. <b>"Don't feel bad, if they get pissy because your weren't there for a little bit, well I don't think I want to go back either."</b></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Nov 28, 2011, 10:40 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>After she shyly accepted Triell's little nip, she listened to his explanation with interest, though her face still betrayed the anxiety she felt about returning to the pack, a small frown crossing her onyx features after a short while. Volkan knew he was right. Once again she had been letting her fears get the better of her, letting them twist her thoughts into irrational truths. Was it really different for a stranger to "abandon" the family rather than a Tainn? Triell was making it sound like Indru only became cross with family members who left and attempted to return; was it really understood that Volkan's allegiance primarily lay with Ruiko?

As he mentined Ruiko, Volkan nodded. Yes, the time was coming for them to leave the pack. Triell seemed to become more and more annoyed as he went on, and Volkan felt the tension in the small cavern as he stifled a growl.

<b>"So don't go back, just come with us,"</b> she replied matter-of-factly through a wide, shameless, as though it was the obvious answer. It was partially a joke, for she knew it was far easier said than done— but the implication was clear that if he really did want to come with them, he would be more than welcome. Even so, Swift River was Triell's family, and she had already witnessed the loyalty he had to his brother Indru. In fact, the first time she had met them, they were travelling together. In her mind, Indru and Triell were like a package deal; she couldn't help but associate one with the other. So while she knew that he wouldn't leave Swift River so easily and that he was probably just frustrated at the moment, she gave him a gentle nudge with her elbow against his. The offer was open.

<b>"But I mean, you're right. We're leaving soon anyway,"</b> she admitted, and her smile faded slightly. <b>"I haven't spoken to Ruiko about it, but it's gotta be soon. The kids are healthy, Indru's getting stronger... it seems like the pack is doing fine, so we did what we came to do, right?"</b> the onyx wolf concluded, icy eyes falling on her dark-furred companion's face. It sounded so business-like, but she hoped he knew that she didn't mean it that way. Listening to the soft rain outside, she felt peaceful in this moment with him, but it was nice to talk about these things with someone, even if she did feel her heart sink a little when she imagined saying goodbye to Triell.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Nov 27, 2011, 08:33 PM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>It wasn't hard to see she was worried about it all. He would be too in her place as he was already uneasy about what the future had in store for her. He wished he could ease her trouble mind, but he didn't know how. Neither could he believe Indru or Cori would turn her away, not after it all. If they did he was sure it would only ignite Ruiko's leaving which he was not looking forward to. He understood his brother's will, but he still wished they could all be together. It was not his choice, and his brows furrowed a moment, hating his own conflicting thoughts. Everyone in the end always parted ways. Was it his turn?

After talking to Indru, the first thing he wanted to do was leave Swift River, not right away but eventually. Just knowing Kinis, Volkan, and Ruiko wouldn't be around made it the more tempting of choices because he wouldn't be a lone wolf, but ith three he trusted. Triell couldn't deny eitehr that despite their fight, it would be hard not to be in his brother's life. Already there was a gap with the time Indru had been gone, and Triell wasn't sure if things would change. He remembered Indru's words, <i>don't leave us even more broken than we already are.</i>

<b>"I've thought about it,"</b> he said to disrupt his own thoughts, and little surprised by the invitation. Though it did make him feel grateful, and exceedingly happy she was the one who had offered. He didn't push her buttons to much, and a soft grin tugged at the corner of his lips at the nudge to his elbow. <b>"But..I can't decide just yet."</b> He added, hoping she'd understand it was something he was thinking about, but a long ways for choosing. It was something that would change his life, and he wasn't going to make the decision lightly.

His dark ears swiveled back, and his gaze shuffled to his forelimbs listening thoughtfully to each word she spoke. It was true everything she said, and he knew it. Yet he had always hoped it wouldn't be till spring. Eyes drifted to her icey, pale blue lost in the mixture of colors, once he realized he was staring he gently cleared his throat. <b>"I know Ruiko is restless, and everyone is doing much better...but I hate to see any of you go. I would miss <i>you.</i>"</b> He looked to her silver face, meeting her eyes with his.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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