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Tease Me — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Ooc- apologies for any mistakes. On my phone :)

<blockquote>His brief smile only further encouraged her to try and figure him out. She wasn't usually so curious, that was her brother. When he questioned her hunting ability, anger flashed through her eyes and she had to fight down a growl. A challenging smile crossed her face. <b>"Ever hunted hog?"</b> she questioned. They were common prey where she grew up, but they had more fight than deer or other large prey.

<b>"Just look out for the tusks...last thing I want to have to do is patch you up or fight them off long enough to bury you. They'll eat anything."</b> she said ending on a sinister note as she raise herself to stalk in the direction of the sound. The creatures came into sight, Huge stumpy ugly things, necks low to thre ground. It would take a bone crushing bite to the back of the neck to bring one of these down, going for the cateroid artery wouldn't work here. <b>"I'll take the buisness end if you want to attack the rear? Blood loss will slow them down..."</b>

It looked to be a sounder with three females and their piglets. The dominant sow was obvious from her carriage and attitude towards the others, pushing in when they had finally managed to dig through the snow to reach the roots they thrived on. They were so preoccupied amongst themselves they still hadn't noticed the wolves at their door. <b>"There."</b> she whispered quietly, motioning to a smaller sow a short distance from the others, careful not to bump the wolf at her side. He didn't seem the type for physical contact. The others wouldn't try to save her like they would their piglets or a sow with the main group. They would need to work their way into position and spring in unison. Those short legs could move, and turn on a dime.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Sorry for the delay! I've been on a course all week and this is the first chance I've had to reply!

He tilted her head at the mention of hog. Oh yes, he’d hunted many before when he’d lived back at home. They were one of their most dangerous targets and the tusks she spoke of could lead to a fatal injury, so naturally his sadistic father had him out hunting those from a young age. In fact quite a few of the scars he had which littered his limbs beneath his fur were from a lucky hit from a hog. He replied to her question with a brief nod.

As she began to stalk into the opposite direction he took a whiff of the air. Indeed the scent of the pig was fresh, stupidly closeby and yet he had missed it. Normally he knew what and who was around him at all times, he made it his business to know as much as he could, and it perplexed him deeply as to why he had missed its sudden arrival. With a roll of his eyes he followed the female and didn’t question his brain further, instead he put it down to tiredness and hunger... which really made little sense because if he were that hungry he’d have noticed it, surely? With a final mental thrust he put the topic out of his mind and followed in suit, ensuring to keep a good distance between them, he didn’t want to touch her after all for that would be hideous.

As she drew to a crouch and suggested to the singled out female, he allowed his grey gaze to settle on the ugly beast and nodded. He didn’t need to say much at this point, and in truth he didn’t really like talking either. Instead he brought himself a little closer so they were side by side, with a nice gap between them of course, as he crouched himself down and bunched his muscles so he was ready to spring.

Fortune would have it that one of the piglets was playing with another and slipped, with an unnecessary squeal it caught the attention of the adults who all turned to see the commotion. It was the perfect moment to strike and Rhysis wasn’t going to tell her what to do, she implied she was sufficient enough so let her prove it. Within the blink of an eye he broke his cover from the thicket and charged towards the target. As they hoped, the others scattered to gather their young and flee. Startled and uselessly she looked for help, but it didn’t come- she was on her own and the black brute was coming for her, with pearly whites exposed and powerful limbs pushing him forwards.

The sow ran.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
OOC: don't worry. Stocktake is holding my muse hostage, so my replies will probably be short.

<blockquote>She had to appreciate his timing, they were surprisingly in synch for wolves who had just met, and her heart began its familiar race whenever she was in pursuit of something she wanted, usually to eat.

Expecting the sow to bolt Naira hooked when the pig did. She caught sight of the black wolf out of the corner of her eye and a small smile crept into her snarl. He was doing amazingly. As luck would have it, the stupidly crazed animal swung to try and avoid the snapping jaws of the wolf at her rear and straight alongside the tawny female. She took her chance and pounced, half of her body on the beasts back, holding on for dear life with her claws and snapping at its neck. Its squealing deafening to the sensitive ears of the female attacker.

The sow finally crumpled beneath her as she gave a final bone crushing blow to the creatures spinal chord. It didn't kill it, but it was certainly wasn't going anywhere. Not that she cared. She preferred her meat fresh. She walked a few steps away and shook out her long coat. It had been so long since she had hunted with another and she looked to the dark male and smiled. All that without managing accidental physical contact was a surprise in itself. <b>"Careful or I might not let you leave."</b> she joked with a smile, <b>"It's been so long since I've had anything other than rabbit. It's hard to find someone to hunt with around here."</b> she offered in attempt to make her statement less creepy before wandering over to the fallen prey. Its eyes were still darting around in fear and she smiled before tearing into the animals shoulder. <i>Yes, fresh is always best...</i></blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>It had worked perfectly, they seemed to read each others mind when it came to positions and timing. Rhysis had chased, she had surprised and taken the animal down. There were no injuries, and he wasn’t even out of breath. Before they lay a lovely fresh kill which even Valtyr would have been proud of. Though Rhysis wouldn’t dwell on thoughts of the large black male who had abandoned him... the prick.

Eerie grey gaze fell to the long coated female again as he offered a small smile. Yes, females were stranger and mostly annoying, but at least this one had been a bit useful. Perhaps he could use her more often when it came to fuelling his belly, which had been hard work of late. <b>”Yeah... most of the wolves around here are either mental or in a pack, so it’s pretty tough.”</b> he said as he sauntered ever closer, drawn by the scent of the blood leaking from the animals snapped spine. He wouldn’t get too close to the female, but the prey was another matter- he’d gladly bathe in its entrails. <b>”Beavers are a good hunt... I know a good spot.”</b> he added but instantly scolded himself. Beavers were his little secret, he shouldn’t share that information. He put it down to the rumbling in his belly, making him delirious and all that.

<b>”Ladies first.”</b> he added and moved back a step or two to allow her to dig in. Yes, he was a cold hearted and plotting beast, but he had very good manners. He may not have liked females at all, but he did respect some of them- he had always liked his mother and sister in the beginning, they were the only two who looked out for him and cared for him... his mother he forgave for her abandoning him, it wasn’t her fault he should be ripped away from her so soon but his sister was another matter. In his twisted mind she had betrayed him as she fled, but in truth he had chased her away in his own way of caring; they were young, lost and deep down scared, so Rhysis had chased her away, taken out his anger over their exile on her and had never seen her again. He might not like females, but he could tolerate them when useful to his own game... this wolf was useful, for the time being at least.

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>Naira's tinkling laughter filled the trees at his comments about other wolves being mental. It certainly seemed to be the case. <b>"Yes I had noticed now you mention it..."</b> her bright smile returning his own. He was quite handsome when he smiled. She was amazed at how well their hunt had gone and graciously accepted his offer of first pickings. <b>"You don't have to hold back, please join me? I promise I won't get too close. You don't seem the sort for physical contact and to be honest, I'm not much of a fan of it myself beyond doing what I have to do to get my job done."</b> she said reassuringly.

Physical contact was a must when she was healing others but when she wasn't doing that she was more than content to keep to herself. Her siblings had been very touchy-feely but she was more like her aunt, who had never taken a mate and was quite content not to do so. She was independent and strong and Nia had loved her for being so. Proof to her that her disapproval of physical contact was not unusual. Well, at least not in her eyes. She doubted she would ever find a male willing to not rub up all over her, and so had resigned herself to spinsterhood from a very young age.

<i>Beavers?</i> she thought to herself an entertained grin crossing her face. She had always imagined they would be soggy and slimy, like fishy soggy rats, but she was willing to give anything a go if it meant gaining a hunting partner, particularly <i>this</i> hunting partner. They worked so well together. <b>"Did you know, every other wolf I have met so far wants me to help them build a pack, like that male and his mate at the willows, or they've all been looney or looking for something that wasn't on offer... You're the first wolf that hasn't pounced on me ...yet..."</b> she added the last a little hesitantly, her eyes squinting slightly at the corners. Maybe she was judging too soon, but she was growing to like this young wolf... for now.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Rhysis didn't wait for a second invitation. He took the rear end of the hog and lowered to the ground. As his belly made contact he didn't wait a moment longer before his pearly whites tore into the soft underbelly of the animal. It emitted a high pitched scream and it was music to his ears. Wet, slick blood snaked its way to the ground and spattered across his handsome face and were it not the the fact his fur was black he'd look a real mess. There was little room for table manners when you were a hungry wolf after all. That wasn't to say he didn't listen to her however as she began talking, it amused him slightly that she believed he was here for any other reason but to scout out some potential talent for his new pack. He could be honest with her, but with a mouth full of flesh he simply couldn't.

Instead, he nodded and cast a sideways glance at her once she had finished speaking. He allowed the chunk within his mouth to slip into his empty belly before he took a breath and spoke. <b>"You're not my type."</b> was all he said with an added smirk before he tore off enough piece of meat. By now the sow had bled to death and it's screaming had come to a halt- all that could be heard around them was the chiping of birds and the thundering of hooves as the other pigs continued to flee for their lives.

<b>"What's so wrong with being recruited? Surely you should be flattered that you're in such high demand."</b> he lightly teased with another smirk in her direction. With a cocked brow he waited for her response with blood dripping from his maw. It was almost comical, with a few entrails littered here and there across his chops, but he didn't care- food was food and he was here to impress no one.</blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Short one - lunch break! <s>Will edit when I get home and have access to a real keyboard!</s>

<blockquote>She chuckled at his comment about her not being his type <b>"That's ok beaver boy, you're not exactly my type either, but the company and the food make it worth putting up with each other on occassion no?"</b> she said teasingly, realising she may be walking a fine line getting a little familiar but she was too happy about the meal in front of her to be overly cautious of her tongue.

Yes. She needed a pack. She was far more like herself when others were around. She may not like physical contact but she did enjoy company, and she missed having someone to joke with and tease, no matter how lightly. It made her feel complete.

She contemplated his response and gave it some thought as she continued to tear happily at the carcass, almost missing the pigs squeals of misery. It seemed to her to be the perfect mood music. <b>"He just seemed a little too... Stuffy, and overbearing, almost as if his mate couldn't talk for herself at times and that bothered me... I don't like drama."</b> she admitted. She missed being part of a pack but at the same time she was growing to revel in her freedom. She would need to find the right pack. Yes, that was her current dilemma. She couldn't go cramping her brother's pack, that was for sure...

Not something to dwell on for now, now it was time to eat.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 20, 2012, 07:31 AM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Beaver boy? He wasn't sure whether to be offended or find amusement in it. Whilst he wasn't really a fan of the taste they were an easy catch, after some practise of course, and they filled a pretty large stomach in no time with room to spare. He supposed he should be most thankful to Triell out of everyone he had met here, were it not for him he was pretty sure he'd have caved and joined a pack or starved to death by now. He'd have to remember that. He didn't bother to reply, he only felt his response might offend her so he kept it to himself as he continued to chow down on the hog, savouring every <span class='word'>morceau</span> as it slithered down his gullet.

As she continued to speak he was all ears. He had to wander why she hadn't been snapped up yet and so very reluctant to join a pack. Plus with the mention of a wolf and some females he could only wonder if it was Valiant she was talking about, had he tried to recruit her and she declined? The could pose a problem in the future if he were to consider her for enlistment to his own little pack. Of course, he didn't know much else about her, other then she seemed "nice" and had a good sense of hunting. The question to Rhysis was never "are they good or evil" but instead it was "what can they do for me?". In truth he found the wolves who went around praying to the devil spirits and thinking themselves to bleed black instead of red somewhat tedious; a lot of it was show or they were just morinic who wanted to attack for no reason. It was a nice change of pace to be using a female for something other then a scuffle.

<b>"Stuffy?</b> he replied with a raised brow and a glance in her direction. He then thought back to her words, he had a mate with him. Could it possibly be that stranger he and Valiant had the displeasure of meeting before? He never knew his name, but he had a good description. <b>"What did he look like?"</b> If it was the stranger he was thinking of it could be interesting, he was still trying to get his back together so his whore could have mini-whores, but that meant more competition in the lands for territory and foundation members. Typical, another snag in the plan.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>It was nice to get a reaction out of the younger wolf, regardless of how small. He seemed far to serious for a wolf who was about to reach his second year, give or take a few months at her guess. She thought back to her encounter in the Marsh. They had conversed on reasonably amicable terms but his instance of being top wolf riled her to no end. Still, she had given him the willow for his discomfort, mainly because she was already getting some for the injured female.

<b>"He kinda looked like you really, large, dark... broody at first."</b> she added the last in hopes of a reaction. Now she was just trying to keep the mood light. <b>"But honestly, he had more brown through him than you, and she was light, and quiet. Polite when she spoke, which wasn't very often."</b> She was turning into quite the little gossip, not that she could see any harm in it. <b>"I do believe they hang around the willows, near the marsh, or at least thats where I ran into them."</b> Her belly was beginning to feel bloated and although she was loath to move away from the hog, she found she didn't have much of a choice, moving a short distance away to lay and begin to tidy herself up.

Her entire front and face was pink, all but her darkest hairs were stained with blood, even the lining of her ears was not left untainted by the hog. She was less than a delicate eater. <b>"So, I've been doing an awful lot of talking. What's your gossip?"</b> she said with a twinkle in her eyes between attempting to lick some of the blood from her legs. She was amazed the stuff ever came out.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 20, 2012, 10:33 AM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>It seemed his second suspicion had been correct. The description was exact and the mention of the silent mate fitted him perfectly. So, the stranger was recruiting, there was no mistaking it. Whilst there were an awful lot of large wolves in the area, there was only one he knew who really rivelled him in size but was tinged with brown. So it seemed he was looking elsewhere for members after failing to get Rhysis and Valiant on board. Rhysis now wished he hadn't stopped the attack when he had the chance, maybe he was getting soft in his "old age"? Still, the fact was he was actively searching for members, something Rhysis was not. Yes he was canvassing potential but he had spoke of it to no one but Valiant. Still he doubted the dark stranger would be able to find anyone willing yet, especially if he couldn't even convince someone as easy going as this female was to join his ranks, he remembered her use of the word <i>stuffy</i> and snorted- his form of a giggle. It was amusing to say the least.

<b>"I'll keep that in mind then. Not the sort I'd want to mingle with."</b> he replied calmly before he followed her example and stood. His belly was bulging from the sides, he'd taken his fill and a little more to ensure the weight would remain for a few days at least. He said nothing more as he grabbed the carcus by the leg and dragged it over to a thicket, dense with prickly branches and hidden within the shadows of the tree. He shoved the remains into the cover. There may not have been much left but there were still bones and some flesh here and there, it would make a second meal at least if either of them needed it. Whilst he wasn't big on sharing and cared only for himself, he had his manners and this was a joint kill and unless he got desperate, he'd be willing to share for the time being.

He turned and paced back to where she laid, but kept his distance as he lowered himself to sit. She wanted to talk and he wasn't going to stop her. She'd already revealed a potential enemies location and situation and was proving most helpful without even realising it. What did throw him slightly was her admission that she spoke too much and he not enough. <b>"Gossip?"</b> he asked with a quirked of a brow. A pink tongue snaked from his jaws and ran across the sides of his mouth; whilst he may have been bathing in blood it didn't show other then the form of matts, but he could clean himself up later. <b>"I don't gossip. I live alone remember."</b> he reminded and left it at that. She'd already made it clear she wasn't looking for a pack, so there was no point bringing it up at the moment.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 20, 2012, 10:46 AM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]