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Past in the Future — The Wildwood 
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Walking in the place she had never been before, Rebecca followed the rules of carefulity. Head on the level of her back as well as the tail, she zig-zagged through the woods. Something inside her kept growing, the strange feeling that had been growing for many days now. She wasn't sure what it was, but it could be called danger, love, desire, need and most importantly: loyalty. As a loyal wolf, Rebecca had hard times when there was no one to give her loyal nature. One time in her life she had given her most to one thing, then the thing was gone. Now, after two years, she wanted something to give her powers to. Not only herself.

Halt. Sniffing. What was it? Surely something had moved. Ears up, head up, listening, turning. Nothing. But she had smelled something. Or did she hear it? Maybe see? Nothing was sure, so whatever it had been, Reba decided it didn't excist anymore. She kept going, unsure why she even walked. She had no place to go, no need to walk restlessly. Stomach was full enough, she wasn't thirsty, no wounds, everything fine. Why she didn't just relax? Because it wasn't possible. The lump, lump of feelings had to be destroyed. How? No idea. So Rebecca kept walking.
(This post was last modified: Dec 10, 2011, 10:42 AM by Rebecca.)
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Thankfully, today wasn't as cold as yesterday, and Volkan found her spirits unusually high as she trolled the forest of the Wildwood. Having to stay within a short distance of Swift River was something she sometimes found stifling, but today she didn't mind; the warmer weather made her want to run, jump, maybe catch something to bring back to the pack's cache. Being out and about in the forest, with its dead leaves coating the ground and the bright sunlight warming her back, made her forget about her present drama. Triell— for once, he wasn't on her mind. Nor were Ruiko and Kinis. The time would come, she knew, and she just had to wait for the day when Ruiko would gather them to leave. And as far as Triell, well... she'd have to cross that bridge when she came to it.

The silvery wolf's ears swiveled to catch the sound of a nearby wolf, and her nose confirmed by scent that someone was nearby. A stranger. She could distinguish that the wolf was female, and so there was no reason to worry that it might be Rhysis; not feeling particularly threatened, yet still curious as to who was wandering around so close to the pack boundary, she pressed onward, determined to find the source of the noise and smell.

Within a few moments she had crossed paths with a black wolf, the female she had been searching for. She seemed normal enough, and since they were both on neutral ground, technically, they were equals. Volkan's stance was neutral, though a curious glint was in her eye. <b>"Haven't seen you around here before,"</b> she said, wondering if this was yet another wolf interested in joining Swift River. The pack's numbers seemed to grow and grow, didn't they?</blockquote>
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Halting Rebecca watched the other. Keeping friendly posture she sniffed the air. Maybe she had smelled this wolf few moments earlier. Smiling lightly she burried her odd feeling deep under friendliness. <b>"I haven't been around here before. In this part of Relic Lore."</b> she answered wondering what was the known smell in that wolf. Then she got it. The pack, Swift River. She wasn't on their ground. Right? Either or not, she couldn't stop the fear rushing in her mind. If she was on their territory, Reba would be dead wolf soon enough. Eyeing the fae slightly fearfully, she decided to ask. If she was somewhere she should be, she could run away before anything bad would happen. Hopefully.

<b>"I'm not in pack lands, am I?"</b> Rebecca asked with fear in her voice. Not either one of the packs of Relic Lore would accept her, and she had better chances with Swift River. If their leader was going to kill her if she ever entered to their territory, just what would Grizzly Hollow do? Reba wasn't going to find out. Now she waited anxiously for the gray fae to answer. She seemed friendly, so there was hope... Let it live.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Volkan eyed the stranger with mild interest, head tilting at her question. It wasn't uncommon, she supposed, for wolves to be confused about where the packs were and what lands they owned in Relic Lore; she remembered her first days here, remembered being concerned that Ruiko was the leader of a pack that controlled Heartleaf Creek. Now that idea seemed silly, and it caused her to laugh a little to herself, a smile which was shared with the other wolf.

<b>"Oh. No, although Swift River's near here. But this specific place is fair game,"</b> the young wolf pointed out with a small shrug. Her tail flicked idly at her ankles, briefly noting the apprehension with which the other carried herself; most lone wolves were nervous, she supposed, just as she had been, always afraid of stepping over the wrong boundary. But, there could have been something more to it... was this wolf trying to avoid Swift River? Her concern had only shown after Volkan's own scent seemed to sink in. Her icy eyes narrowed, hoping to get a better look at this female. <b>"Why, scared of pissing someone off?"</b> </blockquote>
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca's relief was easily shown after she heard that she wasn't on Swift River's lands. Ah, safe, no need to run away. She wondered what she should tell to the younger female. <b>"I already have." </b>she finally told. Not much, but she had just met this stranger who belonged to Swift River. Not really wanting to tell it all. But maybe she could tell little more? It was nice to talk to someone. ANd the female seemed very nice. Giving a friendly glance to her she continued: <b>"I had clear intructions to keep out from Swift River's territory"</b>. Little more. Okay, and how would the other react?

