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Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rios Haima
Rios had been debating joining a pack for a while now. He walked up to the borders of the Copper Rock Creek pack, sure this is what he wanted. He would have a new life. Besides, joining a pack would benefit him greatly, but he wasn't going to tell the leaders that. He would be as kind as polite as possible, even if it wasn't in his nature to be polite. He would do his best though if he wanted to get into the pack.

Rios lifted his muzzle to the sky and let out a long howl, summoning the alphas of the pack. He sat down and all that was left to do, was wait patiently. Another task he was not very skilled at. Rios tried his best though and hopefully, the alphas wouldn't keep him waiting long.
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu lifted his hears as he finished his drink. A howl from a loner what a surprise, this would be a beautiful moment for him. He shifted his weight and started towards the sound. He was keeping a good pace as he continued forward, not the best pace because of his slowness, and was rather pleased. "What would Kanosak do if he found out the wolf had come to the borders?" he asked himself. Rolu shook of the question as he contuined on his way.

Rolu sniffed the air making shore he was still on track, knowing that he could have gotten turned around somewhere. it was a male wolf and Rolu grinned,<b>"It time for some one to meet big bad,"</b>he commented out loud. Rolu strode out of the bushes his head and tail high, but still a little relaxed. Rolu didn't want to look like an alpha!<b>"What are you doing here?"</b>the question came out with an unexpected growl. He looked over at the male with a close eye,<b>"And what is your name?"</b>his voice was purposely gruff as he sat down, his fur rippling above his well toned muscles.
(This post was last modified: Feb 22, 2012, 12:03 AM by Rolu.)
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Wille heard a howl requesting a leader, in which whom they would ask to join. Her nose picked up the sent of a pack member, not one she was overly familiar with. Aye, maybe they had crossed paths before. The scent was familiar. The larger silver wolf was confronting another larger black male. The sun was high, establishing her white coat in the area. Gleaming, the white wolf padded forward, curios about the newcomer and her fellow pack mate. Belly growling, she found herself having a look of amusement on her face as she began to assess the situation. Another loner, a packmate growling.

That's how she had been during her first confrontation with a loner. Now she had learned a quite few things. Growling, it didn't really work for her, you see. She was a wolf with a delicate nature, and growling didn't quite work on strangers for her. When she had used growling, wolves thought she was aggressive at nature, which was the opposite of what she was. Her rule: only use fighting when they provoke you.

She turned to larger male, and let her tail flick his pelt gently. <b>"Stop growling."</b> she whispered to him, so the loner won't hear. <b>"Hear him out first."</b> The words were gentle. <b>"If he doesn't show submission, and if he is rude, you can then tell him to get out."</b>
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rios Haima
A large male came out of the bushes growling at him. His head and tail were raised but he wasn't the alpha Rios was looking for. He was annoyed that this subordinate was demanding answers from him. Rios wanted nothing more than to just rip out his throat and silence him. He probably would have too if the white female didn't show up.

She whispered something to the male, probably trying to calm him down. She seemed so delicate and at the same time, there was a glow about her. Perhaps she was carrying pups. Rios turned his attention to the male. "I'm Rios Haima. I'm here to ask your alpha to join your pack." He tried to be polite as possible.

"May I ask your names? It wouldn't hurt to get to know my possible pack members before your alpha gets here." He looked the two over, the female's white fur seemed to glisten in the sunlight and the light reflected off of her yellow eyes, making them brighter. She was attractive but not really his type, too delicate.
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu looked in the derevtion of the noise to see Wille come out of the bushes. She calmed him down, but the male was still not really his type of wolf. This drew on more of Rolu's tiny voice, but when Wille talked he was calmed. "Must be the effect of her being second. She must not remember me oh well," Rolu thought. Turning on the male he said with a ad rem,<b>"I am Rolu Whitetree, the third subordinate."</b>

Rolu looked over at Wille wondering how she would entertruce herself. More than likely she would do it in a kindly matter. The he-wolf had a name, Rios Haima. The name struck a cord in Rolu, but Rolu wasn't sure why. Had he heard the name somewhere? More than likely not, and it was just Rolu being his suspisious self. Rolu relaxed as Wille talked.
(This post was last modified: Feb 22, 2012, 09:51 PM by Rolu.)
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Stepping aside from Rolu, but casting a watchful glance she nodded to the black male. As Rolu slowly calmed down, she moved aside once more to address the stranger. <b>"What can you tell me before you join?"</b> she asked.

