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you're gonna have to count your losses — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Late evening; Cloudy — 37° F/3° C

Borden Lyall, now heartened by Kiche’s support, strode boldly along the borders of Grizzly Hollow. While he had been following Jaysyek, Raigo, and Elettra’s markers, he tried to count in his head the masculine scents that crisscrossed over the ones left by the pack members he knew.

There was Kade, Kiche, Hocus, and two others he deemed unfamiliar. Five in all.

With the preacher now a rank below him and Hocus only being a pup, he counted again, assuming and guessing to the best of his ability who still stood in his way: Male One, Male Two, Raigo… then Kade.

His eyes narrowed as he lowered his muzzle to the base of a tree and stopped for a moment to inspect it. The male he assumed to be one rank above him was younger (give or take a few years) and relatively new. He snorted and shook his head as he withdrew his nose from the frosty ground. His hackles rose. The idea that a younger male other than Raigo held a place above him was just enough to get him started.

With renewed zeal in his gait he stalked through the woods until he found the tree line and the open space where the forest gave way for a frozen marshland. He constructed in his head the string of words he was going to say, repeating them until he felt he was surely ready. The harshness of winter did little to numb the healing muscles in his left forelimb but even with what was left of the pain, the old injury could not even hinder his perseverance in his quest to make his way up the ranks.

He inhaled deeply then filled the starless evening with a chilling howl. If he had timed everything correctly, he could count on the arrival of night to set the mood for a very serious introduction. This youth, he decided, would not know him as a fallen leader, but the epitome of a returning king in search of his crown.

Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
OOC: Oh dear! What has Val got himself into now? :p

<blockquote>The last thing he was expecting on the starless night was the cold masculine howl calling him out. He was confused, he had only been here a few days now and beyond Jayse, Silver and Kade, he was still trying to figure out who was who and where exactly his place was in Grizzly Hollow.

So it was with great trepidation that he hauled his lumbering frame upwards, a scowl set deep on his face. His overly fluffy coat causing him to appear more comical than menacing as he moved towards the sound of the howl, his body rolling quietly rather than crashing forward as on might expect from a wolf with such a large frame.

The night was cold, but not as cold as some recently. The weather didn't bother him but the tone of the howl did. He had never been one for rules or being ordered around, and the tone of the calling brokered little argument, which only further added fuel to the fire of frustration that was boiling inside him. First Hawke, now this, all for Rhysis's little plan. He was almost tempted to ignore the call and track down the younger wolf just to rip off his ear. Maybe then he would have half an idea of the pain he was putting the silver wolf through. He wasn't meant for this, but he had to, for his own good in the long run.

<i>This had better be worth it...</i> he thought to himself. Surely there was a more decent hour at which to make introductions...</blockquote>
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>The Lyall waited as patiently as he could for the stranger he had beckoned. Putting forth some effort to calm the tingling nerves in his left forepaw, he planted his paws firmly into the snow, simply listening to the forest surrounding him. The sound of someone approaching made his ears turn to and fro until they rotated forward and he scanned the tree line for any sort of lupine form. When he seemingly failed to separate the young male from the darkness he called out a neutral, mild tone.

<b>"Forgive me for... summoning at such a late hour,"</b> he apologized, his voice as smooth as a ribbon of silk. <b>"I find the night allows more privacy for meetings like this."</b> He paused for a moment to gauge where newcomer was and if, perhaps, he had heard his rather informal greeting.

This whole thing, the way he laid out his schemes about dominating the pack and retaking his place, might have easily been taken as <span class='word'>mammonism</span>. But the riches in question was far more valuable than gold, treasure, or any other precious item of value. He was here for Jaysyek's sake. Still trying to play up the part of a noble diplomat, he continued to eye the shadows of the trees, not even intimidated at the least, <b>"I simply wanted to meet you; we have matters to discuss... you and I..."</b></blockquote>
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
OOC: Sorry, muse is MIA and I'll probably be a bit scarce next week D: Will try to keep on top of it but can't say anything will be brilliant.

<blockquote>Valiant stepped further forward until he was visible to the older male, head and tail even with his spine neither dominant nor submissive but still on guard. <b>"What sort of matters may those be?"</b> He asked, attempting to keep his usual malice and sarcasm out of his voice, after all, the stranger was still an unknown to him, and regardless of how short his temper currently was (a very usual occurrence indeed) he should probably see if there was anything the other wolf could offer him.

<i>Why would there be a need for privacy?</i> The mocha tinted male was growing more and more suspicious by the second, his ears twitching to keep track of the surrounds just in case this was an ambush. The stranger smelled of pack but if he was, he was a wolf he hadn't met yet and he wasn't about to introduce himself before the summoner did so first.</blockquote>
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>The youth stepped out from the shadows and Borden gave a solemn nod in salutation. His frame straightened and the tail he had been holding level at his back rose slightly, just testing the waters. <b>"A simple one,"</b> he replied, thinking now of what to say and exactly <i>how</i> to say it. <b>"You see... I was... <i>dethroned</i>."</b> His pale eyes looked the young male over, attempting to pick out any expression that should cross his face if there was any to reveal as he continued. <b>"I am distrusted by the authorities at present but I assure you, now, I bear <i>no</i> ill will beyond this encounter."</b>

His heart began to pound in his chest. <b>"Lady Jaysyek was mine once,"</b> he disclosed. <b>"But time and certain circumstances have separated me from her. You and I... we are here now because I will recapture her heart and I will not allow you to stop me."</b> His muscles stiffened and his fur began to bristle in attempts to look intimidating now. His words began to drip with a threatening tone and he stared at the wolf before him, the dark mask upon his face morphing into a fearsome scowl, <b>"I will give you a choice: You will aid me in my quest or I will. <i>Strike</i>. You. Down."</b></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2012, 10:03 PM by Borden.)
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote>A wry smile crossed the silver wolfs face as he listened to the strangers little rant. <i>So this must be Borden then...</i> He had heard him mentioned by Silver but paid little heed to the fact at the time. If he had lost his position previously, Valiant wasn't about to just step aside and let the other wolf take his place in the ranks. Besides, when their plan finally came together, he couldn't be taken seriously as the leader (even if only in name) if he stepped aside and let this wolf just walk all over him.

His own hackles bristled in response as the other wolfs tone became more sinister. Maybe he wouldn't have to track down the young black wolf, if the older male was willing to allow him to take out his current bad mood on him instead. His own tail raised higher and he tucked his chin to protect his throat, a snarl forming on his maw. Maybe answering the call was going to be worth it after all.</blockquote>
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Borden watched as the male returned the gesture, his hackles rising and his tail elevating in turn. It wasn't surprising to say the least. After all, the young who had a chip on both shoulder usually harbored a healthy sense of confidence. He had been young once...

<i>So be it.</i>

He met the youth's snarl with a thunderous growl of his own, viciously snapping his jaws. Not wanting to waste any time, he bounded forward, aiming to use the bulk of his weight to bowl him over. It might have been a measly attempt with his opponent seeming a bit stronger than he was, but what he lacked in ambush, he made sure his jaws were open in attempt to clamp onto a <span class='word'>morceau</span> of the brute's ashen pelt.</blockquote>
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote>He may have been larger but the older wolf was faster. While he managed to avoid the brunt of the oncoming attack, he did get a nasty bite on his flank, drawing a savage snarl from Valiant. His adrenalin was pumping now, it had been so long since he had been in a decent scrap. He was already on the back foot and knew he couldn't win a fight on the defensive, it was time to try and counter.

His eyes narrowed as he observed his opponent, searching for any opening. While he was carrying a sight limp, it wasn't going to be an easy target, he would need to get too close to the other wolfs snapping jaws, and while a bite on the scruff wouldn't be nearly as painful as the one he had received to his flank, he decided to dismiss it for now. He liked his ears intact.

He barrelled towards his mottled opponent, aiming to knock him down as Borden had done to him previously, snapping at any flesh or fur that came within his reach, beginning to wonder why he had accepted the challenge to start with.</blockquote>
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>The youth did not topple over but the fact did little to disappoint him when he was able to snap his jaws closed on a silvery flank. Borden clenched his teeth together when he backed away in attempt to withdraw from any volatile reaction. Valiant's eyes narrowed and Borden growled back. He noted the offensive stance and how quickly the gears were turning in the youth's head. If he was about to take the offense then perhaps the Lyall's luck relied in defending himself. That had been the point, after all, hadn't it? <i>Defending</i> his title as a leader...

Borden squared his shoulders and whisked his tail about as he curled his lip above his fangs. <i>Ready when you are...</i> he voiced in his head. Valiant charged and it the sudden attack had actually caught him by surprise. Borden's shoulder hit the frosted ground first and he curled up on his side. The male's jowls closed in on several places along his shoulder blades and ribs. The Renegade let out an anguished yelp. It was immediately drowned out however with a snarl of renewed zeal and he tried to regain his feet in order to come around and sink his teeth into his opponent's hide once more.</blockquote>
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
OOC: Sorry about the power play fights are tricky! Feel free to write it out if you want, it is dark after all, he might have just scraped up against a rock. :p

<blockquote>Valiant was amazed when he actually managed to topple the other wolf and land several blows of his own, but he was quickly losing interest. The old timer was holding his own and the younger wolf was gaining more respect for him as their battle progressed. <i>Why am I doing this?</i> he questioned himself as he backed up, not nearly quick enough to avoid receiving a painful bite to his leg as the other wolf flailed to regain his footing. He leapt a short distance away to avoid similar mishaps of his own ignorance. Still, he had no desire to maim his pack mate, and personally had no desire for rank. But he still had energy to burn.

He lowered his head protectively again, circling the male, searching for an opening, observing, waiting for the other wolf to make his move. The more experienced wolf was doing well to demand the respect of the cocky young male. <i>Perhaps I should submit...</i> he questioned himself as a small smirk crossed his lips. <i>Not yet, I'm having too much fun...</i> he decided to himself. It almost seemed to him as if they both needed this little moment of release.</blockquote>
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