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Hunt — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Gavin who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Teldias Goldheart
Teldias pondered the questons asked. He knew he was horrable at wording things but he realy realy failed at speaking at the moment when he said, It was a mistake because he realy wasn't ready and he wound up here.<b> "Thats not what i ment to say, what I ment was that I wasn't ready to move, that was the mistake, i mean, dont get me rong relic lore is the best thing that has ever happend to me but I wish I would have stayed home a little longer to learn more. I was more used to hunt with others, you know, big game, and it was... dificult to get used to the thought for hunting smaller animals. When i first moved that was the mistake not where i ended up but when i left."</b> when he was finaly finished he noticed he was out of breath.

Then he moved to the next question.<b> "I still know how to hunt very well, infact just last month i came so close to catching a deer i could tast it almost but i just can't seem to catch big game on my own."</b> he sighed and remember the trill of the big game hunt, it was like a sport. If he could do it alone he would almost never want to join a pack. But he knew even then there would be some part of him that couldn't stop wanting to be in a pack. <b>"But thats basicly it, im not that as strong as fast but i can hunt." </b> his tail waged so hard his body moved because even talking about hunting made him exited.

OOC: myt sister told me today i can get introuble for writing less then two paragraphs so get ready for some longer writings but i don't think i can make them as longe as yours :).
(This post was last modified: Feb 14, 2012, 10:21 PM by Teldias.)
The hunt calls me.
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.

Turns out Ice the Misunderstander had struck again. Either that, or Fireweed Rise cursed his mind. When he'd met the three females here, things had been...tense. Apparently one of them thought Ice was a monster, the first one misunderstood him and he just misunderstood the rest. In the end, he'd stalked off, upset with their lack of understanding and not wanting to switch to anger himself. Now, he simply cocked his head as he listened, refusing to let his own thoughts drift back to his past. That was tramontane, and had no place here. This was a new life, a new time, a future. This Teldias might rue his own move as much as he did, but he would not send Ice back to where he'd come from. Instead, he bobbed his head. "I see, I see," he murmured, for he did - Ice wasn't stupid, just slow and a bit... well, stupid. No, that wasn't true either, but sometimes he did not make all the necessary connections or fully understand what was going on. Now seemed to be one of those times, but with clear explanations, he understood. Wall his rampant thoughts off from every direction, and they strayed peacefully in the intended direction. Let them run amok, well... things seldom ended up the way they should then.

So, his assessment of Teldias being a hunter was correct. Ice's head bobbed again as he thought, his ears swirling atop his head as he listened to the sounds of dusk. Well.. hunters were good, he guessed. As far as Ice knew, none of Swift River was really specialized in it, but they all did well. If his internal clock was anything to go by, the breeding season would come soon, and likely Corinna would be .. indisposed .. for some time. And before she'd be done with being indisposed, she'd need a lot of food. And after that they'd need a lot of food still. Ice's tail swept the powdery snow in an arc as his thoughts spun behind his gray eyes, and with a dawning smirk he noticed how the other male's tail was acting. He seemed to like to hunt, if that was anything to go by. Good.

"Well, Teldias," he began, searching for words that would convey his meaning and sound important at the same time. Ice wasn't that good a talker truth to be told - sometimes, some divine inspiration gave him a tongue of silver and words of honey, but at other times it was like trying to talk to a fish. "Hunting is good. If all goes well, there'll be many mouths to feed come spring and summer. I can't promise anything, but I could bring you in front of Corinna and Indru, and see what they make of you." Unbidden, the two loners howling on Swift River's doorstep sprung to his mind. He grimaced. "And if I do, you'd better crawl across the ground with your tail tucked up somewhere no one can find it. Some loners thought it was a good idea to not give Corinna the proper respect, and let's just say it did not sit well with her..." Understandable. Hundred percent understandable and warranted. Ice felt somewhat like a fool for telling him this, for really, he should know to crawl when set before a pack leader. He grimaced. "I, uh, that was rather .. pointless. To say. I mean. They're not mean, but. You know. You have to know your place, to keep things calm. It's.. good, actually. It's not good when they get angry." He blinked, gave his head a miniscule shake. Stupid stupid rambling Ice. It was natural to bow when in the presence of your leaders, so why the hell was he busy telling this wolf?

"So.. what say you?" he muttered, to break the awkward thoughts within his own mind.
.ice aesir

gah, life's been hectic..
long posts are good, you did well with the last one! :] and don't mind mine, they can be pretty gargantuan. xP
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Gavin who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Teldias Goldheart
Teldias tilted his head trying to decipher the rambling. When he finished he was shocked. He tilted his head the other direction thinking. <i>What do i say to such a tremendous offer, thanks, yes, maybe, so many choices.</i> then he smiled inside himself. <b>"I'll crawl there!"</b> he said happy he had thought of the joke so quickly.

then he noticed his eye lids were heavy with the need for sleep. Also he remembered that they would need to eat in the morning. He could show him his hunting style and skill.<b> "Lets get some sleep we can talk more about the possible meeting with your pack in the morning.</b>
(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2012, 10:04 PM by Teldias.)
The hunt calls me.
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
"I'll crawl there!" Ice gave a bark of laughter, a short and quick sound that echoed around the Rise. It was in that moment that he truly decided that he liked this male, and that he'd be a good addition to Swift River. A bit shy and cautious and nervous, but heck, Ice was that too - a hunter this one was, which Ice was not. If previous experiences were anything to go by, Teldias ought to be able to make himself a home in the Grove, buying his way there with his hunting. However, the larger male made no reply after the noise had faded, but simply watched the other. He seemed.. tired, really, as if the excitement and adrenaline of being discovered by a stranger had worn off to leave him less energized. The invitation to sleep was quite.. sudden, and not entirely expected. He slept with his pack, he'd slept with his other pack, but.. Ice was a queer wolf, and a tad awkward. Then again, it was still winter and even if the days were growing longer and warmer, when the blood red sun slipped beyond the horizon and not even a touch of orange remained in the sky, the temperature would drop. To curl up somewhere, protected from the wind, with another wolf to share warmth with was strangely appealing. It made him smile, just a little.

"I've been loping the entire day, a night's rest sounds good to me," he said and rose, swiftly. His jaws parted in a large yawn as his body accepted the mind's decision to sleep. Ice shook himself, his thick fur standing on end for a moment before falling flat again. "Come on then, let's find some shelter." He didn't care to sleep out on the open of the Rise, where something evil could come and find a midnight snack in two wolves. Feeling strangely pleased with himself, the thick male trotted off in the direction of north, where the trees grew. He hoped, and guessed, that Teldias would follow. His paws left prints in the cool snow, his breath misted into the air, and in the east the sky was pitch dark. The mountains blocked out the sun's last rays already, and the sky's color deepend into dark red and purple. It was beautiful.

Once closer to the trees, Ice sniffed around for a bit before he found a likely place to rest. It was at the root of a fallen tree, and smelled of nothing in particular. The roots themselves formed enough of a wind shelter, and the small depression where they had once stood on the ground was enough for Ice. With a happy wiggle of his tail and nestled up against the roots, long legs and all curling up close to him as he waited for Teldias to either curl up next to him, or to stalk off somewhere else to sleep on his own.
.ice aesir

do you want to end it here, and for me to start one in the Grove, or would you like to just fast-forward their sleep and talk some more/hunt in the morning before getting on their way? :)
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Gavin who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Teldias Goldheart
<i> U should start a new one in the grove im not sure if this will count as me being active and did you mean the dictionary definition of queer or the slang.</i>

Teldias was happy his joke was taken with a laugh. he followed Ice to a den in a tree. <b>"I'm going to sleep outside, i like the cold and blending in, i'm... odd."</b> it was true, odd, like he said, but true. <b>"We will head out in the morning, i cant wait im gonna have a pack,"</b> he laid down, <b>"The first thing im goning to do it get a big Moose, i love the hunt."</b> he said the last part mostly to himself with a yawn.
(This post was last modified: Feb 22, 2012, 01:45 AM by Teldias.)
The hunt calls me.
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
rofl! Dictionary definition of odd/different. xD And okay, I'll go ahead and start one. :]

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
It seemed that Teldias wasn't too keen on sharing body heat for the night - not that either of them needed it with their thick coats, but despite all his odd mannerisms and strange ways, Ice was a social creature. To curl up next to someone gave a sort of comfort, but it seemed that his white partner would rather seek the solace of the snow. Shrugging to himself, the Swift River male thought little else of it, but smiled faintly at the other male's words. He found himself hoping the other was right - he should be alright, and taken in. After all, he was a hunter, so he would do more then enough to pull his own weight. Yawning once, the large male tucked up his legs and stuck his nose into the tangle of limbs and tails. There, perfect. With a lazy grin plastered on his face, Ice fell asleep, to rebuild his strength for the long journey back north.
.ice aesir

the end!
let the stars above shine in your soul