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going round the bend
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Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

He'd been here before some months ago. He had continue to wander north in search of something great. He had found nothing but much colder, and harsh terrain. He had no mind to return east, or return west. His thoughts often flickered to his last meetings with fellow wolves. Most were brief, a mere exchange of information, and sometimes he'd be lucky enough to convince one to take part in a hunt. The snow though slow to come was only getting worse. He could find no where to his liking in where he wished to stay. He truthfully was starting to go mad with his own company. Repeating the past only seemed to set his fuse, making a bad mood become his only one. There was something that seemed to constantly repeat itself. the peaceful spring protected in the deadly woods. The dark coated lady he had met. It seemed to be his one hope of finding other life out there, and maybe means to fill his stomach. He meandered his way back to the lands of Relic Lore seeking out the spring. The male was soon surprised by dozens of scents of none other than wolves. He was astonished he had not known how many were about. Very eagerly he sought to find a face to what his nose was telling him.

Rather fate or dumb luck he ended up coming to the border's of Copper Rock Creek where it was clear crossing any further would be requesting a death wish. He studied the border's scent trying to collect all the information he could. It was a pack of two leaders, somewhat small he guessed. To only know if they would accept him, or chase him. The last thing he wanted to do was fight or flee. He had already burned away some of his muscle from his lack of meals. What choice did he have. Sit and wait? He wasn't fond of calling. He really wanted to be sure this could be a potential new home. A snort, he decidely backed away from the strong line, and into the open. There the blond male would recline to his haunches, and wait.=

(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2012, 04:14 PM by Vander.)
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hope you don't mind XD

Out on patrol again, Kano had been thinking for some days now, almost broodingly, so unlike his usual perky and approachable self. He had been remembering his days as a loner, and the hunt he had shared with Kashikoi and Anyu... and the injured female who had unwittingly stumbled upon them. She had needed a healer and all he could offer was willow branches... Something would need to be done.

He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he almost missed the scent of the stranger, so close, closer than any others had dared. His long golden coat stood on end at the thought his own distraction may have allowed a stranger in their midst and he growled at himself in frustration, stalking in the direction he knew the wolf must be.

He was relieved to find the scent had not yet passed the well marked line that defined the packs territory. He saw a wolf, lighter than he, but also possessing an unusual blondish coat. His ears shot forward and his tail erect. The wolf appeared non-threatening and did not smell of pack. Like most loners this time of year he was a little on the thin side but not nearly as badly as Kashikoi had been.

He was visible to the stranger, and for once decided to take the silent approach. He was still annoyed at himself for being so distracted but this wasn't the strangers fault. He lowered his tail a little, but remained on alert, waiting for the new arrival to make the first move.

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Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<i>not at all :)</i>

    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

Wait he did, keeping his senses alert, his mostly golden eyes on the horizon just waiting for some eager patroller, or better a Leader, to find him sitting just outside their home. His postion was probably a ponderous question. Why would a loner just sit there. It wasn't hard to excogitate reasons. It never was.

What might seem a nice surprise did little to bring reaction to his cream features when he spottted a more bolder cloaked male finally noticing his position. His mask would remain indifferent sizing the brute up, much like he was doing him. He would guess he wasn't too much bigger than the scout, but distance could make a fool out of anyone. It was clear no words would be said nor move made a small flicker of irritation passed beneath his blond hide. What had he expected? A fight, shouting? Or merely something more than what he'd been given. Oh well. It didn't matter he was in no mood to fight, nor argue.

Slowly he'd pick up his powerful haunches, and drift a little closer to the pack wolf. "'Lo, there. I'm not making you nervous am I?" He'd ask, the fainest hint of a friendly smile on the side of his cheek. He would keep his distance stopping a yard from the fellow. He waited, wanting to guage his reaction before asking or saying anything further.

(This post was last modified: Feb 04, 2012, 02:05 AM by Vander.)
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Kano visibly relaxed when the other male approached peacably, an apologetic smile crossing his softening features. "Just frustrated at myself..." he offered in explaination. Admittedly, the lack of a healer was weighing heavily on his mind, just as heavily at the potential of leaving the pack with two females and three yearlings if he was forced to travel to learn.

He crossed the invisible line onto neutral ground. There was usually a reason for wolves to wait at the border but those with good intentions usually called unless they were too weak, and beyond being a little under weight, this wolf was in reasonable condition. "There's normally a reason wolves don't call out..." he said conversationally, "What's yours?" He had a feeling he already knew. He hoped Ruiko wasn't too far away...

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Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

He did not understand how so, but he nodded his head to show some acknowledgement to the male's comment. Though Vander may appear easy going on the outside, he was wound tight watching every move the scout made. He didn't think it would be a problem to get some information from the younger male. One could only be right so many times. Standing keeping his posture neither high or low he would keep his eyes from looking directly into the orange pair. He wanted to keep himself as neutral as possible. Was an easy feat for him, being kept in order his whole life.

