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Dismantle Repair — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
The sulfurous odor of rotting foliage permeated the glen, seemingly untouched by much of anything other than the various winged life forms that congregated in the surrounding tree tops. Perhaps it was this vacancy that was most appealing to the male, who wandered aimlessly through the terrain, looking over the deadened stumps of recent trees with a relative lack of concern for their demises.

He paused momentarily to survey the rolling breezes for any word from the lake, lost amidst the distant mountains to the east. There was something in his soul that longed to be with them, but such thoughts were rushed from his conscious mind nearly as soon as they had surfaced. He didn’t belong to the mountains anymore, or to the waters of the lake or the fog that was such a part of what was left of him. It was a given that there would be an adjustment period revolving around this transition into pack life, and it was beginning to take its toll, slowly chipping away at his sense of individual identity. Part of him knew that this was both a normal and temporary feeling, but that knowledge did not lessen his degree of uncertainty.

The feeling of the mud beneath his feet, slimy and cold and treacherous, was similar to the way his brain felt. Stress was building a nest inside of him, creating foundations with his bones and filling in the holes with mortar of his blood and siding of his skin. Was he going to last beneath the crushing weight of his own expectations for himself? Only time would tell, he reiterated to himself as he pressed forth into the marsh. Memories of the way she spoke and the stories told by her eyes of anguish and torture played endlessly, reminding him again of the parallel between his state of mind and the mud on which he walked. There were so many questions left unanswered, and it seemed as though the more he wondered, the less he wished to know. He was unsure of the quality of his own future, which was now functional only to serve the needs of his pack mates. It was a fair trade—he was sure of this. He did accept the gift of his life to these strangers, because he knew that his efforts—past, present, and future—would not be in vain. Someday, someone, somehow, would benefit from his blood, sweat, and tears, and today that notion was the only thing that kept him from forsaking himself.

He continued through the mire, which now caked his thickening black and silver coat, pausing for a second as he approached a small pool of water, mottled with dying cattails. The transition into the cool water was rejuvenating as it flowed over his back, and he paddled gracefully through it, dodging the aqueous plants and remnants of decaying acacia as they lie untouched and scattered throughout the wetland. The sky was overcast, and he wished that the sun would find a way through the cloud cover to dance upon his dark, scarred mask. He longed for its warmth, and he knew in his soul that he was not the only one. There was a darkness about Relic Lore; it was an unforgiving landscape with nothing to offer to the weak of heart, only an ability to suck the life force from those who were ill-prepared and unexpecting.

The male’s toes touched the slope of the far bank sooner than he had hoped for. He quenched his thirst, watching his precarious, black and white reflection as he dipped his muzzle into the dark water. He had spent enough time wandering, wasting his energy on an endless pursuit of the unknown and its possibility.
(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2011, 09:47 PM by Kade.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: >:3

Perhaps it was her need to run - her hope that.. by putting miles behind her, she could put her troubles behind her as well... Whatever it was, the large white female was racing through the trees. She cut rather close to some of the offending trunks on her right side before narrowly avoiding them. Long legs powered through the world around her, paws sinking into the dead and dying leaves of the undergrowth, spurring her forwards. She could feel her breath pounding in her lungs, the air ripping through her long fur, ruffling injured ears and the longer trail of her tail. A fallen log didn't stop the female, she simply bounded over it - only to resume her breakneck pace - the dead run.

Run from her problems - run from *EVERYTHING*! Faster, her mind screamed at her, Keep going! She felt the terrain change, her paws sinking into a spongier substance, but it didn't deter the female form her mindless path.. only forcing her onwards. Water and muck splashed haphazardly around her form as she plowed through the shallower edges of the marshland. Her ivory coat soon became matted and splashed with both dirt, grime and the occasional green of the moss from undisturbed standing water. Faster, FASTER! Her breathing became labored as she forced herself on - her pace flagging with the added weight of the water in white strands.

A single moment of hesitation - a single moment of doubt... Why was she running? What would it solve? That's all it took, her concentration broke.. and she stopped dead - standing in hip deep water. A single amber eye looked at the mire swirling around her - feeling the slight suction of the bog beneath the surface. It would be... so very easy to let the bog carry her away - snuff her out and bury the shell in the same moment. Nose drooped lower, brushing the surface, her injured ears falling to her matted neck, the thoughts - memories weighing down on the white lady. Who would miss her? Raigo was certainly better off.. without her in his life - at least with Grizzly Hollow, he had Jaysyek and Borden.. The rest of the pack as his support.. a system she prayed would do him well.

Inner musings blinded the femme to the presence of the other wolf..that is - unless he moved from his stationary position of admiring himself in the water, then the movement would bring the listless head upwards - single amber eye focusing on his form.

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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
The miniscule waves of the marsh water seemed to roll in every direction, distorting the image of his dark face. Perhaps it was best that today he not look into his own eyes, anyway, he thought, snickering at himself evilly. The male’s attention was not drawn from his own folly until the sound of a distant splash echoed across the relatively open expanse of the bog. His silver eyes made the first move, darting forward to screen the grasses. Muzzle was low to the water, which, except for his head and neck and the length of his spine, still covered most of his thick, black body. The scent of the passerby was difficult to distinguish, defiled by the rank stink of the swamp, but it was close. Very close.

A chill took his body as the tattered, drenched hairs on his nape and back erected. The rattle of her rasping breaths was the only thing that could be heard now, as each of his senses zeroed in on her cream-colored body, still and in stark contrast to the obscurity of the water. Kade turned to face the stranger, weight shifting forward as adrenaline was pumped to every end of his body. A deep, low snarl bellowed in his chest, and his lips quivered subtly, revealing brilliant, deadly canines that dared for her to come one step closer.
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Forgive Miss Grumpy Vlar.. D:

The sound of a snarl whipped her head up, single eye watching for the source and locating the other wolf who was snarling at her. Bitten and torn ears laced themselves against her skull as she lowered her head, her own lips drawing back to reveal pointed ivory fangs. Her plumed tail dragged itself from the water, curling soddenly across her back, the longer strands dripping with muck and liquid. The returning snarl she gave rumbled up from her deep chest, trailing off into a thunderous growl. Despite being soaked, the fur on her shoulders, around her neck and down her spine bristled, her legs spreading even in the water.

"Try me, pup!" The voice that rumbled from her lips was harsh and coarse, her single amber eye glittering angrily through a narrowed slit. The opaque orb of her right eye was 'pointed' towards the other wolf, though it saw nothing. The wrinkled muzzle further disfigured her face - making her scars, both old and new seeming even worse. She couldn't tell if the wolf was older, younger, larger or smaller than her - with the pair of them standing in the water as they were.. but she really didn't care... You don't react to someone without intending to fight - or have the same reaction right back...and that's just what she did. No upstart was going to force *HER* away from neutral lands. She was done with being pushed around.

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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
A rumble could be felt as the female snarled back, and he could not help but to nearly jolt at the unexpected sight of a scar, which ran down the length of her wet, white face. Scars like those, though they weren't the first he'd ever seen, were not common by any means; he could have been lost in thought over how she'd come to be marked so, was it not for the adrenaline that coursed through his body. In a sound judgment, the male took a step back, hackles lowering slightly as he blinked the water from his eyes.<b> "That's the last thing you need right now,"</b> he replied honestly, a calm tone to his voice as he considered that she had stumbled upon him rushing from the wood, stopping only as she collided with the water.

She appeared as though she'd seen her fair share of trouble - or tragedy - and there was simply nothing in him that wished such a survivor any harm. The scar of her face looked like what he imagined his insides to look like, a notion that numbed his senses.

His glare met hers, and although he didn't know what to make of the situation, he was sure that there would be no fight today.
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: XDDD Poor Kade.. she done skeered him.

The fact that the other backed away gave Vlarindara an air of victory, but she carefully moved, backing away from the other darker pelted wolf.. Still though, despite his hackles lowering, the white femme kept her stance, in the event he was simply luring her into a false sense of security. "Don't start things that you can't finish, pup." Her ears faced forwards, but her own fur had flattened once again, amber eye watching him.

Vlarindara waited in silence a moment before speaking again, focusing her attention on the other. "Acting in such a way within neutral lands is going to get you hurt one day. A lesson better learned sooner, rather than later."

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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
(Skeered him? Yeah, right. XD)

<blockquote><i>Pup.</i> The female's gauge of the charcoal brute's age was more or less irritating than harmful. Perhaps it gave her a feeling of power, which she too, as she had stated herself, lacked in these 'neutral lands.'

<b>"And who are you to impart such lessons?"</b> he inquired in a cold reply, turning to the bank. He had nothing to learn from her, other than, perhaps, a lesson in the art of mercy. As wet paws met dry land, the male shook the bogwater and some of its stink from his coat, now muddy and disheveled.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jan 04, 2012, 01:05 AM by Kade.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

"One who has seen far too much not to." The white female sighed, lowering her head and ears to her feathered neck before closing both eyes in silence. "...My apologies... I...haven't been quite right since returning.." Vlarindara shifted nervously, reopening her eyes and focusing the left one on Kades' form. "I ..Let's start over...shall we? Vlarindara Windrunner.." She hoped he'd speak his name - perhaps his pack.. so she might be able to find out more about the wolves of the woods in Relic Lore.

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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>Ears that had flattened against his broad skull perked backward at the sound of her voice, which met his ears with a softer tone than expected after their initial exchange. Stopping abruptly, the male turned his muzzle back just enough to glare up at large female's creamy figure with one eye. Proposing a second chance at a first impression, she called her name from across the dark water. Turning to look her in the face, his silver eyes met the face of a woman on the brink. On the brink of falling apart, or coming back together, he wasn't sure, but she was indeed a pitiful sight indeed. With a soft sigh, the black brute turned on his hindquarters and stepped lightly toward her, avoiding the consequence of being suctioned to the mud should he step too heavily. <b>"Kade,"</b> his smooth voice replied, and he decided to offer his last name as a spur-of-the-moment indulgence, as she would be the only wolf to have heard it muttered in these lands. <b>"Kade Attaya."</b> <i>Just returned?</i> Perhaps the female had a history here. <b>"Just returned from where?"</b> he poised the question gently, coming to sit calmly at the water's edge, looking across its surface to the wayfarer.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jan 17, 2012, 12:22 AM by Kade.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Noting that things between them seemed to have calmed down, Vlarindara took a chance and dragged herself from the waters dark surface onto the much more solid bank and stood, shivering slightly in the ankle deep snow. "I...Left the lands for a time - ..irreconcilable differences with the male alpha of my pack." She took a few careful steps away from Kade and shook herself - sending water flying, but was far enough away not to send any of it at the male. "A choice that ended in tragedy - but, I've returned.. and perhaps.. may find myself a new home somewhere. Ah--Sorry, I doubt you'd wanted to hear my life story. I apologize."

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