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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
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Kade Attaya
Threats conveyed by mighty snarls did not weaken as the intruder quickly began to back away. The male's eyes remained glued to her, burning with a hatred originating from his love for the wolves he'd die to protect. As she ran - for a second time, now - Kade debated wether or not to pursue her, to ensure that she would leave the Hollow permanently, <i>or to kill her</i>. The latter, he decided, was for another day, though by the way the black female acted, her days were surely numbered now. A snort of irritation came as he took a quick, deep breath, exhaling the tension that had taken hold of him.

It was not long before Jaysyek arrived on the scene, quickly assessing and comforting the pups. As the sooty male caught his breath, he took a moment to look around at the faces of the pack himself. Arlette was still a bit shaken - his interpretation of the worry on her face as she looked to him. A soft grin emerged on his previously grave face, and he was tickled that she'd directed any of her attention, even if it were just a glance, to him. He winked at her reassuringly, as if to say "I've got your back, there's no need to worry now." He would be there for her and the others until his own end.

The first impression of the Second he'd yet to meet until today was certainly a positive one, and he couldn't help but to be glad that the male wasn't as hardcore as <i>Elettra Archer</i> (he hardly minded obeying her request to use her full, and royal, name. As far as he was concerned, she was quite worthy of it.) Although he and Raigo were yet to be formally introduced, their ability to collaborate like they had today made Kade feel as though they were going to be a good team, and excited to see how that dynamic would unfold.

Everyone was safe and sound, for now - a temporary weight from his shoulders. However, now that Kade was sure the unknown male scent he'd become accustomed to did, in fact, belong to the Second, there was still a last scent lingering, and it did not belong to any of the wolves he'd met. Who did it belong to, and where had that individual been since winter had taken Relic Lore? As the uncertainties churned in his mind, his gaze shifted to Jayse as she cared for her daughters, wondering if the scent possibly had a tie to the words left unspoken between them...

Played by Shadow who has 123 posts.
No Rank
Raigo Akreon
My apologies for holding this up. <3

Teeth did not come together empty this time, and even as the female turned to flee, Raigo's teeth sank into the soft flesh of her flank. He bit down, satisfaction filling him as he tasted the blood. But he let go almost as soon as he had bitten her, letting her run. But the snarls did not stop, and he remained in his dominant stance even after the black she wolf had departed the scene. The taste of her was strong in his mouth and her stench filled his nostrils and with some disgust he coughed at the ground as he finally let himself relax, shaking his head to rid himself of memories of the black female.

Gold eyes looking up at the sound of yet more approaching paws, he tensed for a moment until he realized that it was Jayse arriving. Had the white leader been here when the black devil had teased her daughters, no doubt Raigo would be dragging the body away to decompose elsewhere. He was not a killer by nature, and had never even spared a second thought on what it would be like to kill a fellow canine, but he was protective of his pack. Smiling at Arlette as she came to inspect him, pink tongue licking her forehead in greeting. He was quite alright, it was her he was worried about. "All better now. She won't be coming back," he reassured, tail sweeping in a lazy arc behind him.

Looking over to Kade now, he sized up the black male, finally able to put a face to the scent that had been lingering about for a while now. Dipping his head, he threw him a small smile. "Raigo Akreon. Thank you, for your help." So mature for a wolf who wasn't two years old, though he was rapidly getting there. His step into authority in Borden's absence had changed his mannerisms, and while he still held onto his youthful mannerisms, he had finally figured out when it was time to be an adult. This was one of those times.

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Played by Siki who has 152 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Trisden Lyall
<blockquote>Like the opening of the pearly gates, so angels spilled forth from the depths of Grizzly Hollow, come to vanquish this demon-lover. Raigo had only been the first, and swiftly Kade answered Trisden's call. She had not previously known what to think of the male, so attached to her mother but such a wild card, a new entity. He had passed Hocus' test, and Trisden had been content to believe him devoid of significant evil - her beliefs had not much surfaced since the event today, in fact - but his running to their aid was only to his credit, and Trisden felt a surge of affection and gratitude towards the male. He would be a fine addition to the pack, indeed - and certainly another source of goodness to provide Trisden with a larger buffer between herself and the evil of the outside world, the evil that sought to claim her.

