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→ scar tissue — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Brii who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kali Dusk

pain radiated through her physique, the air in her lungs felt like acid. she walked with all the conviction of a murderer. the vibrancy of her coat seemed diminished by the taint of a dark liquid clingy to her form like a filthy sin. it was blood. whether it was hers or another poor souls was still yet to be determined, but there were fresh wounds adorning her amazonian stature. scar tissue gleamed viciously in the dim lighting of the grove that began to surround her as those long, sleekly muscled legs carried her forward. emotion burned her eyes, the cuts upon her left optic aching from the slash of teeth. his teeth. "fergive me, kaede..." came her soft cry into the air, it echoed helplessly, causing a few nearby birds to flutter restlessly. the life of her lover, the one she had thought to be her soul mate - it was what dripped from her chin, slowly drying to a disgusting bubble. salmon tongue slithered out, curling around the sharp length of her muzzle in an attempt to clean her features.

but it was useless, a complete soak down could not wash away the felonious deed she had committed only hours earlier. those amber eyes began to flutter close as the ginger girl slowed to a complete stop in the middle of the grove. the dense overhang hid her from the prying eyes of the sky, the judgmental burn of the sun. harsh rays still peeked through like a curious, bitter child; however, making her whimper gently. shoulders trembled, her legs gave out and kali found herself in a heap among a bed of thick moss, roots and wild vines. nostrils flared, taking in the beautiful scent of the earth. idly, she wondered, if mother earth would ever forgive her, or even the departed soul of kaede himself. had it been her fault? this whole thing? apart of her wanted, no...needed to believe it had all been an accident. but the painful pounding of her heart said otherwise. death is in love with me... came her bitter thoughts, causing a sneer to cross her battered features. a bitter laugh tore forth from her larynx as words ripped at the surface of the air,

"ne'er will oi be fergiven."

(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2011, 09:48 PM by Kali.)
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
Assuming she's trespassed, somewhat? Can easily change, though I kept it vague <3

<blockquote>His nose twitched. Death was in the air.

The unmistakable metallic ring, the hum of blood recently spilt, wafted innocently on the breeze. Marsh lifted his head to it, dreading the recognition but finding it; wolf blood. He did not know the source, nor the feminine scent which was faintly carried with it, but the death of an unknown wolf was no casual matter, especially not with children in the area. Just what had befallen this unknown male? Duty would not let the copper wolf pass this trail up, the chance of intercepting some beast capable of wolf murder before it delved into Swift River proper. Marsh had returned on the assumption that he would devote his life to protecting this pack. He was not about to walk past while blood stained the air.

Head low, nostrils flaring, he turned towards the breeze, towards the trail of death, and stalked with purpose. The wound which rang long and deep down his entire left hand side was still far from fully mended, though lack of serious agitation had allowed healthy and thick scab tissue to form; it would be on its way to scarring before too long. Nowadays, it was little more than a faint ache, even more easily dismissed than ever, and it would certainly not keep him from this investigation. As he drew closer to the source, he was increasingly alarmed by how close it seemed to be - inside the borders, even? Just what was the stench of some foreign wolf's blood doing in Swift River lands? No, this would not do. Fur rising with instinctual wariness and his tail creeping over his hindquarters, in readiness for any conflict, Marsh upped his pace, determined not to let the scent invade the packlands any more than it already had.

The sound of sour laughter almost caused him to stop in his tracks, the chill on the back of his neck running colder now, but he could not let this new, disturbing implication go. The female he had scented, it was her - the blood came from her. As the soiled beast came into view, Marsh had to wonder at what had transpired, at the state of the creature - but most of all, what she was doing <i>here</i>.