The question he had hoped to avoid was the first to come. He didn't blink an eye. "It seems more pratical to wait for someone to come along, rather than demand they come meet you." An honest answer for a good question. Blond banner gently swayed behind him. "Look fella, I'm sure you're just doing your job and what not. But, I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm looking for a home. You be the judge if I get to see your leader or not."

(This post was last modified: Feb 04, 2012, 11:51 PM by Vander.)
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased

He had to appreciate the straight forwardness of the stranger. "I have to admit, we didn't call out either... Me and Wille..." He had to fight the urge to stick to her silky white side like a burr most days, but it seemed since they had joined the pack they only managed to meet briefly. He would hate to have to leave her for any length of time but it seemed more and more likely as each day passed.

He tilted his head back and howled long and low, asking Ruiko to come and meet the stranger. Once his call was over he sat and made himself comfortable, it might be a while. "So what brings you this way? Besides us..." he asked conversationally. If there was a chance this wolf was going to be pack, he may as well take the chance to get to know him now. Who knew how long it would be before he got another chance to get to know him, and he needed to know if he could be trusted to look after his family if the need for him to travel and learn arose.

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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The day was just as cold as the rest – the soft ‘crunch’ of snow beneath the regal wolf’s large paws only served as a reminder of the harsh season they were currently in. Secretly, the tawny male longed for the spring, to see how his home and pack would flourish when the snow and ice melted away to lush grass and full trees. When the birds flocked back to their northern homes and when their resources even became more plentiful. Spring would be upon them soon, he knew, for the length of daylight throughout the day grew longer.. a sure sign their sufferings of the bitter season were coming to an end.

The patrol of his borders was not a task he held alone – the scent of his blonde second, Kanosak, was evident along the pack’s lines, and that of his mate, Aeylen. A pack of eight, their number had grown far larger than he had ever expected, only believing upon the day they had first claimed Copper Rock Creek as theirs that the next residents of the pack would be the offspring of he and Aeylen.

A beckoning call stirred his pace faster. Pushing through a knot of twisted branches, the Leader’s eyes fell upon two figures in the distance; the familiar one of his Second who seemed to be interrogating a stranger, who’s large and pale figure was reclined upon Ruiko’s borders. Stoical, the hefty male prowled forward, his tail arched with the dominance he held and his muzzle held proudly high. “Kanosak,” he greeted lightly before his amber eyes swept to the unknown male, awaiting an explanation or introduction.
(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2012, 05:35 PM by Ruiko.)
Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshin since i don't know when....

He didn't know who Willie was he detected some closeness to her by Kanosak himself. He stored the information away knowing it could be valuable later on. He hadn't counted on the brute being so agreeable, and decided maybe it would not be so hard to make an ally in this territory. Always a plus in his book. Golden eyes shifted upward when he let out a call for his leader. Vander was impressed, and grateful he didn't dilly dally any more. When he asked about him, he decided it would be alright to answer. "I was here back in the spring, came across a wolf and hoped if I came back I'd find more. I've been a loner for a bit, and don't care for it." Words were serious, but he flashed a grin at the end of his sentence. He had enjoyed his freedom, he was craving the normal life of working in a hiarchy, not to mention having a full stomach. Sweeping the countryside for his next meal, and place to rest had lost its lure.

Eventually a tawny, and gray male would step from the nearby brush. It was clear on first sight he was the Leader by the way he prowled toward them. So far the pack seemed promising. He shifted his golden-green eyes away when met by an amber pair. His ears gently shifting at the name Kanosak. When it became silent, he decided to offer both his name. "Vander Lakshmi, " he stated letting his gaze flicker indirectly between the two before settling in the leader's direction.

(This post was last modified: Feb 19, 2012, 09:14 PM by Vander.)
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Looking for someone he knows... Something inside him whispered Rebecca but he couldn't be certain without further questioning. The black she-wolf was more than sociable but the mention of her name stirred something deeper as well. He needed to seek the dark female out and get reaquainted as pack.

He readily submitted as Ruiko approached before shifting back a little to sit on his right side. He would remain with his leader Just in case... he told himself. He would need to speak to the larger wolf at some point as well but he didn't feel it was quite the right time yet.

He could well understand the lighter wolfs reasoning. Lone life had never called to him the way it seemed to for some wolves. All he ever wanted was the security and safety of pack, but it had taken him almost a year of constant travel to fiind it. He hoped to never experience that again.

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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The pallid male stated his name, though flinched or shifted very little in the presence of the pack leader. Ruiko’s gaze fell upon the male in a straight forward fashion, his muzzle lifting and his lips curling back in demand of the respect he expected from any rogue seeking to join his ranks. Kanosak stepped back, allowing the two wolves to settle the tension in the air.

“Ruiko Tainn,” he drawled in return, his pelt bristling now. “What is it you seek at our borders?” The question held an almost obvious answer – but the tawny wolf was never one to make assumptions, and if the pale male had changed his mind upon sight or first impression of the leader, then the regal wolf’s words allowed him the escape he required.