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Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
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Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>She didn't care what part she had, she was happy to be doing anything in team effort. Though secretly she was happy to be a chaser, she wasn't sure if she could snap a rabbit just yet. When Theo asked to change, well to her it made sense, that Trisden was "in charge" of all of this, and it was her choice. She like most was quiet while the process of who was going to do what was made into finalization. <b>"Sounds good to me Trisden."</b> She said, and her tail wiggled to prove she was more than happy to start the hunt.

Her mother's question, followed by Trisden's reflecting back. She had a brilliant idea. <b>"You can watch Mom!"</b> She exclaimed, a little more excited then usual. As it was exactly what they had all done last time, and well she could always step in if need, or supervise from the sidelines right?
Theo smirked as Hocus offered the perfect oppertunity for them to trade. He knew better then to test Trisden further, and waited while he could tell she was chewing it over. <b>"Yes,"</b> he chirped most proud by hthe exchange, and stood up ready to get this on. He paused, eyes meeting his mother. He liked Lettie's idea, but wondered if she would accept it. They couldn't learn if she did it.</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Sarah who has 63 posts.
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Hocus Lyall
Trisden had been ready to blow a gasket, so Hocus was rather pleased that his idea went down smoothly. He wanted Trisden to succeed as much as she did, and so offering her a way out was the smartest thing to do. Now he just had to hope that Trisden's plan would work.

To be honest, it seemed that Hocus was the only one amongst the puppies who wanted their mother to get involved, if merely because it would guarantee a meal, even if it was rather meager. Hocus felt his stomach rumble at the thought of food, and he shifted closer to Arlette, ready to follow her to wherever Trisden decided to send them. Hocus looked between his mother and Trisden, hoping his mother would choose to get involved, if not for his stomach's sake then for the sake of Trisden's pride, which would surely be ruined by a bungled hunt.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote><b>"Okay I'll watch, and if you need help I'll be near by,"</b> she offered, seeing Hocus' worried look. Everyone else seemed to want to do this without her, and she saw no harm in letting them try by themselves. Rabbits weren't exactly violent creatures, and she could always step in later if asked.

<b>"Alright, well Tris your the one in charge. I'll head over to the base of that other hill, and you guys can decide where you're going to start."</b> She looked between the four, and smiled confidently. <b>"Keep a nose for fresh trails, and you'll find one."</b> It was with that, she started toward the hill next to the rabbit burrow, where she would be out of their way, and could watch their progress hoping if nothing else they gained some perspective today.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 16, 2011, 08:16 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Siki who has 152 posts.
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Trisden Lyall
... again, sorry o.x

<blockquote>Arlette was the first to agree, and the ball kept rolling proud from there; satisfied by the compromise, even if it had been a compromise, Trisden nodded briskly at their consent and then looked to mother, glad for Lettie's suggestion and eager to see if their parent would oblige. After all, it wouldn't be an accomplishment if she was there too, would it? To Trisden's pleasure, her mother relieved herself of any active role, and Trisden's face lit up with eagerness. She didn't even have to look at Hocus to know that he would be thinking negatively, but they were rabbits, how hard could it be? And even if something did go wrong, just how much was there to worry about? They weren't exactly going to leap about and bite you on the nose. This very tameness of their prey was almost disappointing, but she understood the idea. Babysteps. Today, rabbits, tomorrow, bears.

<i>Tris, you're the one in charge.</i> Oh, how those words were candy to her ears. Puffing out her chest to symbolise her acceptance of this heavy burden of responsibility, watching as her mother departed before turning to the other three, a smug grin creeping onto her face.

<b>"Well, you guys know your jobs,"</b> she said matter-of-factly, peering over at the tiny, perfectly round hill, just in time to see a single rabbit hop onto its summit. Her grin curled into a devilish, hungry one. <b>"Let's go around and see where the rest are,"</b> she whispered, the quieter tone feeling appropriate now that their quarry was actually visible. <b>"Then me and Theo can hide when you guys go around to the other side,"</b> she added, looking from Hocus to Lettie. With an excitable spring in her step, she turned about (giving Hocus an encouraging shoulder-bump in the process) and began to stalk about the hill in a semi-circle as stealthily as she could.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
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Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote><i>awe, don't worry about it :) If you guys want to skip Jayse this round, you can get on with seeing if they catch or rabbit or not.</i>

Grin broke across her white features, and her tail wagged in her victory when her mother agreed. She really wanted to get the small things down, maybe by that time deer would appear like long legged rabbits too.

Trying to keep her haunches from wiggling with her excitement when it was clear even by her mother Trisden was in charge she accepted it without the slighest protest. She often believed Trisden was far morecapable when it came to things like this for some odd reasoning though they were of the same age. She never questioned the thoughts behind it, and merely couldn't keep a smile off her slim features. <i>They could do this, they were going to do this!</i>A dip of her head in silent reply, she too caught sight of the cotton-tail, and she licked her lips in anticipation. She could sense Hocus was a little dismayed, and tried to give him a confident look they would be okay.

Trisden's steady cues marked the start of their hunt to be quiet, and the white girl tried to contain her high energy inside. Another dip of her head, she did know her part, and decided to best put herself to work on finding more rabbits by sight or smell. She somehow believed rabbits were quiet, and when Trisden took the lead she naturally followed. Best she could, she tried to make herself appear small, and graceful only after giving an impish smile to her brothers. On this journey she stuck close to Hocus, preparing for the time they would split up.

