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blue spotted tail — Swift River 
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Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
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Rihael Tainn
♫ title doesn't make sense, oh welll lalalaaa here you go :]
<blockquote>Sitting obediently outside the den was not one of Rihael's pastimes, so naturally, it only made sense that he and his (now extremely tattered) scrap of boar hide from the pack hunt were exploring today as the sun set. "Exploring" didn't quite mean what Hael wished it did, though; still being a stupid <i>kid</i>, and ever loyal to the wishes of his parents, he wasn't keen to get on their nerves while trying to amuse himself by straying outside the pack borders without permission. Winter's chill kept the lands quiet, the only sounds being the occasional far-off wolf voice, or maybe the gentle shaking of the barren trees as the wind slithered through them.

Hael didn't like the quiet. It lulled him into a sense of complacency that felt unnatural for him, as though it put him to sleep against his will. So, he hummed a little song to himself, head on his paws as he idly batted around his scrap of boar hide. If he kept relying on this poor scrap to keep him entertained, though, it would probably just dissolve into nothing...</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 24, 2011, 05:51 PM by Rihael.)
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
<blockquote><i>it's a cute title, and i like the mellow song :)</i>

Twisting his head, a muffled pop sounded from his neck, and he groaned twisting it the other way. A tired yawn stretched his jaws, his tongue curling out past his tall canine teeth. He flexed his eyelids, and slowly pulled himself out of his dark hole. Smacking his lips he surveyed the quiet, grey landscape while stretching his thick, black limbs and torso. He did not want to be awake, but he could not pursue sleep any longer. It was time to do something, and thirsty he headed in direction of the gurgling river.

His paws crunched against the crust of snow, as he wasn't trying to be quiet he was merely trying to walk. The obsidian cloaked almost two year old was almost sure he would fall in any way. He was not a pup who could meander so easily on top, leaving only a dim imprint of his trail. Weight shifting between his legs, he let wherever his paws fall coax his body to lean against the odd dips, and raises. He was almost to his destination when Rihael's scent leading another way caught his attention.

Now he didn't suppose the lad was up to trouble, but it was going to be dark at some point. Black, pointed ears rotate like thin points, and his topaz eyes search the sleepy landscape. What was Rihael doing? Exploring out of bordem? That was one of his favorite pastimes, and he was pretty sure they had hardly wandered far from the Grove if that. An amused snort, he chomped down on the ice crystals of snow letting it melt in his mouth. Slowly he would shift his wide frame, and stalk his oldest nephew.

Like he had expected the Tainn was hardly quiet, and his steps were obvious breaks against the frozen layer of snow. A furrowed brow he continued, pausing off, and on just to hear some quiet. It wasn't really quiet he heard, it was a humming of sorts. A grin broke against his dark lips, and he spotted the boy playing with his toy. A friendly bark he leaped more than ran to Hael. <b>"Hey, do I get to play?"</b></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jan 24, 2012, 08:43 PM by Triell.)
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Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
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Rihael Tainn
finally posting D: <3
<blockquote>Hael jumped when he heard the voice, his little song breaking off abruptly as he sprang to his feet, whipping around to find Uncle Triell bounding toward him. Instantly his thick tail began to beat the air behind him as he yelled a happy <b>"Uncle Triell!"</b> right back, and his pink tongue lolled out of his mouth as he watched the black male approach. Of course he could play!

Excited now at the mere idea of doing something other than just sitting around, Hael took the very tattered boar hide sliver in his jaws and exaggeratedly threw it up in the air, flicking it toward Uncle Triell. <b>"Catch!"</b> he barked, bounding after the scrap once he had sent it sailing through the air. How cool was it that Uncle Triell was one of the wolves who had actually brought that boar down?! As he watched his uncle, Rihael admired his size, then quickly checked his paws for a comparison; he wasn't quite a yearling yet, but he was approaching adult size, and he couldn't be happier for it, or for the fact that his uncle had stalked him today.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2012, 02:17 PM by Rihael.)
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
Black tail waved high above his hocks, and his mouth was open in a happy expression clearly ready to make on his words. He briefly studied the worn hog's skin, almost surprised it was still making the rounds with Hael. He didn't know why he liked it so much, none the less he was glad to see it was entertaining the boy, going with him through all his wanderings. So when Rihael flew it in his direction, Triell went out of his way to catch it not knowing Hael was chasing it as well. A jump, his teeth drew inches of the tattered skin, but instead of catching it in his mouth it sailed higher, and landed on the top of his fuzzy muzzle.

Crinkling his black nose at the touch, he then quickly flipped it upward sending the piece of hide back into the air. <b>"Better be quick,"</b> he said bouding forward after it. This time a ilttle slower not to bump into the lad. He was clearly catching the older Tainn, but Triell was fearful of causing him injury. Better to be safe than sorry.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
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Rihael Tainn
<blockquote>Hael watched, captivated by every second, as Uncle Triell went for the hide flying through the air. It sailed in slow motion, almost, and Hael's tongue lolled in pure puppy bliss, watching as the hide landed square on the dark male's nose. The kid let out a burst of laughter riddled with snorts, bright eyes following the hide again as it flew back toward him. Eager to show off his own catching skill— and hoping in that moment that all those hours playing catch with himself had paid off— Hael bounded sideways, jaws agape as he launched himself vertically into the air.

Like clockwork, his teeth closed (with slightly excessive force) around the barely-in-tact scrap, and he proceeded to thrash it about, thick limbs splayed as though he needed the balance. After a few seconds, he stopped, looking up bright-eyed at Uncle Triell for approval. A thought crossed his mind just then, and he let the hide fall limp in his jaws before dropping it to the ground to paw it thoughtfully. <b>"Uncle Triell,"</b> he said after a moment, nudging it a few steps nearer to the dark wolf. <b>"When you hunted the boars, with Mom and Dad and Uncle Ruiko and Marsh and Uncle Kinis... what was it like? Did you get hurt?"</b> He remembered being so fascinated with the kills that he hadn't even given a thought to the effects of the hunt on his own family. Suddenly he felt a tinge of guilt, but it wasn't enough to overcome the fascination he had at his mental image of the Swift River adults bounding after the prey that afternoon.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2012, 08:50 PM by Rihael.)
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
<blockquote>It wasn't hard to get a laugh out of Rihael. He enjoyed the mirth, and smiled broadly, stopping just in time as Rihael clutched the limp hide in his mouth. Triell was clearly impressed, and tipped his muzzle in a form of solemn respect. <b>"You're pretty good,"</b> he stated, a fierce wag of his tail as the boy's eyes met his own. Triell's days of playing catch were behind him, but once and awhile he couldn't pass up tossing a rodent to see if he could still catch it. He braced himself ready for another throw, when Rihael dropped it. His orange-yellow eyes lingered over it, watching it being twiddled around on top of the snow. There was something on the boy's mind, and Triell reclined to the haunches wondering his thoughts. His name, his large ears cupped forward, a short stare to the top of Rihael's head.

He wanted to know about the hunt? He drew his front limbs close together, sitting tall one second, before letting his head drift downward. He wasn't quite sure what to tell him. He didn't to scare him.<b>"It was very different. Most times prey don't fight back, not like that. That was my, and Kinis first time hunting boars. Ind..your father, and Ruiko use to do it with our dad,"</b>he smiled, glancing to the lad. <b>"It was very intense. The boars breath was hot, and rough. It's hide was thick, and scratchy. It was hard to bite into it, because it was constantly pushing and pulling. I didn't get hurt. I almost did, but Marsh stepped in front of the sharp teeth and took a long slash to his leg. He kept wearing it down, while I tried to finish it off. It put up a hard fight, and your dad stepped him, helping me get a good grip on it."</b> A grin worked its' way on his lips, as images flashed in his head of that day. There was nothing like hunting a boar, but he wasn't quite ready to do it again. <b>"Soon enough you'll all go on your first hunt. Though it will probably be for a deer."</b> He added, hoping it would satisfy Rihael, and put his mind at ease if he was thinking he'd have to take on a wild pig.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 14, 2012, 05:03 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
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Rihael Tainn
Baaa sorry, I dunno why I said Kinis instead of Triell there. -edit-<blockquote>Wearing a grin left over from Uncle Triell's approval as he began to speak about the hunt, Hael pawed absently at the hide. The dark wolf's descriptions resonated inside the kid's head, and he dragged a paw across the scrap, its coarseness on his pads lending meaning to the words <i>thick, scratchy.</i> Then he stopped, lost in his imagination. He could smell the boars' stinky breath, hear their grunting. Slow-motion montages of Dad and Uncle Ruiko flying through the air, bringing down the rugged beasts played in his mind, and then of Uncle Kinis and Marsh—

At the mention of injury, Hael snapped out of it, his orange eyes moving to Uncle Triell as he continued to listen. He... he remembered that now. Hearing the voices shouting, watching the shapes in the distance converge into one as they struggled to finish off the last boar... and he could feel the pain in his leg as he tried to imagine how it must've felt. Those big teeth, they were huge! That must have killed! He shuddered, his uncle's explanation that he'd be hunting a deer settling him down a little, though he hoped he hadn't been showing his discomfort at imagining all these scary things. Uh, not that he was scared. Just, yeah, maybe a deer would be a good first step.

