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Cold as Ice — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>He smirked at her attempt to be ignorant to him, he saw the frustration within and even though her face was damaged, it was still perfectly readble. She could have left if she didn't like his company, and she could attack if she had wanted him to vanish, with that look she was giving him he was pretty certain she wanted to bathe in his entrails, but she hadn't yet made her move. He could have been mean, taunted her into it but he simply didn't feel like it. That brief moment of calm had soothed his stressful mind, even if it was only for an hour or so but he didn't want it to be spoilt.

<b>"I suppose I should ask if you got a name."</b> he said as he averted his gaze back to the fish who seemed to be shaking its rear at him from beneath the iced water.With a sneer he dragged his gaze back up and over to her as he waited for her reply. With a flick of his ear, he strained past the noise of the falls to catch whatever she said, if she was going to say anything he supposed. He didn't really mind if she wanted to give it or not, he supposed the good manner in him would always come through in the end, even if he didn't want them to. He was such a contradiction, a well mannered boy with a cold heart, it made little sense but then again, Rhysis never made much sense to anyone other then himself and at the end of the day, he was the only one who mattered.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
Her name? Should she make a total fool out of herself, and tell her name, or just growl back, perhaps attack? <b>"Kain-da Whe'eate'ear"</b> was her reply, said with a warning snarl. He had no rights to say anything about her poor mouth, and if he would, he was going to pay the prize. Simple. Keeping defensive pose, waiting for him to say or do something. Eyes having hard, cold gaze, telling something about her feelings and the lack of compassion

Kainda was a basic Wheatear with cruel nature and will to see destruction around her. Something world didn't like to see for the most parts and Kaid had failed to find from the wolves she had met here in Relic Lore. She ahd only met few, they ahd been evil, true, but not in passionate way as she was. Her whole life was dedicated for that evilness, though it wasn't her personal choice. It was the voice, that voice had given birth to all the evilness this wolf was created. Kainda could've been a nice wolf wiht proper childhood and without that voice.
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Rhysis hadn't even noticed the chaos the deformation had upon her speech- he had been so used to it growing up it was almost comforting to hear someone talk like that again. Everything about her drew him back to his childhood and whilst it had never been happy and he never wished to go back, it was still his idea of home. He hadn't enjoyed growing up, it had been tough and many times he wished he would just be killed then have to live through another day, but he supposed that tough time had made him the wolf he was today and whilst he may have had his faults, he was happy in his own skin.

Her last name that threw him though, why did it sound so familier? He couldn't place it right now, but he knew that he new the name. He never forgot something and whilst it was no doubt in his mind, he'd had to search for it later when he had time to reflect as he often did within the darkness of his den.

<b>"Well Kainda, I'm Rhysis."</b> he stated boldly. He didn't have to give his name but it only seemed appropriate for the time being. He had ignored the growl she had added to the name, it seemed she put up a lot of front. If she really didn't want to be here she could leave, he was posing no threat and wasn't likely to attack. He might be evil but he was logical, and there was just no logic in killing her today. </blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
Rhysis. How nothing. Just Rhysis. Kainda didn't give away her defenses, the male gave no signs of friendliness. Though he didn't seem to be a threath either, so why she wouldn't relax a bit? Slowly Kaid rised her head and slightly relaxed her muscles, scarred muzzle hiding her teeth again. Scars crossing it layed still, like an ocean on a serene day, jsut waiitng for the storm to start.

Snorting to the raven that flew over her, way above the ground, wishing to pull it down and tear off its wings. Sick, sick was her mind, holding no signs of healthy thinking, but it was her life. <i>'Fairy, fairy, why are you so calm? Why won't you just head closer to him and when he least expects, tear his eyes off?'</i> Kainda was going to leave that eye thing off, but she did take one step closer, just to see how this Rhysis would react. The tawny wolf wasn't yet sure was he evil, stupid, naive and good or just incredibly neutral. Only if he would be evil she might even think him as equal, otherwise... Useless and to be destroyed as soon as possible. Despite her thoughts, Kainda still wished he would just stay calm, he might have some useful information. About what and for what, it was unknown.
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>The air seemed to crackle between them as she took a step closer. He knew it was on purpose, she wasn't shifting her weight or testing the land, with her gaze fixed on him she was almost daring a reaction from him and it made him inwardly grin. So she wanted to play games aye? Well two could play at this game. Rhysis turned his head, keeping her figure in the corner of his eye as he seemed to look around almost uncaringly, but it was obviously by the muscles in his legs which were bunched and the dirt which shifted between his toes as he readied himself to thrust himself further away from her. It seemed they were playing a game of cat and mouse and for the time being, he was quite happy to play the mouse.

