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the sun and the science — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
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<blockquote><ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>Feel free to PM me if you think I've misinterpreted your attacks or you don't understand what I've written. Fights are confusing. </span></li></ul>
Perhaps he had been wrong to ignore the puny grey heathen so entirely. By turning his back on the runt he exposed himself to the unknown, and was completely unable to anticipate the attack. A sudden weight fell on his shoulders that knocked him to the ground. Slamming into the winter-frozen ground knocked the air from him, but he had enough sense to roll, hoping to dislodge the disgusting curr. By this time the witch had already regained her feet and he had lost the window of opportunity. Lying on the ground some feet away, still breathless, he was in no position to dodge the silver monster as she dove for a second attack. Kiche only had time to brace himself as she slammed into him.

The impact stole what little remained of the air in his lungs. Her teeth gouged his shoulder, tearing skin and fur. The wound, though it bled freely, was not grave — the she-devil had been moving, after all, and had probably been more focused on knocking him off balance. She stood over him now, which put him in a very bad position, without any leverage entirely. His instincts screamed at him, shouting, <i>DO SOMETHING! DO SOMETHING!</i> Panicking, lunged at her legs, hoping to maim her like a bear trap.
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by Pebbles who has 12 posts.
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Puzzles Mc White River
Puzzles felt somewhat wrong that he attacked the wolf with rage and anger. He then turned back to his normal and usual ways. He knew that these two wolves would both fight to the death if he didn't stop them....but how would he do that? Puzzles looked up at the sky worriedly. "Stop!" he shouted but had known it would be useless." This is all a misunderstanding!" he yelled across Drooping willows. 'I give up! I'll never get them to stop them fighting, what on earth am I doing in Drooping willows anyways? should I just leave? NO! I should never ever leave a friend behind got it? Good!"he had thought to himself.

"What will I do?" Puzzles whinned, he then had thought of a idea. Puzzles padded up to the wolf calmer look but then, stared unhappily at the Stranger, blabbering on again.... "Sir, you must stop fighting, this is a misunderstanding you see, and you are attacking the very person who had saved yourself. She is full and only kindness itself and we are only defending ourselves. We are no savages!"
(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2012, 07:46 PM by Puzzles.)
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
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Silver Wintercoat
Silver jumped back as the wolf went for her legs. She felt the wolf's teeth nick her though. She stood and watched, breathing heavily. Her ears picked up at the sound of Puzzles voice and turned her head to him, <b>"I don't think he under stands us! HE should be reacting to this! Puzzles try some thing else!"</b>Silver growled a warning at the large male and stood in front of puzzles like a guard. She bared her teeth and her hackles went up. She stood tall with her tail up high and head bent at an angle looking at the larger he-wolf.

Silver stood there battle strategies going through her head."I'm faster and I think older than, this, this male I will kill him if I have to!" she growled to herself. She glanced at the large he wolf again this time trying to make him head her words,<b>"Fight me if you want, but I'm the one who saved you and your just going to attack! Your a waist of my time she growled! I hope you don't have pups or a nice life! Your not worth it! Your a filthy wolf who should be ashamed of himself!"</b>Silver growled and was ready to do what she needed."I won't let anything tear my friend away from me!" she thought. Silver took stance and faced the large he wolf,"Even if it means my death" she vowed.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote><ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>I’m going to pull Kiche out now. Ya’ll can post once more if you want, I guess, to end the thread. I’ll archive it once you’ve done that, I guess?</span></li></ul>It appeared that he was apparently being accosted by two very diplomatic and delirious heathens. All they did was talk, and it frustrated him. He didn’t <i>care</i> if they thought they had saved his life or if they thought they deserved one thing or the other. His home was gone and they had invaded his private spaces, and they were just like all the other heathens –brutishly stupid and violent. While these two might, given the chance, protest to innocence and purity, he knew that they would not escape their natures, that they would sin just like all the others. Guilty by association. Perhaps his righteous anger was augmented by the loss of his willow-tree home, perhaps he had just reached a breaking point. He had <i>tried</i> to understand these stupid beasts and he had <i>tried</i> to accept the natural world, but everything just always caved in on him. There was no point in wasting breath.

The pale monster leaped away from his outstretched jaws. Although his attempt to injure her had been unsuccessful, she had given up her vantage point and he used the opportunity to roll back to his feet. She stood before him, a barrier between the smaller grey one and himself –and he didn’t care. Clearly, she had given up on the offensive. And quite frankly, if she was done with her savage violence, he saw little need to continue the fight. He had made his point very clear, and figured they would leave him alone. The brindled grey brute opened her mouth and spewed out some more insane, misguided, disillusioned drivel, but he ignored her snarling, wondering if he ought to respond.

In the end, he decided she wasn’t worth the breath. His only response was to spit in her face before he turned and walked away.
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
-Sorry its so small don't have much muse.

Silver drew her head back at the wolf, and watched him go. She turned to Puzzles and nodded to him as a thank you gesture. Then, Silver turned the way she had come and left, springing over snow drifts.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow