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Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
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Adonia Valde
After finally realizing what happened to her family, along with Triell's help of course, Adonia had decided to leave Relic Lore. Not for too long, just to collect her thoughts and decide what to do next. Her absence went on longer than she had expected it to, and the female wolf felt extremely guilty for simply leaving without telling Triell. She was sure he was fine without her, but she didn't want to coerce him to come too, which he probably wouldn't anyway. Or perhaps she just didn't want a tearful good-bye? Either way, her adventures had brought her straight back to relic lore with a new mission. Find Triell, and find a new pack. She just wasn't suited to loner life anymore, that became apparent as the days slowly dragged on. The female wolf had been longing for any type of contact from any type of wolf, though she'd barely come across any others.

As she stood in Sacred Grove, just near the Swift River camp, she thought back about her previous actions. What if Triell was extremely angry with her? What if he rejected her plea for help and just turned away? Adonia admitted to herself that what she had done was shameful, and now she was just crawling back after she figured out that life on her own wasn't what she had been expecting. Who knows, anything could happen. Other thoughts turned to her own image. Winter had arrived, and with it a changing of her coat color to pure white. Would he even recognize her? With all these thoughts swirling around in her mind, Adonia lifted her jaws and howled once more like she had all those months ago when she was looking for Triell's assistance. Her melody faded as it had before, and silence replaced it. The female wolf held her breath, simply waiting.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
<blockquote>He hadn't counted on much of a change today, but it wasn't the case when he heard a familiar song echoe through the grove. <i>Adonia?"</i> His mind ran the name, recalling everything that went with it. The berries, her first trip to Swift River, and eventually their trip to the mountain. Now, she was back to Relic Lore? It was some bright news, as he had feared the worse when he did not see her. His black tail swayed behind his haunches, and he quickly headed to the edge of Swift River hoping to meet her first. If anything everyone else would have heard, and be most curious to who it was. Would she stay this time? The question couldn't help, but surface. Surely she might, and he knew Swift River would be lucky to have her.

Long black limbs stretching, and his paws sweeping along the sleepy ground he panted in rapid breaths when he spotted a more white wolf then he expected. Brows furrowed temporarily, as he soon recalled how her coat changed with the season much like a rabbits might. His nostrils flared, double checking, and sure enough it was here. <b>"Adonia!"</b> He barked, running up to her to playfully bump her nose. <b>"How are you?"</b> He inquired, taking a step back to make sure she had no wounds, or prodding ribs.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
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Adonia Valde
The sound of approaching pawsteps alerted Adonia to anothers presence. Could this be Triell, her friend that she had not seen in so long? The black wolf approaching her confirmed her suspicions. Triell came closer and appeared to sniff the air, making sure that this was indeed the Adonia he had known. The female wolf broke into a gleeful smile as the two greeted each other and the yearling did not seem angry whatsoever! Truly amazing. "Triell! I'm okay, just back for more fun!" she replied playfully, pawing at him gently. "I'm truly sorry i left without notifying you... I just had to take some time away. I barely got time to thank you for everything you did for me." Her golden eyes glowing with joy, she continued. "I've thought about it long and hard.. and I decided that I wish to join Swift River with you. It would be nice to spend even more time with you and to meet your family! Would you be willing to take me to Indru perhaps? I understand if you have other commitments!"

(This post was last modified: Nov 28, 2011, 11:56 PM by Adonia.)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>He laughed warmly, deciding for himself she did look okay despite how she wasn't quite how he had seen her last. Of coarse he was all the more happy she had decided to come here, to find him. His leathery lips drew in a tight line, when she explained why she'd left, and how she hadn't told him she was going. He had missed her, worried about her when they'd parted ways. He never did judge her, knowing that when a pack was no loner it was a hard concept to accept. He shrugged his large shoulders. <b>"No harm, I'm just glad your all in one piece,"</b> he grinned, letting his tail wag lazily behind him.

<b>"Of coarse! I was hoping you'd say that. I'm sure Indru would be glad to meet you! I was really just bopping around trying to find something of use to do any way."</b> Bright colored eyes studied her own, she did appear very happy, and he wouldn't doubt Indru would be happy to have another member. Taking a step, or maybe more of a hop he gently shook his neck. <b>"You want to see him now? It might be best if I howl for him if you do."</b> He added, feeling it'd be best of respect to Indy to meet her outside the packlands, rather then in.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonia Valde
Adonia breathed an audible sigh of relief when Triell accepted her apology. Now she knew that she had trust in him all along. She thought about the first time she had met Triell, on the mountain with Welde. He disappeared and her only pack did too not long after. Perhaps it takes that much loss to gain such a good friend?

Her eyes glowed brightly as he asked her what she wished to do. The female wolf only needed to think about it for a second, since she pondered the question since she decided to return to Relic Lore. "As soon as possible sounds great." she replied happily, looking forward to be back with the warm embrace of a pack to call her own once more. Her life had certainly changed since she had arrived all those months ago. From being scared of a pack, to a happy member, to a loner, and hopefully once again to one who could be accepted into something larger than herself, the Valde wolf thought long and hard about if her life changed for the better. What would the future bring? The female supposed she'd have to continue with her own destiny in order to find out, and take everything in stride.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>He did remember Cori could easily come meet her too, but that's if she was not busy with the pups. Or would they both come to meet Adonia? His eyes shifted, looking indirectly at the ground while he tried to think. Either one could accept her, and a call for either for them would be sufficent enough...right? Grin lifting up his black lips, he glanced to his friend, and his tail wagged enthusiasticly behind him upon her answer. <b>"Good, I'll call right now then,"</b> he replied overthrilled she would likely be a part of Swift River. He was pretty certain she would be accepted, with Ruiko,Volkan, and Kinis leaving they needed someone to fill the gaps they'd leave. And besides Indru had said he had thought highly of Triell's word, and no doubt that ensured trust between them. It wasn't like Adonia was <span class='word'>felonious</span> in any such way, andnhad proved despite Weldering she could be his friend.