<i>Yes!</i> They finally would get to do this alone no grownups! About time, and though a brow raised at leadership given to Trisden he decided to let it pass. This was only one hunt, and he had already given her enough grief. It was far greater that they were doing this without mother or Elettra, and it was enough to keep the boy quiet, and happy.

It was with a bob of his head, he playfully nudged Trisden's shoulder with his snout quietly saying he would do what he was told so they could have a great sucess. He then stretched out his lanky frame, keeping close to Trisden's creamier coat a sharp eye where he, and her might hide in wait. He soon saw a couple more rabbits dart around the thick brush, while another stopped and stared before vanishing as well. His stomach quietly grumbled reminding him how much he wanted to get this right.</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Sarah who has 63 posts.
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Hocus Lyall
<blockquote> They were going to fail, Hocus had no doubt of that. To be fair to Trisden, Hocus hadn't been paying that much attention and so Trisden's directions may not have been as inherently confusing as he interpreted them to be. Hocus gave a small sigh as he followed Arlette, thankful for her support but worried that their failure would upset Trisden and Theo. Hocus could see that Theo was nearly as excited as his sister, his happiness only held back by being in second place. Even Arlette seemed really excited by this all, a fact Hocus discovered y watching her bounce slightly in front of him. Oh well, at least the rabbits couldn't harm them back, could they?

Hocus followed Arlette to their designated places, relying on the fact that she had understood the orders better than he had. "I guess chasing things shouldn't be too difficult, right? I've been practising my growl," Hocus tried to reassure Letty, even though he was clearly the one who needed the support. Why was this unsettling him so much? Was he just worried for Trisden's pride or was it something else? Hocus sniffed the air but nothing was amiss, so he just kept pace with Arlette, trusting in her judgement and Trisden's 'plan'. </blockquote>
Played by Siki who has 152 posts.
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Trisden Lyall
<blockquote>A victorious smirk made its way to her young face as her siblings finally fell in line and with no complaints this time. This was how it had been supposed to go from the start, but it had only been a minor hiccup; all she needed to do was demonstrate that she blatantly knew what she was doing and they wouldn't have this trouble next time. Yeah, it was all going to go great.

Grinning back at Theo as he bumped her, and at his words of solidarity, Trisden's hopes and expectations soared without limit, her belief in herself and her blood's capacity for success unwavering. Had she fully understood the concept, she would not have considered her ego to be premature in the slightest. Jaysyek had given her support and faith in their abilities; they could not fail now!

The enormity with which she was quickly viewing the situation was rather at odds with the facts, for hunting rabbits wasn't usually such a grand affair. But she could be forgiven her excitement, as the rest could be also, for its embodiment as a step forwards in their personal growth.

As the girl boldly led her siblings around the hillock, the rabbits swiftly came into view, milling around their warren holes and nibbling at the grass. Never had they looked so delicious. It was only her great desire for achievement which kept Trisden from hurrying matters; at the very least she understood that they would have to do this right to have any chance at all. Brimming with barely-contained excitement, the girl bunkered down in a dark spot and gestured for Theo to accompany her. Suddenly she regretted her decision, but only because it delayed her opportunity to shine for a few moments; she so badly wanted to leap out and chase all of the rabbits as fast as she could. <b>"You guys need to go around!"</b> she whispered fervently to Hocus and Arlette, anticipation oozing from her tone and expression. <b>"We'll be waiting here."</b> She flashed them all a confident grin, hoping to inspire them towards greatness, for she would be satisfied with nothing less.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>Her brother by her side she had no worry in the world, or no thoughts to this ending badly. She followed the path of Trisden, and Theo mindful of how close Hocus was behind her. Once the rabbits came into view she finally felt more of a hunter, than a spectator. The instinct to chase, bite, and tackle danced in the front of her mind, ready to guide her to victory. How hard would it be to take a snap out one? <i>Piece of nothing.</i> She figured. How hungry she was staring at them now. She was well aware not yet. Like a good sister she nodded swiftly at Trisden's request and lead Hocus to where she was sure they ought to be. She did not pick up on any of his doubts. He was even minded like he always was in her eyes, and she made sure to keep crouched behind the thick sagebrush.

<b>"I think our part will be easy then. We just gotta make them move to Tris, and Theo,"</b> she replied with a bright smile, trying to keep her body very still. She was assured between the two they would be scary enough to get the rabbits where they wanted them. Or one, whatever happened to work. When her heartbeat seemed the loudest thing in her ears, she all the more was ready to move. Her attention went back to the open hill trying to see the perfect target.

There was a big, ol', fat grey one up on his hind legs his brown nose twitching, while his ears were pointed in opposite directions. This was it. Eyes darted to Hocus, and then to their prey. Hoping he was ready, and would know what she was trying to tell him. <b><i>"Ready. Set.</i> Go!"</b> She let out, and than sprang from the brush to the long eared bunny. She growled as deep as she could manage, and the bunny started to dart away. Now if Hocus would help steer it straight.

The bunny had plans of it's own, trying it's best to choose it's own coarse. After a very long chase, and several attempts between the four pups, the rabbit was not fast enough to escape the jaws of Trisden and Theo.

(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2012, 07:53 PM by Arlette.)
[Image: oaktreebend.png]