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the dog days are over — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Finally it felt like things were settling and returning to normal, as much as they could with winter coming anyway. It was a daunting time and had always been for as long as Indru could remember, these cold months were what really tested a pack and brought them together, no time required a pack to rally together more than winter—especially a pack with pups going through their first. However, Indru felt confident. Swift River was strong, as only a pack comprised mainly of family could be, but he was no so naive to think that it couldn't get stronger, or that other wolves would not help to increase and secure their chances of success further.

The little hidden grotto hidden underneath the falling waters of Bramble falls had always been a favourite location for Indru since he had stumbled across it as a child, he was sure many wolves came by these waters and left, unaware that there was this little hidden alcove back here and it was the secrecy and peace that the leader enjoyed. It was early afternoon when Indru reached the falls and so not to get himself too wet he skirted around the edge of the pool, the slippery rocks marking the feet of the mountainous serpents pass, and rushed through the flowing stream, pleased that only his outer fur got wet which was easy to shake and then quick to dry.

After pausing to listen, ignoring the crashing of the water into the pool below for the time being, he tried to identify if he could hear anyone outside who could have potentially saw him dart it. With a quick shake of his head he deduced it was a lost cause, there had been no one around when he had checked but the downside of the grotto was that in ways he was rendered blind—the water acted as a barrier for both his nose and ears, masking both of his key senses until they were almost useless, an alien feeling. Dipping his head down he lapped gently at the water before he turned, pushing himself deep into the grotto and rested on his haunches, his fiery eyes closing briefly as he allowed himself to just enjoy the solitude the falling waters brang.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He felt content, even though he was very far from home. During the summer he'd stayed up in the mountains, but the chill drove him down. His coat wasn't thick enough to stand the winter weather and so he'd strayed wide and far, eventually ending up further north. He'd met a couple of wolves, and found social interaction just as daunting and strangely exciting as he remembered it to be. After his meeting with Linara he'd continued to stray around, feeding on small prey animals that hadn't gone to winter rest yet. But, the need for something familiar drew him east, towards the mountain that loomed across the land. With a goal in mind Ice set off, traipsing off along old beaten paths and climbing the foothills with ease. Having lived most of his life in steeper regions, he was quite experienced in walking in mountains. For such a large and sometimes bounding wolf, his steps seemed almost oddly light and sure.

Without really having meant it, he ended up next to the falls. He hadn't known they were there, but scented and heard them from a long way off. And yet, his path had taken him here. Frowning, Ice stood near them, before grimacing and turning away. He didn't like water deeper then puddles or wilder then small brooks. Leaving it behind felt good, except... He'd made the mistake of lowering his nose and catching a scent. Ice stopped where he was. Yes, someone had definitely walked by here. But, whoever it was, was nowhere to be seen... Intrigued, Ice began to follow the trail in one direction, and when it didn't grow fainter, he decided he was going in the right direction. Happily, he lost himself in the simple task of tracking someone else, even though it took him next to the water. As long as he didn't fall in, or had to jump down... He plodded along until he came to a curtain of water. The scent continued past it. Uncertain, Ice stopped and looked up. No, the scent had not gone any other way. A cold spray of water fell continuously on his head, and Ice turned his ears back and keened. Gods, why did they have to go in there? Could you even go in there? There was a wall of water, and only darkness could be seen through the silver tendrils. What if it led to the underworld? Would he die if he passed through?

Ice looked left and right again, changing his stance a little on the wet rocks. Well, gods be damned. His "prey" had gone in, and so would he! Drawing a deep breath, the mind-young wolf narrowed his eyes and jumped through the curtain of water. Wetness rippled down his back and fell down along the coarse outer hairs; he yelped slightly when he plunged through it with his nose, but once he was in and careening madly across the wet rocks and pools of water and had no time to think about that. Finally, he wound to an ungracious halt and blinked in the murky darkness. The waterfall roared outside and the noise bounded around the cave in strange ways. His nose was blocked by its peculiar scent until he sorted it aside and put it out of his mind. What wasn't blocked, however, was his vision. Either through sheer luck or some kind of intervention from the other had kept him from crashing into him. "Uhh... hi?" he managed to get out, while his wide pale eyes stared at the other in the semi-dark of the grotto. Here he was, almost pressed up against a wolf equal of him in size, but something about his air made Ice want to curl up on his back and hide his face in a dark corner. Uncertainly he kept his head somewhat low and titled, looking up at the other from the corner of his eye while he crouched down ever so slightly. Even his tail, normally ridiculously full of swaying energy, fell. Gods, brilliant, here he was, playing a game of chasing-the-unknown-wolf, and almost jumping into it. By the stars, you're a fool. He could've picked better "prey", couldn't he?! Not someone that felt as if it could smother him with the sheer weight of his burning eyes... Groaning quietly to himself, Ice hunkered down another fraction lower and took a hesitant step backwards, more or less just reaching out one hind paw and rocking back on it.

And woe, here ends the tale of Ice, only three years old when about to be slaughtered by a ferocious cave-wolf with fire in its eyes ... or not.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Haha, Ice is brilliant. :D

Not too long after Indru had begun to settle in the small grotto did a small noise, a soft scattering of rocks or the scratch of a claw upon the slippery surface outside, catch his attention. He froze momentarily with all senses straining as tried to catch another hint with his twitching ears—it could be anything and equally it could be nothing of importance, a wolf passing by perhaps or not even that, it was not uncommon for rocks to fall from the top of their own accord. He waited a moment further before, unable to hear anything, he shrugged and shuffled over slightly, the tips of his fur pressed against the cave wall. Just as he had begun to relax once more a yelp echoed around the grotto as a large, grey wolf barrelled through the curtain of water, slipping and sliding as he did so. Instinctively Indru had pushed himself up tighter to the cave, avoiding the oncoming and out-of-control male but in response he barked sharply; a clear warning if there ever was one. The abrupt intrusion caused Indru's fur to bristle and a preparatory growl rumbled in chest, inaudible as of yet to the strange male, but as Indru watched him, fire in his eyes, the surprise of it all began to subside.

The lone wolf—for Indru had inspected the scent he had brought with him gently with his nose while he had watched—spoke and the uncertainty was clear in his voice yet Indru did not offer a response yet, still wary of this male who had announced himself so unexpectedly into his presence. Quickly though he noticed the males head drop and he crouched down lower and even though his wide, pale eyes continued to stare at him and offer those mixed signals Indru return the gaze with his owns, meeting the pale gaze with equal parts fire. Who are you? Though Indru's voice was abrupt his tone was neutral, it wasn't drowned in friendliness but it wasn't entirely hostile either. Gradually the lone males posture become more submissive and instinctively, the leader in him taking control, Indru's became more dominant in response—his head rose slightly and his tail which was one hanging stiffly at an awkward angle began to drift more level with his back. If there was a wolf here accepting, and in a way offering, Indru to take the more dominant role in a neutral territory there was no way the leader instinct in Indru could refuse.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Breathe. Breathe. Damn it, breathe!

It felt as if the air was stuck in his lungs, packed together and creating a sensation of choking. He rocked back further as the male approached, and tentatively Ice exhaled. Adrenaline rushed through him and every sense was alert, perhaps too alert - even the faint sound of Indru's claws across the cavern floor was too loud in his ears. For more reasons then one he let his ears fall back, and even though he kept a submissive pose he let his eyes bore into Indru's for a moment. They stood, locked and rigid, fire meeting ice and as always such meetings end in snowmelt. The large, albeit younger, male let his gaze slide away. Ice fought down the urge to keen and roll over. Instead, he tried to steady himself in his crouch and inspected the leader's paws. They were...large. They had large, though blunt, claws. They were wet. And large. And far more interesting then his face. Yes, oh yes. Not the face, the paws! Always the paws. He yearned to crane his neck up and stare at his face again - faces were more interesting - but he fought to keep his eyes down, tried to convince himself that paws were the prettiest things he'd ever seen. Especially Indru's.

At the question, Ice hesitated for a second. Well, he was inclined to agree - who was he? Was he a name, or a wolf, or a rank? That he was a wolf was obvious, plus that was more of a what are you. That he was a loner, well, unless the other couldn't smell, it ought to be obvious too - just the way that this grotto-demon smelled of a thousand other wolves. No, that was an exaggeration: but he certainly didn't smell only of himself. In the end, he cast a quick glance at Indru's face and blurted out, "I'm Ice.", and then he looked down again. He fidgeted and drifted sideways like a bank of fog, hugging the wall and looking at the pack-wolf from the corner of his eye. He was still alive, that was something at least, and the other male didn't seem too interested in wolf pie for dinner. At least, not yet. Sometimes, he really wished he could rein in his straying thoughts and his uncivilized tongue: at other times, he loved to be carefree. Sighing softly to himself he looked up briefly, but still from below. A rather morose expression adorned his face. "I, uh, didn't mean to find you like this," he mumbled, before frowning. "Except, I didn't mean to find you at all. I mean, I wasn't looking for you, I was just following your tracks - I guess that's not entirely true though, because how could I not look for you if I followed you? I, uh, oh, damn it." His voice was soft but the words came rapidly, until he ended it all with a muttered curse and promptly shoving his nose and most of his face towards the wall and refusing to look at the other. He didn't want to see Indru's face as he met his end, for surely he was doomed now thanks to his babbling tongue and silly games.
.ice aesir

