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Lost in Mountains — Lost Lake 
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca smiled releafed as the other said she hadn't heard about them. Good, the second wolf in her life that was get to know her last name... Who was the first one?

<b>"Good then. My name is Rebecca Wheatear, and the original Wheatears were my grandparents." </b>she first told. Simple information, name and little about her relatives, worthless chatting as she called it. Of course it was nice to know other's name, but it wasn't vital information. Feeling more uncomfortable, she shook a little as she thought was she really going to tell about their horror acts to this almost stranger? Too late, she had already told too much to back away now.

<b>"Wheatears have short history in Alaska, my grandparents were the first Wheatrears in there. They leaded their own pack, or crue as it was called. They... Kinda tortured wolves... You know, the other is alive and then you start opening their stomach and pulling inner organs out, not causing dying, punching eyes and taht sort of things, then leave the victim alive on the ground in pain and no chance of surviving. That's not too bad isn't it? Well, they did it to every wolf they encountered, to pups forcing their parents to watch. It really attracted evil wolves, and so their pack were always stronger than others. Hm... I'm probably boring you out, but you're the second wolf who knows taht I'm their granddaughter... I won't tell it to the ones who know Wheatears, they might want revenge."</b>

Now while she told it, she understood how stupid it sounded, just like some bedtime story or something, told little shorten way. but true it was, she ahd lived there, surrounded by wolves who hated the Wheatear family, living undercovered and listening as the adults told what they would do if they would find one Wheatear... It was really nice to know what they would do to you. but her mother and father kept their roots in secret, and Reba had never heard that it would came in anyones ears... And in now days, she didn't worry about it too much, that all happened many years ago, probably most had forgotten it.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Brii who has 16 posts.
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Kali Dusk
<blockquote><span style='font-family:georgia'>as the girl spun her story, professing her name, kali's interested was piqued only slightly. after all, when it came to her own family - they had been anything but saints themselves. these wheatears the chit was related to merely sounded like petty underdogs to what kali had grown up enduring. torture? no, alizabeth and lingo hadn't wasted much of their time with such silly habits. death and war had been their game, and they had been champions. within her veins lurked a monster, her genetics a twisted force of nature that gave kali her venomous edge. while the girl struggled with what was right and wrong, and wanted to be everything her parents hadn't - the fight for supremacy within the body of a ghoul was one of torment. and it was for that reason alone that the ginger bitch had come to despise her legendary parents. after all, what merit did they have within these lands? they were dead, forever, and would only haunt her dreams now.

a laugh escaped her muzzle, ebony lips trembled with amusement. "<b>whatta story, lass. but i 'av naw fear or care 'o yer relatives.</b>" apart of kali realized she might have insulted the other, but at this point, when pain radiated up her spine - the ginger girl could care less. a snort derived from her nostrils once more as those long legs rippled with sleek, malnourished muscle to force herself up from the ground. breathing heavily, struggling with the action, kali shook her physique free of any excess water. fluffing out her coat once more, the femme looked far more appealing to the eye - as she looked fuller and less starved. jaws opened, stretching as she eased the ache there. "<b>tha name's kali, by tha by.</b>" she muttered lowly, not bothering to mutter her last name. what use was it here, among strangers? shoulders rolled forwards slowly as her body shifted to recline before the other ebony chit.

a gentle grin caressed her scarred visage now, wondering what the other would do now.</span></blockquote>
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca sighed in big reliefe when the otehr didn't care about her family lines. She was proud of them, have strong wolves in her family, that could kill without a blink of an eye. But torturing to death was worse, it was... Torturing. Causing pain without reason. Wolves of Alaska had suddenly drop in numbers after Wheatears moved there.
Reba wasn't exactly like them. She killed, she liked it, she wasn't ashame of it. But she wasn't doing it for fun, neitehr she had tortured anyone. As her mother had teached her the joy of killing, specially other wolves, her father had teached that it wasn't right thing to do it if you weren't protecting yourself. Revenge wasn't right thing eitehr, but rebecca wanted it... That made her feel bad girl sometimes.

Kali... Okay! She didn't seem to interested of hearing about how they died... Well, wildfires were nothing special, and it was no surprise that wolves sometimes died in them. So it didn't matter a lot. But Kali seemed to ahve pains... Well, her problem! Why she had done something that caused pain? Why she even cared? Rebecca's mother had had high pain resistance, only broken bones were something to mind about. Reba tried to be like her, but she wasn't, at least not yet.

Thinking about scars again, she started to wonder the words Kali had said earlier. <b>"Have you earned your scars?"</b>
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Brii who has 16 posts.
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Kali Dusk
<blockquote><span style='font-family:georgia'>rebecca came closer once more, and kali found herself becoming slightly edgy. perhaps it was her weakened state, but mentally the ginger wolfess saw no threat in the younger female. it was; however, physically instinctual to be wary of another wolf. ears pressed tightly against her skull, black nostrils flared slightly as those eyes of hers trained themselves squarely upon the black femme. it was her question, though, that got kali out of her defensive stand still. jaws hung open loosely for a moment, contemplating her explanation. kali had fought so many in her four years of life, some of which she couldn't even remember. kaede had been the most prominent violator, the artist to her metaphorical canvas of a body. he had taken pride in each mark he'd slashed upon her face. like cracks, the scars upon the left side of her face ran deeply, tarnishing the vision of her left eye, but not completely.

the rest of her body was littered with smaller scars, the only other really prominent one being the thick gashes upon her right forelimb that resembled that of teeth - large teeth. a genuine smile pressed against her lips, those teeth flashing with mild amusement. "<b>i guess ya culd say that, each one came about frem a scrap.</b>" kali had definitely been in a vicious fight each time, though coming out the victor hadn't always been blessed upon her. but it simply left room for improvement. with every loss, came knowledge - knowing why and how she'd lost. defeat wasn't something to be upset about, although, it did do a number on her horrible pride. often times, the ginger girl had found herself bitter and resentful - sometimes with good reason. but slowly she was learning to control the beastly urges that dwelled within her soul, and for that - kali was grateful to mother nature.</span></blockquote>
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Kali seemed bitter but nice wolf. Who knows what had happened to her. One more wolf that seemed a lot like her mother... Sara hadn't been as bitter as Kali, but she had that sligh hate of life theme going on. She had also been masochist, but in her childhood, Rebecca didn't have any idea about that. Only thing she could understad, was that her mother went chasing wildfires and came back fur burning and she had had fun times with her siblings while turning off the fire...

Reba had always listened very carefully to her mother. She still remembered many things. But one of the most important lessons was, that life is just a big chunk of pain. Wounds are only individual pain sources and that's why they must be ignored. Weird life instructions some may say, but during her mostly poor life, Rebecca had believed them to be true.

<b>"Mom... didn't deserve all her scars. Some of them she had caused herself. I have only one, but I have no idea where it even came form."</b> To Reba, it was horrible thing to understand that her mother, her idol, her goddes, was not perfect. And that was visible from her face. To herself she could just laugh, but Sara... She hadn't deserve her beatiful outlook? Horrible. Shaking he head, Reba tried to get rid of the terrible thoughts in her mind.

<b>"Do you have any advices to give? How could I improve my looks and get scars that I'd deserve?"</b> Rebecca asked, glancing Kali with hopeful look.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">