Tail low, head little above her back, Rebecca gave friendly signs. She wasn't looking for enemies. Wagging her tail slowly she wondered when would she get a family? Reba had had some loner companion time to time, but nothing permanent. Most loners moved around a lot, Rebecca was one of them. Loner companion wasn't enough to keep her in one place more than few weeks. Then she moved ahead. She had got friends along her way, but also enemies. Not too much, easy to cope with them. Maybe this female could be one more friend?
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>The female's words confirmed Volkan's musings, and she drew slowly nearer to the other wolf with a furrowed brow. Clear instructions, huh? Volk sniffed the air, leaning, hoping to get a better read on her scent— committing it to memory. What could this female have done to piss off the River wolves so much? She seemed harmless enough, friendly even. Appearances were sometimes deceiving, she knew, and though her guard was normally up, she decided to try to keep an open mind.

<b>"Indru told you that? Or was it someone else?"</b> It was hard to imagine Indru acting harshly toward anyone, but Volkan could see how he might have the capacity if his family were affected. Was that part of it, had this female attempted to hurt the pack? Or maybe she'd just run into Marsh or Corinna, giving them the wrong impression somehow. Volkan remembered how carefully she had tried to assimilate, and she'd never forget the way Marsh forced her to submit the way he had. The River wolves were certainly big on their dominance.

She watched the other wolf, now with a little more caution in her stance, waiting for her response.</blockquote>
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
<b>"Yeah, Indru Tainn told me that. I've come a long way after our encounter."</b> Rebecca said. She had learned the right amnners and behavior only after she had messed up with the packs in Relic Lore. Too late to fix everything, she ahd to wait and see, try to survive on her own. Eyeing the other female. She didn't seem dangerous. Friendly, little cautious, but she had all rights to be. <b>"I didn't know the way of submission at that time."</b> she continued after while. Rebecca was proud wolf in her heart, she wanted to show her submission only to the ones she liked. Stranger taht tried to dominate her had no chances, she'd rather take their fury than show 'weakness'. That was the old Reba.

Turning around many times, Rebecca had learned more than ever in Relic Lore. hutning and surviving were old skills to her, but to cooperat6e with others... There's lot to learn in that, and Reba had learned most of it in Relic Lore, by friendly wolves that gave her their time. Too late to do something she would love to do, but maybe something else? Anyway, Rebecca loved her new skills and wasn't going to forget them.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Volkan nodded once, slowly, as the other revealed that it had indeed been Indru who banned her from the pack lands. <b>"Hm,"</b> she responded, briefly trying to visualize what it would be like, being on the leader's bad side. Luckily she had never ended up there. Before the onyx yearling could ask why, the lone wolf explained herself, and Volkan nodded again. Okay, so that made sense. Nothing too terrible, right? Still, she had a duty to the pack, even if just for now; if Indru said those words to this wolf, he must have meant them, and Volkan wasn't going to be the wolf who let her slip by.

Although, she did seem to be doing a good job staying away from the pack borders, so Volkan supposed there wasn't really any harm done in talking to her. <b>"What's your name? I'm Volkan,"</b> she added with a small smile. For one, this was a pretty interesting conversation to be having, and she didn't want to miss out on the stranger's name. And besides, it was useful information for Swift River anyway; she wondered if Indru had told other pack wolves about this female yet, or if he would at all?</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 11, 2011, 12:16 AM by Volkan.)
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
<b>"Rebecca is my name. Hello Volkan!" </b>Reba said and smiled wagging her tail at the same time. Then her face started to look thoughtful. Serious and thoughtful it was for some time, tail stopped wagging. Then her eyes brightened, mouth pushed cheeks back up to friendly and kinda playful smile, tail wagging fatser than before. <b>"Almost like vulcan!"</b> and all her carefulity was washed away. She started to feel comfortable with this new wolf, and decided that if Volkan was going to turn bad, she would just need to handle it. But now she wanted to enjoy and if possible, get a new, close friend.

Then the roll of feelings reminded about itself. Rebecca wondered how to get rid of it. Walking didn't helo, neither did meeting and talking to new wolf. Maybe finding a family would help? So next thing to try was probably find a pack to join in. <b>"Is here any other packs in Relic Lore except Swift River and Grizzly Hollow?"</b> Reba asked.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>The stranger, well, not a stranger anymore, seemed glad to know Volkan's name. While the gray female wasn't exactly the most excitable of wolves, she attempted to return the sentiment with a courteous nod and a smile. <i>Rebecca.</i> Once uttered, it was committed to memory, hopefully for a long time, though she wasn't very good with names. She tilted her head at the word <i>vulcan.</i> <b>"—Yeah!"</b> she agreed, though not sure what exactly a "vulcan" was other than that it did sound like her name, adding, <b>"I guess,"</b> soon after, more to herself than aloud.

Rebecca's question caused her smile to fade, replacing her pleasant expression with something... different. A new glint appeared in her eye, and finally after a moment, a corner of her mouth turned upward to accompany it as the breeze picked up, ruffling the messy fur between her ears. <b>"Not yet,"</b> was her simple response, her heartbeat beginning to quicken, just as it did every time she thought about it. What should she say? She couldn't give away all of the details to such a stranger, right? <b>"I think, soon enough, there will be one more."</b> She turned her head down lightly, peering up from under her silvery brows at the other female.</blockquote>
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