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I want to meet pack&growl at ones I've met.
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Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver walked around her new home. She was glade that she was in a pack now, but hoped she didn't meet anyone she had a bad, or meet that she attacked. She didn't know exactly who was in the pack and wished to meet everyone. Especially this Elettra she had heard so much about. She wished she new someone that could at least show her around some more. She walked to a nearby pool of water and lapped at it. The journey here was tiring because of her lack of water she had found, when she was a loner.

Now Silver took the chance and savored each lap of water. She was extremely thirsty, and had a half a mind to lye down and guard the puddle from anyone else. Silver looked around once more and watched as a bird fly by.<b>"Its so peaceful here,"</b>she said to herself out loud. Silver sat down and listened to the trees as a breeze went by. She pricked her ears up,"That didn't sound like the forest," she stated to her self. Silver got up and followed the sound she had heard. She walked into some of the trees to investigate.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos wandered about his new home, hoping to meet some of his pack mates. His ears perked up as he heard a female speaking. He followed the voice and slowed as a familiar face came into view. It was the silver female that he had helped. Thanatos stepped towards her slowly, trying not to frighten her. She was heading for the trees, looking for something it seemed.

<b>"Hello again miss."</b> He stopped a few wolf lengths away from her and sat down. Nodding a greeting.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
She turned to see the wolf that had saved her from the battle scared the female. She nodded to him and looked over him. he didn't seem to be injured.<b>"So how did it go after I left?"</b> she asked the male. She was suspicious of the male, even after his show of bravery. She lifted her head knowing she was here before him, only recently marked by Jaysek. She looked him over again wondering if he was here to tell her something important.

Remembering that they had not formally introduced them selves.<b>"My name is Silver Wintercoat, third subordinate. I don't think we have actually formally introduced,"</b> Silver said raising her head higher. She looked over the black wolf and asked,<b>"Didn't you have an odd way of talking?"</b> For some reason she could have sworn that he had been talking weird when she add met him before. She waited for his answer with a questioning look.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
<b>"It was fine. The other male had an injured shoulder so the fight was over when I went for his leg."</b> He looked her over, glad she wasn't hurt. She was right they never did introduce themselves properly. He chuckled a little as he spoke. <b>"Silver huh? It fits. I'm Thanatos Rua. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."</b> He nodded his head in greeting, smiling at her.

So she had noticed his horrible speech before. He was glad he spoke much better now. <b>"Yes, with all the scarring on my muzzle, and mainly the one on my throat, I was unable to speak for a while. I slowly started to be able to talk again but it was difficult and didn't sound right like you had heard. With time I was able to perfect it again. I just needed practice."</b>
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver nodded at the male as he spoke. She sat down rapping her feet with her tail, and said quite smally,<b>"That's good right. I mean that you can talk again, you have a sweat voice."</b> Silver did believe he had a sweat voice. Kind of scratchy, and chilling, but calming. Sh looked him over remembered the challenge she had faced. The female wondered if she had said something wrong when they quieted.

Silver stared into the bright orange eyes, and a wonder over took her. She lost herself in the wonderful eyes. She felt like she was going down a flexuous path with only her site to show where she was going. it was dark like tunnel in her imagination. Turning in the tunnel she came upon her own self standing in a pool of light. A red light to be exact, but couldn't really see herself. Walking forward she noticed that the female was not her, but alike her. Coming back to reality she stumbled a bit backwards almost falling.

Silver felt like she just glimpsed something she forgot.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
OOC: By the way, only one eye is orange. The left one is a clouded silver color because he is blind in that eye. There is also a scar over that eye.

He smiled at Silver. <b>"Thank you, and yes I am very glad I can speak again. Others can finally understand me."</b> She was staring at his eyes. Probably liked his orange color in his right eye. The left he would never be able to see out of again and the only color in it was silver and white. Silver seemed to be staring off into space of something. Thanatos wasn't sure.

As she stumbled Thanatos jumped behind her, using his weight to help her balance. <b>"Are you alright? What happened?"</b> He looked her over, a little worried.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
-ya i kinda forgot about that, stupid me :)

Silver felt the fur behind her and looked to see Thanatos. She shook her head wondering if she had just dreamed it up. It hadn't felt like it, but she didn't really now. Taking back her own weight she nodded and said,<b>"Ya I'm fine, just slipped,"</b> she said trying to make sure it sounded like it was true. Though she tried she failed, and walked a few steps a little wobbly.

"What was I doing before," she stopped in thought as she remembered the orange eye. Avoiding the site of the eye she smiled at Thanatos and sat down before toppling over. She looked back up at him still tying to avoid that eye, scared she would get pulled back in. Then she noticed the smallest scent of her fear scent and sighed to herself. the female standing before Thanatos looked at his clouded eye and asked swiching the subject badly,<b>"What happened to your eye?"</b>
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
OOC: That's fine just thought I'd remind you.

Thanatos looked her over, trying to figure out what just happened. He didn't want to pry since it seemed she didn't know what happened herself. He made sure to stay close to her in case something happened. She couldn't even walk straight, her legs wobbled with each step.

He noticed she was looking at his blind eye. He looked down. <b>"It was part of my punishment for speaking out against my father, the leader of my birth pack."</b> He didn't want to frighten her by going into detail. He still had nightmares himself from that day himself.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver rapped her tail around her and looked at him with pity.<b>"I don't know my parents or where I came from. I wasn't even raised right,"</b> she chuckled at the end. She was open to any questions he had about it, yet she thought that she he wasn't the kind to ask. Silver looked over at him again and said,<b>"So was your parents where.......um...not very nice uh?"</b> She never really thought about it or anything, until lately. She really didn't really think about having family, til she had joined a pack.

She looked over at him and and fell onto his orange eye again. She smiled at him and laid down, feeling a little dizzy. Grinning a bit she waited to see if he wanted to tell her any more or if he wanted to know some thing. Finally, Silver said,<b>"I wasn't raised by wolves, but a fox. I know it sounds weird, but its true. I also saved the life of a fox pup and raised, but during a hunting trip away from or den we where slit up. It was kind of close to relic lore when it happened. I haven't, haven't seen him since."</b> It felt good to get it off her chest, and she breathed in his smell.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos looked her in the eyes as she spoke. <b>"My mother died when I was a pup, but no, my father was not very kind."</b> He was curious what she meant when she said she wasn't raised right but didn't need to ask when she looked into his orange eye and told him her story. <b>"Raised by a fox huh? Doesn't sound weird to me. We had a member in my birth pack who was raised by a badger. Now that one was odd."</b>

He looked at Silver and breathed in her sweet scent. <b>"I suppose it's only fair for me to tell my story since you told me yours."</b> He paused for a moment, unsure where to start. <b>"I had what most consider a normal life growing up. When I was three I even found myself a mate. My father had....changed. We had a rival pack living not to far from our home. One day two pack members came back injured, one dead. My father ordered us to kill every member of the rival pack. The one I killed was a female and I found out shortly after that she had been carrying pups. I told my father and all he said was that it was for the good of the pack. I spoke out against him, saying what he had us do was wrong. He challenged me and when I wouldn't fight him, he blinded me. He ordered my mate to be killed along with myself. Obviously I managed to escape but Kama was dead, along with my pups she was carrying."</b> He desperately hoped she wouldn't be afraid of him now. She was pretty much his only friend in the pack so far.