xD I'd be surprised if Indru put up with him, rofl.
(This post was last modified: Nov 27, 2011, 09:35 PM by Ice.)
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Well I love him, sooo. Tough! Haha :P

Though the strange male's immediate submissive behaviour surprised Indru—after all the wolf was large himself, though perhaps Indru had a slight advantage, and of course being a pack wolf he was in a healthier condition too. Never the less, it was a surprise Indru wouldn't deny enjoying, particularly if it was compared with recent encounters with lone wolves. Briefly Indru wondered if it was the fact that he was part of a pack (and from his dominant scent clearly a leader), that was swaying the wolf—either way he seemed respectful and that alone made the wolf closer to earning Indru's in return. There was no shame in submitting after all, and clearly it showed how easily particularly unpleasant encounter could be avoided by this appeasement behaviour as there was no doubt Indru wouldn't have taken as kindly to the abrupt arrival of this grey male if it hadn't been for his submissive posture.

When the wolf gave his name Indru nodded abruptly, deciding to supply his own; Indru Tainn. At the rushed, splurge of words to escape Ice's mouth next Indru couldn't help but like a smirk creep onto his muzzle, his head tilting to the side as he tried to decipher them. A silence hung in the air when he stopped, and Indru continued to watch him bemused. So you were stalking me? He began, trying to clarify what the wolf meant while hiding the friendly amusement from his voice. Like I was prey? A deer perhaps, or would I be granted the honour of something larger—a bison maybe? Indru rolled his shoulders in a easy manner as he continued to assess the wolf at his feet with curiosity, clearly he was perhaps more capable at living alone than most with his larger than normal size on his side, but through winter as well? His chances certainly weren't as strong. I lead a pack south of here, near the Swift River that cuts through the Creek. Unsure why he found himself liking this male, at least as much as you could with a stranger that had barged in on you when resting and nearly barrelling you over, anyway. So of course I can only imagine how appealing my scent must be, and this time Indru let his amusement creep into his voice and he reined back to rest on his haunches, though clearly keeping his dominant hold in the situation. What were you hoping to find by trailing me? Company, perhaps a pack? This time the curiosity in his voice was clear and Indru couldn't help thinking that if it was a pack this wolf was seeking he maybe wouldn't mind him too much.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Indru Tainn. Well, what a splendid name, and what an honor, to know the name of his executor! It was only through a rather large amount of self-control that he didn't let the sarcastic statement be said out loud, lest he provoke the large cave-wolf even more. Perhaps this way he'd just die quickly, rather painlessly, but if he provoked him... maybe he'd spend the rest of eternity rotting in pieces. Of course, he was mildly aware that he was exaggerating it all - wolves rarely killed each other, but still.. He kept his face to the wall, still hunkered down low but not yet touching the wet floor. He stood like that, ears back and tail low, and waited, waited for fangs to sink into his flesh and slowly suffocate him like they suffocated their prey. If it really came around to blows, he guessed the other male could bring him down, unless Ice was more experienced at fighting. About that, he had no idea, and he wasn't too keen on finding out either. He'd prefer being quickly killed instead of slowly mauled, as if by an angry bear. Breathing softly, he heard his pulse hammer in his ears, like a roaring waterfall of all things. But as Indru, his now named demise, began to speak... he begun to realize that maybe he wouldn't die today after all. Cautiously, he peered at the other wolf from the corner of his eye, blinking those strange silver eyes. It was not direct eye contact, he was just staring, just a little, looking at his face, his body, reading his signs. Indru knew how to be dominant and he played that role well - the kind of natural, easy aura of leadership that made other wolves inclined to follow.

