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Guess I'm not the Fighting Kind — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Another year had come and gone and now Borden was merely a wraith, drifting from one place to another; the days blurred together like they often did nowadays and he had lost track of time with the snow seeming to never leave the ground. It was February, no doubt, but time for the lowly Grizzly Hollow wolf had practically halted. The only thing that seemed to have changed was his demeanor - he rarely spoke now and when he did, it was strictly when he had something to say - and how rugged his coat had become. A hard, frost-bitten exterior that encased a slowly dying soul.

Over the past few months, he kept to himself, only keeping an eye out for his children and if Elettra was around. The desire to hunt down the ink-pelted gentleman who seemed to have kindled affections for Jaysyek had simply been stamped out by his lack of energy and will to drop the subject after being scolded several times over by the dark lady. Winter had provided pitiful game, he thought, but whatever unfortunate rabbits, crows, and groundhogs he could manage, he brought to the den for whoever needed it - particularly Jaysyek and Arlette (who seemed to be the only pup he constantly saw now on a regular basis).

Today, after making his usual mid-morning stop by the den, he traversed around the territory and found his way to the river where the familiar sight of scattered boulders and moderate sized stones told him he had reached Jasper Rocks. He lowered his bedraggled form into the snow, his haunches at first and then his torso. He was careful to rest his left forepaw on top of his right instead of the other way around. He might have gotten much better than he was two months ago, but there was still much to be improved about his physical being. His mind longed to <span class='word'>excogitate</span> and exhaust his long list of what-ifs and what could have been, but he just wouldn't have it... There just wasn't any use in dwelling on the past anymore. It was a waste of time.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2012, 06:47 AM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

She skipped along, quite aware she was probably getting to big to do so, but doing it any way humming a soft concotion of words she'd made up on her own. She would probably be singing it but today she had a dead mouse by the tail dangling from her lips. She was on the mission to bring it home finding someone to give it too, despite how poor a meal it would be. She was proud of her small acomplishment toward adulthood, perhaps that's why there was such pep in her stride. It was winter, her siblings often eluding her, and her mother still sad in the girl's eyes. The world could be much worse in her young eyes, and knowing nothing but what she'd been given she couldn't know much better.

Leaving faint prints in the snow, she purposely hopped over her mother's border taking a quick intake of the familiar boundry at the same time. Nothing amiss, her large ears tipped this way and that. She quickly proceded to head back to the den when she heard nothing but the mere breeze. A single step forward she halted catching someone else's scent in the air. Her father. Eager to find him, as she hardly saw him she followed his morning trail. To her dismay it was leading to Jasper Rocks. A tightness in her throat, her brows furrowed and she halted again. She hadn't been there since well she'd almost died, and she wasn't sure about visiting the creek even if Borden was there. Baby steps. She thought, aware she had to start somewhere, it wasn't like he had a monster inside of him. The thought sent a chill down her spine, and she hurriedly padded after him any way before she thought much more on the issue.

Mouse in tow she made sure to follow his very pawprints, keepin' an eye out for his familiar figure. She did not want to look at the stream, and for awhile wondered if he had already left the pool. She spotted him resting in the snow. It was true he was rough for wear, but he looked a lot better than when she first seen him. The Borden then, and now was a combined picture. Maybe she could put a smile on his face. So with the happy thought she bounded closer, her tail picking up speed at her haunches. "Hey, Dad!" She barked, dropping the mouse on his paws.

(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2012, 04:34 PM by Arlette.)
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>For several minutes he just stared at the river, fixated on where the stream passed between two unusually shaped stones. His heart slowed as he counted its beats, meditating on nothing but its rhythm. By the time he had heard someone approach, his concentration snapped and upon mentally awakening, he let out an abrupt shiver before shaking his head. He braced himself, straining his ears for any detail in the newcomer's stride to give away who had come to visit.

