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Until Morning — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>The moon was beginning its ascent into the sky as the golden wolf made his way along the banks of the winding creek. It was a distinct scent he was following. One he doubted he would ever forget or mistaken no matter how mingled with the scent of the pack it became.

The landscape was slowly coming to life, small nocturnal animals emerging from their hidey-holes and the sounds of the night were slowly building as the moon traveled higher and higher, reflecting off the snow until the light of the night rivalled that of the day. The beauty of the night only increased as the white she-wolf finally came into sight, seated at the waters edge. He felt no need to be formal with this wolf and brushed up against her side affectionately. <b>"I've missed you."</b> he said quietly with a small smile, not wanting to disturb the world around them.

This was going to be the hardest goodbye of them all.</blockquote>
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
OOC: Sorry for the crappy and late post.

During the time of joining the pack, Wille had been assigned to many tasks, and which she had done happily. Still she could not find peace in her new den, she had made recently. Located in an empty tree hallow, it was cold and it was unwilling to let her see the shining balls floating above. In her lone wolf days, she slept in the open, not depending on the weather: rain or shine. The moon was high and the fresh air being inhaled by her nostrils.

As Kanosak brushed beside her, she felt a tingle: a good one. She suddenly regretted earlier when she brushed away from him, in fear of showing too much. She regretted it. She smiled at her friend. <b>"I have too."</b> She whispered, matching his tone. <b>"It's been amazing. How we quickly joined not so long ago, and now were the second in command."</b>
(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2012, 03:31 AM by Wille.)
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
OOC: It's ok, muse has been MIA for a few days, kinda still is but not sure when I'll get a chance to post properly until next weekend DX

<blockquote>He had to admit he had missed sleeping in the open with her at his side, and using the excuse of the cold to curl up close. He hadn't taken her movement away from him personally, merely put it down to nerves in the face of strangers. He smiled as he thought about what had happened, and what was likely to happen in the very near future.

<b>"The days are getting warmer. When the snow melts then the real work begins..."</b> he said with an almost sad smile. With the melting of the snows came pups, and while he realised he would probably never have any of his own it was the first time he had ever felt sad about it. Perhaps he was just too happy following someone else's orders, keeping the peace...

He watched the sky as the stars slowly began to make their way into sight and the moon raised higher and higher, just enjoying the company of the wolf at his side. Something about her presence made him want to run again. Run, and hunt, and howl. Forget about the pack and their responsibilities for just one night... He smiled to the white wolf at his side before springing forwards and chasing the river. He didn't have to look to know she would follow.</blockquote>
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
OOC: Oh. Okay.

Oh, course. When the snow melt, pups would be born. Then Wille would have to get to work. Instead of having all this free time on her paws, she would have to watch them. There was a good and bad side to this. She'd get to see pups, and they are quite precious. When was the last time she had seen pups? Probably the last time was when she was a pup. That was a long time ago.

The bad side would be she would spend less time with her fellow pack mates and mingling. Sure someone would consider her introverted, more aware with her own physical affairs but that was just part of her lone wolf experience. Maybe it would wear off......It had already started disappearing when she caught a wolf at their borders.

Now Kanosak had sprang up after they had both thought deeply about their own things, and he jumped into the river. She jumped up and ran after him. This is probably one of his games. She liked his games, chasing each other, wrestling, racing; it made her loosen up. Just being with him made her loosen up.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>The golden wolf laughed as he pounced and wrestled, letting out the occasional mock growl. It had been so long. <i>Too long.</i> His stomach growled to remind him he had been avoiding taking food from the caches, but he still felt a desire to return with something a little more substantial than a rabbit to help get his pack mates through the quickly vanishing winter.

He flopped to the ground in mock defeat, rolling over and exposing his belly to the white wolf with a lopsided smile. He wouldn't just roll over for anyone. He took a moment to scent the breeze and was happy when various game could be scented on the breeze. Deer, caribou, maybe even moose? He hadn't had moose since he left his family, all those moons ago, almost enough for him to age a year...

<b>"Hungry?"</b> he asked with a cheeky smile from his back in the snow. Her flawless white coat glowed like a halo around the edges as he looked up at her face, framed by the moon and the stars. He hoped this night would never end...</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2012, 01:15 AM by Kanosak.)
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
OOC: Ah, I went hiking earlier. Probably the nature has boosted my muse.

Wille padded over to the goofy wolf and placed a paw on his belly. Lightly, not placing too much pressure on the handsome wolf. The word came out in a whisper, <b>"De-feated."</b> As his stomach growled, she couldn't but help let out a bark of laughter, and she thought what her family would say if she saw the young white wolf. Would she was in a better place, in pack, with others to protect her? Would her siblings tease her about her crush?

<i>Hungry?</i> The golden wolf's cheeky grin and voice that was pleasing to her ear, snapped her back to the real world. Sure, even in the pack she still had been eating on the all to well known rabbit. She had been catching rabbits, hares, and voles for her pack, but she had no one to hunt with.

Maybe Kanosak would fix that. Together they would be able to provide the pack with a deer. And a good hunt with him at her side was what she longed for. <b>"Sure. What do you have in mind?"</b>
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
OOC: Sorry, hectic week at work -_- hooray for the weekend!

<blockquote>Another glint passed his eye as she asked what he had in mind but he quickly shook the thought away as he rose from the snow, scenting the air around them. Moose would be a welcome challenge and would feed far more than a deer, and certainly more than a vole or hare, but it would be difficult to drag home, so would a caribou. So with some sadness in his voice he forced a smile he turned to his companion and suggested <b>"Deer? It will be far easier to drag home than moose or caribou."</b>

Perhaps one day they would find a moose near enough their home that they could hunt it without needing to call the entire pack down upon them to devour what they could before they left the remains for the snow and loners to claim, but that was not going to be tonight. Besides, the deer was closer to their borders as well and they would need to head closer to Copper Rock Creek to catch it, also meaning they wouldn't have to drag it as far.

He lowered his head in a mock bow, twisting his neck so he was looking up at her from his lower position. <b>"Ladies first..."</b> he teased slightly, half expecting her to lash out into another playful bout. There was no rush. The night was still young.</blockquote>
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
No problem. The weekend is my last resort before school starts once more. Help me! XD

Moose? Caribou? These words were unfamiliar, well most likely their taste. All she could remember was from her childhood, was her delicate maw tearing slightly into the small hare as her family sat behind her waiting for their tear. Thus, the downside of being a lone wolf family. When winter arrived, as with the snow, her family was fiercely unprepared. Always on the move, with the easily caught sicknesses, she coughed, remembering.

Surely this pack wolf would laugh at her when she mentioned the moose and caribou. Slightly shivering, adding a cough, maybe this wolf was actually sick. As she sniffed, she quietly pawed at the nearby fern. Suddenly feeling foolish, she gave a forced smile and padded in front of the golden wolf.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>Try as she might she couldn't keep the puzzled look from his face and a bright smile lit his own. Of course she had grown with a family of loners and so probably hadn't experienced some of the larger prey animals. He could give her a gift before he left, in the hopes she wouldn't be too mad with him when he left.

<b>"I'll show you..."</b> he said quietly, an excited gleam in his eyes as he trotted off in the direction the scent was carried on the wind. Entering the trees he slowed so the white she wolf was bumping against his side. They were getting close now and he lowered his form, stalking forward. The lumbering beast came into view, its massive antlers barely passing through the trees. Its shaggy brown coat blending perfectly with its surroundings. <b>"Moose."</b> he whispered with a smile before backing away and continuing on his quest.

They finally left the cover of the trees, the herd paying little heed to two wolves of smaller stature. They were tightly bound, their most vulnerable kept in the centre of the herd. They also had towering antlers, but where the moose was more solid in structure, these hung out like branches from their heads, blunter than a stags, but taller and just as dangerous. <b>"Caribou."</b> he said with another smile. Salivating at the opportunity that was so close to them and yet so impossible.

He was enjoying this night so much, but knew that if they were going to hunt they would have to head back to towards their home and the deer shortly. <b>"Let's go catch some deer."</b> he said gently with a smile. Glad he could have helped her even in this little way before he left.</blockquote>
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Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Sorry busy week. This was the only time I could use my laptop in this week. >_<

Kanosak padded forward, showing her, in which was her opinion quite weird creatures. Sure she was a creature too, but they were just... weird. One was probably another wolf higher than her, with loose brown colored fur and huge antlers, which seemed to look like the branches of a tree. The creature was moving is big lip up and down chewing softly. Ok, next.

The next creature, no it was an animal just like her was also quite big but still tighter fur and she could see the refined details that went into the animal. Tall antlers, but big strong calf muscles which she guessed was for quickly bounding and jumping away when predator and play game happened to take place.

Her mouth was kinda watering. She could just imagine the nice, fresh meat of the meaty animals. This was good prey. Maybe if Kano had some time, they could <i>try</i> to hunt these mouth waterers. That was what she called them from now on. Mouth Waters. Had quite a ring.

The golden wolf and with his gentle smile to match was quite <span class='word'>rutilant</span>. Oh, what a night. She nodded.