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Hunger Strikes — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote><i>Gurgle. Rumble. Gurgle.</i>

“Alright, alright, I’m looking for something.” Rhysis muttered to himself with his strong southern accent. He was talking to his stomach of course, trying to calm the torrent of noises it was making. He needed to eat, it was as simple as that and the few hares and mice he caught here and there weren’t sustaining him for as long as they used to, what with his ever growing size, ever moving and with winter also draining him from the inside out- it was becoming quite a challenge not to feel dizzy for most of the day. Thus, he was trying his luck in a more open area, silently hoping that the dried twigs of the blackberry bushes would be appetizing enough for something… Please let there be something to eat around here.

The lanky onyx male lingered in the thick, scratchy branches which surrounded the clearing. His steel coloured eyes narrowed as he scanned the area before him. His breath was held whilst his stomach allowed him a moment of peace, clearly as eager for him to spot something as his brain was. “…Perfect.” He uttered silently as his eyes landed on a medium sized bird, perched delicately on the edge of a branch but a few leaps from him. It seemed oblivious to his presence as it hopped back and forth, trying to pry a branch from the bush within its small beak.

His toes twitched, claws marking the crisp snow beneath him. With his breath still held, he lowered to a crouch, preparing his back legs for a launch which would, with any luck, land his jaws around that birdie’s neck. <i>1… 2… 3!</i> He leapt forward with as much of a kick as he could. His front paws outstretched before him. His black fur was clawed at by the thicket as he dove through head first. Pearly white jaws were open. Eyes trained on his target.
In a blink it was over, the unsuspecting bird lay twitching within his jaws and with a happy sigh he immediately lay down to consume the measly meal. So confumed with the thought of food was he, that he hadn’t even bothered to scout the area for anything else...</blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
((OOC: Just going to powerplay the bird species, if you don't mind. xD))

With the blackberry patch just north of his new den in the cherry orchard, it was an easy trek for the ebony brute in his own quest for food. After a much-needed sleep from his travels, the next item on his list was nourishment. It was proving hard to come by in these lands. Valtyr knew finding prey in winter was not easy. His years on this earth had taught him that much. But that knowledge did little to sate his ever-growing appetite.

And then he spied it -- a black-billed magpie. The black and white bird was fat despite the season it was. His golden eyes flashed as he crouched low, ready to make his strike. He could already taste the meat, the blood...

But a streak of onyx fur, and it was gone.

Valtyr stood up, his hackles raising in annoyance. He stalked over to find another ebony brute feasting upon what should have been his kill. His eyes looked the other male over. He was just as skinny as he was. But he was also young, years younger than Valtyr. The hunger in his belly sparked his irritation, and a snarl of frustration escaped his lips. But there wasn't much to be done about the situation. The other wolf had made the kill, fair and square.

<b>"Damn,"</b> Valtyr muttered darkly, not particularly caring if the other heard him or not. He made his preparation to look elsewhere for his dinner.
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
OOC: Not a problem! :D

<blockquote>From no where another male had approached, looking rather annoyed to say the least. Rhysis had let his guard down, his body so intent on nourishment it had forgotten to check around before feeding and judging by the size of the other male, it was a careless mistake. Rhysis wasn’t exactly small, he was a large wolf but he was lanky and not yet full grown, unlike this other male. His first instinct was to give up the meal and run, like he had as a child when the other wolves would steal his kill- he’d later be punished again by his father for letting them take advantage. Rhysis was a smart fellow, he knew the fights he could win or lose and as a child his “pack mates” hadn’t exactly cared if they injured him whilst scrapping for meat- now he knew which battles he should fight and this clearly wasn’t one…

On the other hand…

His mind kicked back into action. Again, his pale grey eyes slid over the male. With his sheer size he could be quite useful…especially whilst Rhysis was still growing. He needed time to become all that he was- it’s why he had been smiling so much recently, it was far easier right now to make friends and not enemies.

“Shoot. I’m sorry buddy… I didn’t see ya there.” He then spoke in his southern accent. He shuffled backwards, rising up to take a few steps away from the bird before he sat down and regarded the other male, his eyes alight with curiosity. He didn’t fear the other, perhaps with his size he should, but a quick once over told him the other male wasn’t in peak condition either, nor was he overly aggressive else he could have already attacked by now… “I took a bit from the back but you can have the rest mate. My mistake.” </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jan 02, 2012, 11:11 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
As he was turning to leave, Valtyr glanced back at the male. He had looked up. Valtyr glanced at his pale eyes. The younger wolf almost looked like he was contemplating running. If he did, Valtyr would not have felt guilty in the slightest. In his prime condition, he would have not let himself do such a thing, but right now, he was on the brink of starvation, growing more desperate by the day. This other brute was a stranger. It would not have mattered.

But instead of running, the other male became apologetic. His astonishing accent took Valtyr a few moments to process. It was...odd. Harsh. Very foreign sounding. It put him on guard, even though the other male was backing away from his kill. Valtyr considered his options. Tempting as it was, he felt he could not take the other's prize, even if it was being offered to him. The yellow-eyed beast was far too proud.

<b>"No,"</b> he huffed simply in his deep voice. <b>"You earned it. And it looks like you need to eat as much as I do. I'll find something else."</b>

Valtyr appeared more sure than he felt about that last sentence. That magpie had been a brilliant find. Who knew when a meal like that would come around again?
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>He couldn’t allow the other male to leave so soon. His brain had decided he had to add this fellow to his collection. He would make an awesome asset and it appeared that this male was just as hungry as he- a perfect opportunity for some male bonding, no?

“Then might I suggest a compromise instead?” He asked whilst tilting his head to the side. “We’re a pretty sorry looking pair right now, though I hate to admit it… I’m sure you’ll agree.” He snorted slightly at the statement. Admitting a weakness was not something he took lightly, but he wasn’t stupid- he needed more to eat, he needed to know more about this male and the most sensible thing to do would be to team up. Giving him a slither of truth, honesty would go a long way in this situation. After all, he had no current plans to get himself killed… perhaps once his sister had been found and slain, he could use this chap to start up their own pack.

Gah, no time to day dream now.

“So. How about we team up, try to take down something a little bigger between us? I’d actually seen a small herd of deer here a few days back… I didn’t even attempt it alone but perhaps if we worked together we could get some food in our bellies.” He met the others gaze square on, lowered his head slightly and added. “What say you?”

Take the bait… It’d be a beautiful partnership… and more beneficial to Rhysis which was obviously the most important thing. </blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
Valtyr wasn't sure what to make of this male before him. Though young, he would grow to be nearly Valtyr's own size. Except for eye color, they could almost have been brothers. Oh, and that dreadful accent, too. It was still irksome and if he was to continue associating with this stranger, it would take some getting used to. Actually, a lot of getting used to.

He listened silently to the other's proposition. It did seem an ideal situation -- team up with another wolf in need to bring down a larger prey animal they could both feast upon. Do that enough times, and they'd both be in prime shape by spring. But to what end? Valtyr certainly had no other objective other than to get healthy and strong enough to join a pack here. He could not be certain of the other's intention. Perhaps it was the same as his, but perhaps not.

The obsidian male glanced off to the side, pondering the situation. After a few moments, he glanced back at the other male. If it was just a few kills, there would be no harm in that, he supposed.

<b>"All right,"</b> he nodded to the other. <b>"I am Valtyr. And you?"</b>
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila

Rhysis allowed himself to smile and it was almost genuine, the thought of the food that they could bring down together would be enough to get him into shape ready for spring, it they were to make this a reoccurring agreement of course. Ah, best to make the most of the opportunity whilst he could. Though food was scare, they would have two noses at work. His stomach rumbled with anticipation.

“Great!” He exclaimed and excitedly rose to his feet- he might be an evil genius but he was still a yearling. Sure, at 21 months of age he wasn’t a mature adult yet, but he’d been forced to grow up much faster then he should have, especially since his escape from his pack where his murderous father had tried to kill both he and his littermate. What the old wolf hadn’t realised was that in not allowing them a childhood they had the best chance at survival, even at their younger age… still, sometimes a little glimmer of the child within him piped up and like now, he quickly calmed himself and maintained his normal, calm poise… whilst mentally scolding himself for such behaviour.

“I’m Rhysis. A pleasure to meet you friend.” He said with a nod. This was going to be quite a partner ship indeed… and who knows, given a few hunts together Rhysis would know just how well this fellow would fit into his plans- the perfect bodyguard whilst he was still growing, the perfect hunting partner to help him grow…perfect, perfect, perfect.

“Well they were over the other side of the clearing when I spotted them- maybe we should head in that direction, see what we can find?” </blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
Valtyr eyed the other male carefully as he sported a wide grin and jumped up with enthusiasm. His joy almost seemed contrived, unnatural. It was puzzling. But he quickly remembered the other was not nearly as old and experienced as he. Naturally, he would still carry some pup-like characteristics. Valtyr remembered how his own yearling pups had acted and took note to remember it.

He nodded at the other's name. It sounded odd with his accent. On the whole, Valtyr considered the obsidian male rather strange, but he did not cast judgment upon him. He had offered his help in catching prey for them both, after all. As long as he proved competent enough for his age and experience and did not lure a deer into ramming him with its antlers, Valtyr would put aside his rather silly concerns. Besides, it was just outward characteristics he was noticing. To turn the other aside for something so petty would be quite the <span class='word'>solecism.</span>

His glittering eyes gazed in the direction Rhysis was telling him about. He tuned his ears and his nose for signs of the prey that had been spotted. He was turning up nothing, but then again, he had said it had been a few days. Perhaps the herd had moved on. Glancing back at his new hunting partner, he nodded.

<b>"Lead the way."</b>
(This post was last modified: Jan 04, 2012, 01:14 AM by Valtyr.)
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
OOC: Is it ok to find the deer quickly? Following scents is so tedious! xD

<blockquote>Rhysis nodded. It was clear the other male wasn’t really one for talking, or if he was, he didn’t want to say much to Rhysis. Still, as long as this big guy was capable of getting some food in their bellies, who was he to complain? He had to make use of what he had, and right now, he had a huge black wolf who was just as hungry as he… he actually felt a little happy, sadistically happy, but happy all the same.

“Sure thing.” He added as he turned to face the direction he’d last seen the herd in. He had very little hope that they’d be there now, with food so scare for them all he had to assume they’d have moved on… but with any luck they’d still be in the area. “I think we should keep to the thickets.” He said as he began to lope off back into the area he had sprung from. Surprise was going to be key here and with the little wind in the air to carry their scents they were going to need surprise on their side.

He didn’t glance back, his hearing would tell him if the other male was following though he suspected if he was as hungry as Rhysis was, he’d be close on his heels. With that thought in mind, he lowered his nose to the floor for a moment and began to sniff, hoping to find some trace of fur, dung or even fresh tracks in the crisp snow.

And it seemed luck was on his side today, first the bird, then this male and now standing twenty foot before him were a small herd of deer. Not many, around six in total but that was plenty enough. Edging his way to the thickets edge, keeping close to the floor and his ears perked forward he waited.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
Valtyr took off after Rhysis, not particularly bothering to track down a scent. It seemed the younger male was willing to do that much on his own. He loped along, not too close but not too far from the other. Feeling only a slight twinge of guilt, Valtyr had to admit to himself that it was rather nice to let someone else do a bit of work for him. Rhysis was young and enthusiastic. And as Valtyr's own father used to say, "Your legs are younger than mine!"

Soon enough, they came upon the very herd Rhysis had mentioned earlier. He crept along with Rhysis, attempting to be as silent as possible -- not always an easy thing to accomplish with his large frame. But years of experience had taught him how to meld in with his surroundings, to be nearly invisible to the prey. His gleaming yellow eyes studied the small herd of six. They were mostly in good health, considering it was the dead of winter. There was a smaller one in particular, though, that caught Valtyr's eye. He sampled the air to learn more. This particular deer was old and frail. He watched as it feebly stood up on its hind legs, attempting to strip bark from a nearby tree. Its coordination was very much off. It wouldn't last much longer like this, anyway.

He glanced over at Rhysis, signaling the target silently. In the presence of the prey, there could be zero talking. All communication had to be done the old-fashioned way. At least, that's what Valtyr was taught. With his tail, he sent the message to the other male to go to the other side of the deer for a pincer attack. He hoped the younger male was used to taking orders and wouldn't screw this up. Valtyr had far more experience under his belt, and he would be furious if Rhysis decided to just go for it. Feeble as that old deer was, it was not without strength and speed.