He stood still, eyeing the unnerving female from a distance, before a low, warning growl sounded deep in his chest and he stepped forwards, making his presence well known. She would not spoil these lands, not if he had anything to say about it, and from the looks of blood about her jaw and chest, his concerns were not ill-founded.</blockquote>
Played by Brii who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kali Dusk
<blockquote><span style='font-family:georgia'>those powerful jaws of hers snapped closed suddenly as the sound of someone approaching reached her ears. the sharply defined auds pressed tightly against the regal contours of kali's skull, her vibrant gaze lifted to stare blankly at the approaching male. confusion settled on her features, the scar upon the left side of her facade contorting in a rather ugly fashion. brows furrowed deeply, wondering if perhaps she had accidentally trespassed. turning, kali's muzzle lifted into the air - taking in the scent of the earth and --- hot damn, it seemed there was a pack here. snorting, the girl shifted, sleek muscled bulged and fought for supremacy as her physique was forced upwards. "<b>ah, oi 'pologize, lad. dinna realize oi had gone trespassin'.</b>" she murmured gently. the ginger's nose wrinkled lightly, realizing it was slightly stuff with blood.

sneezing lightly, the action oddly feminine, her shoulders trembled from the shake and it took all she had not to fall down once more. turning, albeit slowly, those burning eyes trailed across his copper features with curiosity. studying his face, the way he stood - no doubt the male was of some importance within this pack. apart of her longed for the warm welcome one would normally, hopefully, receive upon wishing to join. but did she want to join? more importantly, would she be able to? blood nearly coated her from head to toe - some of it hers, some of it kaede's. even though her reason for murder wouldn't seem very valid to a stranger ( and partially not even to herself ), kali knew that there was no turning back now. regret lingered in her blazing gaze like a hungry virus waiting to devour any who looked upon her tormented soul. a self-loathing croak of displeasure came out as a snort from her flaring nostrils.

"<b>ya gotta name, per chance?</b>" it was likely now wasn't the most ideal time for introductions or pleasantries; however, it was all kali could do to ease the tension that had quickly began to build in the air. the stench, the power of it nearly made her choke. and walking away with her back turned towards a stranger wasn't on her list of things to do. so easing the males obvious discomfort with her appearance was first priority. wincing softly at the pain that ripped up her spinal cord as she moved to recline a few feet from marsh, those teeth flashed momentarily in a scowl of pain. but soon, it was gone and once more the blood stained features of her face could be seen in an oddly luminous, innocent glow. perhaps it was the vibrancy of her amber eyes, but they stared out at marsh with determination.</span></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2011, 04:01 PM by Kali.)
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>She had spoken earlier, though it had been his natural inclination to ignore it. After all, what more could words add to the picture that the scents and her laughter had already created? They had been easy to disregard because they had not been aimed at him, but it was no so now.

Oh dear earth, were those even words?

The usual discomfort he felt at their use was nothing compared to this, to the garbled sounds that she spoke as she rose to greet him. The painful thing was that he almost recognised some of them, because that meant that he was supposed to understand this verbal atrocity, and that, in turn, meant he wasn't absolved of trying to communicate. Damn it all. The situation wasn't sitting well with Marsh at all, and as he noted her curious body language, which sat somewhere between neutrality and defiance, he realised that this wasn't going to be a simple matter to solve.

The blood thick in her fur told of her recent past; Marsh was not about to get into a reckless fight with a female who stank of bloody victory, no matter how good his chances looked.

She snorted, communicating her state of mind more in that simple gesture than in any amount of words, and Marsh watched, suspicious and wary, as she moved closer only to lay down again. A display of submission, if half-assed? But then his silver gaze met her own amber one, and a trickle of hostility wound its way into his expression as she stared so openly at him. She had said something else, something about a name - that's all he had gotten. But names were irrelevant, and he had no idea if she had been saying her own or asking for his. But it wasn't important. There were times when he was inclined to put up with it and try, and times when it really seemed secondary to what was really important.

Agitated by the defiance her strong gaze embodied, Marsh took another step forwards, his head lowering and lip curling over his teeth in a more open threat. Her behaviour was infuriatingly unclear; was she aware of her trespassing or was she not? Was she repentant, or was she doing all this on purpose? Though half-inclined to chase her away on the spot, Marsh chose instead the less extreme route, though it did not soften his behaviour by much. After all, Indru or Corinna might appear and be able to make sense of the situation in a way that he could not, and their decision was ultimately final.

But they were not here, and Marsh did not have interrogation skills. All he could do was make sure that the stranger was suitably softened up by the time one of them inevitably arrived - and to do so would require straight-up submission.

The growl ever-present, he advanced on the bloodied female, bringing his nose close to hers - before jerking it up and down, opening his jaws and intending to grab her muzzle in his own, to force her head (and thereby her gaze) downwards, where it belonged. It would be a start, at least.</blockquote>
Played by Brii who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kali Dusk
<blockquote><span style='font-family:georgia'>anger swelled up within her broad breast, he said nothing. did nothing. but more growling, more threatening - when she was merely attempting to open up. trying to find out information and perhaps find something here - within this grove. ebony lips quivered, peeling back slowly as her amber eyes brazingly glared at him. so, no proper greeting? merely a show of dominance to be shown to an utter stranger. <i>who could've been an ally</i>. the brute grew closer, stiff-legged and growling. instinctively kali stumbled back, her back legs stretching and coiling swiftly, though painfully. a warning growl was sent in his direction. "<b>ya rude, brute. are ya deaf 'er dumb?</b>" she spat defensively, her muzzle jerking out of the way of his attempt to dominate her. she wasn't in his pack, he had no right to even come close to her.

the ginger girls patience was growing thin. the male before her seemed unpolished, and it grated on kali's nerves. auds pressed back against her skull once more, though this time in defiance rather than defense. hackles bristled, jowls parted ever so slightly - she had practically felt the air snap with his teeth and it made her skin crawl. no, she had been dealing with this for to long. with males like this. overbearing, the ones who acted before trying to resolve anything. kaede had been just like this. kaede had hurt her. he had hit her, tormented her soul for to long. the logical edge of kali's brain had begun to shut down. she didn't care that he was merely being cautious, that perhaps he was trying to protect his pack from a wolf covered in not only her own blood, but anothers.

fear, loathing, bitterness, it welled up in the back of her throat like bile. causing her to choke on the emotions she was feeling and only manage to mutter, "<b>leave me 'lone, oi did nuthin' wrong!</b>" moisture stung her blazing gaze, making her further defiant - not wanting to allow anyone see her at her weakest. shifting, kali began retreating,wanting to leave the borders of this obvious packland and to get away from this mindless brute who wanted to do nothing more than prove his masculinity and dominance over her. well he had none! never! no male, no female would push her so far. no one would ever do that to her again. legs trembled, aching as she scrambled to get just outside the territory marker - her mind numb from the pain in her physique.</span></blockquote>
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>To his fury, she did not submit, and instead chose rebellion. In his eyes, she, as a loner and nomad, had no rights within these borders; beyond them, she could do as she wished for all he care, and act as lofty and superior as suited her. Not here. Not in Indru's lands. Not in <i>Corinna's</i> lands. With a heady snarl, true viciousness injecting into the tone this time, he knew that the decision was made. If she could not accept dominance in a land where she had no rights, none at all, then she was not fit to linger one more moment within them.

More words, strange words, flew over his head, for they were totally irrelevant now. What more could be said than what was already understood between them? Truly, he fancied that he could not have been verbally persuaded to think any more of her than she was presenting herself as; insubordinate, defiant, and dangerous. Had she not been covered in blood, it might have been a little different. He could see the anger and bitterness in her expression, and though he did not make out the words, could hear it in the tone of her voice, but she had no rights to feel that way, to feel at all like the victim.

Thoughts of Kisla, Fenru and Rihael flashed through his mind, and Marsh knew he was doing the right thing.

