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The Woods and Their Beauty — The Wildwood 
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
OOC: Reserved for Kanosak, please.

Wille visited the Wildwoods that day. She loved the Wildwoods; the birds chirping and being alate. The badgers coming out every Spring. But it was not Spring. So there were no badgers to threaten her. They even had bad in their name. BADger. She looked up in the sky and saw the clouds drift over the sun; making the land dark, then drift away making the land bask and bake in its sunshine. She was not feeling wary that day, she didn't even sniff the air as she basked by a small stone by the pond. Then she heard a leaf crackle. She looked down by her foot, hoping it was her, and not some stranger. She stood up, ready for any attack that would come.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kanosak cautiously approached the small pond he had been frequenting since he had arrived here. He saw the lone white wolf from the tree line. Standing directly in the sunlight made its fur almost blinding. <i>What to do?</i> he questioned himself. He could alert the stranger to his presence easily enough, there was leaf litter everywhere but what if it decided to attack?

He decided to take a gamble and kicked at a small leaf pile with his rear paw. He watched as the wolf in front of him went on guard. <i>Great.</i> he thought to himself frustrated. Now he potentially had to fight or flee. He lowered his golden head to its normal relaxed height and kept his bright golden eyes low, effectively giving the appearance he hadn't seen the other wolf as he emerged from his cover, approaching the water slowly and trying to appear as non-threatening as possible. He wondered if he should introduce himself first but decided to wait and see how the stranger reacted to his presence.
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Wille's eyes widened as she saw a golden brown wolf approach the pond, lowering his head which to her seemed as he didn't want to pick a fight. Her muscles grew less tense and she sat down on the rock. <i>Is he dangerous? Should she wait before introducing herself?</i> She decided she was thirsty, just to check this wolf out. She gave him space and drank some water on the other side of him. She saw golden eyes hidden by a brown golden fur. His fur was unlike she had seen before. She examined him.

He had a medium build, but he also looked slender. She hoped he wasn't agressive. She wouldn't fight, especially him. It wasn't that he was scary looking, he was actually quite peaceful looking. It was that with his muscles he would snap her neck in a second. She relieazed she was staring intently at him. She shook her head. She couldn't help it.

<b>"Hi."</b> She whispered quietly. Her ears drooped down low and her tail tickled the back of her neck as she sat up, greeting him.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kanosak lifted his head from drinking and attempted a reassuring smile. <b>"Hi."</b> he replied quietly, his tail wagging a little in process. <b>"I'm Kanosak, or just Kano... I'm new around here..."</b> He trailed off. There was something about this wolf... was it something in her eyes? he couldn't tell. She piqued his natural curiosity and he found himself wanting to know more about this wolf, as he often did with every wolf he met. <b>"Do you have a pack?"</b> he asked suddenly.

He hadn't seen a pack for days and didn't want to suddenly discover he was lurking on another packs territory. He was enjoying the small area he had settled in temporarily. He was sick of travelling and needed a break but if she had a pack nearby they would probably chase him off and then he would need to start wandering again with the terrible ache of knowing he was alone, and at this rate was going to stay that way for a very long time...
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
<b>"I'm Willie or you could call me Will. Kinda of a guy name."</b> She whispered back quietly. She was still wary of this newcomer. Then she considered his next question. Was she? She heard of a new pack lurking around and she wanted to join. But she didn't want to scare away this wolf and she wasn't techinacley part of the pack yet. <b>"No, no."</b> she said a little bit louder. Then she smiled. She looked up at Kano, and waited for his reply.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kano visibly relaxed. <b>"Thank goodness. I didn't want to have to move on so soon...although a pack would be nice...</b> he admitted wistfully. He missed the large hunts and the companionship, he even missed looking after the pups.

After all, that was why he had left his home. To join a new pack or form his own but he had very few aspirations to become an alpha. It was so much work, and the constant challenges and the responsibility... No, he would much rather join a pack than form his own.

<b>"Its strange though. This whole area seems like it would be a perfect territory but I haven't seen one pack yet... An area like this at home would be crawling with wolves."</b> He found himself speaking of his home often and realised just how much he disliked being alone. He inched closer to the white female, gaining reassurance just from her presence, and hoping he wasn't creeping her out too much.
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Wille thought. <b>"It is strange isn't it? There is so much abundant prey here."</b> Wille looked to the wolf and found herself staring into his orbs and he moved closer. She smiled. This wolf made her feel safe and relaxed. She didn't know why. She found herself looking into the small pond, containing fish. Fish. She hadn't eaten fish in a long time. Why must she always think about food? Maybe because she always didn't eat until her stomach forced her too. She changed the conversion.

<b>"So your new? Me too. I have a den in the fields nearby."</b>
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
A den? Kano was impressed. <b>"I haven't had a den since I left my birth pack..."</b> he responded with a smile, <b>"At the moment I'm sleeping under that bush over there."</b> he motioned back under into the trees with his head and laughed. He had been rather slack in the pursuit of something more permanent because he was pretty sure he would need to move on soon. There was clearly no pack nearby that he could try and worm his way into so he would have to continue searching eventually. <b>"But nothing is permanent, I'm going to have to keep looking sooner or later. Why get to comfortable?"</b> He said with a sigh. He hoped she wasn't offended, it just seemed like every time something showed promise he opened his big mouth and got chased off.
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Wille laughed when he said he was sleeping under a bush. <b>"True. But I never been in a pack , I was born into a lone family. We always moved. Nothing was ever permanent. I learned how to adapt easily. Joining a pack would be my first turning point in my life."</b> Wille never had the experience like Kano did. She never had a pack, hunting with them, watching over pups, having specific duties. She urged for that feeling. The sense of pride when you find a mate and become a mother. She could never have that feeling, especially since she won't find anyone promising. But she liked this male. She smiled at him.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<i>Never been in a pack?</i> The concept was foreign to him and he tried to comprehend what it would be like as a pup to be constantly on the move. It made him feel uncomfortable. He had always thought a lone life was far too harsh to be raising pups in but here she was, proof that it could be done...

He took her smile as acceptance and stood up stretching. It had been days since he had gone for a decent walk. He was used to daily patrols and regular hunts and coming home to be tackled by youngsters. <b>"Want a race?"</b> he asked bowing down playfully. He had no idea where anything was around here but it would give him a chance to learn his way around if he could manage to keep at her side...
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