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Hard Times Call For Desperate Measures — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
As the clouds shaded the sun from falling on a brown furred back near a river a wolf lay near it trying to calm her racing heart. She had recently had a run-in with an unfamiliar wolf while she was ill, leaving her primarily weak. Even during the hardest of times Nina would do what was best for the other wolves around her, but right now Nina knew she had to be very careful about what she was doing. By the smell of it she was in another packs territory, meaning that she could be attacked out of no where.

Since joining this new area, Relic Lore, she believed she heard a wolf call it, she had not been offered any source of kindness. Looking around agains she was glad to see all the vegitation, meaning that she would most likly have cover. Dragging herself over next to the river she drank some water, quenching her thirst as she drank. She knew she couldn't back down from what she was facing, she never had before, but back then she actually had friends. Friends that helped her through with everything, no matter what the case.

Forcing herself up into a sitting position Nina growled to herself. She wouldn't let anything bring her down, not anymore, she would do what she was always good at. Giving advice, hunting, and occasionally fighting, if needed. She knew she would have to join a pack soon because she was getting weak and if she didn't do something soon she would surely die. Knowing that she would have to get up she started walking sniffing the air slightly.SHe needed to find some prey so she could start thinking of a better way of living so she could decide what she was going to do about a pack.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashi was in the creek area away from the pack terriotory a bit because moments ago he was tracking a large hare. He ate the <span class='word'>morceaus</span> of rabbit flesh he smelled the scent of a wolf nearby. Dropping the remains of the rabbit he stood up his fur bristling slightly as he tried to identify the scent beter, the wolf was definitely a female but she must be a loner because the faint scents of others were faint. He decided he would seek out this wolf after he finished, maybe get another wolf to join the pack.

After finishing his meal and cleaning himself he went deeper into the forest following the scent as it got stronger. The large wolf soon came into view, it startled him some seeing how big she was compared to him and he started to have second thoughts. Making up his mind he steped from the underbrush, trying to keep his form looking casual. "Uh hi im Kashikoi, and you are? if i may ask."
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Nina's kind eyes looked towards the voice of another wolf. Blinking her eyes slightly she dipped her head towards the smaller wolf. She could tell he was younger than her, not by too much but he was much younger. Speaking only yesterday seemed impossible, but now with her moist throat she could finally speak. Stepping closer to the wolf she got a better look at the young male. He was small, skinny, but by the looks ofn it he was being well fed.

<b>"My name is Nina Hervok. How about you?" </b>Nina soft voice was like a bare whisper. Tilting her head she stared at the other wolf her emerald eyes sparkling. Taking a better look at the wolf she realized that her was amller than she thought he was, meaning he was probably the runt of the litter, that or he was younger than she thought he was. Stepping closer to the wolf she sat down and lowered her head so she was at eye level with the other wolf.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashi made sure to store the scent with the name, Nina, that was her name. He watched as she lowered herself till she was eye level. He made him slightly angry making him aknowledge his small stature. She did have a soft voice but he couldnt place why she did. "i said my name is kashikoi nina." he said this kindly thinking that perhaps she didnt hear him the first time he spoke. "so what brings you near the copper rock creek pack terriotory? you are pretty far north i might add." looking her over he noticed how large she was by wolf equilvalent. She would make a good pack member if she was to join but it would be up to her and the alpha to decide.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Looking over the younger wolf she noticed he was speaking in truth of words. She was very far north and she was definitely in Copper Creek territory. She knew she would have to tell him the truth, and the truth wasn't as bad as she thought it may be. It would just cause more problems if she was refused, but she wouldn't mind trying. Twitching her ears slightly she looked around catiously before speaking.

<b>"Well, I came to find a place to live in hope that I would be able to join a pack. I heard that this was a nice pack and was joping that maybe somehow I could join. I'm good at pretty much anything anyone throws at me as long as I try...do you think your Alpha will let me join?"</b> Nina's gentle voice was barely audible as she spoke. Usually those without good hearing couldn't hear her due to how soft her voice was, she could never find out why her voice was like this though, it just was.