When she turned to flee, Marsh encouraged her, his snarls rising louder as he matched her pace, snapping at her hocks and heels with all and any intent to harm, if he was able to get a bite in. He would only pursue her to the river, where the pack's boundary lay, and no further, to cement the line between neutrality and the area she should not cross into again.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote><i>I was writing this before Marsh's post, but I've tweaked it, and I'm assuming they aren't moving to quick?</i>

He was minding his business, and having half a mind to take a lazy snooze in the pleasant grasp of warm air when instead something alerted the young man Marsh was about. He felt a twinge of curiousity wondering what the chestnut elder was doing, and perhaps if fact hoping he might want to spar or something. It was something to do to keep himself in shape instead of a lazy, and passing the day by with his eyes closed. He took the fresh trail with an eager wave of his tail hoping if only to find the brute in a good mood. He would soon learn he was not.

The closer his large, black paws stepped the powerful mixture of a female, and blood, lots of blood took a hold of his nose. <i>Shit!</i> What was going on now? It was a no brainer to realize something wasn't right, and his stride became swift, the familiar rise of his temper bringing up his black mane into threatning ridges. <i>What could possibly be going no now?</i> Small irritation bubbling under his skin, he was still surprised how many crossed mark borders, but tried to keep an open frame of mind. Soon he became close enough he could hear her heavy tongue, speaking of her innocence. He had yet to know if it was true, and it was with a graceful quickness he finally came upon Marsh who was intent to see her go, and well she was likely the largest lady he had put eye upon ready to leave.

A furrowed brow his topaz eyes switched back and forth analyzing the situation while keeping up with the moving duo. Marsh was not harmed, but she was covered in blood. <i>Whose blood was it?</i> The question came to mind, and he perhaps gave her a sharp look wondering what she was trying to accomplish. He had little thought he was to be a diplomat here, but it wasn't the first time Marsh's intent was misunderstood.

A deep, short woof echoed loud and clear from his jaws for quick attention. <b>"Marsh!"</b> He called, jumping up between the two, but not so he was to much directly infront of his surperior (more to the side to call attention). A softer look met silver eyes of his friend, and he let out a soft whine of question for a single moment. He did not understand if Marsh was overeacting or having just the right amount, and he felt he owed it to both of them to figure out the true intention of the female. It was then he would look to the mahogony lady. <b>"You, what is your purpose here?"</b> He asked bluntly, and very urgently, though he did do his best to keep any harshness from sneeking into his words. Her answer, as well as the fact if Marsh would wait would decipher is own reaction to the loner.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2011, 08:25 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Brii who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kali Dusk
<blockquote><span style='font-family:georgia'>kali's natural instinct to fight, to dominate and to destroy whatever did her wrong was building up. building up stronger and stronger, it caused her to see red for a moment as the sound of his snapping could be heard directly behind her. due to her wounds, the ginger girl was far to slow at this moment and so his teeth sliced into the back of her forelimb. a cry of pain pressed forth from her ebony lips, an agonizing snarl. new blood trickled to the ground, tainting the earth like a plague. desperately kali pushed herself further, despite the growing weakness in her back legs. but something stopped the other, someone interfered. almost instantly she came to a stop, her body growing taut with caution. the other was younger, a black heathen with urgent words. what was her purpose!? mother earth had called to her! in this grove was where lush herbs surely grew - the perfect place to recover after her accident. but no one asked, no one tried finding out. a growl tore from her throat, though it was edged with a soft whine.

"<b>my purpose? oi came 'ere merely ta rest, ta enjoy the beauty o' muther earth in all 'er glory. oi intend no harm, oi'm jus' so tired.</b>" the words were murmured, but kali had already made her decision. here was not the place for her. she may have been covered in blood, but regardless, half of it was hers. any sort of things could've transpired. the ginger girl could've easily been forced to defend herself, forced to kill - and in a manner, she had been. but she had been met with hostility and misunderstanding. no kindness had been in the males heart upon approach and if they could not give her the benefit of the doubt, then she couldn't live here. violence, anger, power hungry wolves only brought out the worst in her. protection of the pack was one thing, and certainly understandable. but kali was nearly to weak to even walk or run, how much of a threat could she have truly been to them?

aching muscles began to move again as her amber eyes shifted to marsh, then back to the boy. shaking her head, brows furrowed and she turned to flee once more. another place would have to do, for now at least. while the grove was beautiful, it's inhabitants obviously held no kindness in their heart to recognize the hurt, the pain, the sorrow within her soul. kali didn't want to hurt anyone, never. and when she did, it weighed so heavily upon her heart - it could destroy her. even if she was in the right, even if it hadn't been a cold blooded murder. slowly she began to inch towards the outer territory once more, but kept at a slow pace in case the younger, darker male had much else to say. or would he not be able to understand her either?</span></blockquote>
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>Victory was so close. Her weakness shone through in her sluggish movements, but though Marsh was able to acknowledge that she may have been less of a threat than he had previously suspected, it did nothing to soften his judgement. Ultimately, her downfall had been the lack of submission; the blood and even the trespassing could have been explained and forgiven, but he would not permit unsolicited arrogance upon the soil which his leader governed.

Then Triell appeared. So obsessed with what he saw as his duty to see this rogue off, Marsh was as infuriated as he was surprised when the young Tainn interfered, and although the boy did not directly leap between them, the act was the same. Marsh came to a halt almost immediately, afraid he would accidentally harm Triell otherwise... though the notion did cross his mind to snap out at the boy for the uncalled-for interruption of what was coming to the female. Was Triell doubting his reason? Since when did the pack place nomads above their own? Bristling with more than one frustration and injustice, Marsh endured the brief, tense exchange of words between the two, and he was too agitated to even wonder if Triell easily understood her strange way of talking. For a moment, the worry that she would somehow atone herself in Triell's eyes plagued him, for Marsh did not have the ultimate say in this decision, but surely the very fact that he had chosen to treat this wolf as a rival stood for something?

To his satisfaction, the female did the first sensible thing he had seen so far, and chose to turn about and walk away. Marsh snorted, leaving her with a parting growl which told her to make sure that he never saw her again, and then jerked about to leave himself, but not before shooting a displeased glare at the black Tainn first. If he thought he was so much better at this, let him be the one to chase her off. An irritated rumble in his chest, the copper brute stalked away to brood some.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>Marsh's reaction sent a pain of guilt to his heart, but at the same time Triell knew he had to do this. What would have happened to Volkan if he hadn't been there? If Ruiko hadn't the first time he had met her? He did not want to think about it, and he believed he was in the right to see this loner's true intentions.

What if this wolf was harmless? Swift River needed more members, loyal ones as he was sure more puppies would be in hopes come spring. He soon decided in Marsh's eye he was clearly questioning his judgment. Triell could not lie, he was to a point was he not? It was clear the elder male saw it as such, and Triell was almost certain he might reprimand him because technically Marsh could send him away or make him submit on his own accord. Doing the right thing was never easy, and when it was clear Marsh was not about to continue, his triangle points perked up at the mixture of growl and whine from the red maiden.

Her words were certainly a rough tumble, but he understood them none the less. It could be noticed Triell was taking them into consideration, his black mask drawn in thought, and noting the fresh blood which pooled from her limb. Surely if she could have run she would have, and if she would have fought she would have too. A pondering gaze he briefly glanced to her own almost questioning gaze. There was an honesty ring to her words, and his bright eyes seem to soften. He had always believed the grove did not tolerate evil, and when she talked about mother earth he wondered if she had felt the sensation the grove carried when placing paw upon it.

Before he could answer he met the hard look of his superior, and knew like with Indru he had probably lost some respect from Marsh. It was like a physical blow to his chest, far more hurting then if Marsh would have grabbed his muzzle, and pushed him down. Wisely his eyes looked down, as if to say punish me now, instead the chestnut male stalked off, but not after letting his displeasure further known. The Tainn would live with it for now, and turned his attention to the wounded female. A rough sigh mingled with his own irritated growl to himself was given, and he stalked behind her torn if he should merely make sure she left, or further try to speak to her. He was careful to keep a distance.

<b>"Hey, wait!"</b> He called, hoping to see if he had been wrong in his thinking. <b>"Look, we--I mean you no harm! He was just protecting our home."</b> He continued, unsure if she would listen or continue where she wouldn't be bothered.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2011, 10:37 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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