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Hunt — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Gavin who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Teldias Goldheart
Teldias laid low to the ground so his white fur didn't give him away. The only part of him that truly blended in was is eyes, which where a dark orange-ish/red-ish color. This particular patch of ground had the snow melted off of it for miles and he wished it was still snowing. That would be much to convenient, and with my luck the snow will finish melting soon so it will be almost impossible for me to hunt, he thought to himself. His eyes gleamed in the little light that that came with the evening sun, and in that little light he saw his prey as the rabbit pranced along thinking he had nothing to fear. He jumped and chased it. He caught it easily for he was built for speed. He was well fed that night but he didn't have any idea the trouble that would come up with the sun.
The hunt calls me.
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
The desire to see more then simply the Heart had tugged at him for days, until eventually he'd come across Indru - and, much to his relief, been blessed with the permission to range south for a bit to sate his lusts for exploration. Strangely enough, he chose not a new place to go to, but decided to return to the Fireweed Rise. He'd first come down there in late autumn, after having spent the summer in the Riddle Heights. His first tentative steps back into socializing had been..awkward, ending in a misunderstanding that had him stalking off north. Now, though, he felt just a tad more confident in how to behave, and what to expect of others. He still didn't really understand everything he did nor why, and generally he had no idea of anything. If he tried to think really hard about it, he usually just ended up confusing himself, or rambling. Moving and doing was easier. The day was winding to a close, and the setting sun spread sheets of orange and red across both sky and ground. Powdery snow swirled about his paws as he strode across the knoll, white breath pooling into the air.

It was beautiful here, just as achingly beautiful as the Serpent's Pass had been. It wasn't that cold today, but it'd be when the blazing sun disappeared and left them stranded in shadow. Ice paused where he stood, rolling his massive shoulders. He'd been trotting along all day, and now his body was steaming lightly. He did certainly not lack for warmth right now. Drawing in a deep breath, Ice simply stood still and enjoyed the evening view for a moment. Few sounds could be heard; the lack of trees meant a lack of birds, and no animals were running about either, likely because he was there and he was a predator. Deer seldom waltzed right up to you and begged for being eaten.

But there was a disturbance - the scent of a killing site, the scent of a male lingering in the still air. Sniffing around tentatively for a moment, Ice decided to track it down and see who it was. With his body in a position that bordered on dominance Ice set off, striding on sturdy legs through the snow. He figured he'd be better off then most loners this far into winter, so if it came around to a scuffle, he was quite confident in his own success. His gray eyes scanned the horizon as he moved, tracking the scent of blood - and, after not too long a time, he laid eyes on the wolf in question. By the looks of it, the kill had been a rabbit, and the wolf was as white as the thin snow around them. He looked to be adult, rather tall but not as brawny as Ice. "Hello there, stranger," he called out, to mark his own approach as a peaceful one and not one meant for a sneak-attack. Cautious, but not excessively so, Ice drew closer before coming to a halt. He was more curious then wary, and watched the white-furred stranger for his reaction. Ice had no interest in his kill, just in who he was. He smelled of newness, of foreign things, of himself and not of Relic Lore and its packs - unlike Ice, who smelled thickly of pack despite having been away from them for some days now.
.ice aesir

sorry if I misunderstood the setting, I didn't know if I should show up at dusk or sunrise xD But I went with coming shortly after he made his kill. :)
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Gavin who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Teldias Goldheart
<i>OOC: ya im not sure of the setting ether as i said it is my first time so if my writeing are short im sorry.</i>

Teldias saw the newcomer. He was large and some what intimidateing to teldias for it was the second wolf he saw in relic lore. <i>Should i tell him my name, he thought.</i> The last wolf Teldias found teldias aproched him and he found himself in puzzles situation. Puzzles was the wolf he found up at the lagoon. <i>I have to make a desison to tell him my name or wait for him. I'm going to tell him i desided.</i> <b>"Hellow my name is Teldias Goldheart, am i in your territor im new to Relic Lore,"</b> i said then i noticed how nervous i sounded.

<i>"Please be a friend," I thought to myself, "please..."</i>
The hunt calls me.
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Don't worry. If you ever need tips and pointers, don't be afraid to ask! <a href='http://relic-lore.net/library/misc/roleplay-tips' target='_blank'>http://relic-lore.net/library/misc/roleplay-tips</a> is really useful as well. :) Try and see if you can get some more depth, detail and length into your posts? ;3 Also, in general, it is really good to run your post through Word or some other spell-check feature before posting, because it's easy to make typos and they generally lower the quality of posts. :)

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Wariness was natural in the wild. It was what kept you alive. Of course, wariness was to be expected when approached by a total stranger - especially a large one at that. Ice watched calmly, quietly, patient as the ice itself as the white stranger thought on what to do. He could almost see the thoughts flitting about behind those orange eyes, as caution battled courtesy and options were weighed. There was no rush, not really - the Swift River male was content to stand tall and watch like a sentinel. As the male finally spoke up, Ice shifted his weight ever so slightly, large paws shuffling in the snow. Without fear or hesitation he looked at Teldias' - as his name was - face. Given the obvious nervousness and general situation of the loner, Ice felt confident, and strangely at ease in the dominant role, though he knew that just a scent of Indru would have him crawling on his belly again. With a somewhat amused expression, Ice's head tilted to the side. He almost pitied the nervous stranger.

"I'm Ice," he replied, voice steady and level. "Don't worry, Teldias. You're in the Fireweed Rise. No pack resides here." For some reason, the three current packs were all spread out north of here - Swift River in the Sacred Grove, Grizzly Hollow in the Cedarwood Forest, and the most recent Copper Rock Creek up in the Secluded Spring. They were far south of those. Ice's thoughts and speech paused as he simply watched for a moment, his silver eyes betraying little emotion as he pondered what to do. Teldias seemed well fed, which suggested that he was a capable hunter. That.. could be useful. He stored the information for later, and instead tried to make the conversation progress. "Since you are new, I'd like to welcome you here. You're quite far south in the lands, the packs reside up north. There's three of them at the moment." To ask if he was interested in one was pointless, because it was in every wolf's nature to be. Although, once he'd stopped speaking now... His thoughts ground to a halt, and he waited for the other to say something. Social interactions weren't Ice's forte, but he was passably good at it, and this encounter had felt more at ease then any other he'd recently had. Perhaps it was just when talking to authorities that he blabbered like a ravening lunatic.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Gavin who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Teldias Goldheart
Teldias pondered what the mysterious wolf said. <i>Three packs plenty of chances to join one,mabey my frears of being a lone wolf for all my life, he thought.</i> He always thought he couldn,t get in a pack because where he came from it was full of hunters and he definetly wasn't built to be a gardian. <i>But mabey its diffrent here, he thought hopfuly.</i> then he stoped because the mysterious wolf was still sitting there waiting for the converstion to continue. "I'm sorry i didn't catch you name," he said. talking wasnt his strong pint but he hoped this wolf wouldn't care.
(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2012, 09:39 PM by Teldias.)
The hunt calls me.
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
It seemed that Ice was the one speaking the most, for the only words Teldias spoke were silent ones - that is, nothing at all. The large male found himself undisturbed by this, content to simply stand and watch, wait. His pale eyes had latched themselves onto Teldias' face, every once in a while drifting across his bright irises. Peculiar eyes, similar to Triell's. With the stranger so quiet, Ice nearly felt out of place, as if he was somewhere else, watching from afar, a notion that was borderline creepy. But, he didn't really mind. Ice knew what it was like to be bad at talking and as one who always tripped on his tongue, he appreciated when others gave him time to formulate a reply. Without taking his eyes off the other wolf's face, he rolled his large shoulders, easing some tension from them. Goldheart didn't seem like the type to pounce and kill at random, so no reason to be as wound up as a spring.

When the other wolf finally spoke, it was only to state that he hadn't listened properly. Annoyance crawled across Ice's face for a moment, but then he wiped it away. Perhaps the other wolf was nearly pissing his pants in fear, and just putting on a slightly less afraid facade - or, he was deaf. "Ice," he grunted, padding in a semi-circle to inspect the male. "My name is Ice. Like the ice. Y'know, that hard frozen stuff on water?" He hadn't meant to, but his voice had adopted an edge of sarcasm as he ended up behind the other wolf. He was fit enough, slim - fast. Ice still clung to that belief after this inspection. Snorting to himself he finished the circuit and came up in front of the other wolf again, tail stiff and raised. Teldias would have to learn to pay attention or be mauled out here. With a noise halfway between a sigh and a rumble he tried to relax again. The white wolf seemed nervous enough without him flaring up. Shaking his head, Ice fixed his eyes on Teldias again, watching him intently, silently - waiting to see what he would say, or if he'd bolt and run. Hopefully he wasn't that much of a wuss that the sight of a mildly annoyed wolf - and now not annoyed anymore - sent him scampering for cover. If he did.. he had no place in a pack. Ice's eyes narrowed just a fraction. Was this Teldias Goldheart made of the stuff Swift River needed?

Only time would tell.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Gavin who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Teldias Goldheart

Teldias' nervousness increased as the wolf that called himself ice made a semi-circle around him. It made him angry to hear the sarcasm in Ice's voice. <i>Why would he say it that way he never told me his name before,</i> as he replayed the conversation. <i>First he said, "Hello there, stranger," then he said "I'm Ice Don't worry, Teldias. You're in the Fireweed Rise. No pack resides here."... wait... there it was. Crap how did i miss it,</i> he thought. <b>"Crap, now i look like a retard, or he thinks i'm deaf,"</b> he whispered under his breath. <b>"I'm sorry," He said, "I'm a little nervous."</b> He winced. <i>Like he didn't notice,</i> He thought. Then it was quite and Teldias hoped he understood he was tired of failing at his speech and that he would take over and when it seemed like it had been a few minutes he looked up at the wolf with a sad look on his face, <i>I fail, he will never want me in his pack......</i> he thought to himself and he was sad, sadness played a big role in his life, it set in on the cold nights when he missed his parents pack, and he realized no one would probably ever want him to join a pack. because he Knew no role he could play that wasn't taken here, <i>Maybe there are less hunters here, </i> He thought.
The hunt calls me.
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He held his mask in place, the still face, for a bit longer. He didn't catch exactly what the other wolf mumbled, but he saw the movement of lips. Eyes narrowed as tension ran hot beneath his skin, ready for anything - fight or flight..or a perfectly pleasant conversation. Then came words, louder ones meant for Ice's ears, and they flickered in response. He huffed, not certain of what to say. He was very familiar with how it felt being in that position; nervous, awkward, fearing that you'd upset someone... He'd been nearly senseless the first time he met Indru, careening through a sheet of water into a cave.. Much of that conversation had been said either to a slick, wet wall, or a pair of large, worn paws. And now, here he was, pushing Teldias into the same mindset. What a hypocrite I am. Ice gave his large head the smallest of shakes, sighed again, and for a moment turned to the setting sun for guidance. Sheets of orange and red spread out across the purpling sky, casting the thin cover of snow in the shades of half a rainbow. It was darkening rapidly though, navy taking over from the east - soon the last rays of sunlight would be gone, and he'd be left with a starry sky.

Ice loved stars.

He sighed again, white mist smoking from his mouth, and turned his pale eyes to the pale wolf. He was looking up at him now with all the sorrow of the world hidden in his bright eyes, sadness lacing his entire body - and Ice, he felt.. guilt? On one paw he wanted to comfort the loner, on the other he wanted to be a block of ice, cold and indifferent, for emotions were such a hassle to deal with. Silence stretched on for a little bit longer before he heaved yet another sigh. "It's alright," he said, pushing back the part of him that wanted to twist around and hide within itself. Hide, and pretend to not see the sadness on his face. "I know what it's like." All too well... If he looked, he'd still be able to find the path leading up to the Riddle Heights - to his former home. He could still run away, away from pack life, social situations, and every complication that came with it.

Away from Indru, and Corinna. Away from the warmth of a pack, the feeling of a full belly. Away from Kaala, and from Triell.

He couldn't - didn't want to. Breath-smoke rose in thoughtful clouds in front of his face, dissipating, only to be replaced by new ones in perfect sync with the heaving of his sides. Slowly, his mind and thoughts returned to the present - eyes softening like melting snow, looking upon the sad and honest face turned to him. For guidance and salvation, as if I'm some kind of hero... He wanted to frown. Had he represented hope for Teldias, and then crushed it with his sarcastic words? Perhaps. Perhaps not. "Tell me about yourself, Teldias," were the words that slipped, quiet and thoughtful, from his maw in the end.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Gavin who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Teldias Goldheart
Tealdias was shocked by ice's request, had he misunderstood the wolves earlier tone.<b> "Ummm, lets see, I was born in a pack outside of relic lore, the Zela pack. I know I know its a really stupid name, and when i was old enough to fend for myself I left. It was a mistake because i realy wasn't ready and I wound up here. But enough about me what about you, whats your pack like?"</b> He asked and he started geting less and less nervouse with every word he said. He liked this wolf, Ice, and he hope, Ice, liked him as a friend to.
The hunt calls me.
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
It seemed that Teldias paid better attention then Ice ever had when the thoughts rushed around your head like wildfires. Usually, the Aesir missed out on at least one question, either by not hearing it, misinterpreting it, failing to understand it was a question, or by blabbing out some nonsense. The white timber wolf had more sense, collecting his thoughts but giving few details. Then again... Ice hadn't really asked for his life story, or every part of his personality. It was an open question he'd asked, allowing Teldias to give away whatever he wanted to... and yet, Ice wanted to know more. It looks like I have to lead this dance... He was unused to leading conversations, the twists and turns of his thoughts often too sharp and random for others to really pick up on. He certainly wasn't suitable for explaining things in an exoteric fashion. He tried to slow the spinning of his mind though, to process what the other male had said and the request - tried to not make any sharp turns within his mind.

He'd never heard of the Zela pack, but that didn't matter. "How's winding up here a mistake?" he asked, curious. The guy had made a recent kill, which showed some form of skill as a hunter, and he didn't look too thin despite winter. Of course, he wasn't as healthy as a pack wolf, but all the same, he didn't seem to be doing too bad for himself. But, on to the question... What is Swift River like? He'd never tried to put it down into words, all he knew was the scent and the sensation - of belonging, of being home. His tail tip twitched arrhythmically as he pondered it.

"It's not my birth pack," he began, trying to put words to what he felt. "I was born somewhere else, but I came down this side of the mountains late in fall. Eventually I moved further north, and ran across a male called Indru - turned out he was the leader of a pack, called Swift River. Our main pack site is located in a grove, with quite the lot of creeks bordering it. Nothing too horrible or too dangerous, but..." He gave a small shrug. Ice loathed open water, and preferred to drink from shallow brooks. If the body of water was too large for him, he most likely refused to go near. "It's a good pack. Indru and his mate Corinna are fair, but strong." He tilted his head a little to the right, studying the slender male. "What could you contribute with to a pack, Teldias?"
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul