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Ask the Lonely — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
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<blockquote>The trip to the Cedarwood Forest had been worth while for more reason than one. Volkan had travelled ahead and Kanosak was left to return to Copper Rock Creek alone. It would have been a straight forward trip if the familiar scent had not washed over his body and piqued his rhapsodical curiosity.

Here and there it mingled with the scents of others, only further pushing him to locate the wayward wolfess. He was flitting between emotions of excitement and trepidation. One scent he found abhorrent, that of the wolf that had been lurking on the borders of his home and he struggled to repress a growl as he stalked forward. It would seem they had shared a hunt from the scattered bones he stumbled across, although her scent continued and it would seem his sister had come to no harm.

He continued to make his way through the oppressive forest, so like that of where he had been born. Here he found an abandoned den and wondered if he had completely missed her. He crawled into the shelter of the hollow tree and basked in the scent of family, memories washing over him like waves on a beach. He emerged from the den and howled. Hoping she may still be in the area, or somewhere close enough to hear his call.</blockquote>
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
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Nina Hervok
Pricking her ears at the sound of the howl Nina looked at her herbs. Collecting them quickly in a bundle she bounded off towards the sound of the howl. What if another wolf was injured? She could easily help them out, unless it was something major. Looking up at the sky she was happy to see it was a clear day, indicating that no bad weather would come today. Approaching the area where she heard the other wolf she looked around.

There in the middle of the clearing was another wolf, male....but in a pack. Nina instantly shrunk back in the shadows. It looked as though the he was looking for someone, or something. Setting her herbs down she looked more closely. The wolf was larger than her, much larger than her. Pinning her ears to the back of her head she tried to be as silent as she could.

Scanning the area quickly for any escape routes if needed her eyes caught sight of a small den. Sniffing slightly she could tell that a wolf had lived there at one time or another. Was this wolf looking for them or simply checking his borders. Nina narrowed her eyes at the other wolf trying to get a better look at him.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>Someone was approaching and attempting to be quiet, but pulled up short and he turned, trying to pinpoint the other wolfs location. He sniffed deeply trying to catch the scent, would it be Naira? He had gained weight since joining the pack, and his recent travels had helped him to gain muscle, but he never saw himself as potentially imposing to anyone, least of all his monstrous sibling, who had always left him dwarfed in her shadow.

His golden coat glimmered in the dappled light as his golden eyes made another pass through the trees around him. He decided to sit, lowering his ears to try and make himself appear less imposing. After all, there was no need to display dominance here, he may be second on his home turf, but without the pack to back him up he was just another wolf. <b>"Is that you Naira?"</b> he questioned the trees hopefully. He was missing his family and hoped she carried news, ignoring the fact he had travelled almost a full year to get here.</blockquote>
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
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Nina Hervok
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>He is looking for someone....the thought went through Nina instantly. Crawling forwards close to the ground she approached the other wolf her eyes cast downwards. Had he said he was looking for Niara..she knew the wolf. She had helped her heal from her illness. Speaking up would probably be a good idea now. Slunking towards the other wolf with her ears pinned back on her head and her tail tucked under her underbelly she finally spoke.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>"N-no, I am not Niara, I'm Nina. Wh-who are you?"</b> Nina's wavering voice was gentle an soft, bare as a whisper. Clawing at the ground underneathe her she finally got a better look at the other wolf. He was a handsome wolf, not to bad on the looks, but he did look slightly older than her. He had golden brown fur with golden eyes, not a bad combination, mainly from what she had seen in the past.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Looking up at the other wolf with innocent eyes she blinked. Would he attack her or let her be? She didn't want to be killed. He probably could beat her given the fact that he was in a pack and she was clearly not. Trying to make herself smaller than she already was Nina shrunk under the other wolf. Stopping about three pawsteps in front of him she flattened her ears harder back on her head.</font>
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>Others had been far more submissive since he had picked up the pack scent and he smiled at the female reassuringly, a small wag of his tail attempting to calm her nerves. <b>"There is no need for that."</b> he said gently, trying to coax the lady up from her position on the ground. <b>"I am Kanosak, second at Copper Rock Creek, but here I am just any other wolf. You aren't trespassing and I am merely trying to track down my sister. I didn't realise she was so close."</b> he almost said to himself as he continued to scan the trees, hoping to catch even a glimpse of her long tawny coat.

His sisters scent was already fading when he caught it, so he could only assume that she had moved on. To where was anybody's guess. He sighed in resignation, realising he may never see a member of his old pack again.</blockquote>
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
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Nina Hervok
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>The small wolf rose up slightly from her position into what couldn't possibly be called sitting. The female's head was bowed downwards the ground indicating she was still unsure. He did say he was second command, meaning that he was definitely dominant. Yet he said that he was a normal wolf, or at least should be in her eyes. Straightening up to meet his gaze she found he wasn't much taller than her, Meaning that she should be safe. Besides if she had to run she would have speed on her side. Twitching her ears slightly she stared at him. Niara is in his family, what if I could repay her, more than just showing her the basic herbs for mental remedies. What if she wouldn't want to see her brother, she decided she might as well keep it quite, because only the latter would hurt her,</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Speaking quietly she responded, <b>"Well, maybe I can help you find her or something, THe scent smells familiar."</b> She spoke quickly without revealing too much. She recognized the scent but wasn't sure how if she knew the wolf, she knew this though. She knew the wolf and she knew the scent, but apparently from the smell of it Niara had joined another pack. Tilting her head at the other wolf she examined the den behind him, it wasn't to bad of a place to stay, meaning she could easily stay there. There was a stream nearby meaning that there would most likely be plentiful prey here, and she could smell the taint of herbs in the air. If she wasn't in another packs territory then this woul definitely be the place to stay.</font>
(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2012, 05:16 PM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>The golden male looked down at his paws with a small shake of his head. For her to be this close to Copper Rock Creek meant that she had to have picked up on his scent, but she had chosen to not approach him, and he had just been to Grizzly Hollow, which left one other place that she could be if she was here seeking a pack.

A mixture of emotions clearly crossed his face as he processed the information. Perhaps she had come seeking him while he was at the Hollow? He couldn't tell until he made it home and checked with his pack mates. <b>"No. Thank you. If it's not too intrusive, are you looking to join a pack?"</b> he questioned the lady in front of him. He could smell the herbs in her scent and could pinpoint most of them as being related to calming. Goodness knew with Rebecca and now Rolu with his mood swings, a mind healer wouldn't go astray.</blockquote>
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
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Nina Hervok
Realizing quickly what the male was asking she pinned her ears back on her head. She very much did want to join a pack, it's one of the goals she wanted to accomplish, but was she ready to do this? To come a newcomer, the lowest of the lowest, then would she even be accepted into the pack that this male wolf was offering. Considering her options quickly she stared at the other wolf. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea, the wolf was fed, and she wouldn't have to worry about many other things... Hunting would be easier, maybe even collecting herbs, but what if there was already a mental and physical healing there. <i>Nina, STOP thinking. This is what has always gotten you in trouble, thinking to much.</i> That's right, yet I'm arguing with myself right now. That isn't crazy.

Nina came back to reality only to find that her head was down, almost as if in a bowing position. Bringing her head up she found she felt like she was too close to the other male wold and quickly backed up and studied the other wolf. <b>"I am....looking for a pack to join,"</b> Nina hesitated sitting down, <b>"Would you mind telling me some things about your pack?"</b> Though Nina was young she knew she wouldn't be joining any packs unless she knew more about them first. Blinking her now dark emerald eyes she tilted her head in curiousity wanting to know if the wolf would enlighten her on how his pack worked.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>His pack was his life now and he smiled, settling down to answer any questions she may have. <b>"When I joined the pack was small, but it is growing every day. Our leaders Ruiko and Aeylen are everything leaders should be. It's like being in a family again..."</b> he said with a small smile. <b>"And we could use a full time healer, rather than a second come scout come semi-healer... There are young ones who are eager to learn as well."</b> he had decided to take on the role out of necessity, but even he knew that his heart wasn't truly in it beyond the need to help his family.

He observed her closely. She seemed sane enough, which was always a plus, and what could one more hurt? If she decided to try her luck he would escort her to the borders and call for one of his leaders, but first he would wait and see if she held any more questions for him.</blockquote>
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Tilting her head slightly she thought to herself quickly. This could be good for her. Looking up at the other wolf he sighed. She muttered to herself silently, <b>"I did promise Kashikoi."</b> Looking back up at Kashok she nodded her head. I could definitely join, and then I might even be able to help other wolves. Blinking her eyes she knew she had to determine something first. She definitely wouldn't let them all support her. She wouldn't just heal. She could hunt and fight too.

<b>"I will join...as your so called healer. As long as I can fight and hunt as well. I don't like others taking care of me as much as I like taking care of them,"</b> Nina said in a soft voice as she watched the other wolf. Flocking her ears she looked around and then said, <b>"And maybe I'll be able to help you find Naira."</b> Nina nodded her head and looked around again. <b>"We should get going if I'm going to join. It's getting dark."</b>
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.