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Continuing Strong — The Wildwood 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
As the cloudy sky hung over her head a young wolf sat organizing through her supplies. SHe had plenty of prey and herbs for her patients...well thinking about it know they weren't really her patients. THey could at least have been her friends. All the herbs she had were to calm the nerves or a stomach of fear. She couldn't do much else besides give advice to the others. Often wolfves would come and go leaving Nina in peace, but after a snowstorm a few weeks ago Nina was still week. Her muscles weren't keeping their shape, and due to her past illness she was still shaky.

Nina didn't mind helping other wolves even if she was ill, it was what she did half of the time anyway. Clearing her mind was something she know had to do often due to her illness. In the time that she was sick something happened to Nina's brain causing her functioning process not to work as fast as it used to, but over the days her processing started to get better and better as long as she starined herself to think properly. Pricking her ears she glanced around sniffing. The air was obviously moist, maybe promising rain later in the day. The red, oragne, and nearing brown leaves were falling to the ground signaling that soon the temperature may drop more than normal. The sky was startung to darken and knowing the the sunset was soon to come, the young wolf sat down.

Tilting her face up towards the sky she narrowed her eyes focusing on nothing but the sky. The different colors of purple and yellow mixing together to trnaform into the masterpiece of a sunset. She remembered that when she was born and finally opened her eyes the first thing she saw was the sunset. She had thought her life would be perfect from that day, but she knew she was ever s0o wrong. Sighing slightly to herself and looking up into the sky she spoke quietly to herself.

<b>"Mother, if you're up there and watching me, I just want you to know I'm doing my best to survive...one day at a time..just like you always said,"</b> Nina spoke, her gentle voice ringing throughout the quiet forest as her senses dimmed at the slightest, her eyes quickly ajusting to the sudden change in lighting, her pupils getting larger.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>Sunset, twilight. It was her favourite time of the day. The creatures of the day were bedding down and the creatures of the night just beginning to stir from their nests and burrows. Perhaps she would be able to taunt a wolverine tonight? Or maybe she would harass a little masked bandit? She had far too much energy to sleep yet.

There was a scent of wolf on the breeze. <i>Wolf mixed with... what is that?</i> she wondered to herself as she began to follow her nose. Herbs for calming and underneath it all a taint, lurking just underneath the other scents. <i>Female wolf. What is wrong?</i> Her sense of urgency was growing and she didn’t know why. If only the darned snow would clear, then she could gather the herbs that she needed. There was very little to do to assist with ailments without stores and it tore her up inside.

She wasn’t packless by choice, and she hadn’t even come here before the snows had settled, but she was almost itching for the thaw so she could begin to gather again, and carry a stockpile. She was missing her catnip and lobelia most at this time of year. When mixed right it was the perfect cure for ailments bought on by the cold.

The stranger finally came into sight and she was disheartened by the other wolfs appearance. She was thin, around a similar age to the larger tawny female, but smaller. <b>”How did you get to be so ill?”</b> she questioned the stranger, calm and concern clear in her voice as her head and tail were held even with her spine, neutral. <b>”You need medicine.”</b></blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The smaller wolf froze, shock quickly flowing though her body. She never had a problem with determining if another wolf was around, usually she knew within a long radius of where the other wolf was. This was something entirely new to her, because now she knew that she would have to be more cautious than ever. Turning to meet the other wolf's gaze and sniffed slightly. Suddenly Nina relaxed at the slightest knowing for certain that this wolf was a lone wolf, female. Taking in the other wol's position she calmed even more, maybe the lavender leaves were finally doing their job. The other wolf was in a neutral position, showing that she wasn't going to attack, yet.

It took awhile for what the other wolf said to register. Speaking slowly an carefully Nina's soft, gentle voice rang out, <b>"I encountered another wolf in a snowstorm, I was already ill and I couldn't find any food or shelter. I believe I am still slightly ill and I am trying the best I can to recover, as for the herbs, I can recover without them. Others might be worse off if I take the precious herbs, mainly at this time of year."</b> Nina blinked her eyes at the other wolf and narrowed her eyes at the other wolf taking her in.