You should always asked this, was her philosophy. Actually was her thoughts. There was always a possible message the wolf wanted to pass on into the hands of their handy second. This wolf had not yet shown submission, but they most importantly would have to show respect to the leaders. The path ahead for the onyx male would be <span class='word'>flexuous</span>, with many difficulties if he was denied acceptance.

She knew the feeling herself. Being a former lone wolf, of course she did. The pang of hunger, the cold surroundings in the winter. She was unable to find shelter, and with her delicate build and thin coat, it often felt like she would rather die than keep going. But she kept on going and know look where she was. The second of Copper Rock Creek.
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rios Haima
Rios submitted to the two wolves as they introduced themselves. He nodded a greeting to Rolu and turned his attention to the white she-wolf who hadn't introduced herself yet. <b>"I'm sorry miss. Could I ask your name?"</b> He smiled, being friendly.

Rios wagged his tail as the white female nodded to him. What could he tell her before he joined? What did he have to tell her? He didn't know but he spoke anyways. <b>"I am a good fighter and can offer the pack protection. I am fair at hunting and I will put the pack before myself."</b> Was he bluffing? About putting the pack before himself maybe. If there was someone in the pack he didn't get along with he wouldn't give them the time of day, other than that he would. <b>"I am simply looking for a home so I can start over miss."</b>
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu was still bitter for some reason and grumbled a bit but still relaxed. He listened to the male and Hartt talk, wondering if he should step in. Turning his back adruptly to them he sniffed the air his tail still higher than normal. He turned back to them, looking over the male. No matter how the male put it he seemed strong enough, and looked like he was faster than Rolu.

<b>"Come on Willie give him some slack. He looks new to this,"</b> Rolu said kind of putting the balck wolf down. Looking over at Wille he said,<b>"Besides, he would offer more hunting than me,"</b> he stopped. Coming closer to Willie he said quietly so only she would hear,<b>"If he does do anything.....I'll make sure it doesn't go far."</b> Rolu's voice was hard and as he stepped away he took another glance at the black wolf.

Something about the wolf made him a little more suspicous of the black boy. Maybe it was the way his silver eyes seemed so judged. Or maybe it was because of his new family he had come to cherish, even within his really short time there.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The howl had not been missed by the male; though a grunt escaped his jaws the moment it erupted across the sky. Dropping the small squirrel he had foraged, the tawny male dropped it gently to the pack cache, his paw lifting to bury a bit of dirt upon the creature to mask the scent from the birds. It was not a large meal by any means, but it would tide over one of the pack members should their stomach growl at them.

Shifting, the regal male began his trek to the borders. The path was as familiar to him as Swift River was, and while it took him the better part of a few moments, the tawny male finally emerged before the three other wolves from the foliage.

His muzzle lifted high as was his tail, Ruiko stalked forward, his gaze trained upon the ebony newcomer. Offering a nod, his eyes flickered only briefly to the two present: Wille, and Rolu. “State your name and business, stranger,” he rumbled, hoping to get the interaction over with swiftly.
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rios Haima
OOC: I apologize to everyone but there is only one spot left for a subordinate in Copper Rock Creek and I would like to try to get Rios in before it's taken. Again I am very sorry.

A proud, regal looking male stepped forward, clearly the leader of the pack. Rios quickly submitted to the male, head town, ears flat against his head, and tail tucked between his legs as he stepped forward slowly and licked the males chin. Rios stepped back, still submitting, as he spoke. <b>"I am Rios Haima sir. I have come to ask you to consider allowing me to join your pack. I am a strong fighter and can defend the borders from tresspassers, I can hunt and provide food for the pack, and I will remain loyal only to you, your mate, and your pack. It would be an honor if you were to accept me sir."</b>

Rios met the leaders eyes, waiting for an answer and hoping it would be in his favor.