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You and Me — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
<blockquote><i>Aquila.</i> It was not a familiar name, nor one that she'd heard anywhere before. Little did she know the answer the man was searching for was right under her nose. Brows coming together thoughtfully, she considered the fact that Ruiko may hold more knowledge on the subject than she or anyone she would know. <b>"It is an unfamiliar name,"</b> she replied after some self-debate.

The crunch of dead leaves underfoot sounded like thunder against the mute backdrop of the midnight wood, and it was in such silence that the regal female worked for an answer. Though Ruiko may be of some help to the wayfarer, she would drop dead before bringing the dark man home or anywhere near it. It was secluded, and it was her intention to keep it that way. In her eyes, it was one danger to stroll alone in the dark of the night, a danger for her, perhaps; but allowing a stranger - one without intention beyond his own ambitions - within pack borders would be foolish and dangerous <i>for him</i>.

<b>"I do wish there were more I could do to help you,"</b> she offered quite honestly. Aeylen would consult with her mate about the manner, and for now it was all she could do. An eerie call, no doubt from a bird of the night, smoothly echoed behind them, as though it were some divine reminder of the time.

With a flick of her tail, the leadess sighed softly.</blockquote>
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
He offered a small, toothy smile in her direction. He knew she wouldn’t have heard of the name, not many had and he preferred it that way. Though he was the son of a ruthless alpha, he was glad that their reputation was kept quiet- it gave him an advantage when it came to balancing the truth and lies that he told. He could be as honest as he wished for the time being for no one knew the truth about him. He had discovered his sister Volkan had told lies of her past and her family ties, so he had no reason to fear discovery. Although he hadn’t yet found his littermate, he had learnt a bit of information about her. She had been in the area recently, he’d made contact with a wolf that knew her quite well judging by his reaction to their little conversation so he was still in high hopes he would bump into her.

<b>”It’s alright… I’m growing to quite like the area to be honest.”</b> And that was true, he could see much of it becoming part of his kingdom someday. If only he would grow faster! It would be pointless to claim a stake in the land now, he had a few months left to develop and hit adulthood and until that time he was certain no wolf would take him seriously… it was just a case of biding his time. <b>”I have no doubts I will bump into her at some point. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she sees me.”</b> Again the truth, but it wasn’t going to be a happy reunion- he intended to tear her limb from limb, it would still be a surprise though.

He fell silent for a moment, listening to the rustle of their paws upon the cold ground as his mind whirled with many thoughts. He supposed now was as good a time as any to learn a bit about what could be a rival pack. <b>”So what pack are you from? If you don’t mind me asking. I know there are a few in the area but I don’t know much about them.”</b>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
Sorry for the delay, Ty. Not much in me to devote to writing these days.

<blockquote>Aeylen took the dark man's words in stride. Even though she wasn't much help to him, perhaps he would find the one for who he searched soon enough. The land before their path seemed to roll now, the meager hills of the forest floor like the waves of the sea. Descending a curvy slope which was riddled by remains of elderly roots, the female bounded agily forward to more level ground below, landing softly on large creamy paws.

The male inquired about her pack origin, a question resulting in the brief erection of the fur of her nape and the slender curve of her back, as it were. Maintaining a level demeanor looking back, she offered a vague response. <b>"Copper Rock Creek. My mate and I have settled territory nearby."</b> She took in the angles of his gaze as she spoke.

<b>"And you, <i>Rhysis</i>-"</b> she inquired gingerly, <b>"-have you a pack?"</b> He had mentioned his origins in the Aquila pack, but she knew nothing of that clan or where it may exist, or whether he still held ties to it. </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2012, 09:33 PM by Aeylen.)
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Oh don’t apologise! I hope that your muse returns soon. <3
I’m going to name drop Volkan here, might make things a little interesting. :)

<blockquote> Rhysis didn’t take much note of the scenery around them as they conversed. Whilst his gaze focused forwards he took in what he needed to; ensuring his steps were strong, that animals were still making noises close by which may indicate another’s presence should it dim. His ears twitched to listen to the wind, whilst his nose took the occasional whiff of the air to taste just who or what was around, but for the most part, they were alone and all of these habits were second nature to him. He was a very suspicious character by nature and it was only on the rare occasion that he’d let his guard down. It seemed very tiring to have to be so wired in everything you did, but Rhysis handled it like a second skin- it was who and what he was.

He took a glance to her as she spoke of her pack. She kept it short and simple but ensured to drop in her rank- he assumed that her mate and her would be the alphas then; only mated wolves would form a pack. So he was in the presence of royalty aye? Interesting indeed. <b>”I didn’t realise I was in the presence of royal blood. I must apologise for the lack of etiquette I may have shown.”</b> he added truthfully. He might be a fiend, but he had manners at least.

<b>”Ah no. I have no pack of my own I’m afraid. I’ve been too busy trying to find Volkan to worry about my own needs. I'm sure once I've located her though I will have more time to think about settling down..”</b> Again, the truth, though he left out the part where he wished to settle down as an alpha in his own pack, but still, there were no lies in his words, expression of poise. He was everything a perfect gentleman should be...
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
Nice. May the drama begin.

<blockquote><i>Royalty.</i> She had certainly never viewed herself in that light, but <i>Ruiko</i> was a king, <i>her</i> king, and therein she supposed Rhysis was correct. The regal female responded with faint smile - it wasn't every day that she was met with such an apology. <b>"You did just fine."</b> And then something more was spoken - a name. <i>Volkan's name.</i> The Tainn female held her smooth demeanor in place perfectly.

So that was who he searched for, low and behold, a member of her own pack. <i>Her family</i>. The resemblence between the wolves was crystal clear now.

Instinct stirred within her. This wolf claimed to be Volkan's brother, and indeed he was so very close to attaining what he sought. However, it would not be Aeylen to lead the black man to her, or offer her whereabouts. On the contrary, she would give her own flesh and blood, her time and effort, to keep Volkan hidden and protected, until she had a chance to speak with her personally about the matter. She and the <i>Aquila</i> female were by no means close, but that meant little in the fierce, amber eyes of the Leader whose duty it was to, above all, ensure her safety.

<b>"I do hope you will take care of yourself, Rhysis. Winter is no time to take such neglect lightly."</b> Quite strangely, a part of her wished to bring him home, feed him, and allow him rest - she didn't know how long it had been since those needs had been met. Then again, the man was by no means terribly underfed or unhealthy, and she assumed that, as a loner, he'd been able to fend for himself.

She had lost track of time, enchanted by her stroll with the dark, yet personable stranger. Luckly, they'd not made it very far - the scent of the pack still met her sense of smell when the wind would blow, rustling through the buff of her coat that shined as mellow rays of moonlight danced upon her wide back.</blockquote>
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
And so it begins!

Rhysis continued to keep his distance as the female spoke her piece. She was every inch royalty it seemed, but not the royalty he was used to. She was all airs and graces, well spoken and took no nonsense it seemed despite how friendly she attemped to be. She spoke with nobility, even her voice carried the soud of it upon the air; though Rhysis wasn’t intimidated, he did feel every inch her subordinate at that moment, which was a feeling he did not appreciate.

It appeared she was to dismiss him then though he couldn’t determine the reason why she wished him to leave so quickly. They had been making small talk, it was pleasant enough but it appeared either she’d grown bored of it (though in fairness so had he, he was just unable to complain about it) or he’d said something to trigger such a reaction. At the thought his mind raced backwards, going over the last few words he’d spoken. Nothing had been out of turn, he’d simply apologised, which she had then accepted, and then he spoke of his fam- Volkan. He’d spoken her name out loud hadn’t he. That had to be it. The females expression and tone hadn’t changed, but Rhysis was no fool and he was certain that dropping her name had lead to his dismissal. Shit.

<b>”Have I said something, wrong?”</b> he then added, not yet ready to leave. If she wished to send him away then she would probably know Volkan. He’d met only one other who knew her, Triell from another pack and he had been fed a pack of lies from his sister, including a change in her name, her history the lot- he could only think that his sister had spread the same lies here. He had to tread delicatly here if he was to learn the truth. <b>”I don’t mean to push my luck here, but do you know of my sister? It’s just that upon mentioning her name you seem withdrawn...”</b> he said carefully measuring each word before he spoke it aloud. He kept his expression as neutral as possible, every inch of him was calm on the exterior but inside was another matter. <b>”I ran into a wolf who had seen her not long ago... though it appeared she had fed him many lies about herself. I do hope she hadn't filled anyone elses head with her little lies, it wasn't the way we were brought up I can assure you.”</b> he added casually, though hoped it was cause something to stir within her. Perhaps she too might begin to wonder if Volkan was as honest as she appeared. The ironic thing was, Rhysis had simply told the truth of his sister; he hadn’t lied at all.
(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2012, 08:02 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
I must say I enjoy you more and more :)

<blockquote>A sensitive ear was lent to his reaction and replies. She was no fool, and it was clear that he was none either. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, the shit had hit the fan, full force. Ultimately, she held no concern for Volkan's past or the lies she may have told, and instead Rhysis' comment on them catalyzed her aggression, though she'd hold firm control over herself and her body language.

Withdrawing from the slow and steady pace the pair had kept, the tawny female came to an abrupt halt when the man asked the bold question. <i>Do you know my sister</i>? Her reply was honest and to-the-point.

<b>"She is one of us, one of the original four."</b> Eyes narrowing, she held her position gracefully. <b>"I must admit that I am unaware of your history together, but it is not my nature to be so open with one who I have yet to know thoroughly...However, as you have asked of me directly, I will keep no secret from you."</b> A brief pause ensued as she calculatingly analyzed the energy of his beautiful eyes, a menacing pillar of strength in her own as she peered before picking up smoothly where she'd left off. <b>"I also do not know your intention, but I warn you...We will not take lightly of any transgressions that may transpire from your search; Volkan is well-protected."</b>

That being said, the leadess felt confidently that she'd made her point: stay away, she may come to you. After all, she wouldn't want to keep Volkan from her brother, if it were her desire to reunite. Rhysis may be the gentleman he appeared, but the possibility that he may pose a threat now weighed heavily on her mind. Aeylen had taken a liking to him, thus far, and wouldn't think differently of him should his actions correlate with his spoken words.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2012, 05:45 PM by Aeylen.)
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Likewise! :)

The female at his side came to an abrupt halt, so quickly in fact that his nose almost made contact with her shoulder as she turned towards him; fortunatly it did not however, else he may have freaked out a little and that really wouldn’t have helped his case. Though he was certain his fit wouldn’t have lasted long as she spoke the words he had longed to hear; she knew Volkan... and she knew where she was. Halle-fricking-lujah! At last he had made some progress into tracking her down, all of this searching and making small talk with wolves he wanted to rip heads off of as they were so tedious, had been worth it to find this one female.

There was no time to celebrate now; he had to keep himself calm and collected, but not too much. There was never a time for his acting skills to be put to the test for he was certain she was going to scrutenize everything he said and did from this moment on. There was no way she would divulge more about her location, he was certain of that, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t drag this out. Yes, the idea had been to come here and kill Volkan outright for her betrayal... but after his conversation with Triell he had a new plan in mind and because she seemed an important part to this females pack, his revenge would be all the sweeter. He wasn’t going to kill her... yet. Instead he was going to make this false life she had built around herself crumble at the foundations, and when she had nothing left, he’d be merciful and kill her then. The mind of a murder was a dark place indeed.

<b>”Forgive me ma’am. I meant no harm in my questioning. You must understand I have been without her for months now. I’ve asked every living creature I’ve come across if they knew of her and you are the first wolf who has been able to confirm she is here, right under my nose. You must understand that I am beside myself at the idea that she is alive and well- it is what any brother would be, surely?”</b> he replied with earnst and kept his errie steel eyes fixed upon hers, not as a sign of dominance but a sign of sincerity. Once more, not a lie slipped from his lips for he was glad she was alive, for he had been searching high and low for her... it was just what he was going to do now that he found her which was a secret. <b>”I understand if you wish not to lead me to her, that is your right after all... Perhaps instead we could arrange a meeting of some sort? Not on your territory as I’d not wish to intrude but on neutral ground, and she may bring support if she wishes?”</b> he suggested with a tilt of his handsome head. It was most ironic, how such a handsome male could be so wicked. Yet everything about his was sincere, to the excitement which had arrived in his voice, to the light lashing of his tail behind him- he was excited and to anyone on the outside they would believe he was a brother searching for his family... and techincally he was.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
Ready to start wrapping it up?

<blockquote>Openly considering his comments expressing his relief in having found some trace of his sister, and with a quick note and measure of his sincerity, the female naturally lifted her muzzle, scrutinizingly peering down at his dark mask. <i>A meeting on neutral ground</i> - it sounded harmless, though, again, she would consult with Volkan. It was with an uncertainty that she would tread this road further, but she would continue in her cilivity toward Rhysis.

<b>"A meeting may be arranged, pending Volkan's say in the matter,"</b> she replied firmly, reluctantly expressing her permission. If it were her choice, the Aquila female would go nowhere without an individual guard detail (though, as she'd yet to meet a number of her subordinates, guardianship positions had yet to be delegated), though she believed Volkan would frown upon the idea. Now, more than ever, she wished that she and Volkan had gotten to know each other better.

<b>"If that is your request, I will approach the matter diligently."</b> In reality, she meant at the speed of light, as it was apparently time now to take action. Before the dawn, she would return to the Spring and bring them all together, and hopefully locate Volkan before he, or anyone else, could.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2012, 06:05 PM by Aeylen.)
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
I’m hoping to get Rhysis into CRC so he can be chummy with everyone there and start to cause rifts between Volkan and her friends from the inside. So hopefully this will all work out! And that he made a good enough impression with Aeylen of course. :3

Rhysis nodded curtly, but he wasn’t sure that Volkan would agree to such a meeting; he was certain she would wish never to lay eyes upon him again in which case, he had to cover some ground here. <b>”I could ask no more of you ma’am. I am very much in your debt for this favour.”</b> he added with a dip of his maw- he was talking to royalty after all.

<b>”I must confess though that I doubt she would be happy to see me...”</b> he said with a sad longing. <b>”We parted ways on bad terms, I was trying to protect her but I don’t think she saw it that way.”</b> he added honestly. When they had parted ways he’d been rather cruel. He was hungry, tired, upset by their banishment and she was grating on his last nerve. Despite that she was still his sibling and the only family he had left in the world... so he did what he thought was best- pretended to attack and try to dominate her and as he had planned, she ran for her life from him. He did it to save her, should they have continued on together he had no doubts he would have eventually killed her; back then his temper hadn’t been as under control as it was now.

<b>”But I am here for reconciliation with her- she is all the family I have... She doesn’t fully understand the reasons as to why we had to separate and I would love just the chance to explain myself to her... would you be so kind as to pass that along? “</b> he asked with a glance back at the female. It appeared he could do no more at this moment in time- it was back to a waiting game but he had hoped with this news the female would run right home and speak to her. At least he now knew where his sister was hiding and if all else failed he could always hang around the borders long enough to bump into her but that wasn’t what he wanted from this...

Instead, he wished to apologise to Volkan. He wanted her forgiveness for his actions and he wanted to become part of her pack, accepted into the ranks. It’d be tough to keep up his nice guy act but it would be worth it in the end; he wanted to make friends with her friends but then slowly but surely plant the seed of doubt in their minds, as he had done with Triell and with any luck, she would have no one left but him for support... and then he to would abandon her.

It was much better than a quick death.

He didn’t stay any longer, with a final dip of his maw he headed off in the direction towards home. With a final glance over his shoulder he said. <b>”I will return here in 3 days... hopefully I’ll have my answer by then.”</b> and with that he vanished into the shadows.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]