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Lone Wolf — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
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Accailia Sora
Accailia had been wandering around for days. She hoped to join a new pack since the fire destroyed her birth pack and their den. She walked around aimlessly until she stopped and looked up at the clear blue sky. She took a deep breath and continued walking.

Accailia came across a waterfall and walked to the edge of the water, she looked up, admiring the beautiful waterfall and sat at the edge for a short rest. She looked up at the sky again and thought of her family. She missed her parents very much, she couldn't believe that she was the only one who survived the fire. She looked over the water with sad eyes. Accailia shook her head, maybe there was a pack nearby she could join. She considered it for a moment but decided against it for now. She would just be on her own for a little while longer. She lowered her head and lapped up the cold water and cleared her mind of all the painful memories.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

He climbed atop the rocks, picking his way over the tumbling water. He listened to it's melody, breathing in the crisp scent. It was a very pretty afternoon, and he was trekking his way to the falls. He was trying to look on the bright side of things, telling himself some day he would catch up with Volkan. Now, he had figured it couldn't hurt to if she had visited Bramble Falls recently. It was a fool's wish, but if there was no trace it might just be a start. He had his suspicions they settled north. There was where the Ghastly Woods were, and he didn't see the appeal there. He was missing something, but he wasn't sure what. Should he howl in hopes of Kinis hearing him? He missed his brown coated brother, and wondered how his new placement was.

A rumbling in his stomach, and a dry throat he was about to drop down the stone outcrop when he noticed a white, young female drinking from the pool. His skull cocked to the side, and his bright orange-yellowish eyes studied her. There was sorrow about her form, and he wondered why she kept glancing to the sky. He looked up, and saw nothing but perfect patches of blue. Well, it was rude to spy, and he needed a drink so he continued his descent, knocking some rocks to announce his presence.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
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Accailia Sora
Accailia's ears pricked up as she heard movement behind her. She turned to see a black male coming towards the falls. He had the smell of pack all over him and she tucked her tail between her legs, a little cautious. She didn't think she had crossed over onto pack territory but maybe she had.

She examined the male, his yellow eyes stunning. "Hello sir. I haven't intruded on pack territory have I?" She eyed the stranger. "May I ask your name?" Accailia sat down on her haunches and smiled at the male.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Just like he had wanted, he caught her attention with the soft clatter of the rocks. He glanced to her one second, jumping the last steps before cautiously padding closer. His nostrils twitched inhaling scents of those he didn't know, but non were very strong. He would grin at the word sir, but the rest of his black facade would remain motionless. "Hello miss," he would return the polite greeting, stopping four wolf lengths from her. She looked a little fragile, but maybe it was just the size difference between them.

His tail kept limp at his hocks, he let his eyes flicker of her white face, noticing the light bit of brown along the plain of her snout. It seemed to bring out her amber eyes, but he didn't stare long. "No, this is neutral territory so you're fine." He was surprised she sat down, giving him a smile. It did well to a assure him he hadn't scared her. "I'm Triell Tainn, may ask who you are?"

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Accailia Sora
Accailia grinned at being called miss. No one had ever done that before. "I'm Accailia Sora. It's nice to meet you Triell." She nods a greeting to Triell, her eyes glancing over his large form. He certainly was a handsome wolf, but someone like him more than likely already had someone special at his side.

"What brings you here Triell?" She smiled at him and moved a little closer, breathing in his scent. "Aren't you in a pack?" She cocked her head to the side, watching him.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Her grin caught him off guard, he wasn't sure where it had come from. He smiled politely, listening to her softer, higher voice as she introduced herself. It was a very unique first name, and he wondered if he could say it just as she had. Or if he'd remember it correctly. He repeated in his mind, trying to will it to keep. If he never saw her again, he supposed it wouldn't be any loss. Already he couldn't recall the names of other strangers he'd met because he'd only seen them once.

He was tempted to step away when she became closer than he expected, he held his ground. "It's one of my favorite haunts," he offered, shrugging his shoulders in a meaningless gesture. The question, he turned from her, and headed over to the water taking a quick drink. He licked his lips, and swung his head back in her direction. His coat must have told her he was, but it seemed she wanted him to make this the right conclusion. "I am, Swift River actually, it's over yonder," he pointed in the direction of Scared Grove. He met her eyes, but turned back to the cold water to satisfy his thirst.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Accailia Sora
She nodded when she learned she was right in assuming he was in a pack. Swift River, she hadn't heard of it. Maybe that was a pack she could join. "I see." She watched him as he walked past her to the waters edge for a drink. She stared at his large muscular form while wagging her tail.

She smiled as an idea to have a little bit of fun crossed her mind. She silently stepped closer to the waters edge where Triell was drinking. Attempting to sneak up on him, she rushed at him, hoping she would be able to push him into the water.
(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2012, 03:31 AM by Accailia.)
Played by Alexis who has 20 posts.
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Lupus Sol
Cloudy — Current Temperature: 51° F/11° C

It had been a long and strenuous journey to get here, yesterday it had snowed and the wolf refused to stop, all it had gotten him was more lost and cracked padding. Lupus had traveled for days away from his life were the tree grew tall and only found his spirits declined and a few faint trails of other wolves. By following the river downstream he hoped to spot someone taking advantage of a cool drink, but so far his efforts yeilded no advance. A cold breeze blew against his back, his sent drifting down to the wolves he did not yet know stood below. Ruffling his already bushy, cream fur a sigh escaped his jowls, yellow gaze low, watching his paws rythmically procced forward. A bistant rummle slowly became louder and the male dared steal a glance at what lied ahead. Ears flatening as he did so.

Nothing could be seen, there was the grass and the stream followed by the murky, clouded sky. Lips twitching with a sence of unsurity he paused to observe the surroundings. <i>Maybe it just drops off a little there...</i>Then a though occured, him standing next to moving water and the low mumble,<i>A cliff! A waterfall.</i>He knew from the one at his old pack. That territory was often fought for, it was considered one of thhe best spots to own. A wry grin pulled at his leathery lips and Lupus's ears perked at the peak of his head, the thought of something familar was about the only thing that could lighten the load he hauled to this place. Quickening his gaint to a swift trot he reached the edge of the earth before the steep decline, the Hudson Bay couldn't help but stare in aw and wonder. The water rushing downward and gentely spraying off the few rocks below, his yellow ocular darted to the other figure though, wolves standing below. At first his skin crawled and bushy fur pricked, but he settled, maybe they haddn't noticed him, they seemed ocupied by the water.

Even so Lupus stood tall, attempting to make his light-framed, year-old size seem larger, more threatening if needed. He new he could traspassing, but he felt the need to look like the big, bad stranger roaming through, not to be messed with. Honestly he did want to stop and chat, hopefully they wouldn't precieve him as a danger and leap into action and attack him. The cream wolf froze, waiting for them to pick up his drifting sent in the wind or see him through the corner of their eyes.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Her short comment brought his ears back, but she didn't say anything further. His tongue lapped at the cold water, when he was suddenly being shoved. His claws raked into the cold ground, his right paw falling into the water while his nose hung inches from the pool. A harsh growl he wheeled round at the white girl. His limp tail now raised above him. In warmer weather he might not have minded, but he had no mind to catch a nasty cold, not this time of year. His jaws gave a menacing snap, and he lifted his head higher. <b>"Shall I throw you in so you can freeze to death?"</b> He asked coolly making a fake lunge at her before pulling back. His gaze was pretty serious, and that was not something to take lightly from the usually friendly Tainn. 

His hard look didn't waver from her. The roar of the falls hiding any noise of the onlooker, as well the fact Triell's back was to him. In the moment he was more curious why she'd been so ready to soak him. He may still be a yearling but his second birthday was not far away, and he was not one for cruel games. <b>"Well?</b>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Accailia Sora
Accailia backed up away from Triell as he started growling. She tucked her tail between her legs and flattened her ears against her head. She whimpered and licked his chin as she apologized. "I'm sorry Triell. I don't know what I was thinking." She backed away, giving him room.

She looked behind him and noticed a cream colored male heading in their direction. Accailia bounded up to great him, stopping a little ways away from him. She wagged her tail as she spoke. "Hi. I'm Accailia. It's nice to meet you." She looked back at Triell, wondering if he was going to stay by the water or come great the new wolf. He was really angry so maybe he would leave. She hoped he wouldn't.