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take what is yours and i'll take mine — Swift River 
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Evening fell upon Swift River as silently as the day had passed. Ruiko kept to himself these days, his thoughts falling upon the anticipation he felt at the desire to move on and away from these lands. As much as he loved his brother and his sister-in-law, Ruiko still could not look upon the pack lands without recalling the day Indru had demanded the pack that Ruiko had built. In his eyes, his littermate’s reign of the pack had moved when he had moved them all away from Relic Lore – Ruiko and Kinis had taken in outsiders and rebuilt the pack through the hardships of winter and lack of water. Still, Indru had returned when life had become easy once more, and had demanded his throne – despite the fact his throne had been on a pack he had left behind.

Blinking, Ruiko gave a soft grunt as he settled down to his haunches, his large figure finding a place to rest in the depth of the trees that enclosed the pack den. The pack Ruiko had built was also long gone – Ranger, Damascus and Avalloc. They had all dispersed as well, and it was fair to say that Swift River had once more been built.. but again, not by Indru, but by his loyal mate. Faithfully holding his tongue against all of these doubts in respect to his brother, Ruiko fell to silence, and in turn, realized he longed to continue what he had initially left Swift River for; a new life.
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>Kinis had his own qualms with Swift River, though, as the boy was still largely ignorant of the conflict that had occurred between his two brothers, they were of a more personal nature. Whilst it had felt great to be a part of a pack once more, Kinis had long grown out of his need of the river, and to be back felt like repeating a broken memory. To be reunited with Triell had been an unexpected joy, and ultimately worth all the anguish, it wasn't going to be enough forever. Triell's presence within Swift River would always be a temptation, but Kinis knew that leaving the pack wouldn't sever their ties. After all, they would both live in Relic Lore, and what better excuse to ensure good relations with his brother's pack than to have a reason to visit often?

As he waited impatiently for the day when Ruiko announced that he was ready to leave (for Kinis would not hurry him nor go alone), he busied himself with simple activities to benefit the River. Aside from scouting and hunting, he felt he was of little use to Corinna and Indru, so he made sure to do plenty of both. It was a rare day when he would not return to the den having either fed himself or bringing back the carcass of a small creature for the others. This day was such a day, and continuing a pattern he had unintentionally set for himself, the animal that he was proudly carrying back to the den wasn't just a rabbit or mouse, but a male mountain quail, its pastel plumage barely bloodied. It was quite a pretty creature, really, and Kinis was trying to decide whether or not to keep the long feather on the top of its head as a keepsake; he had already preserved and hidden one of the spines from his porcupine, though he wasn't sure why, and it felt like an enjoyable thing to do.

Had he not happened to walk right towards where Ruiko sat, he may have passed his brother altogether, lost in his aimless ponderings. <b>"Oh,"</b> he muffled through the dead bird in his mouth, automatically pleased to catch sight of his favourite brother. Then again, he and Ruiko had not spent a lot of time together lately, but Kinis only put that down as another reason why Swift River was not good for him. His tail giving a wag of greeting, he dropped the round bird, regarding his brother - and his serious expression. <b>"Evening. You okay, Ruiko?"</b></blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
His silent musings faded as a familiar figure came to his view. His bright eyes regarded the young male with a sense of pride, noting the bird that Kinis had caught. His younger brother had flourished during their time spent together, and while Indru might have been a father figure to Triell and Borlla, Ruiko knew Kinis’ trust lied with him. Whether Ruiko remained a parent figure to the youngest of the Tainn siblings or not did not matter, but it was easily said that Ruiko felt maternal over the youth.

“Kinis,” he rumbled, his tone gruff from the silence he had kept for the day. Clearing his throat and shifting his weight, the regal wolf straightened his position slightly, one paw tucked carelessly beneath his chest. “I’m tired,” he admitted with a light shrug. “Swift River tires me out.” There was a small pause, his muzzle canting slightly to the side as he cast a stoical glance over his brother. “How about you? How are you holding up?” His tone was hushed, not wishing to draw attention to the two -- while Ruiko hoped Indru considered their stay in the pack as temporary the tawny wolf was hopeful his words would not sting his littermate's feelings.
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote><i>Swift River tires me out.</i> And there were the words that he had been waiting for. Ruiko's discontent, after all, was the catalyst required for change to happen, and had it finally reached breaking point? Though the news meant that Ruiko was weary and it shouldn't have brought a small smile to the young wolf's face, it did. Things were finally happening again.

<b>"Restless,"</b> he replied simply, honestly, the sentiment the utter reverse of his brother but ultimately meaning the same thing - wanting the same solution. <b>"I've been here too long. <i>We've</i> been here too long,"</b> he corrected, coming about quietly to sit next to his brother and mentor. He kept the same muted tone as Ruiko, the need for secrecy somewhat absurd, but it felt of utmost importance. This moment was of utmost importance. He glanced sidelong at his brother, the question <i>'are you ready?'</i> in his eyes, but the words too sacred to say out loud.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Volkan could hear only hushed words in the forest as she drew nearer to the sound. It was the nearest she had been to Swift River recently, and aside from Triell, she hadn't even encountered a single one of her packmates for the past few weeks. Which, she knew, was bad. And yet, her meeting with the dark-furred, mischievous male had been just the mood-booster she needed to face returning to the pack. Talking about her anxiety had lessened some of the burden on her to assimilate to this loyalty-obsessed pack, she was aware, but that didn't stop her heartbeat from racing as she approached the sound of voices.

The voices sounded like they didn't want to be heard, but Volkan couldn't help overhearing. Soon enough she recognized Ruiko's drawl, and so she stepped out of the brush, coming into their line of sight from only a few wolf-lengths away. Kinis was with him. Slowly the static-colored wolf stopped and gave them a tentative half-smile. At a loss for words, and having eavesdropped somewhat, though, she at least knew what they must be discussing, as she had been wondering when this day would come.

<b>"Is three a crowd?"</b> She asked simply, gray shoulders rolling into a light, prolonged shrug. If they wanted, she would leave— but she had a sneaking feeling that she should be in on this, too...</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Kinis replicated Ruiko’s feelings by one simple word, and the regal Tainn gave a nod as the young wolf continued. Their stay had been longer than what he had anticipated, and as his brother came to settle by his side, Ruiko was about to comment when the rustle of paw pads drew his attention.

Before he could question the wolf that hid in the shadows, the familiar features of Volkan emerged. Her question drew a light shake from the tawny male who then inclined his muzzle in a silent invite for her to sit beside them. Kinis’ glance had not gone unnoticed, and the male lifted his muzzle slightly. “Soon. We will be ready to leave soon. Swift River no longer requires our presence.” There was a small pause, relieved to hear that Kinis was willing to follow him once more. Had his younger brother not had the desire to go.. Ruiko likely would have stayed as well. “What of you, Volkan? Are you still traveling with us, or will you stay here?”
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>Ruiko might have been a master of self-control, but Kinis knew him well enough to detect the smallest of hints as to his feelings; Kinis could tell just from looking at him that Ruiko was very much in the same boat. Excitement bubbled in the pit of his stomach, but he quelled it for now, aware that there might be a little more waiting to do; there was no point in getting worked up yet. This was just the conversation to start it.

His ears swivelled towards the sound of another, and he irrationally feared that it was Corinna or Indru come to... what? Deride them, ask them not to go, declare them as traitors? Surely Ruiko's stay in Swift River had always been known to be temporary, and Kinis with him. Such worries were illogical. But, fortunately, the wolf was neither; with surprise he registered Volkan, the girl who he vaguely understood to be connected with Ruiko. Kinis did not know much more than that, but as she invited herself into their fray, his suspicions were pretty solidly confirmed by Ruiko's question to her.