No further adue, his grin disappeared for a moment, and he lifted his muzzle to the sky letting out a deep, long note for either of the leaders of Swift River. It wasn't anything urgent, just a call for one or both to come this way, and he held it for a time in case they were a far away. Slowly his head dipped down, and he decided to recline to his haunches in wait. <b>"I think you'll like it here, "</b> He said, though he studied her pale face wondering what she might be thinking, and if she was worried about meeting the rest of his family.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2011, 08:47 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonia Valde
The female wolf smiled at Triell's words that he would call some of his family. The black male raised his head and howled. Adonia stood timidly behind him, a slight nervousness filling her. She never imagined she would meet Triell's family like this but, then again, nothing these days seemed to be predictable. Following the male wolf's lead she too reclined and sat on the ground, attempting to calm herself mentally. Triell then said a remark that the she-wolf hoped would be true. Would she really like it here? How different would it be from Midnight Plateau? Adonia wished she could simply forget about her past and focus now on the future, but it seemed to be harder than ever. She just couldn't shake it, no matter how hard she tried. While thinking of these things, she replied only with "I hope so."

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
Sincerest apologies on the wait <3

Gone Tomorrow

Overhead, blue skies were mottled by gray clouds. Soon the scarce patches of the wispy substance would disappear completely by the gray curtain, and with it, Corinna's mood would drop. She was not known for her charm during the winter season. Now that she had young mouths to feed, it was very likely that she would be more irritable once the full power of winter was upon them. But she had a while until that happened, though that didn't stop her from trying. She was standing over the results of her efforts, a freshly killed rabbit. Picking it up, she tasted the blood on her tongue and with great restrain forced herself to carry the rabbit back towards the den and not devour it right then and there.

She had just deposited the creature at the den's entrance for her children to find later when she heard Triell's deepening voice in the air. He was at the border's, judging by the distance of the sound. And not alone either. Ears perking up, she took in the message of his song - requesting her or Indru. Must be a lone wolf that he had thought looked promising. Raising her head, the mottled gray she-wolf answered his call, letting him know that she would be on her way. Kill abandoned, she set off in the direction of the cry, falling into an easy lope.

Having been at the den, she had been some distance from the pair. But she made good time, and hopefully they were not waiting too long for her to arrive. Slowing to a walk, she maneuvered between the trees with ease until she potted the duo. Green eyes latched onto Triell's familiar ebony form. Approaching him, she nudged his cheek in a greeting before turning her attention to his companion. The white female hardly seemed a stranger to Triell, which required a quizzical glance from the lead female. Drawing herself up, the simple display of dominance would hopefully be enough. "Hello, Triell," she addressed her brother-in-law, though her eyes were looking at Adonia. "Who's this?"

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>Was she worried? He looked upon her with a thoughtful gaze, wondering why she would be. When the yearling thought about it, he had never known what life was like without family or what it would be like to start over...to make a home with strangers. His ears yielded unknowningly in sympathy though he would never fully understand how alone she likely felt.Surely she would see Indru, and Cori was as kind as he, besides she would love Rihael, Kisla, and Fenru.

Cori's song broke the quiet that had enveloped them, and he bolted to a stand, ears standing up once more. <b>"Corinna will be coming quick,"</b> he said with a confident grin, wanting very badly to reassure her things would be okay. He could think of no logical reason why she would be denied into Swift River. He said nothing further, trying to patiently wait for his leader's arrival. Was anxiety catching? He plastered his grin to his face, starting to pace when the lazy wind brought the familiar mixture of Cori. He paused, and brushed his nose beneath her chin return. He noted her quiet question, but he'd have time to explain later. <b>"This is Adonia Velde, Adonia this is my sister-in-law Corinna Tainn,"</b> he intoduced with the tip of his muzzle.

Bright eyes met the golden hues of Adonia for a second before shifting in Cori's direction,<b>"She was apart of Midnight Platuea, I was trying to help her figure out what happened to her pack...when I was gone,"</b> he added quietly, his twin ears folding back upon his head. He was ashamed of the fact he hadn't been there for her, and the pups to the day, and it showed. Now he became silent, it was Adonia asking to join, and it should be her to speak to Cori about herself, and her intent.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonia Valde
Adonia nodded politely as Triell introduced her to the female leader of Swift River. She gave the leader a smile, hoping it sufficed as the introduction. As he explained, Adonia sat back and thought about what she should say. When Triell became silent, Adonia knew it was her time to take center stage. "I would like.. to have a new family. I stayed in Midnight Plateau until it dispersed when I went off on my own. I'm ready and willing to pull my own weight in the pack and do whatever you wish, should you accept me." The female turned to look at Triell, as if for support, before continuing. "I met Triell while on a patrol." She wasn't sure why she felt the need to add that statement, however Corinna was probably wondering how, exactly, she had met her brother-in-law. Not knowing what else she could say, Adonia decided to say the truest words she had ever spoken after leaving Midnight Plateau. "I wish to make a new life for myself."