<b>"You look at me as if I'm food..."</b> he said with a wry smirk as if the very idea was absurd. He had no intention of being anyones dinner, especially not hers and especially not today. He turned to face her again then and allowed his grey gaze to connect with the sickly green of her eyes; there was a challenge within the gesture, and with a small smirk creeping across his mug, revealing a tooth or two, he actually looked to be enjoying the exchange more then most would. <b>"I bet you'd love a taste of me."</b> he added cooly.</blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
Lips rised. Simple, only gesture Kainda gave. It happened to be her favourite, with snarling and growling the best one if you were looking for fight. But soon she hid her teeth again. Lowering her scarred head, the tawny beast took step, then another, then third and suddenly she was steadily walking towards him. Eyes concentrated directly to the black male, tail moving from side to side as she walked ahead. Nothing in her body told that she had bad, nor good in mind.

But better to believe, Kainda had bad things in her mind. It was time to test this male, would he flee or fight. Perhaps even play, so she could get a better chance to kill him? <i>'Well, well, what do we have here? Fairy, fairy, why are you so EVIL? No, no, don't back away, you are a good fairy, fairy... Doing the right thing'</i> the voice in her head spoke. Snorting to the cold air, just like she would be backing down. Show that day when she would give up and back down!

Eyes narrowed, she almost seemed to be bored during her approach. Feet barely rised from the ground, giving her a lazy, tired and weak look. Kainda wasn't weak, she had been eating enough to keep herself in proper condition, of course skinnier than during summer, but fit enough for fighting. Her stomach was emty and growling for now, true, but a meal would fix that thing. Before eating, there was always fighting, though. Anyhow, the monster didn't show a sign of her intensions, just calmly heading closer.
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Rhysis felt a smirk tickle his lips as she boldly stepped towards him. She looked almost feline like as she stalked him, looking like butter wouldn't melt, out in the open with a look upon her face that wasn’t quite normal; she couldn't pull of innocent. He might have felt at ease around her because of her scars, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t still a crazy female hidden beneath a wrecked body. He had been expecting such an attack, the way she looked at him mixed with his goading had been enough to have her sauntering towards him.

Within him, he felt his blood pump at the very thought of a fight. He’d had to control himself so much lately, he’d held himself back from so many fights and on the odd chance he got to dominate they had run. He was bursting with pent up aggression, mixed with rage and just his general mean streak. If she was game for a fight then who was he to turn the lady down?

With a snigger he pulled himself up to stand, turned to face her head on but remained upon the bank. He was no fool and he was not going to step onto the ice before him. He wouldn’t be able to get a good grip which is what he would need to propel himself into an attack. Instead, he took a few steps back which would allow her room upon the solid ground- if they were to fight, he wanted it done properly.

As he sauntered backwards, he lowered his head and bared his pearly white teeth. It was only a flash, combined with a warning snarl. His hackles followed the noise; they bristled along his neck whilst his hind muscles bunched, ready to spring forward. <b>”You’re such a tease...”</b> he growled from deep within his belly. He would allow her to strike... ladies first after all and he was ever the gentleman.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear

Taking a few lazy steps ahead before making the final launch. Charging, using her full mass, Kainda attempted to push Rhysis from his left shoulder wiht her right shoulder, using her mass and strength to push him back. If this shall succeed, head would go for his lower neck or back area, sink teeth in there. Right front leg tried to scratch his left front leg. Shoulders were rolled forward, teeth bared, eyes narrowed and stance widened for balance, but not a single sound was formed in her throat.
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>He had been expecting the launch and he allowed her to charge forwards. At the last moment he pushed off the terrain with his powerful hind legs and threw himself at her, almost, but not quite head on. With her stride he shifted slightly to the left so they ended up brushing along the side of each other, but she gave him a nice little scratch on his hind right leg as it went sliding past her.

His large leathery pads were thrust into the ground as they passed, putting the brakes on gave him the chance to swing his head around and gave him good access to her rear and back legs. The back of his body spun with him, like a car drifting and throwing out its rear as his pearly whites tried to snap at her muscular hips. Once he had the momentum back, he again kicked off the ground and pushed his tall, heavy mass towards her so even if she had continued to run he’d be right on her heels. With that he lifted his front legs, claws at the ready and tried to grab onto her from behind.

He felt very much alive at that moment and had forgotten what it felt like to have a real fight. With his heartbeat sounding in his ears instinct took over and things were going to get serious.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
As he dodged her pushing attack, Kainda ran for a few more leaps before turning around, thigh bleeding from the wound Rhysis' jaws had caused. She turned just in time to see him coming closer, ready to scartch her. It wasn't her rear end there anymore, but head, neck and shoulders. And so his right front claws scratched her already well scarred head, barely missing her left eyes, while the left paw went for her shoulder, right next to her neck.

Lowering her head quickly, trying to dodge any further attacks and taking two steps backwards. Then charging forward again, heading little right from him, attempting to lift her front body slightly so that she would be higher than Rhysis. Her attack was made with jaws, trying to tear into his upper neck, right behind his ears, more from the right side. Charge was designed thinking of this attack. If she would succeed to get her teeth into something, her front paws would very soon completely lift from the ground, left one trying to scratch his chest and right one his left shoulder.

All this time Kainda did her best to keep stances wide for balance, shoulder rolled forward to protect her neck as much as possible, eyes narrowed, teeth bared and of course, ears pinned against her skull.