After a second of silence, Hael looked at his uncle once again. <b>"...Marsh got hurt? To save you?"</b> Again he replayed it in his mind, imagining the flesh on his own leg tearing with a grimace. <b>"...<i>Awesome,"</i></b> he resolved with a grin. How cool! There had been a time when Marsh was the most solid image of a grown male that he knew, and Rihael hadn't forgotten that projection of the stoic brown wolf. But his thoughts quickly shifted to the idea of he himself hunting, and his tail picked up a quick wag. <b>"I already hunted some on my own,"</b> he said at last, as though revealing this as a secret. <b>"Just bugs, but also some smaller stuff. And Aunt Borlla taught me how to sneak up on rabbits. Deer are the same sorta, right? 'Cause you gotta be quiet, or they run away?"</b> His chance encounters with the slender prey animals were always fascinating, and very, very, short-lived. The idea of actually being able to catch one was intoxicating.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2012, 04:14 PM by Rihael.)
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

A grin broke against his lips, and his bright eyes were intent on each movement Hael made. The shudder was noted, and he felt his stomach clench. Had he said to much? It had scared him to hunt large game, but after doing it once it had been alright. He wanted to ease the lad's mind, but doubted any amount of words would. Experience was the only cure for fear in this situation. Hell, a little fear was good it would keep Hael from doing anything rash, right? He didn't mention anything about it, not wanting to embarrass his nephew. Excitement, and eagerness usually won out the battle in the end, and Triell was sure if he was not there for their first hunt Indru, and Corinna would be of coarse.

"A huh, I'm sure he's healing up though. He's pretty tough," Triell winked, a twinkle of mirth in his golden-orange gaze. "But he stopped the boar from getting me," It was his turn to shudder, but he held his spine tight looking off into the woods with a thin frown hanging off his lips. He actually hadn't seen Marsh since the hunted, or not much. He made a mental note to see him soon, maybe he'd be up for a good spar or something. Triell had gotten a bit bigger since the last time. Of coarse he smirked at Rihael's huge grin, and playfully ruffled the top of his head with his nose. Lightly chuckling, he lifted his head growing quiet for a moment. He intently listened as Hael chattered, tilting his head to prove he was intrigued by his telling. He couldn't help but let out a light chuckle once more. He remembered those days, and was glad to hear Borlla was doing her part. How she had changed. He swiftly nodded his black head. "Yup, you gotta be quiet, patient, know where to hide, and where to sneak." He smiled clearly pleased by the lessons he was learning, and he was almost eager to take him out for something. He wasn't sure what they would find. Maybe, it'd be good to let him try to track something down. "It's hard, even now I come up short. Luckily working as a team it's bound by the end of the day your tummy won't be hungry." Playfully he rose, and nudged at Hael's chin before darting back in a playful bow. He let out a high playful whine part bark.

"Should we practice some tracking, so you can be a mighty river wolf too?"

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
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Rihael Tainn
This is short, and sorry for the wait. Let Uncle Triell lead the way! :D
<blockquote>These days, Rihael had no absence of strong male figures. There was Uncle Triell of course, and his father, and even the other males who had since left the pack or had newly joined. But as a young pup, his father had been absent, and he had looked to Marsh singularly for the image of what an adult male wolf should be— and so, the glory associated with the stoical rust-colored wolf would never fade in the kid's mind. He smiled knowing that he was okay, nodding in agreement that yeah, Marsh was pretty tough after all.

At the prospect of a hunt, Rihael met his uncle's bow with one of his own, letting out an excited yip. His tail wagged so quickly behind him that it could have propelled him into the air; to him, at this point, there was absolutely <i>nothing</i> more exciting than a hunt. Especially with Uncle Triell! It was going to be like they were both adults, hunting and providing for the pack! "Let's do it! I wanna be the best hunter and tracker in the whole pack someday," he proclaimed loudly, adopting a triumphant, regal stance, ready to take his uncle's lead. </blockquote>
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
<i>no worries <3</i>
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

The silence this time assured the Uncle Rihaeal was absorbing in everything he said. Who would not admire Marsh? He not only looked wise, but tough, and very intimidating. Triell might have been a little timid of him, but the feeling had been short lived. His grin widened recalling their sparring lessons, and the quiet way Marsh had of speaking. Often Triell wished he could hear more from the man. Actions spoke a lot louder than his words. Triell knew Marsh would do anything for not only the leaders of Swift River, but every member large and small. Triell actually kinda wished he was about, he would have liked that, and no doubt Hael would have been thrilled. The chestnut elder was likely else where stalking the borders for pesky intruders, or catching something to feed the hungry bellies.

He was answered with bold enthusiasm, and Triell let out another playful bark. He too stood up, proud, and tall when Rihael rose up. His smile was wide, and marked with pride upon his statement. "Someday," he said, surpressing a good hearted chuckle. Then he quickly took up the lead, heading off along the snow, and into the Scared Grove. His ears turned up, and his nose drifting close above the ground he set to work trying to find something worth hunting. His bright colored eyes turned to Rihael encouraging him to do the same. With his attention focused, he checked low and high in the passing shrubbery. A lot of scents were old or did not catch his interest for being to small. He continued nosey around, heading closer to the borders of Swift River when the coppery scent of blood had him stalk still. He did not speak, he shook his head, brushing past it waiting for Hael to find it instead.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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