Together, Raigo and Kade drove the hell-wolf away, and Trisden felt the tightness in her stomach loosen with every foot that was placed between them. As if to symbolise this relief, none other than her mother appeared, further unbalancing the good-evil ratio to tipping point. Surrounded by Grizzly wolves, Trisden suddenly felt as though the only source of badness now came from her, and while that was a disturbing, disquieting sensation, it gave her hope. How could she fall onto the wrong path when surrounded by such light?

<b>"Mother,"</b> she breathed weakly, stepping towards her parent as Jaysyek approached, accepting the lick, needing the comfort desperately. <b>"Yes, now,"</b> was all she could say, for she would not lie and claim that all had been well. To do so was an insult to the evil which had brushed past her, and she was quite determined not to underestimate it again. Theo had already been claimed by it; she would not let it take another. <i>She won't be coming back,</i> said Raigo, and Trisden sorely wished to believe it was true. All better now. The girl watched as Raigo greeted Kade, and though she did not offer them the thanks which her sister did, it was only due to the emotional exhaustion setting in. Usually so independent, Trisden opted to sit as close to her mother as possible, seeking the warmth in her chest and comfort in her scent.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Welcoming the lick of Lettie, and approach of Trisden she could have broken down in tears with her relief seeing their stunned faces. <i>If Raigo and Kade hadn't been there what could have happened to her girls?</i> No, she would hold her head, and keep her feelings underwraps, watching for a moment while her youngest went to inspect the men. But,quick was Trisden to have her full attention, as it was clear she had been the first the intruder had come upon. Nor was she blind not to know the fate of Theo had been very hard to her, another burden the girl thought she had to carry around. Briefly she rested her chin upon the top of her soft head, breathing quiet breaths. Sweeping her muzzle back she held her amber eyes with a gentle look, seeing trouble, and exhaustion in her daughter's eyes. How she wished she could steal all the pain away, and make everything better. She was a mother, not a god and did the only thing she could, sit and let Trisden lean into her for comfort while everyone calmed over the incident.

Then slowly did she look to the heroes, and gave a wide smile of gratitude to them both. It touched her seeing the exchange between three, and it showed upon her face. Quietly her tail would briefly twitch at the Second's words, hoping he was right as well. If the wolf returned she clearly had a death wish because Jayse would not let her slip away again, and likely she was sure no one else of the Hollow would either. Now, she would hope the insolent wolf had learned something; stay the hell away from the forest, and her children. She said nothing further, instead studying Kade's quiet mask wondering if he felt just as shaken.

Raigo was quick to finally introduce himself to Kade, and she was proud watching the simple thing, because it showed how far the yearling had come. She stared with a watchful eye, watching theri body language because it was important to see if they could get along. It seemed so, their teamwork to protect the pack pulling them together, and it would be one more thing to help her breathe easy.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
Silently he watched the exchange between Jaysyek and the girls, a twinkle to the iron hues of his gaze. The bonds between them was like the ice that held the mountains together in the depths of winter - crystalline strong, <i>ageless</i>. The family dynamic that characterized the pack sent a chill through his body.

Just as soon as it would seem that the dark brute couldn't have been any more withdrawn, her mis-matched eyes took hold of him, pulling him close; every time he looked into them was like the first time. There was something inside of Jaysyek that he couldn't quite put a finger on, but he could lose himself, wrapped up within its lack of finality. He wondered if she could see it written on his face - his inability to mask the surge of emotion that churned when she was near - or if she even realized.