Her greeting reached him first before he could have even guessed it was Arlette. The cheery tone in her voice made a faint smile appear on his face and he turned slowly in her direction to acknowledge her. His eyes went down to the object that had dropped before him and he genuinely grinned. <b>"Well, good morning,"</b> his words slid over his lips in a warm baritone. He took a moment to take her in - her wagging tail, the emotion in her eyes - then whisked away the impression of Alexander and Amelie before any more memories resurfaced. He wished the Plateau leaders could see her now, to see their daughter so <i>grown up</i>. He bet they would have been proud.

Borden's tail gave a feeble wag. <b>"'S this for me?"</b> he asked, silently anticipating that she would boast about her hunting skills or any other relative tangent.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

Welcomed by a faint smile, what she thought was something grand, she widely smiled, stepping around to his front. Yellow eyes took him in. She was right thinking he looked much better, though she was aware not completely. She was young, but the trouble around her did not go unnoticed. What frustrated her was it existed, and she couldn't fix it. No right idea would come to her mind, and she'd given up on things getting better. Elettra was fierce, and unforgiving Arlette was not praticularly hopeful to persuade her others wise. While she could not understand her mother, she was a bit more assured she would make it right. She just had too.

Seeing him look at her small trophy she would be surprised to see a grin of all things, but her smile only grew. "Morning," she answered, falling to her haunches very proud of herself indeed. "Mmm, hmm," she answered, nodding her head matter of factly. "I caught it myself," she said, trying to look more serious but failing miserable. She looked tickled to see him. If only to get him to eat it. He wouldn't return the gift, would he? If she brought things back usually someone told her to eat it herslef, only few occasions could she convince Jaysyek, or Raigo to take it instead. She tried to be happy with the fact she'd caught something alone.

An itch jabbing along her ear, she picked up her hind leg and vigorously started swiping it away. Sittingback up, she scooted a little closer to his pale limbs. "What ya doin' here?" She asked, merely curious as she didn't much care for this place any more.

[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>His dark features sobered as he watched his daughter join his side but the spark that had appeared in his eyes quickly returned as she told him that she had caught it by herself. He nodded quietly to acknowledge her feat, extending his delight further with an appreciative <b>"Thank you."</b>

She scratched at an itch and he was quick to note that she had inched forward, closer to him. Borden's hind limbs stiffened then relaxed. It surprised him that he didn't feel the need to get up and retreat. He was a pack wolf, that was for sure, he figured by now he ought to start acting like one. The lonely days just walking several meters short of Jaysyek's borders and staying away from everyone was starting to make him feel pathetic. With the season steadily advancing into Grizzly Hollow's anniversary, he was determined to piece himself back together to the best of his ability. Accepting Arlette's small token would be a start.

He looked over the lifeless rodent as if to make sure it hadn't moved since the pup had gifted it then slowly nibbled at its cold underbelly. One of his ears swiveled in her direction and he paused to reply. <b>"Oh, I just... thought I'd visit, really. Your mother and I used to come here every now and then."</b></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2012, 12:59 AM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

"You're welcome," she said, with a more humble smile satisifed he had taken it with no protest. He could use it just as well as she could. At peace she cantered her head upward studying the draping branches, and just where the sun was glittering off the snow. She didn't notice his own movment. She was lost in the whiteness. Winter would never be her favorite season, but she did adore how beautiful it made everything even if it made it cold, and harder to travel. Slowly her chin would level, and she watched him take a nible, noticing the life reflecting in the softer gold color of his eyes. It was well worth to see his reaction.

Making sure not to stare at the pool she decided to lie down too, and shifted onto her belly. A soft yawn she shook her head soon resting her jaws on her stretched out legs. She was mindful not to bump her father, but let her eyes look up when he answered. It wasn't expected, but it enlightened her to how things might have been. She wanted to ask what they did, if they swam, or played it in. Those ideas didn't seem possible, and she was afraid to ask. She wasn't sure what she was allowed to ask, and to know. She didn't like stepping on toes.

"What do you like about the pool?" She finally settled on one question, letting her eyes shift to it just briefly. She tensed, and let her eyes fall back to him. If he knew how to swim maybe he could teach her.

(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2012, 12:06 AM by Arlette.)
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>He chewed on the small meal as quietly as he could, stifling the crunching of the creature's bones by trying to close his mouth slowly and seal his lips. After swallowing the last of Arlette's catch, he licked his lips and glanced down to his daughter. She had laid down next to him and he fondly touched his muzzle to one of her large ears in response to her question. <b>"Well,"</b> he started, indulging now in the idea of having a proper conversation for once and wanting to just entertain her with the words he had kept pent up in his head for the past two months. <b>"It's just... quiet here. Good place to think. A nice place to talk, too, really. Not very many come out this way."</b> He was about to add that he and Jaysyek used to bond and sort issues out along the riverbanks but, for one reason or another, he figured Arlette wouldn't be too interested in the fact.

<b>"And, you?"</b> he asked, meeting her eyes before looking to the forest beyond her. <b>"What brings you out all this way?"</b></blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

She tried not to stare as he finished the meal, but since she didn't want to look at the pool she didn't have much choice. She managed to look indirectly at him, while staring at the white snow beneath them. Soft ear swiveled upon his touch surprised, but she smiled accepting it. When he began speaking she'd revert to resting her head, listening to his voice. She hadn't realized how much she had missed it, but much liked the sound of it. How steady it was now, instead of before. She had liked the stream to, it was one of the first places she'd come on her own. Now she was afraid of it, afraid of the water. When he did not offer more, she titled her head, mulling over her own thoughts, and words.

She returned her chin over her limbs, and looked in the distance. "I was out hunting, and I was gonna go home when I caught your scent.....and I wanted to see you," she mumbled half said. She wasn't sure why her courage had dropped. She hadn't thought she'd done anything wrong, but felt it there. Eyeing the water from the corner of her eyes her head popped upward. "Dad, do you know how to swim?"

[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Borden listened to her attentively, glancing down to her once more when her voice wavered. Well, that was a bit... odd. He tilted his head then gazed out to where she was watching the river. He decided he wasn't going to question her tone's lack of pep. <b>"Mmm,"</b> he sounded, taking in the fact that she had wanted to see him.

He fell quiet, simply waiting for another question and when it came, he arched a brow. <b>"Not very well,"</b> he bluntly admitted. <b>"But, swimming is easy."</b> He paused and wondered if he should explain <i>how</i> easy it was to manage a simple tread through the water, but he decided against it. With the water still iced over and frigid on the tongue and chin, he figured he wouldn't want to risk doing a demo or encouraging her to try the river herself if she liked the idea of learning. He also didn't want to reveal any inefficiency with his impaired forelimb. <b>"Why do you ask?"</b></blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

No scolding, she peeked back to his face to check their was no disapproval written on his features. They only seemed thoughtful, and her shoulders relaxed from the stiffened height she had held them at. What was she worried about? Mother had introduced them again, surely she wouldn't mad. Maybe it was Elettra that scared her. She would have probably had her steer clear of him. What she really feared was being rejected by him. He'd been gone, but she wanted to fill him it, let him know she wanted him included. A tiny smile crept on her lips, but it was her eyes that reflected a joyful peace.

She tried to hold the look of disappointment from her face at his answer, but she was sure her face fell a little. "Huh?" It was easy? It hadn't been for her, but she supposed she hadn't been trying at the moment. She'd been terrorized. Fear from the scary day crept in the back of head. She was brought back by his voice. "A I tried once, but I....wasn't very good at it. I don't um, like to bother Mom. It's freeezing any way." She hoped the answer would suffice him, she didn't want to go into detail because she doubted she was a good liar. No one knew what had happened, and she planned to keep it that way. "When it's warm, would you teach me?" She asked with a hopeful wag of her tail.

[Image: oaktreebend.png]