- my weakness is that i care too much.
The territory was spread out in a clean sheet of white. Winter was upon Relic Lore now, but the snow was not very deep, thank lady luck. It came to her pasterns for now, and in some parts she could see the grass, and earth beneath her. Other parts had drifted into miniature hill formations, and today was a warmer day. No fog, no frost. She hoped to take advantage of these facts, and find something to take back. Stalking along the meadow, her triangle points were high upon her head rotating to the hushed sounds of the world. Her silver paws worked slowly though the frosty mixture, and she checked all trails of different prey for something fresh.
There were several trails of rabbit, a couple hare, and something of a quail. The last one appealed to her, and she followed it keeping herself moving in stealth. A quail would be a nice change to the palette, and maybe if it was healthy enough to be about it would be a large specimen.
The trail cut along the meadow, the earth rising higher where once and awhile she saw glimpses of pale orange, and red depending where the snow had been blown away. Brow raised, glimpsing the changing landscape as she had never ventured this far. Temporarily she forgot the bird, and climbed along the curved landscape, noticing the bit of rock in the distant. It was a pretty place, even though it was sleeping under the snow. An audible sigh she turned back to tracking, the evening sun sparkling against the cold ice crystals.