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Let's do this again — Luna Hill 
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Snow spotting the ground. Dead grass sticking under it. Not so beatiful right now, but Luna Hill was probably beatiful place in the summertime. Green grass, green trees, butterflies, birds singing... Now it seemed pretty dead. The snow that had fell over night was almost melted away, it was too warm for it. Ground was moisture in that bad way, and the landscape just wasn't so beatiful.

Rebecca had traveled hear from her den to meet Ruiko. Now she was sitting alone, under the tree in top of Luna Hill, waiting for him in the muddy ground. Snow felt so cold to sit on... Ears turning around, trying to figure out was there any animals moving nearby. Squirel juped in tre branches above her, birds flew off from their sitting places, but nothing else. Where was he? Had she mistaken? Well, at least she was early enough, that should give a good look about her.

Taking deep breathe, trying to calm down her nerves, staring forward. This could be the first day of the rest of her life if everything would go smoothly, but she had a lot of work to do. Not jsut now, but also later. And Reba didn't want to fail this thing. She wanted to fix her life back on tracks.

Sitting there, waiting, listening, watching.
(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2012, 07:58 PM by Rebecca.)
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
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Ruiko Tainn
His paws were slick with slush and mud, though he paid little heed to such things. The pads of his paws remained cold as he trudged through the fields, noting the melting snow with mild approval. Ruiko had never cared much for the fields, though if he were to claim territory in either the thicket or the springs, it was likely that they would largely become a hunting ground for the pack at one point or another. Yet the quiet of the winter day offered little to tempt him with, and a quick scan of his eyes stirred the fact that there were no herds to be found in the open today.

His prowl forward stiffened slightly as he began to lope up the hill. His wounds from the ebony she-wolf Elettra were healing nicely, though the cold sting of winter did not help the process. With one quick glance down the slopes of the hill, the Tainn male could see at better advantage up here. With the main intention of looking across the fields at a higher point, instead his eyes were met with the now familiar figure of Rebecca; the she-wolf who’s meetings always proved to be.. interesting. Speaking nothing, the male continued to move upward, his nose bending down once more to where it seemed a herd had been perhaps a day or so ago.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: <i>If Ruiko replies one time after this to get things rolling and Brisk then does whatever he is going to do? Note: last time Rebecca saw Brisk was when she was jsut a young pup. He has changed, plus Reba has forgotten him. So she won't recognize him right away.</i>

Rebecca turned her head when she heard something coming up the hillside. It was Ruiko, hopefully her future leader. Standing up, making sure her body langauge was submissive: Tail down, head down, ears on friendly but honorful position, body sligthly lowered. She couldn't prevent her tail to wagg, but she didn't think that was too bad. Hopefully. She wanted to give as good picture about herself as she could in this situation.

<b>"Hello, Ruiko. Ehm... Sir?"</b> she said doing her best to be polite. It wasn't fully her fault that she was always little lost what it came to manners, but now she was trying to do everything right. Even if she wouldn't do it completely right, maybe he would appreciate her attempts?

Tail wagging, eyes sparkling hopefully, but still you could see that she was nervous. This could be the turning point of her life... <b>"I've.. heard that you are going to form a pack. And I wanted to disgust about the possibility of me being part of it."</b> she said. Nervous, but polite creature standing there, wishing that Ruiko would see her good intensions.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
While his intention had been to drift past the girl, her voice called out to him and the tawny wolf swung his muzzle to her direction. The submissive posture of the dark girl was surprising to the male – especially as the other times he had met her she had seemed uncertain of him.. and quite skittish. The tagged on ‘sir’ was enough to preen his ears forward in mild amusement, though he did not comment on such a thing. ‘Sir,’ was his brother Indru now that his father was dead.

“Rebecca,” he greeted smoothly, his tail shifting lightly in the cool winter breeze. Had a stoical mask not been meticulously placed upon his features, the male might have showed his hesitance to speak to the girl with a set of emotions like a roller coaster.

The reason of her interaction became very obvious, and as the words slipped past her lips the large Tainn briefly wondered who she had come across to learn of such thing; Kinis, Volkan? Aisling? Perhaps even Triell. Either way, it was unimportant. “You did,” he confirmed with a brief nod, his gaze flickering over her briefly. “And what could you offer a pack that has not yet formed?”
Played by Arya who has 5 posts.
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Brisk McDevil
The task. Rebecca. Was the only things on the brown brute's mind. He had no idea where he was, because Relic-Lore. His nose has been following Rebecca's trail. The trail was very old and sometimes it faded away, but eventually he would find it again. Oh, was she a wanderer too. Her trail would sometimes take wild turns and go in totally ridiculous directions, but he kept following it.

Brisk's mind would wander to the task that his father sent him on. Kill the girl and come back. What if he couldn't kill her? What would his father do to him if he didn't kill her. Maybe he could lie and just say he did, but then again what if his father sent a scout following him? All these questions swirled in his head. He tried figuring out what he was going to do, but he just couldn't.

The male kept trotting down the path until the path abruptly stopped. In front of Brisk was a dense thicket. Shaking his head, the male walked forwards. Brisk never really liked thick places, he felt trapped and didn't like being able to see and protect himself. The birds drowned out any sound of other creatures in the thicket with him. Rebecca's trail kept leading him thicker and thicker into the mess. Finally he spotted a small den. <i>Finally.</i> The brute sniffed inside, but the trail was old and the den looked empty. A growl rumbled in his chest and the male looked around for any sigh of the black female.

Brisk's keen eyes found a small trail that was hidden very well by the overhanging branches. It had to be Rebecca's. And sure enough, the red wolf caught Rebecca's trail again. And he was off.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca didn't hurry with her answer, nor she let Ruiko wait it. This was important question, she didn't want to fail it. What could she give? Of course her loyalty and powers, and her hunting skills, knowledge, speed... Everything in her! How do you say that without sounding like some whore? Thoughtful look on her face, tail slowed down, finally staying still. Body posture still submissive. She wouldn't change that.

<b>"What do you need? I have my knowledge, hunting skills, speed, loyalty and my powers. Does anything sound useful?"</b> Rebecca asked, glancing Ruiko under her brows. She didn't really know what to do or what to answer, but this seemed good enough. For now. At least it was the creation of thinking, instead just doing. Hopefully Ruiko would think it was good enough...

Tail started wagging hopefully again.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The swarthy female remained in a submissive state – one that did not exude self pity or sadness, such as what he had witnessed before from her. It was a refreshing version of the she-wolf he was beginning to know, and as she spoke of what she could offer, the tawny male lifted his shoulders in a shrug. It was a list of what every wolf usually said, which was well enough for the regal male. But more importantly than what she could do.. “As long as you are willing to serve the pack with any of your aforementioned skills then you will be a welcome member,” he decided, his eyes sweeping over her momentarily.

The wag of her tail was not lost upon him, and before the girl verbalized her consent to do such things for the future pack, the large golden male moved forward to her now. Dipping his muzzle, Ruiko gently cupped the top of her muzzle with his, accepting her as a subordinate. Pulling back, the male then bowed his muzzle to brush gently along her shoulder, rubbing his scent upon her so no other would mistake her allegiance.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Freezing when Ruiko came closer, but not in fear, just unsure what he was going to do. Tail halted and she held it down in relaxed pose, making sure her head wasn't above his, standing still as he cupped her mizzle and swiped his scent on her. Reba had no idea what this was, her communication skills were poor, but she trusted that Ruiko knew what he was doing. And her instincts reminded her about something that was a lot like this. Good thing.

Rebecca was grateful for Kinis that he had tought her so much about submission and other stuff. Without him, she would probably still be a hopeless loner. Now she wasn't hopeless. Tail wagging positivly, not too powerfully, but telling what she wanted ot tell: yes.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
We can have another thread when/if Brisk re-joins?

The she-wolf stilled beneath his ministrations; an action that revealed to the tawny male that she had learned something since last he had met her, for her behavior was usually out of the ordinary. Pulling back now, satisfied that his scent was upon her for when others questioned her, Ruiko gave a light nod to the girl, his tail giving an idle flick before his gaze cast briefly out across the fields below them.

“The pack is not established right now. We will be in the northern areas of Relic Lore in a few weeks time – the location is uncertain right now. Meet us there.” There was a small pause, his eyes trailing over her for a few minutes. The next few weeks would give her time to dwell on her choice and whether or not she believed she wanted to be a pack wolf. If he saw her after the pack had established, he would welcome her into his home. If he didn’t – he would assume she had changed her mind.

With a slight nod, the regal wolf began to descend the hill, taking his leave from the swarthy girl.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: Right. Okay. Something like that.

Rebecca held her submissive posture till the end, listening his words, locking them in safe place where they would not escape from. North. Good, she liked the north. Sniffinf the air, Rebecca realized she scented like Ruiko. Was that what it had been about? To mark her as his or something? Sniffing herself, yes, that was probably it.

Following him with her staring eyes, nodding when he nodd, but not yet leaving the Hill. She needed to think about this. Pack life was something she was sure about, that needed no thinking, it was some other stuff. Including the scent in the wind. It wasn't Ruiko's, not hers, not anyone's she knew... Or was it?

<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">