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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote>Valiant stretched out in the faint winter sun in the heart of his new packs territory. He was safe here and even though it had only been a short while, stressed ache of his muscles was already lessening. He knew he would have to go and find her shortly, and spend some time explaining his actions and bending over backwards to try and get her back on side and his head throbbed with the prospect. The things he did for that wolf... Rhysis would owe him.

He could hear someone approaching but remained in his relaxed position. The mingled scent already told him it was probably a member of his pack, and if not, then it would be ok for him to retaliate on any attack. He was a little underweight but he was still a big boy. <b>"You're terrible if you're trying to be sneaky..."</b> he said lazily through half closed eyes, leaving his head facing forwards. He was comfortable and sick of jumping before asking how high to keep Hawke happy. He almost wished things were back to the way they were before he met Rhysis. <i>Almost...</i></blockquote>
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Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
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Silver Wintercoat
Silver saw familiar mass of grey and white. He smelled of pack as she approached then she realized who it was.<b>"I wasn't trying to be sneaky,"</b>she said in her stubbornly tone. She watched Valiant for any changes then said,<b>"When did you get here?"</b> Her tone was not friendly, and it sounded a bit sarcastic. She had to admit that she never thought of him as a pack person.<b>"You sick of Rhysis yet?"</b> Silver said bringing up the subject again. She new it wasn't a exoteric subject, but she wanted to pester him."He is probably surprised that I'm even here," she thought.

She watched him again and noted he looked as fit as ever, but a little tired and skinny. She sat near him, but far enough away she wasn't intruding in his space. She cooked her head at him and asked puzzled,<b>"Why are you here?"</b>Silver became more suspicious of him as she went on. She stood up and took a step forward sniffing the air around him. She sat back down with an aha.<b>"As I suspected. You met Jaysyek, was she the one who got away?"</b>she asked teasingly.
(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2012, 06:38 PM by SilverWintercoat.)
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
May I?

<blockquote><i>I'll be damned</i>, the dark one thought to himself. As it were, he'd been eagerly mapping out the territory, memorizing the slew of fresh, novel scents that had brought some life to Cedarwood Forest. <i>A female here, a male there</i>...Muzzle to the ground, the Guardian had his work cut out for him. However, his original goals were overshadowed by a new task upon uncovering a trail of a scent he'd come across recently: that of the buff man with the sickening, wandering eyes. <i>Who was this guy?</i> And what was he doing <i>here</i>? Had Jaysyek accepted him into their ranks?

Quickly on the prowl, and with ears glued to his wide skull, Kade stalked forward. Surely he'd not failed in his patrol, a task he took more seriously than, perhaps, need be? As the brute briefly considered any and all possibilities concerning the relatively unfamiliar male's reason for being here, it was instinct that told him <i>he was one of them now</i>. Moreover, all the more reason to seek him out.

Navigating with ease over the frostbitten terrain, it was only a matter of time before the newcomer's figure could be seen in the distance. Adopting a slow and steady pace, a hard gaze fell upon the man. He was, indeed, quite large as he lay, stretched into a relaxed posture. Before him stood a female, yet another unknown, whose antagonizing words were, in context, a bit humorous, though he had no idea what exactly their conversation entailed.

And so his emergence was slow and steady as he openly made his presence known, approaching the pair with an uncharacteristic smirk drawn across his dark facade.

Stopping only a couple of yards shy of the wolf where he lay, his attention yet to fall upon the female, the cold, smooth silver of his narrowed gaze fell upon the subordinate with a dark fascination. <b>"Well, well..."</b> <i>Look who managed to slither his way closer and closer</i>. A flashback of the way he'd watched Jaysyek that night played in the man's mind as he took the scene in.</blockquote>

Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote>It almost seemed as if peace was too much to ask. <b>"You again..."</b> he said with a sigh to the female. He just hoped she would keep her distance, one more female scent was the last thing he needed right now. He would still have to worm his way back into Hawkes good graces. Before he had a chance to say anymore another wolf approached. Something tickled the back of his mind but he couldn't quite place it. There was something in the way the wolf was looking at him...

Already laying down, he couldn't get any lower so he lowered his ears and avoided eye contact in an attempted display of submission. It frustrated him to no end but he kept any hostility from his face. He wasn't very good at this pack stuff.</blockquote>
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Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
SIlver lifed her head as the other he-wolf approached. Silver lowered herself down as she saw him. "This must be the new alpha," she thought. She had heard rumors about it but didn't think it was true. She listened to what the he-wolf siad and pricked up her ears in delite. "Some one seem to like to pick on Valiant too," she thought. Silver giggled quitly then looked up at the other he-wolf.<b>"What is your name sir?"</b>Silver asked politly.

Silver was a little nervouse about the other male. She noticed Valiant's atemt at submission. "He seems worse than me," she thought. She stoll a glance at the other wolf before looking back down at Valiant. "I wonder if he is the new alpha male, I'll ask him," she decided.<b>"Your the wolf thats taking place of Borden right?"</b>she asked the other male without looking up.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>Though he was, inadvertantly, pleased by the male's submission, it was certainly a strange feeling to be held in such a regard. His ascent up the ranks was merely a bi-product of his new funtion, as a guardian to and for them all. Taking in a slow, quiet breath, the man couldn't really decide on an appropriate response for the question that followed the inquiry of his identity.

<b>"I am Kade,"</b> was all the information he was opted to share of himself. <i>Taking the place of Borden, huh?</i> Not really, not at all. Firstly, Borden hadn't held his former position since his return, and Kade certainly was not replacing him. Replacing his <i>former</i> rank, perhaps, but only to complete what was now a satisfactory hierarchy. In reality - one that only he and Jaysyek, and Borden, knew - there was no replacing to be done. The past cannot be changed, and as the futures of the Hollow wolves were mysterious and out-of-reach.

<b>"...My position is to ensure the safety of this pack, a novel role in Grizzly Hollow's history..."</b> It was something he was very proud of, to have a place and a meaning. Shaking thoughts of the would-be love triangle from his mind, the Attaya male returned his attention to the curious female and her male counterpart, who rested silently. <b>"What is your story, stranger?"</b> Although the inquiry was posed directly at the shewolf, he thought, perhaps, the male would indirectly add an answer of his own. After all, since they were all living under the same roof, surely he would be willing to share.</blockquote>
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote><i>Borden?</i> It would seem the crazy girl had been here for long enough to get to know everybody and their ranks former or current. He had learned a little more of her from Rhysis, and while confused about the animosity she held for the younger wolf. He imagined foxes did things differently, which could explain her initial greeting of him in the tangled woods, which drew his thoughts to Jon. He wondered how the younger wolf was doing and if he had thought any further on the proposition he had put forward.

While he knew the question was directed towards Silver he felt he owed his new pack mate some morsel of information. <b>"I'm hiding from a crazy female that attached herself to me in the mountains..."</b> it was part if the truth, if not the whole truth. He knew he would pay for it sooner rather than later. She would track him down and he would spend time making it up to her, anything to keep her on side so they would have a female for their plans.

There was still something familiar about this male that he couldn't quite place...</blockquote>
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Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver nodded respectivly to the male," His name is Kade," she pondered the thought in her brain. She wished she could understand why wolves names where not given becuase of there coats, or traits. "What does Kade mean?" she wondered. She was about to answer when Valiant answered his question. She stared down at him, but she understood why.<b>"I came here after talking to a male about something,"</b>she stoped herself and shook her head. "Nope not yet, I won't tell him that tell I know him better," she decided. Silver fidgeted when she stopped talking to him. Surely showing she didn't want to talk about any more details.

She watched Valiant with a puzzled look. What was that he just said,<i>"I'm hiding from a crazy female,"</i> the thought sent a shiver of delite down her spine."Finally, he came across a girl who will pester him. Its what he gets," she thought defiantly. Silver sniffed the air getting a hint of what she thought was Rhysis."It can't be he wouldn't come around here," she thought. Silver shook her head riding herself of the imaginary scent.
(This post was last modified: Feb 15, 2012, 09:36 PM by SilverWintercoat.)
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>Though it was not the reply he'd expected, he couldn't help but to laugh out loud, whole heartedly and a wide smile broke across his hardened face. <b>"...Sounds like quite the predicament,"</b> the male added as an afterthought, envisioning an insane devil woman trailing his packmate through the snow during the nights.

As the female spoke her piece, the dark figure's mind went utterly blank. <i>Talking to a male about something</i>, huh? It was a vague answer, distinctly uninformative, and for a moment he was tempted to issue a sideways glance in the silver male's direction.

Still without a clue as to who these two actually were, Kade was driven to find out more about the man whose midnight <i>encounter</i> with Jaysyek he'd witnessed. If the leadess had accepted them into the pack, getting to know them both would be a good thing, right?...

<b>"What is your name, womanizer?"</b> he asked, a lighthearted tease to 'break the ice.'</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 24, 2012, 05:47 AM by Kade.)
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver had to chuckle at Kade's question. "Womenizer. Ha. That would give him something to say," Silver thought. She lifted her ears listening to the conversation. She payed little attention to the two know and went to grooming her fur. It had a couple knots here and there, but Silver was quick to straiten them out. She listened still to the conversation, but not fully.

Silver lifted her head still waiting for what Valiant would say. She cued Valiant with her tail hoping he would answer Kade's question. It was a question she too wished he would answer. More of because she wanted to see what he would say. "He used to be such a.....' her thoughts trailing off.
(This post was last modified: Feb 24, 2012, 02:18 AM by SilverWintercoat.)
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow