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Past in the Future — The Wildwood 
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Hope. There would come a third pack. Maybe they could accept her in? But.. <b>"When, where, who?"</b> Tail wagging hardly, moving her entire back body. If she just would behave i the right way and remember the manners, maybe she could get a new family. Friends were friends, but pack was a family. Volkan just seemed little... Odd while giving that information to her. Did she have something to do with it? Who would be the lead couple? How many members were going to form the pack? Who were they? Questions sprinted all over Rebecca's mind as excitement grew at the same time. The lump grew larger by minute, she felt líke she could suffocate at any moment. Licking her nose she stepped on her place, trying to prevent herself from rushing to somewhere by the holden need.

Watching Volkan as she lowered her head, Reba did so as well to be able to look her staright in the eyes. Tail still wagging, grinn hurting her face, eyes sparkling.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>The other wolf seemed to match her actions, which to Volkan, was a sign that she was taking this new pack question very seriously. The intensity with which the other displayed friendly actions was almost unnerving, though Volkan stood her ground, reminding herself that Rebecca had stated that she'd only recently learned the ways of submission and dominance. That was apparently what had caused Indru to exile her from Swift River, and apparently, a similar scenario had taken place at Grizzly Hollow. Then, she realized: this wolf wanted, needed desperately, to be in a pack. And for the moment, she had nowhere to go.

Very interesting. At last, head at an inquisitive angle, she narrowed her icy eyes at the female, tail giving a swish at her ankles as she inhaled to speak. But, what to tell her? The new pack couldn't be taken lightly; she couldn't just go around broadcasting that information to everyone and anyone. After all, what if they told the wrong wolf? Their situation was nothing if not precarious. Just as she knew Kinis had worked to make himself trust her, Volkan knew she needed to do the same before she discussed their plans with another wolf, much less a stranger with a less-than-positive reputation, no matter how friendly she did seem.

<b>"I'm not sure yet,"</b> she responded, her expression pleasantly blank. <b>"There's a rumor that there will be a new pack forming south of here, before the winter."</b> That much was true, save one minor detail, the location of the pack. If she had to lie to protect the pack from someone she didn't yet know if she could trust, it certainly wasn't any skin off of her back.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 19, 2011, 01:03 AM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
<b>"Rumor?"</b> Ears flicked back, head went up, tail stiffened, teeth almost showed. Fear, hid under aggression. Rumor. Horrible thing, Rebecca couldn't figure out anything worse. Rumor had spoiled her family name's reputation for eternity. They had almost killed her family and had killed her grandparents. Rumors were responsible for so many bad things in the world, Reba treated it like a living thing, and she hated it. It was worse than revenge, killing, torturing, war, starvation... Worse than anything in the world. <b>"It's only a rumor?!"</b> Breathign heavily, fear sprinting in her eyes, Rebecca stumbled backwards. <i>'It's okay, no one is not going to hurt you!'</i> she tried to get herself to believe, closing her eyes, shaking like never before. If her name would be known, thanks to the <i>rumors</i>, she would be dead.

Doing whatever she could to calm herself down, Reba lowered her head, eyes now open, wide as plates, gasping for air. Her only hope was a rumor?! The wishful feeling had turned into pure pain, stronger than she had ever felt before. It wasn't the pain you get from wounds, not the pain you feel when you lost someoen you love, it was a new pain, pain that felt like it was going to suffocate you, make you crazy, make you fear everything. And that pain was straightly connected to the word <i>rumor</i> and the lump growing inside her.

Raising her head, biting jaws together, trying not to cry, Rebecca struggled to make the thing clear as glass: <b>"It's only a... Rumor? South? Far from Thicket? <i>Only a rumor?"</i></b>
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Her words caused a very unexpected reaction in the other wolf, and at her visible signs of aggression, Volkan instinctively raised her defenses. Impulsive though she might have been, the trained warrior, though out of practice, had been bred to stay calm under the pressure of a potential attack. Now it was clear, at least in Volkan's mind, why this wolf had been exiled; if she had acted so unpredictably and aggressively in the presence of a leader, she would've been attacked. Whether or not she would be attacked would remain to be seen. Volkan wasn't about to make the first move, but if Rebecca wanted a fight or felt it necessary to attack, Volk would certainly give her what she asked for.

Her head lowered, spreading her limbs to anchor herself better to the ground in case the other wolf charged suddenly at her, claws rooting her to the soggy earth. The silvery ears atop her unkempt head flattened in distaste, though she did not snarl, only kept her gaze trained on Rebecca to watch for any sudden movements. Slowly her chest rose and fell, remaining calm, though her voice was tinged with aggravation. <b>"You ruined your chances with Swift River. <i>Don't</i> make the same mistake with me,"</b> she said slowly, deliberately, maintaining her defensive posture, ready for anything. Hopefully she could talk her way out of this, but quite honestly, she wasn't about to try for very long; patience wasn't one of her strong points, and if this female's behavior persisted, Volkan wouldn't mind earning a few bruises in the name of "protecting the pack."</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Every single sound, every little voice made by wind or small animals in the gorund, every song note from the beak of a bird made Rebecca's aggression to crack. Fear pushing it from inside, possible dangers lurking outside, it started to break down. Piece by piece her fear was shown, at it's reason wasn't Volkan. She didn't pay any attention to her, nor her words. They did reach her ears but not her mind. Not a single glance reached her dark fur. Eyes wandering around, wide open, pupils largened. After every sound, her tail went little lower, until it was between her legs, tightly pressed against her stomach. Heart beating, it felt like it would jump out from her chest, breathing was difficult. Shaking, crouching. There wasn't single drop of aggression left, it wasn't strong enough to hide her fear.

Rebecca had very bad experiences about rumors. It was horrible to stand next to someone that told you gossips about yourself, how they would do to you if they would know who you really are. Listening that all over Alaska, Reba had started to fear rumors with all her powers. She wanted to avoid them, stay away from them, hide when someone talked about them. Now she was afraid that rumors from Alaska had reached Relic Lore, and someoen knew who she was, that someone was going to kill her. It couldn't be true, no one knew her last name and she hadn't heard anyone talking about those horrible things, but Reba was unable to calm down.

Eyes moving wildly around, seeing Volkan in front of her. Reba didn't pay any attention to her defensive body posture, she was prisoner of her fear. But she tried to explain her behavior: <b>"Sorry... Volkan... rumors... just... freak me... out..."</b> her voice was weak, fearful, eyes looking around, body waiting for hits, attacks she couldn't be able to flee or stop. <span class='word'>Lucent</span> was the fear in her.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Stance still defensive, Volkan watched incredulously as the female lowered herself pathetically to the ground in a purely submissive move. As this happened, the yearling's posture softened as her irritation began to give way to confusion, icy eyes never leaving Rebecca, brows knit. The other's eyes darted around frantically, almost maniacally, and Volk could see that something was very wrong here. It was as though this wolf's mind was giving up on her or something, like she was losing it, right here and now. Yet through this craziness she managed to choke out a few words, and the would-be River wolf listened with trained ears.

...Rumors? That's what this was all about? What had been a pretty arbitrary choice of words for Volkan had completely set Rebecca off into a spiral of fear and panic. Quickly the rugged silver female abandoned her defensive stance, for it was clear that this wasn't a battle of dominance or even respect. This was something different, something that reached deeper into the dark female's mind that Volk knew couldn't begin to comprehend. After all, Volkan herself had demons that haunted her, relics of her recent past that were never far from her mind and had caused her to "freak out" like this not long ago at Lost Lake. Whether or not their experiences were similar, she did not know, and did not care to find out. In her list of problems, there was no room for the anxiety of strangers.

Perplexed, Volkan stood for a moment, unsure whether to stay or leave, staring. Finally she huffed, expression blank, brows raised simply to display her lack of care. <b>"Look, I dunno what's wrong with you,"</b> she admitted after a second. This was not her problem. She had her own shit to deal with. <b>"But I do know you're going to have a hard time finding a pack if you let your fear control you like this— so if I were you I'd get myself off the ground and quit worrying. It's hard, but nobody wants to deal with bullshit, trust me."</b> She'd been through it before.

Turning to leave, she looked over her shoulder at the other female, a stern expression controlling her peppered features, yet a contradictory softness in her pale eyes. <b>"The leader of the new pack's called Ruiko. If you find him, he <i>might</i> give you a chance,"</b> she finally revealed, a sigh accompanying her words, words she hadn't wanted to say about information she hadn't wanted to disclose. <b>"But,"</b> she added, paws carrying her swiftly away before she could get herself into more trouble with this exiled wolf, <b>"That's not a promise."</b></blockquote>
Exit. Thanks for the thread, sorry Volk isn't the friendliest of wolves but I had her do what she could :]
(This post was last modified: Dec 21, 2011, 01:07 AM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Still freaked out, Rebecca registered the words. When Volakn walked away, Reba stayed still shaking and wondering her words. She couldn't let her fear control her. Why was she afraid? She was usually stupidly fearless, daredevil that risked her life. And now she couldn't move, because of rumors?

Standing up, trying to look brave to make herself also feel brave. Shaking she still was, air didn't get all the way to her lungs, fear controlling her mind. But also something else woke up, stubborness. She was going to beat that stupid fear. Head up, tail up, trying to show that she dominated her fears. Challenging her nerves,s he looked around and whispered <b>"rumors"</b>. Shaking went worse, legs almost gave up, but nothing attacked her. Of course it didn't. Next time she whispered, the reaction was slightly better.

Spending her time trying to get rid of the feeling, finally, in the evening, yelling the word only caused her heart to beat little faster. It would probably always do like that, but at least she wasn't controlled by it anymore. Sleeping the night on that spot, getting ready to face Ruiko in the close future to get in the pack.
Next morning she woke up, scretched, said the horrifying word once again and walked off to find the brute that could decide about her future.

[Exit. Volkan did more than enough :) ]
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">