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the crane wife — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote><ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>...well, here goes nothing.</span></li></ul>
Everything about this place felt familiar, although whenever she reached backwards into her memory, she grasped only shadow. This was nothing new. Lately... —or had it been much longer than lately?— she felt as if she was constantly chasing after her memory, hunting down recollections of the past. For some reason, it always out ran her. Whenever she felt like she was getting close she would reach out and find that there was nothing there. She would remember and instantly forget. There was only a vague wisp of plaintive confusion. Perplexed, she looked around and wonder where she was, feeling as if she were lost both in the real world and in the darkness behind her eyes. "<b>Have I been here before?</b>" she asked herself, in an expectant, bouncy voice. It was as if she hoped that merely by talking to herself, asking herself, she would stumble upon a memory. But mostly, it was just because she was lonely. She couldn't even remember the last time she had seen a friendly face.

Ozera had clearly fallen into disrepair. Her fur, which had never behaved and would never lay flat, seemed thinner, duller. It appeared to stick up at impossible angles, a haphazard tangle of browns and creams. Patches of it appeared to be missing from her shoulders and along what should have been a thick carpet of mane along the nape of her neck. The old limp still plagued her —although she could not remember where she got it from any more— but it was markedly worse, and she barely put any weight on it. She was just an old bag of bones that hopped through the snowy hills on three legs. Tossing her head about, she began to wander in circles in the afternoon sun, asking herself over and over again, "<b>Have I been here before?</b>" It felt as if she were asking it for the first time every time.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>The voice was like an echo pulling her from her silent daydream. <b><i>"Have I been here before...?"</i></b> She almost thought she may be hearing things until the wind shifted and she caught the scent of another wolf nearby. It amazed her how often this happened, just lazing about minding her own business when another wolf stumbled by. Perhaps she blended in too well.

Raising herself to her feet and seeking out the voice, a patchwork coated femme came into her sight, some bald patches showing through her coat. <i>That couldn't be comfortable in this weather.</i> The other femme was decidedly older than the tawny coated female, maybe twice her age, and she seemed to be carrying an old injury. Even from this distance Naira knew there could be very little to do for her beyond pain relief, and she regretted not gathering some willow when she last passed one...

Silently berating herself she knew it was a ridiculous thought. She was travelling so often, she didn't really have anywhere to store it, and how was she to know she would be passing another who needed it so soon. If it wasn't the winter, she would have had other herbs at her disposal however, with snow blanketing so much of the land. <b>"Excuse me ma'am... do you need some help there?"</b> she asked politely, ears and tail lowered to show she meant no harm.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 19, 2012, 06:18 AM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'><ul>oh! Haven’t had a thread with you yet. This should be fun :3</li></ul></span>
The ancient wolf nearly jumped out of her skin. Out of the snowdrifts rose a sincere, sociable voice without a body. <i>Ghosts!</i> She let out a small scream. Never having been a very rational girl, she jumped to the first conclusion without even turning around to face what she would have discovered was a very real, very helpful young wolf. But all she saw was a vast white land devoid of any soul besides herself. Of course, while Ozera believed in ghosts, she was far too deluded by silver linings to believe in malevolent ghosts. There were only friendly ghosts in this world or the next. This one clearly wanted to help her, although Ozera couldn’t imagine what she would help her <i>with</i> since she didn’t think she really needed any help –having herself scared senseless had since caused her to forget that she was lost, or that she cared she was lost. Laughing, Ozera replied, “<b>Well, sure sweetheart. But why? There ain’t a damn thing wrong with me!</b>”

All that remained of the skeleton was her willingness to trust and her refusal to be a burden. That was how she had always been. How could she ever have bothered Indru with her feelings of loneliness, or asked Triell to wake up in the middle of the night so that she could use him like a crutch to go get a drink? Her problems were meaningless. Sure, her leg sort of hurt –but hadn’t it always? Sure, she was cold –but there was no sense complaining about it if there was nothing that could be done. Alright, she was beginning to wonder where her memory had gotten to, but she was sure it would come back eventually. Too determined to see the brighter side of things and believe she was on the greener patch of grass she suppressed her aches and longing. Instead, she chose to reach out to others. They were often dealing with problems far worse than her own, and her heart just ached to see them sit and suffer if there was something she could do. Perhaps there was something troubling this ghost.“<b>What about you, dear, can I help you with anything?</b>” Why, it was only polite to ask, at any rate.</blockquote>

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
OOC: sorry, crappy week at work. This will be fun. Must get Val and Kiche together at some point too!

<blockquote>The tawny female was taken aback by the small scream that escaped the older wolf's mouth. She had thought she was being cautious and sociable. It was then she realised the other female was speaking to the snow drifts instead of the the tawny wolf who was continuing to approach. Was the old woman blind as well, or merely mentally unstable like others she had already encountered? Regardless, Naira resigned herself to doing whatever it took to make the old lady comfortable and to help her find whoever or wherever it was she was seeking.

She was further taken aback when the older lady asked if she needed help. A small smile crossing her face. It was a nice change but she was fine. She moved forward until she was closer to the line of sight of the multicoloured lady. <b>"No, I'm just fine."</b> She said with a smile, continuing to move forward slowly so as not to startle the other wolf. <b>"My name is Naira. You were asking if you have been here before. It sounded like you were a little lost."</b> She was finally passed the old lady and turned to face her with a comfortable non-threatening stance. <b>"It also looks as if that leg is causing you some pain."</b> attempting to cover the worry lacing her voice.

<b>"Perhaps you wouldn't mind taking a moment to share some stories with one willing to listen?"</b> she questioned rather than outright demanding the lady rest. She had learned early on there were more subtle ways to get what you required from a potential patient, and besides, maybe she would learn something in the process. She fought the urge to race off and collect something for the other wolf to eat but held back for now. She didn't want to overwhelm her new acquaintance.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote><ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>they should so totally be bros. Kiche needs a good bro. :P</li></ul></span>

Apparently the sweet, little ghost was <i>fine.</i> Ozera snorted in surprise. When had anyone, when asked, ever claimed to be <i>fine</i>? She couldn't remember the last time someone said they were <i>fine</i> — although she could hardly remember asking anyone anything at all at the moment. But she had the feeling, for some reason, that everyone she knew was always depressed about <i>something</i>. This place. There was a lot of sadness in this place, she recalled vaguely, although she couldn't quite say how she knew this. Curiously, she lifted her nose to the breeze, wondering if she <i>this</i> was the exact place that was so sad, when suddenly her nose snagged on a familiar scent. <i>Home.</i>

The ghost smelled like home.

<i>Well that's strange!</i> Her careworn face wrinkled with confusion. What was <i>home?</i> And why should this specter smell like...<i>home.</i> Maybe she <i>had</i> been here before. Another yelp of surprise escaped her when the ghost —who apparently wasn't a ghost at all— manifested before her eyes. She barely heard a word she said. Before she could stop and think, a question leaped from her tongue, and her voice was tight with desperation, "<b>What.... where are you from?</b>" Without thinking, Ozera stepped forward, wanting to be close to this smell of "<i>home</i>." Why did she smell so familiar? Did Ozera know her? She didn't feel as if she did. The old wolf's neck stretched forward as she squinted and scrutinized, her nose still prodding the air, testing it's familiarity with a hesitant curiosity. Stories could wait. Answers came first.

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
OOC: yeah Val needs a bro too XD

<blockquote><i>Where are you from?</i> It was a question laced with so many possible answers. Where was she from now? Yukkon Forest was her place of birth, amongst the giants, both wolves and trees, but now she made her home at Swift River. Was there something in her scent that triggered a memory for the old lady? Best to speak it aloud, just to make sure that was what she meant. <b>"These days I belong to the River pack. Swift River, over near the Sacred Grove. Would you like me to take you there...?"</b> she let her voice trail off as she searched for even a hint of recognition in the lady's golden yellow eyes, so similar to her own. She wondered if she was looking into her own future and fought down a shiver of fear.

While she would usually tense up at the approach of a stranger, Naira maintained a level head for once and completely relaxed to allow the woman to get as close as she wanted. She almost thought she could even tolerate physical contact at the moment. Although her grandmother was dark, they would be of similar age now and she wondered if her cousins were taking care of her beloved Shadow, who had taught her so much in the ways of healing, fighting, hunting, and of the importance of family and keeping them safe. Perhaps this lady had once belonged to the River pack? Naira fought the urge to bring her home like a small child asking her mother if she could keep the little bird with the broken wing. She would await the lady's answer before potentially kidnapping her.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote><ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>I am so bad at keeping up with posts D:</li></ul></span>
It seemed that there was one last bridge left in her memory that reached across the yawning gap between senile and sane. That old smell of home teased her waning recollections, and she began to wander down the empty paths in her memory, getting closer and closer to the bridge. She could not remember what she was looking for, but she knew it was here somewhere. If she could only find the bridge, she would remember. But the sweet she-wolf’s hesitant response was like one last, gentle push that nudged her towards the bridge. <i>Swift River!</i> All at once, the light returned to Ozera’s darkened eyes, and they widened with an epiphany that was all most too much for her to handle.

Images and voices and names and memories rushed forward, clamoring for attention like neglected, desperate children hungry for love. If she could, she would have sat down and replayed every single one, euphoric and content to savor each one. But there were too many. And – <i>Oh</i>… Ozera’s eyes refocused, and she remembered the kindly young girl standing before her. A violently ecstatic smile spread about her face and trembled down her body as her tail began to beat the air in earnest. “<b>Swift River!</b>” Indru, Triell, Corinna… <i>the puppies</i>, the river, the lush green forest, it was all coming back to her. “<b>I… I know Swift River! I…</b>” But then came a flood of negative energy, some broken bones, confusion, how she had abandoned them and left for… reasons she didn’t remember. Her smile faded slightly, though it was impossible to wipe away. “<b>I lived there, once…</b>” her voice tapered off into a quiet admonition.

She gazed at the mottled brown wolf beseechingly, not knowing what she wanted from her, but hoping that she would understand. She had offered to take her there, but Ozera was… suddenly very scared to return. “<b>Things are. Things are kind of different now. I don’t know… I feel like things have been… dark… lately. I don’t remember. It’s all dark.</b>” Indru wouldn’t want her. Corinna wouldn’t want her. Triell wouldn’t want her. They would hate her for leaving. But she couldn’t even remember why she left. She couldn’t remember where she had gone. All she knew was now. All she knew was this snowy hill in some part of Relic Lore that she had never truly explored. All she knew was this nice girl who lived in Swift River. “<b>…How… How is it now? The pack?</b>”
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
It's ok, I've been scarce too. Real life, so annoying!

<blockquote>She was quiet as the lady connected the dots, her scent and the name of her pack triggering some memory spark, a small smile crossing her face at the joy in the older ladies carriage. It wasn't just the smile on her face, it was as if her entire being was rejuvenated by the memories that were firing through her system. <b>"Small, but strong."</b> she said reassuringly with a smile to accompany her next comment. <b>"Far more males than females, but I have been led to believe that is the way it has always been."</b>

She had only been with her pack a short while but it was as if she had always been there. So similar to her own family, but not nearly so large. It made her comfortable to know not everything changed when you moved on. <b>"Perhaps you should walk with me? We can head to the River and you can decide once we get closer if you'd like me to bring someone to see you? Maybe Triell?"</b> she mentioned the dark male because he was related to the leaders, and was the first wolf to meet her on the borders. It was strange that the lady would be reluctant to see those she knew and clearly cared for. But she wouldn't push the issue.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote><ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>sorry xD my ozera muse is being overshadowed by my tiny kiche muse. This will probably be short.</span></li></ul>Swift River. Was that her home? Doubt lingered, a bitter taste in her mouth that dogged her every thought. They did not appear to suffer from her absence, if Niara could be believed. That was probably more than she could have hoped for. Ozera’s resolve would have crumbled away with guilt if she had been missed. More than anything, a part of her hoped that she was not missed. Even if it meant being scorned and forgotten, it would mean that they were not hurting, that she hadn’t hurt them. But a tiny part of the old woman’s soul betrayed her –it longed for someone to miss her, for someone to want her, for someone to mourn the loss. But that tiny part was selfish, and upon realizing its existence, Ozera quickly snuffed it out and shoved it deep down inside of her with the rest of her darkest secrets.

“<b>What’s your name again, sweetheart?</b>” She couldn’t remember if she had mentioned it already. Had she even introduced herself? For good measure, she threw her name out in the open, “<b>I’m Ozera.</b>” The darling youngster had mentioned a walk –a walk that would maybe end in Swift River. While the ragged, forgetful wolf could not decide if she had any intention of returning to her…<i>home</i>… she saw no harm in a walk with this lovely young lady. The thought of seeing Triell again both excited and terrified her, and she concluded that she would delay that reunion for as long as possible. But a walk would be fine. A walk was harmless.

“<b>Lead the way, miss. Although, I’ll have you know I make for terrible company. I’m prone to ranting.</b>” Maybe a bit of it was her age, but she had always been this way –probably. It was hard to say.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Urgh, work is sapping the life out of me this week. That and sick boyfriend D: Sorry its crappy and short

<blockquote>She smiled at the lady and reminded gently <b>"I'm Naira. Which way should we wander?"</b> she questioned gently, already wandering in the general direction of home, hoping the lady would follow without too much complaint. If she had called the River home once, she was sure she would be welcomed home again... She hoped. She would have to ask Triell once she ran into the young wolf again.

When Ozera made her comment about ranting a tinkling laugh escaped her maw, smile lighting her eyes. <b>"Well, I do love stories..."</b> she admitted a little guiltily. <b>"Perhaps you could tell me some of your time at Swift River? I am only <i>very</i> new to the pack and everyone seems so busy all the time..."</b> she admitted sadly, checking to see if the lady was still following.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]