The jealousy that he had once felt at that meeting tugged at the edges of his mind, but they too were irrational; what kind of pack had two members? It made perfect sense that Ruiko had other supporters, and really, Kinis was glad for it. He was only sorry that he had failed to enlist any of the wolves he had come across.

Curious to hear the answer to her question, Kinis kept quiet, for his take on the matter would be completely understood by Ruiko; the older Tainn knew that wherever he went, Kinis would gladly follow and without question.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Fortunately Ruiko motioned for her to join them, and Volkan obeyed with a small smile. She could sense that the conversation was an important one, and apparently Ruiko could tell that she'd already been listening in. She nodded with his words. So, was the time coming soon, then? She knew very well that Swift River was a large pack with them added in, and she also knew that it was understood that they'd be leaving eventually. She glanced briefly to Kinis, having reclined to her haunches, tail curled around her frame elegantly. The excitement of this business made her sit up straight, with a posture indicative of manners that Volkan normally didn't display. She felt more important, somehow. Like she was going to be part of something. Instead of just a faceless Swift River lackey, she was going to be one of Ruiko's loyal supporters...

Her brows lifted as he asked her the question; she wasn't offended, for she knew that they hadn't explicitly spoken about her coming with them, but in her mind, there had been no doubt. <b>"It looks like you're stuck with me,"</b> she responded without hesitation, confidently, though through a lopsided grin all her own. <b>"I like Swift River, and I like Indru, but you have my true allegiance,"</b> she added, pale eyes finding Ruiko again. <b>"I told you that before, and I want to keep my word. If you'll have me, that is."</b> Her last phrase was directed at both males; while she didn't really know Kinis, she hoped that her presence wasn't unwelcome to him.

Swift River had been nice, but she was ready to move on.</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko was aware that the two young wolves were unfamiliar with one another – perhaps they had met through passing, or had indulged in a few brief conversations, but the tawny male knew their comfort with one another was tolerated only because of their higher goal; to begin a life of their own. Kinis quieted for Volkan’s answer, and with both pair of Tainn eyes upon the poor girl, she quipped without hesitation that she would be sticking with them.

Relief flooded through the male, and he allowed this emotion to show through a half smirk upon his lips. Before, his past followers had chosen Indru and Swift River over him – it was nice to know he had found two loyal members he could count on. Grateful for Volkan’s presence, not just for numbers but because he was certain she and Kinis would get along well once they knew each other, Ruiko gave a nod of confirmation. “I’m glad to hear,” he murmured to her, casting a glance to his younger brother to gauge his reaction. Of course they would have her.

“I’m not convinced three wolves claiming land will be enough for the winter,” he offered to them both, curious to know what their thoughts were on the matter. Winter was a harsh season, and while Swift River might suffer a bit from the loss of their current numbers, the three wolves who dispersed would surely feel the hunger and cold of the upcoming season.
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>Kinis smiled and wagged his tail at her final question, answering it easily enough. If Ruiko thought she was a trustworthy ally, then who was he to argue? This did help to explain a few things, anyway, and overall Kinis felt more at ease with the situation. Though he had not spent any real time with Volkan, he was sure that was to change soon enough - and if not before they left, certainly afterwards.

So, their duo really was a trio now. That would make things easier for Ruiko, though three was still not enough, and the older Tainn declared as much within moments. Though Kinis had prepared himself for such an event, the possibility that they may remain in Swift River for longer, it was still a disappointment - but who was to say that there wasn't yet time?

<b>"I've not had any luck in talking to loners,"</b> he admitted, glancing between Ruiko and Volkan. From the looks of things, neither had they, unless Volkan had someone hidden up her sleeve. Taking a breath, he looked evenly at his brother, unable to quell the eagerness he felt for leaving sooner rather than later.

<b>"Do you think we can still find enough, or are we stuck here 'til spring?"</b> A soft smile tugged at his lips, hinting at a more desperate emotion. <b>"I think I may go mad,"</b> he added quietly.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>