The other wolf was strong, large and strong, indicating that this wolf could easily take her down. Nina would have to be careful, not that she wasn't ever careful before. Tilting her head at the other wolf she twitched her ears slightly, <b>"What is your name?"</b> Nina studied the wolf closely makin sure she would know every move that the other wolf would make. If Nina had to make a run for it she knew she would have to leave all her supplies behind, meaning that she would mosty likely get weaker, but she knew she would be able to survive, somehow.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She could scent the herbs the other wolf required and fought back a growl, growing sterner by the moment. There was no point to the strangers madness. <b>"And what if one needs your assistance and comes to find you dead? Then who will help them? The days are growing longer, the snows will melt soon enough and of all the wolves I have encountered none need what you have more than you do."</b> she almost barked out. She wasn't usually so aggressive but this woman was being ridiculous.

Taking a moment to breath she closed her eyes. She knew snapping angrily wasn't going to get the response she required from this woman. <b>"I can smell it."</b> she said, eyes still closed. <b>"I can smell the taint, and if you don't drive it out with catnip and lobelia, I fear you will not be here the next time I pass."</b> she said honestly. She had seen these illnesses lul stronger wolves into a false sense of recovery before robbing the life from them during the night as they slept. Her concern for the stranger only increased as she took in her slim form.

<b>"I will catch you something to eat if you take the medicine. I will not waste food on those who have a death wish."</b> she said quietly in an attempt to barter with the strange woman. Surely she realised the sort of danger she was putting herself in?</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Nina sighed and thought about what the stranger was offering, and she couldn't help but know that the stranger was right, she wouldn't recover, she was slim and hungry with the wrong herbs to help her treatment, and if she wasn't here where would she be, where wolves go when they die... Pinning her ears back on her head she studied the other wolf with kind, thoughtful eyes. The other wolf was trying to help her out, she truely cared, she was sure this wolf would keep her word.

Speaking slowly and gently Nina finally responded,<b> "Very well. If you are sure there are no other wolves out there that need these herbs then I will have no choice but to accept, I can't have other wolves dying because of my actions. Thank you for knocking some sense into my brain."</b> Though she said this Nina knew that she would of had no choice to accept in the first place. This other wolf was much larger than her, much more dominent as well.

Lowering her head slightly she bowed to the other wolf signaling her lower ranking. Even though she was a lone wolf she was sure that this other wolf was a lone wolf as well, but larger. Knowing that she had to be careful she sat up from her position and sat down coughing slightly. <b>"It's good to know that some wolves out here to care what happens to others."</b> Layiong down slightly she looked up at the other wolf waiting for instructions.

(I know your in a pack now, but when we started the RP you were a lone wolf.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
OOC: Yeah planned on continuing this one as loner anyway :) makes more sense.

<blockquote>Naira's stance visibly relaxed as the other wolf caved to her logic. She was clearly still muddled in her thoughts due to her illness Naira decided. Surely someone could not be so ridiculous otherwise. It didn't look as if the other wolf could move to show her stash of herbs so Naira followed her nose coming across the small stash.

She carefully picked out the ingredients she required and observed the others, lavender and others for calming nerves and settling the mind. She wondered if this wolf was more of a mind healer than a physical one. Wolf gods knew she had met enough requiring these skills that she did not possess. Perhaps they could exchange some knowledge once her ailments had been seen to.

She used the herbs sparingly, only using about a quarter of the entire collection of each. <b>"Since you are so concerned about keeping your supplies for others and you are already on the mend I will only give you a half dosage. If you require more you will know how to mix these for yourself..."</b> She pushed the small pile of herbs towards the other female. <b>"You will have to chew these so they mix properly and once they have combined swallow..."</b> she was not leaving to bring the woman food until she had seen her consume the medication. She still had a sneaking suspicion that given the chance she would return the mixture to her stash.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Sniffing the herbs slightly Nina licked them up and chewed them together waiting for the mixture to fully mix. After a few minuted of chewing Nina swallowed the medicine that was given. She was thankful that the wolf only gave her half of the dosage. This would mean that more of her supplies would last longer. Ignoring the foul taste of the herbs she turned to the other wolf, kindness and thankfulness was obvious in her gaze.

<b>"Thank you so much for helping me! I really appreciate it!"</b> Nina barked out her voice calm and gentle, carrying in the wind. Tilting her head slightly she looked around. This was one of the best places to hunt. "<b>If you don't mind, I think I would like to accompany you hunting!" </b> Nina knew she would have to get back on her feet sometime, though she knew it would take awhile to get back into her figure she might as well start now by hunting.

Hunting is one of the few things that Nina actually enjoyed. Meaning that hunting would bring joy to her, but it would definitely be painful. Hunting was one of the many things Nina had to teach herself though, along with fighting and healing. She was an independant wolf all in herself, meaning she never had another take care of her.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
OOC: Naira got to see Rhysis less feral side and kinda thinks he's her friend at the moment. She won't mention his name but doesn't realise he's the wolf Nina was referring to.

<blockquote>Given the joy in the other wolfs voice, Naira knew that she couldn't say no. She was reluctant, but the other wolf was built similarly to her brother and would have speed on her side, whereas Naira possessed the strength to pull whatever they caught down. <b>"Ok, but you get to chase it, I'll pull it down. I'm Naira by the way."</b> she said with a genuine smile only just now realising she had ignored the request earlier on. Now she was happy the other wolf had been smart enough to swallow the herbs rather than make the larger female force her.

<b>"I do believe I scented caribou not far from here..."</b> while an adult would be a challenge without at least another to assist them, a younger or older beast was easily within grasp of the two girls, provided they could steer clear of the mother if aiming for a calf. Looked like it was going to be an older beast at this rate. She almost wished Rhysis were here to help them, then they could pull down a fresh strong beast with tender meat rather than an old stringy cow, but then thought better of it. He was a little tense around females and the last thing a healing wolf needed was to worry about accidentally brushing up against the tense young man. It didn't bother Naira, she wasn't the touchy feely type either.

She headed off in the direction of where she had last scented the antlered beasts. Soon the nomadic beasts would move on, and she planned of making the most of it while they decided to stick around.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
OOC: Perfectly fine with me.

Nodding her head and twitching her ears she followed the other wolf swift on her paws. Looking back slightly she looked taken aback. Speaking gently but quickly she said, <b>"What about my herbs?"</b> She couldn't leave her herbs in fear that she wouldn't see them again, and at this time of year leaving herbs behind would have been a sin to the wolf Gods. Pinning her ears back on her head. She was stuck between getting the food she needed and keeping the herbs that would help other wolves.

Looking back at the other wolf she spoke again, <b>"My name is Nina....Nina Hervok..."</b> Nina's body was getting tense. She had never gone against what the wolf Gods would want, mainly when it pertained to other wolves around her. Tilting her head she looked back at her herbs and padded over towards them and sitting near them.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>The other wolfs attachment to her herbs was something that struck a chord with Naira. She had not had her own stores since she left her birth pack as they were technically her grandmothers and she too, had left in the dead of winter. <b>"Bury them."</b> She said bluntly. <b>"Next to something you won't forget. That rock for instance can be your marker."</b> she said indicating with her muzzle. If the woman was willing to miss out on a feed for the sake of a few leaves, it was no wonder she was in such a terrible state.

<b>"We will bring back a scrap of pelt for you to carry them in in the future. It will keep them drier than using a leaf or carrying them bare in your mouth. If you would prefer I can bring you a rabbit instead? But Caribou would sustain you longer, it would be a carcass you could return to for days..."</b></blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]