The approach of the second inevitably drew his attention from Jayse, but not without a second glance. The Second's smile offered nearly as much relief as watching the late trespasser bolt into the distance had, and Kade mirrored it genuinely.<b> "Very impressive, Raigo," </b>he replied humbly, <b>"-Kade. No problem, not at all."</b> After all, it had been Raigo who had potentially been the lifeline, arriving promptly to counter the black female fearlessly. The young beta's wisdoms shined through his actions, and the brotherhood that was forged by the collaborative victory was something the dark male could be, and would be, very proud of.
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>When salmon colored tongue swept against her forehead, her ears folded back taking the friendly greeting of her friend. It was with more confidence she licked the underside of his chin, leaning back noting his tone of words. She easily believed him, why would the odd wolf come back again? Who would be crazy enough to take on Raigo, Kade, and her mother? Surely no one would entangle themsevles with three angry wolves, as that wasn't even counting Elettra.

White tail wagged estaticly, a sheepish smile from the wink of the newest wolf to Grizzly Hollow. She had hoped he would stick around unlike everyone else who seemed to drift away. So far he had which helped her want to trust him -to like him, but for now she would still be slightly wary knowing things could change. The time bing the young girl was soothed by both responses from Raigo and Kade, and the presence of her mother. No harm could possibly fall upon anyone now. Slowly she seemed to come out of fear's control, and was not as shaken when they'd first arrived. Everything was okay now, and Lettie could easily sweep past the bad to live in the good. It was the easier, less confusing coarse of action.

The youngest Lyall was quick to notice Trisden seemed drained by the encounter, and she plodded over with her yellow-green eyes filled with concern. She was sensitive to her mood, or least trying to be, and carefully placed herself shoulder to shoulder. Her head was hung low, and a gentle whine coaxed itself from her throat. Trisden would be okay wouldn't she?

Theodore's death had seemed a horrible accident, and she only thought she was grieving like the rest of them were.Lettie didn't know Trisden had a secret like she did. </blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Shadow who has 123 posts.
No Rank
Raigo Akreon
Feel free to wrap this up at any time?

Raigo's greeting did not go unanswered, and he felt himself immediately warming to the dark furred brute who had come to the aid of Trisden and Arlette. That alone was a testament to the wolf's loyalties to Grizzly Hollow, even though he had not been around as long as they other four wolves present. Seniority in that regard held little weight with the Second; it was the attitude of his fellow packmates that went far with him. Glancing around at the small group, he smiled to himself. All they were missing was Hocus and Elettra - the remaining members of the Grizzly Hollow clan. Though, there had been the masked scents of Borden out and about, stronger and fresher ones. But the youth had yet to come to meet with his old father figured, and truth be told, he wasn't so sure he wanted to. He just wasn't sure if he would be able to handle that particular confrontation. But looking at the gathered group, he could take some pride in knowing that he had served them - perhaps Borden could be proud of him after all?

Slipping down to his haunches, golden eyes looked to Arlette as she whined. Worry crossed his brow. What was troubling the young girl now? They had turned out the intruder, and it was doubtful she would return. If she did, it would be asking a death wish, considering that not only had she invaded a claimed territory, but she had caused distress to the Grizzly Hollow princesses. And while Raigo had not talked to Trisden all that much, he had found a special place in his heart for Arlette. So as she sat down beside her sister, the youth woofed quietly at her and slowly wagged her tail. It would all be alright. That was his promise.

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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
It was pleasing to know that everyone was safe and sound. Even more pleasing was knowing that he'd finally met nearly everyone. With warm eyes he roved the faces of the children and Raigo, and that of Jaysyek. Safe and sound, <i>for now.</i> Instinctively his attention shifted to the direction in which the rogue had fleed, knowing resentfully that she was still close, even in her attempt to exit safely. With a shake of his ruffled ebony coat he was able to ease his mind, however briefly, but ensuring that the female was gone for good is a duty not to be overlooked.

Silently, the male made his move, quickly in suit of the loner who had caused such a disruption. Before he would be out of sight, he turned to observe the pack once more, his last gaze falling on Jaysyek. <i>I'll be back before you know it</i> were the words written on his dark face, as his cold eyes stuck to the sight of her before the male disappeared into the distance.
