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Lone Wolf — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Triell took note of his thin smile, but it seemed genuine despite how plain it appeared. There was something about Sol that struck a million questions to press on his tongue. He appeared to wear a mask, and Triell wanted to know why. What could make him want to hide from the world? What would cause that fear. He put his curiosity aside. He could not blurt questions with the excuse of not knowing better. He would be considered not just an adolescent when spring arrived.

A question to his eyes the Tainn often forgot how not many had hunted beaver, where he had grown up with them all his life. "Maybe, I can show you a beaver some time. I live that way," he motioned behind him where the grove was, "in Swift River." He brought his head back around, seeing how he took in the rest of little information. He assumed he'd likely go to the fields where most loners hunted. The mention of a pack the creamy face was no longer smooth. Had he struck a note there? Something about his past was wrong, and had him miserable by the likes of things. He kept his expression calm wondering if he might have a little more insight about this young fellow. He had chosen his words wisely, and Triell shrugged his shoulders. "Suit yourself." It was no skin off his nose, and he could understand if he didn't want to be tied down. Accilia mentioned a hunt, and Triell shifted his muzzle in her direction. He wasn't sure how well they'd do, but glanced back to Sol. "You up for it or not?" He asked, not wanting to unless it would be the three of them. That was if they could actually find something.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Alexis who has 20 posts.
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Lupus Sol
His yellow gaze held on the ground for a while longer before words were again coming in and breaking the silence. Lupus's head lifted with a simply read, blank expression. Ears twitching forward he quietly listened to the option of a hunt. The hudson bay wasn't to sure the a <i>pack wolf</i> woulld participate in such a thing...Maybe he would even discourage the thought. He didn't know why, but it was something wolves from his pack never did. It was like breaking the pack's unbroken law...But then again, that old pack had many old traditions. Ears relaxing-sliding backward resting still standing tall though.

A quiet sigh escaped his maw before his head turned to see the male, gaze glazed over. There the word was again! Beaver. The thought of something new sparked his intrest, but he held it back, only his eyes potraying his sence of mishchief and intrest. His tail swished behind him in a freindly way of saying he would appreciate meeting the new prey and his mind wondered to what it would be like. He had quite an imagination. Huge? Like the trees? Or small? Like Mice? Dangerous, hard to kill, quick, strong? He smiled at the thought of a largly out of porportion animal lumbering through a stream. The smile was obviously to something he was keeping to himself and he had no intention of sharring. The males next words took him from his mental state, lips twitching slightly, he sounded as if he ment no offincse. How else could you respond to him any way? He let the words rush away, he at least, hoped the other wolf didn't mean it in a rude way. Again he was slipping off into thought when interupted again with the thought of a hunt he persumed.

The male didn't seem to be held by a pack law not to..He had asked as if he himself was in...Lupus's head tilted to the side
"Fine with me."It was stated in a plain, unthought, or uncared, way. He did think it was a decent idea, but he didn't want to seem to eagar. From the litle he had told them he could seem weak, like he couldn't function without others. He nodded slightly, maybe he would see a beavar. These wolves had no idea who he was, not even his name...Lupus liked that though, maybe he would only introduce himself as Sol now. He could be a knew wolf. He smiled the image of the new prey again coming to mind, knowing it wouldn't live up to his expectaions, there was no way anything could meet the standards he would expect them to come to. His eyeshad wandered to the sky before he noted the time he had spent in though. Blinking he returned his attention to the two, who were surly wondering what he was doing. If they ask...I'll tell them I was praying for a good hunt, sounds stupid, but, again, they don't know me..And after this..We will probably never see each other again.
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Accailia Sora
OOC: I know it's really short. My muse disappeared on me but I promise I will write a whole lot more on my next post. Again I'm really sorry.

Accailia still couldn't pinpoint what it was about Sol that made her uneasy but he was willing to hunt with her and Triell. They would need Sol in order to get something good. Maybe they would bring down a deer. Her mouth watered as she thought about food. She was really hungry. Accailia looked between the two males and sniffed the air, trying to pick up the scent of prey.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

A hunt it was. This was bound to get interesting. Three adolescents. He tried to calculate what sort of chance they might have, and thought it slim. He supposed he was a decent enough hunter, and assumed the others had to be at some point to be alive now. Oh, boy. What had he got himself into? His own thoughts were running wild to notice Sol, or try to depict what he was doing. He could detect some sort of reluctance or fear from Accailia, and kept a wide ear in her direction. If she didn't want to be around Sol, or him why didn't she go? She had offered to hunt. He put the question to rest. If they were going to hunt they had to find something worth hunting. His chin lifted, and he too scent the air with a twitch of his black nose. His bright yellow-orange eyes lifted to the rocky crags, and around feeling there best hope was to find a goat. He hadn't hunted them much, and the idea allured him. A hunt on the mountain didn't seem like such a good idea. No, he much rather get something he was use too.

Deciding to take lead, and command he padded past the two, following the stream. He paused once, "So, I think we'll go find some beavers. There not to awfully hard to catch," he made a good point to study both their expressions, waiting for protest. Soon enough he then began to trot ahead, "Unless we catch wind of something better," he added as a last thought. He was doubtful, the deer liked to hide where it was harder to herd, chase, and even find them. There was no where he had any intention to take on an Elk without a real adult. Those things were quite large, and the fatalities higher. The caribou though yet something else that was appealing moved frequently, and were quite a ways from the creek any how. If they were even at their usual range.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Alexis who has 20 posts.
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Lupus Sol
Lupus watched the two sent the air, his eyes narrowing slightly, they didn't think prey was just going to hang around while the three chattered about, did they? If they food here was smart then they would have high-tailed it out of here the second the spotted the canines. With this thought in mind he dared not waste hi time nor breath on lifting his muzzel to sent the air. Staring at them he waited, slightly agitated as he watched thier responces. His head jerked off to the side, ear flicking, tail swishing violently off to the side-attempting to show his disaproval. He prepared to turn and trot off in the lead when the male spoke. His attention returned to the two others.

A wry smile crossed his face at word of the creature again, but it faded as he found the other wolf taking control. A frown appeared, lowering his head he atempted to hide it, knowing questions would follow why. "Let's move then." the wolf uttered, muzzel lowered, still concealing a frown as he shifted his weight into a ready position and moved forward. Squeezing between the two he moved in the derection suggested, quickening his pace to a trot once he was past the others.

Tail gentely swaying behind him, the frown finnaly faded, no longer worried about their questions. Once he was a few paces ahead Lupus turned his head over his shoulder. Glancing back at them acpectantly, he hoped he could walk infront-he was much more comfortable infront. A large grin pulling at his leathery, black lips he lifted his bushy tail and let it wag in an attempt to seem ready.
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Accailia Sora
Accailia lowered her muzzle, noticing Sol seemed irritated. He seemed ready to take off until Triell spoke again. Triell hadn't picked up the scent of anything either. He took the lead, taking Sol and Accailia to hunt beaver. Sol had squeezed between her and Triell, darting off ahead of them. Accailia jumped when he got that close to her and after he passed them, she went to Triell's other side, slightly behind him. Why did Sol seem to scare her? She wasn't sure but she felt safe with her black companion, even if she had angered him not too long ago.

Her ears flat against her head, Accailia walked with Triell towards the beavers. Her tail twitched nervously. Memories flashed through her mind as they walked. She stopped when she realized why she was so afraid of Sol. His eyes, they were the same sun-yellow as the he-wolf who killed Accailia's sister when they were only a few months old. An image of those eyes glowing bright as he carried her sisters limp body away burned in her mind. The only differences between him and Sol were age and that his pelt was silver unlike Sol's white pelt. She shook her head, trying to get the image out of her head. He wasn't Sol, there was no reason for her to be afraid of Sol. Accailia kept telling herself that over and over again, trying to calm herself down.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Triell was usually a nice fella who could get along with just about anyone. Between Sol trying to appear indifferent, and Accailia tagging along at his hocks as if she was a meek fawn, irritation began to claw at his nerves. It was not exactly the first time he'd been annoyed with someone, but it was the first time he could feel himself want to put someone in there place. It started when Sol weaved past them, making Accailia more nervous. A low growl vibrated in his throat, and his black mane began to bristle from the heat of his agitation. This must be how Indru and Corinna felt when a wolf disrespected them. In his eyes Sol had done no different. Triell had chosen to lead because he knew the lands, and it did not go unnoticed Sol's dislike. His muscles became stiff, and his posture was anything but friendly. He didn't care Accailia had taken to following him so close, but if Sol wasn't going to listen or follow he had no mind to help out the fool.

"Good luck finding them by yourself," he called, not hiding his distaste.

Letting his ears cup forward he turned to Accailia, "I don't know why you're scared, but can you try to relax?" He asked, a small plea in the edge of his deep tone. It didn't help to feel her uneasiness, it made him more likely to snap. "Come on, we'll go this way." He jerked his chin to the Grove knowing there were beavers there as well. He quietly let out his pent up frustration in a rushed breath, turning in the direction he had come from. He wouldn't take her into Swift River land, but she could see the Grove. As for Sol, he could go get lost for all he cared.

(This post was last modified: Feb 27, 2012, 06:50 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Alexis who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lupus Sol
The hudson bay came to a halt as the dark male spoke, his triangular ears flattening as he figured out what was going on. He was being left. A scowl crossed his face as the wolf spoke to the female..yellow eyes narrowing, more so on the male, who did he think he was? Then his angered scowl turned into a smirk of delight when the thought dawned on him. "Who do you think you are?" he paused, sarcatic tone lingering in the air. "Oh...wait. I know, a pack wolf." His short, transparent whiskers twitched, he knew not long ago he was one too, but his time out by himself figure out the one thing he dispised. The one thing he use to be. They all acted like they were some great, all-powerfull alpha. The truth was there was only one of them though, normally it didn't even matter what their intentions were either. They just had to be skilled enough to win fights and smart enough to keep their pack alive. Scowl returning he watched, weight shifting off to the side as he awiated the males reaction.

Realizing he truly didn't care, Lupus gave a quicky, smug grin then turned, he would find the beavers on his own, then he would bring one back and leave it in his exact spot. Even if the two never returned in time to see the kill it would settle well in his mind giving them the chance to know he was succesful. He hoped for the worst of them, maybe a lerge tree could fall in the male and as for the female...Even though she haddn't bugged him other than her skitish behavior, could fall in the stream and drownd. The male walked, slower than his normal quick pace-planning for them to get one good last glimps of him before he returned with glory. Ears perked forward, grin broad, yellow gaze a blaze.

Of coarse, his heroic walk out was only what he thought it to look like. He sounded like an arogant pup that thought he could defeat the world, slowly walking off. His pace really only made his appear lost, but his intentions were well set in his mind.

OOC:I'm sorry, this is just rp and I am not really like this. I just normally rp charries on the shy side and figured I should have one the likes trouble-or causes it at least.
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Accailia Sora
OOC: Accailia is about to go apeshit on Sol. And I apologize but there is some foul language.

All fear Accailia felt towards Sol was gone when he turned on Triell. All that fear turned into anger. She was furious that Sol would mock and insult Triell the way he had. Accailia had already begun to grow fond of Triell and she was fiercely protective by nature so Sol really pushed her over the edge in just one moment.

Accailia moved in front of Triel, hackles raised, lips parted into a snarl as she growled at the cream male. <b>"Show some damn respect you fucking bastard! You don't even know Triell, you have no right to treat him with such disrespect! He was willing to help you, he knows his way around the area and was going to take you to the beavers you inconsiderate prick!"</b> She snarled at Sol, furious and ready to take it all out on him.

He wasn't too far ahead of her and Triell so she raced towards him. Her body was built for speed and she caught up to him quickly. Accailia leapt towards him, hoping to tackle him and pin him down.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<i>ooc; don't hold it against ya Alexis ;) ic is seperate from occ. and Lia I am sorry if I keep spelling Accailia wrong. I think I've been putitng double L. :X</i>
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Triell probably did seem like a proud wolf, thinking he needed to take charge. Even arrogant, and acting like he was better than the cream coated lad. He had often figured it was in his blood, his pride, and a fact of his personality he would not back down or be walked over. He knew who to respect, but Sol seemed like he needed to be taken down a notch or two. "Least I don't pretend to be what I am not," he mumbled back, caught between leaping at the wolf, and turning away before he did something he would regret. He really had no want to harm Sol, there was no real good reason to do so honestly. He was ready to move on, let the boy figure out what the world was like on his own.

It was Accailia to his great surprise, who reacted the most by Sol's actions. She was in front of him, a rough snarl tearing from her throat, and her body positioned aggressively toward the male. The Tainn became quite wide eyed by the words she yelled, and how angry the entire thing had caused her. He had to pick his jaw up, and grip it tight by the time she was done. Wait, she really wasn't going to do more than yell at him, was she? His jaws unclasped ready to intervene, nothing was worth a brawl. It was too late, she was running after the cream wolf, and trying to tackle him to the ground. What the hell?! Was there something in the water sources outside of Relic Lore or something. He was bewildered by her sudden impulse to defend him. This is why he didn't like to leave Swift River, he was bound to run into some kind of trouble. Quikcly, he took off after her, hoping to separate them before it got worse. His large frame was not in his favor.

(This post was last modified: Feb 27, 2012, 11:40 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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