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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Green eyes watched the pair of young wolves before her closely, gauging their reactions to her presence among them. Triell returned the greeting to her chin and began to talk, explaining who this creature was before them. Adonia Velde, a previous member of Midnight Plateau, was now here at Corinna's well marked border's to seek acceptance into the pack. Well that was all very well and fine, but Corinna would not extend her permission to the younger female if she herself did not speak. To which the leader was not disappointed. There was no solecism here, and as Triell fell silent, the white furred lady spoke up. She didn't say much, merely pledged to help where she could. Really, that was all Corinna needed. She didn't know the girl, but that would come with time. More than anything, she trusted Triell's judgement, and if he was vouching for her acceptance into the pack, then his appeals would not fall on deaf ears.

Stepping forward, Cori moved closer to Adonia, body assuming a posture of dominance. Reaching forward, she moved to take Adonia's nose in her mouth and shake it gently back and forth. This would be her sign of admittance to the pack. She could relate to wanting to make a new life for oneself, and hopefully Swift River would provide that for her. "Welcome, Adonia, to Swift River. I'm sure Triell would be happy to show you the sights and get you acquainted with the territory," she explained, her voice warmer than it had been a few minutes ago. Looking at the dark furred male, she smiled at him. "Very few know this place better than Triell does. He'll make a good guide." Moving backwards, she cleared the space, giving them permission to leave if they wished.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>He observed both Cori, and Adonia at his distance, he offered Adonia a confident smile to encourage her, but reamined listening as each in turn spoke. A huge wave of relief came to him, when Cori did not ask anything further but accepted his word, and his friend into the pack of Swift River. A surge of joy swayed his tail back and forth, and he had to hold himself still not to rush slobbered thanks to Corinna or suffocate Adonia by his excitement. He was too old for such things, he would tell himself. It was not till his leader looked to him, complimenting on his knowledge, would he offer her a grateful lick to her chin followed by a sheepish smile.

It was short lived, and his attention drifted to Adonia watching closely as if he might know how she felt now she had a home, a pack once again. <b>"Now what would you like to do, River wolf?"</b> he asked, a playful current to his deep tone. Would she want to see everything? Or was she tired in need of a rest? He waited, his energy evident his wagging tail.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonia Valde
As Corinna accepted her explanation and stepped forward, greeting her as someone new and offering a smile, Adonia felt ridiculously relieved. She released a breath she hadn't even realized she had been holding. She had a family again! The female nodded at the leader's wise words. "Thank you so much!" she grinned. Turning to her black-furred friend, she pondered his question. She was so filled with adrenaline, Adonia didn't think she could even try to rest! There was so much more territory that she could explore now.. so many new wolves to meet.. it was kind of overwhelming! "Show me around! Let's go exploring!" she said, bumping him affectionately as she passed him. The female wolf stopped and looked behind her, grinning and waiting to see if Triell was going to follow.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Tail beat through the air with a wild glee when she accepted the offer. It didn't take much for her to coax him to follow, but he first dipped his head to Corinna before following the now white coated wolf. He playfully bounded behind her for a couple strides, but than bumped shoulders with her before taking off in the lead. Where to begin? He had a lot of favorite spots, but perhaps the den would be the best place to take her now. She might meet the rest of the pack, and if not at least she would know the main location.

<b>"Can you keep up?"</b> He teased, turning his head to see her reaction. Before long he picked up speed headed in the direction of the Swift River pack den. This time he didn't look back, feeling she was likely faster than he was any way.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2012, 06:59 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]