Tilting her head down she bowed before the other wolf, knowing that the other wolf was from the pack, and not knowing his rank would be rude, so this was the automatic reaction she could give her. Twitching her ears she looked around just in case there was any danger, she was nervous.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Although the females voice was as soft as whisper of leaves it seemed, kashi with his ears and age still fresh and new could hear her just fine. He didnt question why her voice was so faint because he deemed it rude and impolite, not to mention there was always the chance of a quick temper in a wolf. He mulled over what she said as it confirmed his earlier thoughts that this was no mistake and that she was in search of a pack. She seemed able and strong and large enough to take down larger game. He stopped scrutinizing how well she would fit in when he thought back to how pitiful he must of looked. Small, starved and barely able to walk and yet they took him in and used their food supplies to feed him.

Putting his words together carefully still in thought he answered with a wag of his tail, "i think that the alpha would be happy to have you in the pack." he started to think of quick tips that he thought might help as kanosak had done with him. "my advice is be polite, submissive, and do your best to impress him." remembering that in the pack gathering they were instructed to make sure the territory lines are protected he added on as a side note, "i suggest meeting him at the secluded spring and stay out of the territory bounds unless you're admitted to the pack." he didnt want to sound harsh he just wanted her to have the best chance and not get hurt.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Taking in what the younger wolf said Nina nodded her head slightly, <b>"I believe that would be the best way to do this, can you please point me in the direction that I must be heading?"</b> Nina lowered her head and sniffed the ground. It was getting clearer though. Tilting her head she looked at Kashi with light emerald eyes. She appreciated the younger wolf being so kind to her, she couldn't help but like this young wolf. She was kinder than the other males she had encountered on her trip.

Deciding not to voice her thoughts Nina watched the younger wolf waiting for his answer. Twitching her ears slightly she made sure no other wolf was near by, she wouldn't want the younger wolf to get in trouble from her talking to him. She wasn't sure how this pack worked and she wasn't sure how the pack was treating the other wolf. By the looks of it he was being fed, but he was still young and slim for his age. If she had herbs with her she could have given him something to make him slightly stronger, but at the moment she had no herbs with her.

She hadn't been able to gather any herbs recently due to her illness. She wasn't able to do anything for awhile forcing her to go into hiding until she got better. She was currently healthy and strong meaning that she could help wolves again. Blinking her eyes she turned her attention back to Kashi. <b> "Thank you for helping me,"</b> Nina muttered her voice softer now that she wasn't speaking out.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashi nodded to the female, pointing his snout to the south east, "the springs are over in that general direction they are very hard to miss." he relized he had been here too long and he really ought to be heading back now with the short journey that had to be made back. He believed that this female would have no problem getting into the pack at all. She was very kind to him and respectful but she seemed a bit shy which was typical of a loner.

It was after a last backwards glance that he started to leave before hearing her thank you very slightly and mumbling the reply, "your welcome hope to meet again." after the brief good bye he walked out of sight into the trees knowing not to grow attached before they even join the back.

Ooc: sorry it was so short been busy and sneeked this in. Exit
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
OOC: Okay thanks I think I can wrap this up. Don't forget to collect your life points!

Nina twitched her ears and bounded away through the trees. The greens blurred past her as she bounded away in a rush. She would definitely look into joining this pack. She couldn't just accept the young wolf's offer and then run. She owed him, he had been kind to her and she was happy. This was the first wolf who had been kind to her in awhile. Running past the border she leapt into a tree and waited.

She would wait until something interesting happened, no matter how long it took. Nina would be patient, and patient she would be. Bunching her muscles she looked down and scratched her claw marks into the high trunk of the tree. She had left her mark her, and she would forever never be alone again...
(This post was last modified: Mar 02, 2012, 01:38 AM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.