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Home sweet home? — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Velma who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Linara Warha

The lone wolf padded lightly through the brush. Her eyes scanned the are for some shade to sit under. Although the femme wasn't that hot, she enjoyed being a bit cooler, seeing as her heavy coat was sometimes hard to bear with any sort of heat. The cooler she was, the more comfortable. Her eyes spotted a large willow swaying sadly with the slight gusts of wind. She padded over a bit faster, he eyes locked on the cute little patch of shade right under the tree's protective leaves.

As she found herself under the tree, she lay down in the shade. Her pupils expanded with the change in light. As the breeze swayed the leaves back and forth, Linara traced them with her eyes, only pondering the simple things in life at this time. She suddenly was her own philosopher. She began to ponder her meaning in life, where was she going? What was she going to do? She sighed. with the approaching winter, she thought to herself,

"Where am I going to go? Winter's prey is going to be scarce. I couldn't survive alone." She sighed, crossing her paws and laying her head on top of them. Her tail swpt across the brush, crackling quietly as she did so. Her ears twitched as she listened to the wind and the smelled the smells of the forest. She had no intention to hunt, and she could smell prey all around her, but she chose to lay in her spot, just taking time to be lazy and relax.

With her thoughts came a feeling of anxiety, a bit scared for the future honestly. Her belly swelled up with anxious butterflies and she felt un-easy. She needed to find a pack soon or die in the cold, cold winter; approaching faster than she thought it would. Whimpering slightly with the anxiety, she shifted in her spot a bit. What would she do?

(This post was last modified: Nov 24, 2011, 09:35 PM by Linara.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Since coming home the lands around Swift River had been more than enough to satisfy Indru's contentment—he could waste away many a day between border patrols and playing with his children, the newest additions born into the pack. Being a father, a true one this time, was equal parts incredible, thrilling and downright terrifying, but the leader knew he would never change it for anything. This time however, his paws carried him beyond his pack's territory and further south into Relic Lore, it was not often he explored but Indru as keen to stay aware of the prey abundance in certain areas with winter arriving; it would not pay to have no idea where the best places to hunt were.

As he walked he kept his nose titled skywards slightly, his leather nostrils inhaling deeply as he assessed the scents that he could distinguish and identify. For as long as he remembered Hush Meadow always provided a back up plan if prey was scarce, the caribou tended to cross over the Pass and rest there during winter and he awaited their annually arrival eagerly. But as Indru crossed into Drooping Willows he could tell already that they had not arrived yet, but it was not all doom and gloom as at the moment there was enough signs of prey around for him not to worry. Being in a pack gave him more advantages after all—there was almost no prey too big for a pack to take down, where a lone deer may be impossible for a single wolf for a pack it could be an easy meal.

With his sense as open as they were it didn't take long for him to pick up the smell of a female, and from the lack of any other scent of wolf strongly against her fur, a loner too. Curiosity piqued, especially as she was alone, he headed towards the scent and as expected following her trail brought him to a young female resting underneath a drooping willow tree. Hello, he called, his voice soft and welcoming even if he held his posture neutrally, his head raised slightly in pride with the instinctive markings of a leader he found hard to drop even in neutral company.

Played by Velma who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Linara Warha

Laying in the shade only for a second more, before a voice interrupted her thoughts. At first, it was a surprise. Her ears pricked up and her neck snapped towards the sound. Her eyes met a male wolf, not much older than her, by his appearance. His palette was a neutral one, mostly filled with browns and tans. She froze up, the anxiety in her chest growing a bit as the situation presented itself to interact with another wolf.

Shifting again, Linara watched his posture, and from the way he stood, he didn't look like he ready to attack. She felt a bit more at ease. His head was raised high, almost as if he was looking down at her. Her eyes looked up at him, and realized this wolf looked as if he was high ranked, and by the smell of him, he was part of a pack. It must have been close by, seeing as most wolves wouldn't wonder too far from his pack.

"Hi... the femme responded meekly. Her eyes scanned, and by this time, a minute had passed. Her eyes were scanning the wolf and thinking for awhile before she responded. She chose her words carefully, just so she wouldn't offend this high role wolf. Then, something hit her. He was a high position in a pack? She needed to appeal to this wolf, and maybe she could have a chance at surviving the winters.

(This post was last modified: Nov 24, 2011, 11:12 PM by Linara.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Quickly Indru could notice that the wolf was nervous, something he easily understood with her vulnerability as a lone wolf—she had no pack support and was literally on her own, the brief times Indru had experienced the feeling it had not been one he had enjoyed. Now he could see the female clearly he was able to notice she was smaller than him (not an uncommon thing, as large as Indru was) with eyes that immediately reminded him of mate, Corinna's. From the smell and look of her she was younger, but not by much and of course she was not as healthy as she could be, any wolf who spent a period of time alone was normally underfed and thus skinnier than they would be in a pack, but beyond that she seemed fighting fit. Indru Tainn, he introduced, hoping having a name to match to his face would perhaps put her at ease. He had no desire to hurt the female but any wolf not park of a pack was curious to him at this time of year as in his eyes it almost seemed like a suicide mission.

Sensing no threat from the female in turn Indru lowered himself to rest on his haunches, his dark tail curling around his forepaws as he surveyed her lightly, hoping that his size was not too intimidating to her. Are you new to Relic Lore? Recently it had not passed his notice that there had been an increased number of wolves passing through and even if he could not identify the reasons as to why he was not complaining, any that added numbers to his pack over the winter would be welcome if they were willing and decent wolves. I lead a pack north east a bit of here, near the swiftest flowing river in the forest. Even if the female had no interest in joining his pack now he hoped that the supply of information might be remembered by her, if she found winter too hard she would know where to find him at least.

Played by Velma who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Linara Warha

The wolf's tone seemed to stay the same as he spoke. She kneaded the ground with her paws, slightly outstretched in front of her. His words comforted her slightly, just for the fact that this proved to her he had no intention to be hostile. His large size was intimidating, however his soft tone and manners settled her. Tilting her head as the large wolf; who called himself Indru, asked her the question of the duration of her stay, she responded carefully, thinking hard before picking her words.

"I am..." she said in her melodic quiet tone. She noticed the wolf had slipped to his haunches sometime before she had spoke, and didn't noticed he had done it before. She too, decided to sit up. Pushing herself up with her fore paws, she sat upright, trying to level with him, but failing due to the height advantage over he had over her. She made sure to keep eye contact as she spoke to him.

He spoke again, but this time, he spoke of a pack, and her assumption on him being of a high role in one, was correct. He was not only a high rank, but a leader. Her heart skipped a beat in excitement, but she tried not to get too excited, for rejection could happen, seeing as she wasn't very fit, and pretty malnourished due to her loneliness. She felt her stomach grumble slightly as she thought of her own undernourishment. She looked down at the brush, unsure how to ask this wolf if she join the pack, as so she could live through the winter. Her mouth opened, but nothing came out. She looked up at him and shifted her paws, unsure what to do or how to say it.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Though Indru offered his own name the female did not reciprocate, but she did answer his previous inquiry about the length of her stay in Relic Lore. While she was clearly nervous in his presence he did not receive the distinct impression she wanted him gone either—nor could he decide what would be best to do. His suspicions that she had become one of the number of recently appearing wolves was correct and when she confirmed it Indru had nodded in response, not sure what else to say. He was use to, in most cases, these types of conversations being an equal learning experience where each wolf would provide information and Indru began to wonder again whether her lack of communication was a gentler way to trying to get rid of him.

The female seemed quite intent on keeping her eye contact, an action normally deemed as a challenge but as he was not posing a threat he did not quiet understand her reasoning. However from the rest of her posture he deemed that she was trying to be threatening however uncomfortable it made him feel as he continuously had to fight of a bristling of his fur in response. Do you want me to leave? Though Indru had sought the female out he didn't wish to intrude if she did not want company, a distinct impression she was getting. Perhaps she preferred to be alone and in which case he was not sure what he could offer her—he had the means to offer her the security only a pack could but from his perspective she did not seem to desire one. Unless I can help you at all...? The leader shuffled his front paws undecidedly, while her manner and posture had suggested (in a polite way) she did not want company, a part of him sensed that she wanted something from him.

Played by Velma who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Linara Warha

Taken back by his question to leave, she stood slightly in a crouch and back up, whining. Did she give him the wrong idea? She felt stupid; The only reason she kept eye contact was to make sure he still wasn't trying to attack. She shook her head, not convinced of his good will.

"No... I J-Just wasn't sure on how to ask if I could join your pack..." She stuttered with almost a shocked tone. Her eyes looked very pup, and upset that she accidentally may have offended him. Although he didn't look offended, she began to over-think it in her head. She felt a little anxiety attack coming on and she tried hard to force them down.

Her tail drooped in between her legs and she lowered her head with her ears. Her green eyes looked up at the majestic figure. She whined quietly and shook slightly for a moment. What would he respond with? The Anxious wolf was much better at being alone, however living alone would be a death wish.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Delicate would be the word Indru would describe the wolf before him now, his question caused an abrupt change in the shewolf, panic seemed to overtake her and Indru's head tilted to the side in curiosity as his brow creased in worry. She was skittish and nervous, but not as submissive as he suspected those behaviours might bring on—most wolves that were afraid tried to deflect any danger by appeasing the probable attackers, and Indru thought back to the now missing Faolan he had come across and offered a home too many months ago. Oh, the leader exclaimed in surprise at her statement, a slight smile crossing his features as he hoped to try and calm her down and reduce her panic. I didn't think you would have been interested—but with the winter coming it is almost suicidal not to seek a home, even if only temporarily until it is over. Tentatively Indru stepped forward, waving his tail slightly behind him to show that he had no knavery intentions—he didn't wish the female any harm.

You're interested in joining my pack? His tone was as friendly as he could make it with an unknown stranger and he stopped approaching the female when there were a few wolflengths between them, watching her carefully as he tried to decide how else to reassure her. The shewolfs whines began to make more sense with her demeanour, the submissive action putting Indru at ease as he felt he knew more where he stood. If he was to accept a wolf into the pack they would have to accept his authoritive lead but he could not imagine this wolf challenging it. What's your name? His voice remained as soft as before but slowly, seeing as she was seeking acceptance into his pack, his posture began gradually more dominant—his tail curling over his back as his head rose and his ears perked forwards. Most wolves that were afraid enough to submit found comfort in the responsive dominance of the other wolf, as that action in itself was reassuring to the other wolf, their position in the hierarchy being made clear. Indru led the pack and if she wished to join it she would have to accept his role as leader.

Played by Velma who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Linara Warha

Nervously, Linara shook slightly. The wolf seemed confused and worried about her skittish state. The would wolf finally mention of his pack, and it seemed like a positive response. He said something along the lines that winter alone is suicidal, and a temporary home. She nodded, and got a bit excited, but still didn't move from her submissive crouch. She wanted to show him that she would be aware of the pecking order, and so she submitted herself physically (Although he stood taller than her anyways so being lower than him physically was not that hard at all), as well as mentally. She noticed out of the corner of her eyes the male's tail wave a bit. This relaxed her a bit more, and her nervous facial tension relaxed a bit.

Asking about her interest in joining that back, her tail would wag slightly behind her. Nodding slightly at this, she was trying hard not to have to talk. He asked for her name and Linara was quick to respond, although at this point, he voice was still a bit meek, and her speech was slow and careful, just as his was.

"Linara..." Lifting a paw, she wasn't sure if she should progress forward or stay there. She really never had to be accepted by a leader into a pack, she was born into one. A small one. More of a family than a pack really. She watched as the wolf's posture became slowly more dominant. Almost instinctively, she became slightly more submissive in her posture, her ears pinning down and looking up at the mighty leader.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Now things slowly begun to make more sense, to Indru at least, the shewolf was still skittish and clearly nervous of his presence but he began to understand what she wanted from him. With a nod of her head she confirmed that it was a pack she sought, though whether it was winter that encouraged this or just the usual desire wolves have to be among others he didn't know. Either way the request was a valid one for him to consider, and when she responded to his question her name he smiled again briefly. Okay, Linara, he began continuing to close the distance between them in synchronisity with her tension levels dropping, hoping that both his words and slow actions would reassure her.

The leader was pleased to note that as his posture become more dominant—more fitting of how a leader would approach a pack member beneath him—that she responded intuitively and how he had hoped, showing acceptance of his higher role. It was a good start and imediately Indru felt himself warming to her after a shaky beginning. I can offer you a home if you wish it, now Indru stood infront of her and he paused idly as he watched her, it was hard to predict the true merits of a wolf on a first meeting but he could see no reason to refuse this female—she was shy, but she was polite too and had offered no resistance to the more dominant status he would hold within the pack. We River wolves are a loyal pack and that will be what I ask of you. Loyalty to the me and the members within it as no pack is as strong as when they are a family. Though Swift River was comprised with mostly family the odd wolf without no blood connection was still present and after time they too became just like family in everything but blood. His fiery eyes met hers as he waited to see whether she would accept the terms of joining Swift River, perhaps pack life would help give her confidence, but if not there was always room for more submissive wolves like Faolan had been.