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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
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Valiant Morino
OOC: Post order Val>Kade>Silver from here? I usually only get a chance to check my thread log so didn't think there was anything new on this thread for me to reply to.

<blockquote><i>Womanizer...?</i> a wry smirk crossed his face. <b>"Valiant."</b> he said with a small smile, and a sideways glance at Silver to make sure she was still keeping her distance. He had no problems with having the scent of his new leader on his fur, that would be easy to explain away, but any other female and he would be in a world of shit.

<b>"I had to leave in the middle of the night and run through creeks to cover my scent, but I imagine she'll still track me down... Maybe some more company would settle her down..."</b> he said with a shrug. It almost seemed as if her irrational clinginess was bought on by a fear of being alone. Either way, it was nice to have some personal space back, and he planned on keeping it that way.</blockquote>
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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
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Kade Attaya
<blockquote>Nodding a simple reponse to the male's spoken name, a smile of his own stayed put as he listened further. He was certainly glad that he had no such problems - the only females he worried about were Jayse and El, Trisden and Arlette...Envisioning Valiant, size and all, barreling through the creeks of Relic Lore in order to escape a stage five clinger reinforced his gratitude of this fact.

<b>"In a pack dominated by males, surely she won't give you too much trouble."</b> He knew this was an understatement - for all he knew Valiant's stalker could be every bit the horror he'd described - but there was no denying that there weren't many females to tarnish his reputation with the shewolf here. <b>"If all else fails in keeping you safe from her, let her come through here and meet <i>Elettra</i>."</b> Now <i>that</i> would be a sight to see.

A smooth grin to his mask, Kade slid to his belly at Valiant's side, stretching his forelimbs before allowing his musculature to relax. It really did feel good to have someone to talk to, or spend whatever length of time with, stranger with the wandering eyes or not. Silver eyes shifting to the female as she tended to her coat, the dark man made himself at home among the newest members of the family.</blockquote>
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
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Silver Wintercoat
Silver had to at least listen to the wolves. She looked on as the he-wolves talked and jabbered. She was surprised at Kade's bodacity and strong words. She lifted her head at times looking around and noticing everything. She stopped when Kade had mumbled something about Elettra.<b>"Elettra an't that bad. I mean I guess she could be like that. I think its how you approach her though,"</b> Silver said taking a side glance at the wolves.

Silver was not bothered by the two males. While they talked she groomed herself, but still keeping an eye on the two. Going up to the shoulder she groomed the still sore area where the wound she had with Rhysis lingered. She winced a bit when she got there and she looked at the boys, making sure they had not noticed. She looked at them and she didn't see any changes in their behavior to suggest such. Looking over at them she was surprised when Kade laid down beside him.

Silver turned her back to them males and swished her tail across her. Glancing back at the males she wondered what was really going on. The air around her seemed stale for some reason. Shaking out her fresh fur she sniffed the air. Finally a small breeze came through. Silver smiled as she watched the he wolves behind her. Looking forward she thought about Mother fox, and her adopted sisters and brothers. How was it for wolves. Was she considered family to others or friend? "Maybe I'm over reacting, ya defiantly over reacting," she decided as she looked back over her shoulder at the males.
(This post was last modified: Feb 27, 2012, 02:41 AM by SilverWintercoat.)
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
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Valiant Morino
<blockquote>Valiant had initially held every intention of avoiding the wolf at his side, and the one called Raigo, and this Elettra. He had often had problems with authority growing up and didn't want to be chased from these lands until he was good and ready to leave. Silvers mention of her not being so bad bought a questioning look from the male as he looked to Kade, surely the dark male would know more of her than Silver.

Perhaps it was her upbringing that made her so unusual but at least she was having a go. While he may not necessarily like the crazy woman who had launched herself at him in attack on their initial meeting, he didn't hate her either and so was content to have her within snapping distance. He gave her one of his small reassuring smiles in answer to the worry dancing across her face before turning his attention back to the male who was now laying at his side.

He had been contemplating bringing her to the hollow. It would be far easier than crawling back to her every few days to make sure she was still on board with their plans. But he was enjoying the peace far too much. <b>"Anywhere worth visiting around here if I decide to go for a wander later?"</b> he asked Kade, still trying to decide if he should bring Hawke to the pack or not. It would serve their plan better to have her go to Swift River, but he just couldn't see her going there of her own free will.
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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
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Kade Attaya
<blockquote><i>"Elettra an't that bad. I mean I guess she could be like that. I think its how you approach her though."</i> There was a hint of truth to Silver's response concerning the pack's Second. He could easily admit that Elettra was, indeed, intimidating, and equally deserving of respect. But a part of him knew that there was much, much more to the leaden mystery of a woman than the hard front she put on.

The female seemed tense, her eyes timidly dancing to and fro from he and Valiant to herself and back. As far as he knew, there weren't many things for <i>her</i> to be worried about at the time being, but then again she was still merely a stranger in his eyes, and he certainly didn't know what <i>could</i> be on her mind.

Gladly, his attention shifted to Valiant as their casual conversation progressed. <i>"Anywhere worth visiting around here if I decide to go for a wander later?"</i> Thoughts of potential locations crossed his mind, and he thought of each briefly before rendering what he felt was the most fitting answer.

<b>"The Irridescent Lagoon is very peaceful - beautiful in the dark of the night..."</b> The stars seemed to live in its waters, though their presence was merely a reflection. Nevertheless, the impressive body of water was, personally, one of his favorite sights.</blockquote>
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
OOC: Silver is really testy ant she?

Silver listened to the males, a small groan escaped her lips. "Is that all they do, just talk nonsense?" she wondered. Even with her back turned she could still hear there jabber. She wondered if they would ever stop talking. It seemed as if they just went on and on and on. Finally she laid down still barely listening to there conversation. It had seemed to work to her perspective as she also learned about the two. She knew that Valiant was a girl player, and Kade liked peaceful things. She could gather this from speech patterns, and what exactly they had said.

Having already been to the lake she new what it was like, and how nice it was. Silver was learning fast and silently, and she had only to sit there. It was nice not to be asked anything, and she was content with what she had said. Something about Kade put her on edge though. Maybe it was his dominance over her, or the way he spoke. She just found him surprisingly interesting, like a fish. You never know what it's thinking or which way it will go.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
wrap it up soon?

<blockquote>The woman seemed to be getting more and more impatient with their conversation as the moments passed and he couldn't help but keep the smirk from his face. She was annoying, there was no denying she was probably one of the last wolves he had hoped to find here, ever since she had thrown herself at him, teeth gnashing then deciding to play nice. In the words of Rhysis, <i>crazy women</i>. There seemed to be no escaping them.

<b>"I've seen the lagoon. It truly is a sight to behold. Even more so in the presence of our Lady Jayse..."</b> he said with a small smile. If he hadn't met her that night he probably wouldn't have come to the Hollow seeking admission to their ranks. He remembered the odd feeling of being watched and now he had a feeling his suspicions were being confirmed. Yet again he was grateful for his decision to behave that night. Kade was not a wolf he wanted to be on the bad side of.</blockquote>
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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
Let's do.

<blockquote>A soft, genuine smile spanned his lips at the mention of <i>Lady Jayse</i> in regard to the Lagoon's beauty. <i>Yes, of course</i>, he internalized, flashes of memories made in his mind. The large pond could have been a cesspool to be shit in and still retain qualities of beauty in her presence. Nonetheless, perhaps the fluffball of a friend had finally put two and two together - it most certainly had been he who had lurked all those nights ago, ensuring that his pride and joy was unharmed in her venture.

<b>"I loathe the day her name is marred by your regrettable words,"</b> he asserted lightheartedly, almost unable to keep from, ironically, laughing at himself. <b>"But yes, it is beautiful."</b>

Coupled with a drawn out sigh of contentment, the man slowly rose to his feet, shaking the dead grasses and traces of ice from his coat. With the day on the brink of transitioning into darkness, there were places to be and tasks that needed attention, such as an evening sweep of the border.

<b>"Please excuse me."</b> And with a conclusive, respectful nod to his packmates, the dark man glanced to the stars as they emerged upon a darkening front before swiftly disappearing among the towering Cedarwoods.</blockquote>

Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
SIlver was pococurante with the males behind her. She was watching the clouds, gentally listening to the males gabber. She was calmer than usaul now, given the males behind her where unknown. She listened to there words still, trying to pick up there meanings and understand her speices better. She heard the laugh Kade had given, and it almost startled her, her tail twiching at the sides. She bent her head to get a better view of the clouds, still trying to decide if the wolves behind her where worth listening to.

The silver female sat there as the males chattered like tiny sound boxes, it was rather hypnotic. Making the female relaxe into it knowing they where there had given her a small felling of safty, but not enough for her. It was never enough for her, every day she had been taken by lonelyness, and depression as she had stalked around in the dark. Even small sounds in the night had often put her on edge when she was first alone. Now she cherrised her lonelyness, for some insane reason, yet kepping herself open to others.

She looked back at the males behind her wondering if they where thinking along the same lines. She had barely heard Jaysyek's name, but did not move when it was said. She continued to sit there her tail thumped once, as she remembered her meeting with Jayseyek. She had remembered the female with two diffrent eyes, and her white fur. She had remembered the female's scent to and was sure she could pick it up anywhere.

The sound of Kade's voice, and his paws moving made her get up and turn towards them. She watched as he left, wondering if she had done something wrong, but douted it. She nodded at Valaint before turning to leave, her tail following her. She walked back to where she knew she could lay down and sleep, not wanting to stay near any wolf she did not trust. Maybe she would find Elettra again to see if she had anything the silver female could do. She took a glance back at Valaint before walking off and leaving the he wolf to himself, besides she had just stayed to watch and study Kade.

"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow