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A Place to Call Home, A Family of My Own
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Played by Aeolkis who has 7 posts.
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Dejia Kalihi
Dejia Kalihi wandered up to the Cedarwood Forest. 'So this is where the Grizzly Hollow Pack is' she thought. Today was the day she would shed her Loner-ness and join a pack! Or, attempt to. Her first stop was Grizzly Hollow. She wanted to join their pack the most out of all the packs in Relic Lore. She hoped that she would be accepted. She would then have a place to call home, a family of her own. She sighed with pleasure. She was going to have so much fun! And maybe she would find that Someone along the way. Her true love. And they would make joyful memories together. Snapping out of her happy daydream, she approached the edge of the Grizzly Hollow Pack Territory. 'Here goes nothing...' she thought, howling a greeting to any wolf in the area.
(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2012, 11:27 PM by Corinna.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    my weakness is that i care to much.

Paws sifted through the white powder, pushing it back between her hind limbs. She made quick work of the drift, a huge pile behind her before she stopped eyeing her work. She had not met ground, but was close. The hard, icy layer above it would keep the remain's of the her find for a time. Now if only to bury the remains of the deer. She grabbed what was left of the creature by the neck into the makeshift grave. A small look of pity marred her sleek facade. It was so young, a mother's loss. Winter's cold had been too much, but now it was her pack's gain. A snort she began pushing snow over it, ignoring her rigid breathes.It took time, but she was careful not to over exert herself soon patting it down nice and tight. All done she sat for a moment regaining strength, and composure when a howl sounded about the forest.

Two howls in a week. What was going on? Winter was here, and the wondrous stacking feet of snow, and cold weather, but another wolf calling at her borders. This was a surprise, and hopefully a good one. She pulled herself to a stand, and set out toward the note.

She kept a cool posture, her ears perked forward, and her nostrils breathing deep for who this might be.Eventually a young female caught her attention. Hmm. It certainly wasn't anyone she had met, and she wondered what might have brought her here. She crept through the trees spotting the multi-colored female.

"Hello, can help you?" She asked matter of factly, her slightly raised tail giving a soft flick behind her.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Aeolkis who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dejia Kalihi
Dejia looked up as a wolf approached her. 'Hi.' she replied to it's greeting, 'I came here because I want to request to join this pack.' She smiled sweetly at the shewolf. Dejia hoped that she would be welcomed in to the pack. It would be the first place where she could relax around others and be herself, without having to keep her guard up. The first place where she would be loved and supported. After what she had been through in her past, she needed to have that in her life.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    my weakness is that i care to much.

The female looked in decent shape, and her nostrils even told her they were about the same age. She was a little bigger built than Jaysyek herself, and wrapped in a cascade of colors. Another strong adult for Grizzly Hollow would be good. Why here? Why Grizzly Hollow? A careful gaze her mismatched eyes collected tried to collect more information while she the took her time to answer.

The Hollow leader could not think why not. The lady was being polite, and respectful. A good first impression if any. A gentle sigh of quiet, she stepped closer her ears standing upward atop her grey dusted head. She did not raise her tail nor head high just yet. She wanted to see her personality before claiming she was the leader of these grounds."I'm sure we could use a wolf like you, but is there a reason you want to live here?" She kept her tone polite, her question filled with mere curiousity what had drawn the loner to the green forest, her home.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Aeolkis who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dejia Kalihi
'Yes, actually. This might sound crazy, but this place, it just... called to me. The forest - you know the 'Call of the Wild', right? - is so homely and peaceful and welcoming and, well, happy. It just seems like home. So I thought I would make it my permanent home. If that makes any sense.' Dejia looked down at her paws. Sometimes she could be so... spacey, and just fall in to her own little poetic world. She sighed. Now that she replayed what she just said in her mind, it sounded a little cheesy... Oh well, she had to be true to herself. She braced herself for the wolf's answer, knowing instinctively that what the female was about to say next was the make-it-or-break-it comment.
(This post was last modified: Feb 03, 2012, 04:40 AM by Dejia.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    my weakness is that i care to much.

The wolf's head would cater to the right mulling over the female's words. They seemed truthful, spoken from the heart though it did seem a little cliche. Jaysyek couldn't deny the forest were the very things she mentioned, and if this wolf felt them the leader considered her to be thankful to have such a place to live. She found it easy to except those who appreciated the small things, and were humble. There could be no peace otherwise. A smile more significant than words she bobbed her head. "It does actually, I often have felt the same way." A daring step closer she minded Dejia's space bubble, but met her gaze. "I'm Jaysyek Lyall, leader of Grizzly Hollow. Who do I have the pleasure of meeting this fine day?" She kept her tone in check, wavering between the leader she was and the compassionate canine under her sometimes tougher exterior.

(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2012, 05:27 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Aeolkis who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dejia Kalihi
'Oh!' Dejia exclaimed in emarrasment when she realized she had never given her name. 'My name is Dejia. Dejia Kalihi. Nice to meet you.' she said, smiling. She hoped the leader wouldn't think that she was stupid or forgetful. She had just been nervous.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    my weakness is that i care too much

Dejia Kalihi. The name was stored for safe keeping to both the scent, and picture of the wolf. She wouldn't be likely to forget it if the female actually stayed. The leader would be hopeful, but not surprised if she became missing too. "Hmm," she sounded, her smile faint wondering why she was so anxious. It was clear she had just accepted her, and Jayse had never thought herself from intimidating. Time must have changed that about her, and the role she'd been taken had molded her into the leader she was. Letting her smile linger up the side of her white face, she met the eyes of the miss. "Here," with caution she walked closer, and brushed herself along the side of the wolf. She soon stepped back, hoping not to frigthen her more. A cheery voice, she continued,"There now everyone will know you're of Grizzly Hollow. Would you like to see the den?"

Waiting for answer her eyes swept over Dejia hoping she would soon relax. "Come," she softly spoke, and then began to lead her to the familiar gathering place of the forest wolves. She kept quiet, yet her ears titled backward listening to all around her. At least the lady wasn't cocky, or overbearing.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]