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Hunger Strikes — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>It wasn’t often these days that he took orders, but with another gurgle from his stomach threatening to blow their cover he nodded and slunk off in the direction the other suggested. The truth was, he hadn’t really been on any big hunts. He had been with his pack hunting yes, but only to observe and to ‘keep the hell outta my way’ and then make do with whatever scraps were left afterwards. He’d been honing his skills by catching birds, hares and anything else which wasn’t likely to injure him but this… this was his first deer kill and he was somewhat excited. He almost felt alive with the adrenaline rushing through his blood as he reached his positioned and crouched low.

The target was obvious, the sickly looking deer who was way past it’s prime- they were probably doing it a favour ending it’s life swiftly to save it from starving or freezing to death should this harsh winter continue as it had been. It was a wonder he had survived this long actually.

He kept the trembling growl of excitement to himself as his paws got a good grip of the earth. So far they had been undetected; the element of surprise was still with them. Now he just had to pick the perfect moment…

Rhysis took a last glance over at Valtyr and nodded, letting him know he was in position and ready for the signal. He was to let the older male lead. Though he had a huge ego, he also had a huge brain and knew the other male would have more experience through his many more years on his planet; it would be foolish to take the lead at this point and lose himself a meal and potentially a pack member.

<i>Ready… Steady…</i>

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
Valtyr was pleasantly surprised when Rhysis took the cue to change positions. He was glad the other was not so stubborn as to reject the onyx brute's plan of attack. Either he recognized Valtyr had far more hunting and/or life experience under his belt, or he was simply too hungry to object otherwise. It didn't really matter either way. Rhysis was cooperative, at least for the time being, and that was what he needed at this very moment. Well, that and nourishment, but the latter would soon be available.

Flashing his gleaming eyes at Rhysis to signal the attack, he leapt out from the brush. The deer scattered in panic, but the old one's reflexes were far slower. By the time it had started to run, Valtyr was already on its heels. He looked for Rhysis -- he would let the younger male have the glory of the kill bite. Reaching out with his mighty jaws, they clamped on one of the deer's back legs while managing to avoid being struck by the sharp hooves. The deer bellowed and tripped -- exactly what he wanted. Rhysis would be able to move in for the kill shot much more easily.

If this turned out to be a successful hunt, Valtyr would be feeling much more inclined to stick around Rhysis as a hunting partner for awhile.
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Rhysis caught the flash in the others eye before the larger male plunged into the herd. Gah! This was exciting. His adrenaline was pumping, he found it hard to keep his paws still as he took a few seconds more before pouncing out from the thicket he was hiding in to dive into the thick of it all.

The deer had begun to scatter but Valtyr hadn’t faltered from their mark. Though he was inexperienced, instinct took over and Rhysis pounded the ground as hard as he could to gain ground.

The other deer hadn’t even looked back as their target was snagged in the larger males jaws and Rhysis took that moment to add a last burst of speed to his pace to bring him to the front flank of the animal and with a final push of his quickly dwindling energy he launched himself at the animal’s neck. And as luck was have it, the animal began to fall just as his pearly whites made contact with it’s soft flesh. Rhysis allowed himself to fall with the animal, letting the momentum drag him down but his front paws caught him before he landed face first. With his jaws clamped down tight he glanced to the other male, with a look of uncertainty, perhaps even for reassurance he was doing this right- this was his first real hunt, his own father had never shown him how this should be done.

His jaws were positioned over the jugular, he could feel the animal struggling for its last breaths whilst it’s eyes were wild. Horrible noises bellowed from the animal as it gave a final fight for life. Rhysis felt not pity for the <span class='word'>sprat</span>… it’s death was about to make him feel very much alive.

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
Valtyr was pleasantly surprised at just how smoothly the kill had gone. Textbook, really. The two of them should teach pups to be so efficient.

As the deer fell to the ground with Rhysis locked on its throat, Valtyr lunged to the deer's nose and mouth, clamping down with his powerful maw to speed its parting. Valtyr always did feel a bit of guilt when he took another life to sustain his own. Though the joy of feeding was great, and the feeling of life returning to his body was incomparable, he wished they could have a swifter death with far less suffering. It looked so painful to die, so agonizing. The obsidian beast dreaded it with all his might, even more now that his entire family was gone, their spirits fled before his very eyes.

Finally, he felt the deer release its final breath. Holding on a few moments longer to ensure it was gone, Valtyr silently thanked its spirit. A silly tradition of his, and one he never shared with anybody, but it gave him some solace, at least. With that, he tossed his head at Rhysis, flashing a smile -- a real smile, not the fake one he'd been plastering on his countenance for the last few days.

<b>"Good job. Dig in."</b>

With the ravenous appetite only a half-starved wolf could have, Valtyr gladly took his own advice.
(This post was last modified: Jan 07, 2012, 12:45 AM by Valtyr.)
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>As the deers life slipped from its eyes he felt pride like nothing before. He’d done it. He’d brought down his first large prey. Who would have thought after being exiled that he’d even be alive now, let alone bringing down large prey with another? He felt just wonderful! Glancing to the other male he couldn’t help but grin, it made his handsome face look much more natural then the forced smile he usually had plastered on his mug.
Valtyr was a lucky find to be sure and there was no way he could let this guy go now. He was older, more experienced and seemed to keep talking to a minimum which is something he could get along with just fine and dandy. It meant he didn’t have to act so much which was a refreshing change. It made the <span class='word'>cimmerian</span> weight on his shoulders lift ever so slightly... this could be his first packmate.

At the compliment he nodded his head before his eyes locked back onto the dead animal at their paws. Whilst he had never brought down a kill, that didn’t mean he didn’t know how to eat it… what made it strange however, was the fact he was permitted to dive in first- like an alpha male would and the thought made him beyond satisfied. Alpha Male… it suited him, he thought. Rhysis didn’t need to be told twice before he dove right in, jaws tearing at the soft belly of the animal, stripping away the fur until the flesh and insides tickled his taste buds and he began to wolf it down. Making sure to leave enough room for the other male to enjoy of course- evil though he may be he wasn’t without manners… or common sense.


[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
((OOC: Unless you have anything important for Rhysis to say to Valtyr, methinks this is my exit post.))

Valtyr was positively giddy. As he ate, consuming pounds with each bite, he felt life returning to his weary body. His empty belly rejoiced as the food came to it, easing the pain of intense hunger. No mere hare to simply quell his appetite for half a day -- no, sir. Though he was sharing the kill with Rhysis, they could not consume the entire body in one sitting. Valtyr made his plan to hang around the corpse and return to feed on it as often as possible. He must grow strong and healthy once again. It's what his family would want for him instead of languishing away in some foreign wasteland of a place, alone and miserable.

Finally, Valtyr had had his fill. He could simply not take another bite. Glancing over at Rhysis, he licked at the blood on his chops. They had made a good team. Perhaps they could meet up another time or two to help each other. Valtyr did not intend on sticking around as a loner for much longer than that, so they might as well try to help one another until then.

<b>"Thank you, Rhysis. I think I'll go and sleep this meal off for awhile. Seek me out whenever you'd like to hunt again."</b>

With a nod, the obsidian brute turned and slowly jogged off into the thicket, not planning to go very far before finding a nice spot to stretch out and sleep. And it would be the most luxurious, peaceful slumber he had had for many months.