Indru began to speak, and Ice quickly returned to staring at the cave wall. Caught, he thought with morose despair. Why on earth did you stalk a wolf...? Fool, fool, fool! Thrice be damned games and adventures! You stalked prey, not wolves! He ground his teeth together behind closer lips, jaw muscles bulging. Yes, I know. No need to tell me I'm an idiot. For an idiot he was, and there was no denying that. He made a rolling acknowledging sound that drummed in his chest, much the same way a growl was created yet obviously not a growl. But then talk went from prey to packs and Ice found himself startled enough to blink his peculiar eyes and return his gaze to the wolf. Swift River. Creek. Water. He recoiled slightly towards the wall. He liked water when it was shallow and nice, like creeks, or frozen, like the Riddle Heights. He did not like rivers, especially not swift ones, and his face took on a comical and rather sorrowful expression. Of all things possible, did the wolf have to lead a river? Something in him found it oddly fitting he be dragged off and drowned in the one thing he really did not like. His face fell and he, too, slumped down on his hind end, although his pose was a lot more slouched and low, his front legs bent to keep his shoulder below Indru's. But he continued to talk, and it began to make little sense. What was he getting at? For once, Ice attempted to exercise his brain. Was he trying to hint something here? Ice's downcast eyes narrowed as he stared at those large, fine, deadly and painfulbeautiful and worn paws. Stubbornly he stared and listened. Indru sounded amused. Curious, even. And practically accused him of wanting company - if you could even accuse someone of such a thing.

Ice held quiet for a moment longer, still not entirely convinced this wasn't his last day alive. Indru seemed to have relaxed, and for that he was grateful, but all this talk of fast water and packs... it made him slightly on edge and really set the rusty wheels spinning in his head. Likely, they'd slip off their centers and go careening out into space, leaving him more loony then he already was.

Winter was coming, though. It had already driven him down from the Heights, where it was a tad easier to find weakened caribou and bring down. Down here, things were healthy and to keep yourself well fed on small prey, you had to hunt more, which took more energy, which required more food, and it spun away in a vicious cycle you always had to try and keep on top of. He could think of better things to do - lazing in the sun for one, but.. rivers... His face fell even more and he stared morosely at Indru's paws. "Well, yes, maybe, sir, no," he said, before finally settling on just how much he was going to please this wolf. Well, pleasing others be damned: Ice was honest. And courteous. Except, he failed at that all the time, without even noticing it himself. "I did stalk you," he admitted. Wolves were not for eats, though. Bad Ice. "But I don't like water, unless it is frozen. And, uhm, as for what I hoped to find.. I never really thought that far, Sir Indru." He shifted away, burying most of his face towards the wall again. La la la la la, I don't exist... His head titled back and he spoke to the ceiling, eyes trained at some point that was not Indru. "I do like other wolves though," he told the cave roof. A second of silence passed before he added, horrified: "But not for eating! That was not why I was stalking you, sir Indru, you must believe me!" Wild-eyed, he actually spun around enough to stare, aghast, at the other male. Ice Aesir did not eat other wolves! .. well, he did eat their paws with his eyes, but that was another thing. His jaw worked but no sound came out, until he said in a small voice: "But maybe, unless you eat other wolves, maybe I could-" Close my eyes and pretend there are no swift rivers? "-stay.. with you.. sir Indru?"

Or, he had miscalculated the entire situation or greatly underestimated the patience others had with scatter-brained weird wolves. It seemed the cold climate of the Riddle Heights had frozen his brain and there was not much use for it, except sputtering nonsense, more nonsense, even more nonsense, and a request to join a pack after telling the Leader you do not like water and that you do not eat wolves, even daring to bring up that he might eat wolves; although, coming out with the rest of the nonsense Ice spoke, it was obvious it was a pretty harmless and very unfounded thing to say, not even a suspicion nor a proper accusation.

Great, very great. Good job, Ice. I'm absolutely positive this will work out awesome...right?
.ice aesir
(This post was last modified: Dec 02, 2011, 08:41 AM by Ice.)
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
All geared up to reply last night and we had a storm that knocked out our power, and thus internet, oh the joys of country living. My bad, so sorry for the delay! <33

Indru's head, titled slightly to the side in his curiosity of the wolf in front of him, was the only movement of the leaders once he had started to talk in a near-incoherent ramble once again. After he had paused Indru battled for a few moments with an amused smiled, pleased when he managed to keep his face stoic and rather devoid of the real humour he was feeling. Well, he began carefully, peering around him as if in considerable thought, it is lucky for you that wolf is most certainly not on the top of my 'favourite things to eat' list. The leader paused once more as his thoughts returned of home, and more specifically that small swiftly flowing river that ran through it. While the Grove was surrounded by a larger river that seemingly acted like a shield around the forests' boundaries, the one that flowed through is home was a smaller offshoot of this, and much less 'dangerous'. I would be absolutely amazed if you came to any kind of harm in the river through my pack's territory, especially a large wolf like yourself. My pups don't even bat an eyelid running through the water, so you most certainly have nothing to worry about. This time Indru let an amused smirk break through his carefully constructed façade as the mere thought of Ice trying to drown in the river (as it would most definitely require him to try hard) was just too amusing to fight.

However, preliminaries (and a little teasing) now aside, there was undoubtedly a larger issue to consider. A home? I could give you that. The pack is a strong one not just composed of adults but generations, too. A pack that had birthed young — and in this case raised a previous generation of them too — had already demonstrated its strength and longevity. Though in return for us letting you join our family, hunt with us, feel the security a pack brings, what would you offer? It was hard to judge a content of a wolf's character from one single meeting alone, but Indru had found no reason to refuse this male, he was respectful and though he seemed a little afraid Indru did not feel that he was cowardly. He wanted loyal wolves in his pack, who would pull their own weight and protect their pack members like they would him, and though he found himself believing that Ice had the capability to do this he wanted to hear it from the wolf's own mouth. As he waited for the males answer Indru's body posture changed just slightly, taking on the role a leader would to an subordinate and further, seeing as it was acceptance this wolf was seeking and something he had not earned yet, testing to see if his instinct was to accept him as his leader or challenge it, like some would and had.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Too serious, he was too serious and it had Ice worried. His pale eyes were wide, the whites showing faintly around the dark rim of his irises; mouth open, lips relaxed, he stood as if trapped by some time-spell. Hunched, low of shoulder and tail, but yet staring all the same, though with a vacant expression on his face. He's too serious. He's going to eat me alive. There was no other way, he saw that now - all of this had just been some sick cannibal foreplay and now he was going to die. If Indru didn't mean to eat him, he would laughed or smiled or hit him - not stared with such a stoic face, as if there was nothing amusing at all in the world. And if he is not joking... that means... yes... He wanted to whine and back away but he held still, frozen in position, and not once did it occur to him that he was mentally rolling over to be eaten without a fight. He almost shouted, "no more! no more!" just to get it over and done with, but whatever strange thoughts that held him paralyzed had, fortunately, done the same to his tongue. Breath rolled in and out of his body, otherwise he was unmoving, just waiting for the sentence to fall and a horrible doom to cleave itself to him.

But that which came... was not what he had expected. Indru began thoughtfully and Ice wanted to sink through the floor as he saw the wolf peer around himself. No one here to witness it, nor to contest about the flesh. Were wolves even tasty? He'd never tried to eat one so he didn't know, but perhaps they were, and once you'd gotten a taste for it you just couldn't stop? But, his train of thoughts was brutally stopped with the next sentence, and for many more seconds he stared, straight ahead, unmoving, hardly able to believe what he'd heard. ".. really?" he whispered weakly as his hind end sank down to the cold, damp cave floor again. A tremor of passing adrenaline went through him, and he gave his head a quick little shake to clear it. He's not going to eat me. You're not a complete fool. Only through speaking again did Indru stop Ice from blurting out you had me worried, a fairly tactless thing to say; the next moment though, he wanted to bounce around and lick Indru in the face and shout that he was so happy, so happyhappyhappy that he wasn't going to eat him! But, he didn't do that either, for his ears had Indru's voice trapped in his mind and he sat respectfully still, gaze once more on Indru's paws. "I would be absolutely amazed if you came to any kind of harm in the river through my pack's territory, especially a large wolf like yourself. My pups..." Pups! At that word, his ears shot up straight on his head from their back position, and his tail gave an unthinking thump. Pups! Adorable little furballs of fur and...fur! The large childlike wolf felt like bouncing around the cave again but kept still, his body remembering itself and pushing his ears back to his skull.

He barely heard the rest of what Indru said about not having to worry; his mind was still stuck on pups although the rational part of him told him that they'd be close to a year by now, depending on when in the season they were born. But still.. pups! From the moment the word had spilled from Indru's mouth, Ice was sold, heart and soul and body.

It actually sobered him a little, and some of the goofy, loony expressions on his face fell away and became thoughtful; his eyes even so, they seemed to sharpen just a tad as he studied the leader's paws. He'd asked for a place with this wolf, and now he was being offered it, and if he went through the rest of this meeting as a crazy, unthinking child it could end up pretty horribly. He was, after all, not a child anymore - come the end of winter, he'd be four years old. It was past time that he gave his rusty mind some exercise, and schooled his wild tongue. In the wake of Indru's question came silence as Ice sat and gazed at his paws; in the periphery of his vision he saw the wolf change posture ever so slightly. He seemed straighter, sharper, and Ice did not raise his gaze, although he still remained sitting. What would you offer, Ice? He was dancing upon a knife's blade and he knew it. One wrong step, and he would cut his feet all bloody, and with bloody feet you cannot run, and if you cannot run, you cannot hunt. A slight frown crawled across his face as he thought - it wasn't so much the question of what he could offer, but rather the fact that he had to process all the things that would change, and if he really, truly, wholeheartedly wanted to follow the road he had opened so carelessly.

His heart picked up speed once he knew his answer; it trembled in his chest, suddenly afraid. To Indru's paws he said, "My life," and then he sank to his shaggy belly. He barely felt the cold of the floor through the layers of winter fur. He crept closer across the floor, and then stilled when his body said, you're close enough. Swallowing the fear, Ice tilted his head back to look at Indru's face while he said the thing that, perhaps, meant the most to him - his voice and eyes sincere, unwavering. "I'd swim through rivers for you." And then, he lowered his head, averted his gaze to the wall, and keened.
.ice aesir
(This post was last modified: Dec 14, 2011, 09:45 AM by Ice.)
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Small powerplay to speed things along, if you want anything changed just asked. <3

As an answer it was the type of one Indru was looking for, and one he found himself believing (as much as you could from a stranger) Ice seemed honourable in Indru's eyes, from what he had seen, and he could vision the wolf being a worthy member of the pack. The male's increased attention at the mention of the pups did not go unnoticed, and Indru had smiled in response—it was not uncommon of course, most wolves adored pups like a natural instinct but it was a relief all the same, pups were the packs present and would undoubtedly be the packs future, it would not be great to have a wolf who disliked them.

That's all we'll ask, he replied to Ice's declaration solemnly, closing the gap between them again but this time with an air of formality, and in return, if you prove you mean your words, you can expect the same in return. What was a pack, after all, if the members did not watch after one another. Indru paused when he was standing right in front of Ice's lowered form, leaning down to clasp the submitting wolf's muzzle gently between his jaws in a move both accepting and dominating as it affirmed his position as the leader. He held his jaws steady briefly, hoping to give the wolf reassurance and comfort of knowing he was not part of the pack, before releasing him and resting the weight of his muzzle on top of the others before pulling away.

Let's go home, Ice. Then, with a comforting smile, Indru pushed past him gently, letting their fur intermingle and the scent of pack and his male leader wash over his fur before heading through the waters of the falls to wait for the white male to follow.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Sorry for the ridiculously long wait...

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
"That's all we'll ask," he said, and for half a heartbeat, Ice thought he was about to faint - from relief, or from the prospect of swimming through rivers? A moment later though, he berated his silly mind for thinking of such. Even though he was ready to jump headfirst into a river at the command of Indru, he doubted they did it on a daily basis - it was the loyalty they asked for, not his swimming abilities, because frankly, if they wanted a master swimmer, they wouldn't have picked him.

Indru's breath was hot on his muzzle and Ice kept his eyes somewhere else as teeth closed around that vital part of his face's anatomy; he felt their tips resting against his skin, his sparse black whiskers being tickled by the close contact. They twitched, and he gave another low keen; not a displeased one, but a submissive. His tail wiggled closer to his hind end, torn between the urge to wag like a dog's and the need to hide. Then the Alpha - his Alpha - had let go and Ice wiggled his nose a little, before heaving himself onto all four feet again. Indru brushed past him, and a strange shiver passed through his body; they belonged together, now. Somewhat amazed, he turned his head to smell Indru upon his side, and every other smell that had been upon him. It felt...queer, and Indru was already departing.

With a yelp the odd male began to bounce after him, closing his eyes as he plunged out through the sheet of water...and giving a somewhat undignified mewling sound as he lost his footing and tumbled into a heap of fur and paws. With a shake of his head he was up again though, bouncing along the path like an overly excited puppy. He was going home... whatever that was, really.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul