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Wise Men Wonder While Strong Men Die
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Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
Ideally, everyone should post once before adding a second reply.

<blockquote>This night was haunted. She moved quickly and with ease through the wood that so protected her home, her large paws contacting the frozen earth and ice beneath her for only a split second at a time as she approached the mountainside. Breath like a cloud of smoke as she exhaled the icy air that fed her respiration, the ambers of her almond eyes were the only source of warmth for what felt like miles. There was not a single cloud in the sky, something she took acute notice of as she pushed forward.

The leadess' encounter with the Aquila man had proved both insightful and functional, igniting her courage and a sense of <i>urgency</i>. Copper Rock Creek had grown in number, but had remained fragmented; she'd yet to meet any of the newcomers, save Rebecca, who so nonchalantly made themselves at home in the Spring, yet not in the pack. <i>Life together was passing them all by with each turning day</i>, but it would not anymore. No, it was time that she would put a face to every scent, account for every member, as it was now clear that they were not alone here <i>for long.</i> One of them was being hunted down, though she was unsure of the exact nature of the dark one who searched. <i>Now</i> they would all come together, like it or not.

Like a silhouette among the moonlit, tangled wood behind her, the regal female approached the den outcropping, intolerant of the scarceness before her. Only slowing to bound powerfully across the width of the irridescent creek, the namesake of her pack and home, Aeylen encroached the series of small dens, forged from the mountain. Muzzle, hackles, and tail elevated, a quick survey of the breeze was telling of the absense of the others.

And so she turned her gaze to the ghostly moon in the ink dark sky above, reverently inhaling a verbose breath before unleashing a glorious howl. All the power invested in her commanded to them <i>all</i>, the members and strangers of Copper Rock Creek. <i>Come</i> was the black and white message, for there would be no more disconnect here.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2012, 08:38 PM by Aeylen.)
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>The achromatic yearling passed through a silver shaft of moonlight that shone proudly through the skeletal branches above, and then into the darkness once more. Silver-blue eyes narrowed in thought, she slipped through the brush silently, overlarge paws carrying her swiftly to the source of a howl with which she was still hardly familiar: <i>Aeylen.</i> Ruiko's mate was still mysterious to her, despite the length of their travels and the proximity they'd shared since Copper Rock Creek had come into its own— yet the howl was clear enough, and it kindled something, a fire, in her chest.

Volkan was still making herself an expert on the territory, but following a wrong turn which took her across some precariously cracked ice, her leader came into view, standing before the pack den. Ruiko's scent was heavy in the air, to the yearling's liking, though she was still becoming used to it. Softly she stepped out of the trees into the moonlight, her ashen face spreading into a smile. Obviously she had somehow been the first to arrive, and her feathery tail swished as she drew nearer to Aeylen, issuing her a quick lick under the chin to show respect. She quickly drew away, that duty having been done, and stopped to look at the older female. She appeared so queenly, with her regal stance and thick coat; they really were like night and day, weren't they? Volkan stood with her limbs somewhat splayed, head tilted at an impish angle.

<b>"I've been waiting for this,"</b> she said honestly through a smirk, abandoning her odd stance to go sniff at the den entrance idly. It was true; since meeting Kashikoi, Kanosak, and most importantly Wille, she had a few questions and wondered if she wasn't the only one.</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Ooc sorry no paragraphs im on ipod

A pair of amber eyes appeared in a small hollow beneath the uplifted roots of a tree as the howl roused kashikoi. He had always been a light sleeper but this commanding howl he heard shook any tiredness from his body. Something big is going on, he thought to himself as he crawled out of his hollow to see the female who gave him the rabbit not long ago. He saw her licking the chin of an older female who must of given the summon. Following what was proper he made himself seem small before licking the proud females chin also before backing away. He had no clue who she was but there was a commanding air about her and she had the smell of the pack. He had never had this happen in his old pack so what ever was going to happen would be unexpected and he didnt like surprises much. As he waited for more of the pack assemble he looked at the female wondering who she was. He battled with his mind to keep back any possible flashbacks. He figured it would be better if he didnt talk so he kept his muzzle shut as he sat down.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>Kanosak was making a final pass of the border, checking out that strangers scent again before heading in for the night. It never came too close but it was persistent and it had him on edge. The commanding howl could be heard right across the territory and it pulled at him, urging him to hasten to her side. It must be Ruiko's mate who he had yet to manage to track down to properly introduce himself. Guilt tugged at his innards as he raced towards the howls origin, he had managed to meet everyone else, but he should have made her one of his first priorities.

He slowed as he approached, scenting others on the breeze, Kashi and Volkan were already present. He lowered his head an tail submissively approaching the buff, red and cream female, there was something in the way she was carrying herself that told him something was up. Maybe something to do with that persistent scent. He too licked her chin and took the chance to apologise. <b>"I am sorry this is our first meeting. I am Kanosak."</b> he said by way of introduction before moving to sit beside Volkan. He needed to get to know the female better, but he felt it would take some work to get her to warm up to him. He smiled to Kashi reassuringly.

He would approach the leaders and mention the scent once this meeting was over, or if the need to mention so arose during said meeting. He didn't see any immediate threat since the stranger was respecting their boundaries, but he may need to mention his intentions to learn more about healing before pups came along.</blockquote>
user posted image
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Amerging from her den, blue eyes searching for any signs of danger before the sleek black figure pulled herself up and going. It wasn't long way to the meeting place, not at all, and Ayelen's call was something she had to obey. Ayelen was an alpha, rebecca just third subordinate.

Trotting ahead, seeing Ayelen, then Volkan, Kashi and Kano. Slowing down a little, staying in the shadows with an impish grinn on her face. Then, before she stepped away from those dark forms, the black girl's face turned nothing more than respectful and friendly, truthful feelings inside her. Nothing in her body was pretended, not the healing wounds on her neck, the black coat, blue eyes or small smile, nor the wagging tail.

Walking next to Kano, laying down and pointing her eyes to Aeylen. Was there something special going on? The black girl only knew this was some kind of an meeting, but the lack of knowledge prevented her from making any assumptions.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Come nightfall, it was the tawny male’s ritual to seek his mate, usually meeting her within the depths of their den before they would decide how to spend such moonlit eves. Yet this night was different, and as the hefty male trailed the familiar path to the den he shared with Aeylen, he came upon a fresh trail of her scent, leading him the opposite direction.

Peering curiously in the dark, the tawny male lifted himself regally, his tail giving an idle flick as he contemplated what his mate was busy with. Flexing his paws upon the frozen ground, Ruiko attempted to determine whether to seek her out, or to wait at their den for her to come home to him. His desire for his mate would have won – yet her cry echoed across the Creek sky, calling for all to join her. With a whip of his tail, the golden male lifted his own muzzle back, crying out his own song to notify her he would be there shortly.

Prowling forward now, his silhouette from the dancing moon casting shadows upon the winter loam, the regal male finally came upon the clearing where the dens of the pack members were. Others had already gathered; Ruiko’s eyes flickered across the four present wolves and offered them a nod of greeting as he moved to the side of his mate. Greeting her with affection, the male pressed his muzzle to her cheek momentarily before casting his eyes out to the others, waiting for other pack members to join them.
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu lifted his head from the creek in which he was drinking. A howl came from the entrance of the den and Rolu heard the message loud and clear. He picked himself up and started for the den. He chuckled as he watched wolves gather,"Rhysis will surely want to know about this if I ever find him again," he thought. Rolu heard a howl some distance off and agreed to himself it must be Aey's mate. Then he saw the he-wolf beside her.

Rolu approached the group with a grin on his face. Then he looked closer and spotted a familiar wolf alongside them. He was surprised to see that it was Rebecca. He wagged his tail and quickened his pace. As he neared the group he lowered his tail in submission and quickly sat down on the edge of the group. His head was up and his ears pricked up, ready for them to start.
(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2012, 11:53 PM by Rolu.)
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
OOC: Sorry for the late response, I've been absent.

Willie pricked her ears as she heard a female's call. <i>Maybe this was the meeting, I've heard about.</i> Willie padded out of her den, her pelt tinged with excitement about meeting her fellow pack members. She padded into the clearing, curios of how many were here already and how late she was. Kanosak, Rebecca, Kashi, Ruiko, and a male and female she had not yet met. Man, was she late. She scowled in how she had already presented herself to her alphas. How was she supposed to prove herself now?

She sat on her haunches beside Kanosak, as he was the closest wolf in this pack. She nodded towards the fellow packmates she already knew as she trotted down. Should she introduce herself to her other alpha? That would be a wiser choice. She silently padded up to her alpha, went into a submissive posture as she nodded. <b>"Mam, I am Willie Lylla."</b>
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>The call was long-overdue, in Kinis' humble opinion, but his lack of involvement in the social activities of Copper Rock Creek left him with absolutely no right to criticise. Where he had thought to be a bustling centre of attention in the new pack, he had found himself on the fringes, gathering food and patrolling borders every day, without fail, busying himself with important matters - except, perhaps, some of those which mattered most.

Obediently he turned towards the sound, and though he was on the far side of the territory from the den, and despite that, he did not hurry. As a result, he was probably the last to arrive, and a hot spike of shame ran through him at the notion. Everything he had ever said... Ruiko and Volkan, they must have thought him a two-faced liar. Since avoiding the newcomers had been one of his greatest past-times lately, it seemed, he could bring himself to look at nobody but Aelyen, though Kanosak - the one newcomer who had sought his company - was offered a brief smile. See, that wasn't so bad. Still, insecurity pressed down, and where he should have been feeling pride at the pack, he felt embarrassment for himself. This wasn't how it was supposed to be.

Sitting near the fringe of the gathered group, keeping distance from Ruiko, whose disappointment he most feared, Kinis couldn't even bring himself to approach his leadess to offer to customary lick. Perhaps he would pay the proper respects at the end, when not everyone was looking. See, he should have been the first to arrive - then everything would have been fine.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida

The minutes passed as though time were standing still, the scene frozen beneath a silver moon.

One by one the wolves of Copper Rock Creek emerged from whichever shadow they had chosen to travel by, and the leadess was not surprised - and rather relieved - to note Volkan was quickest in her arrival. If she were young, the female's red, sienna, and cream tail would have swayed hastily behind her in greeting, eager to express her childlike emotions and spout her knowlege concerning the Aquila female's brother; but this was not the case, and in fact the woman stood with a heaviness in her head as she openly accepted the static-colored wolf's respectful gesture, reverently silent. Thoughts of what should become of Volkan were pushed from her mind as she remembered what she was doing - <i>bringing her family together.</i> In the distance, Ruiko's cry echoed against the mountainside reassuringly, the most beautiful song.

A small figure approached, and after a quick judgment she concluded him to be an unfamiliar member. Ears pressed to her skull, tail quick to rise behind her, Aeylen tolerantly proceeded to accept the first greeting of the mocha hued man.

She would hold her position as the others arrived, overlooking them all individually. It was clear that the pack was larger than she'd thought, and <i>young</i>. Nevertheless, she was able to finally put a face to every scent, a most satisfying achievement. A gentle breeze grazed her face, running its fingers down her back as it beckoned <i>his</i> scent to her. The shewolf's golden gaze would rove through the small crowd before washing over Ruiko's masculine figure. Though she held her pokerface like a seasoned vet, she was sure the softness of her stare was not unbeknown to her mate as he took his rightful place.

In the moment, what seemed a happy reunion was in fact the first reunion, and what could have been a midnight socialite affair carried an ominous undertone. When everyone had appeared to be settled, the Tainn female boldly, diplomatically stepped forward.

<b>"It is in a dark time that we gather tonight-"</b> she started, her eyes slowly connecting individually with those of her packmates. <b>"Relic Lore, riddled by its mysteries, has given <i>all</i> of <i>us</i> a home, which he have now begun to build together...I ask you all to look around you at the faces of your <i>family</i>," </b>now pacing slowly before them, her owns eyes continued to wander. These were those who she and Ruiko had chosen, those that she would protect, that she would <i>give her life</i> for, no questions asked. These were the wolves who she would rely on, who she would serve, as they were to serve one another.

<b>"In the coming times, these souls will be your backbone, your comfort, and your <i>security</i>,"</b> instincively her gaze fell upon the newest pack members as she drove the latter point forward. <b>"Our neighboring packs are strong, and continue to grow stronger, as we must do. Alongside them, the rogue population continues to grow, though some of the loners you may find here are <i>more familiar</i> than any one of you may imagine. Achieving strength will require the most from all of us - <i>trust</i>. We must learn to trust those who belong to us, and with us..."</b> A silent thought that they could be deceived by one of their own was pushed away before she smoothly continued, though her feminie voice would now carry a deadly serious message.

<b>"...In this manner, each of us must also learn to be weary of those with deviant intentions."</b> Her ears pressed backward as her brows came together in a hard line. <b>"We are not alone, here. Though some of you may feel secure surrounded by the scents of those around you in a place where we have come together, our safety is only as firm as our individual abilities to <i>protect each other</i>."</b> Though it would have been advantageous to disclose the ominous circumstances that were going to affect them all, the leadess would hold steadily to the knowledge meant for Volkan. <b>"It is of great importance that we band together now. The borders must be reinforced at all times, with no tolerance for trespassers, and no self-tolerance for <i>mistakes</i>."</b> Mistakes such as allowing the entrance or passage of wolves such as Rhysis, whom she'd yet to come to a solidified conclusion about.

For a moment the regal wolf fell quiet, observing the looks on the faces of her packmates as she guaged their reactions, hoping that her words, as they lacked definitive information about her objective, would be considered.

Eyes and ears wide open, the shewolf awaited any questions she knew were due.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 22, 2012, 11:14 PM by Aeylen.)