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Unstable — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
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Kama Rydell
Kama was running around the Ghastly Woods, trying to pick up the scent of something to eat. Her ears pricked up when she finally smelled rabbit not too far away. She chased after it, slowly catching up. She pounced and bit into the rabbit and tore at its flesh. She devoured it quickly and began chewing on the bones.

Once she had completely devoured the rabbit she licked the little bit of blood from her lips and laid down beneath a tree. She flopped over onto her side and looked out at the woods. Kama had been growing bored and she hadn't been going crazy as often as she did when she first arrived in Relic Lore. She needed some excitement in her life. Perhaps a pack? A new mate? She didn't care she just wanted to do something.
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
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Rios Haima
Blood. Rios smelled fresh blood close by. He pinpointed where the delicious scent was coming from and took off, hoping to be able to steal a meal. He slowed as he got closer. It seemed that every last bit of rabbit meat had already been eaten as well as some of the bones. Rios growled softly, disappointed he hadn't gotten there sooner.

There was a black female who appeared to be his age lying under a tree. Rios stepped forward to introduce himself. {B}"Hey there. I'm Rios."{B} He looked the she-wolf over. She was rather large for a female, almost the same size as himself. Her pelt was black with a darker grey on her muzzle, chest, and underbelly. It seemed she had a scar or two which proved she was a fighter. She was exactly the type of female he wanted as his mate. If only he could put up with her personality as well. He would find out soon enough.
Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
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Kama Rydell
She looked up as a black male emerged from the trees. At first she thought she was having another vision again and was seeing Thanatos, but then she noticed his eyes. They were silver instead of Thanatos' stunning orange. This was someone new. This was the excitement she had been looking for.

She sat up and smirked as he introduced himself. <b>"Kama."</b> She felt there was no reason for her to say anything further for an introduction. She eyed him, curious. He was certainly a looker. A few scars like herself, one on his shoulder that appeared to still be healing. Kama stood and walked in a circle around him, examining him. <b>"What brings you to these woods Rios?"</b> She noticed he was muscular and appeared to be fed well enough for being a loner. The problem she usually had with males though was there personality. It didn't take much to irritate her and not much more to piss her off, and Kama was not one that you would want to be on bad terms with.
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
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Rios Haima
Rios was surprised when Kama suddenly stood up and circled him. He didn't trust her yet and made sure to keep an eye on her. His muscles tensed, ready to attack if need be. She looked at him like she was studying him. Rios wasn't quite sure how he felt about it.

<b>"I'm probably here for the same reason you are, just wandering around, looking for something to do with my life."</b> He was just assuming thats what she was doing here as well since it didn't seem as if she had a den anywhere nearby. He watched her, unsure what to do. <b>"How long have you been in Relic Lore Kama?"</b>
(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2012, 09:08 AM by Rios.)
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
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Gladius Blacksea
- Alright if I join?

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Her journey down the mountain had been slow, that is, until she decided that a muddy decline down would be the fastest way back to the forest. She took a few steps, disturbing some rocks and loosely rooted ferns, and then her footing lost. She gave a cry, part joyous and part surprised, before she went tumbling down head over tail. The wispy trees and foliage flew past her, and she stumbled and regained her feet a few times, before falling again and rolling down the hill. She finally crashed at the end of the steep slope, landing hard on her back and lolling her tongue as the wind was knocked clean out of her. She stood, a little shaky, and observed her surroundings. It appeared she was in a rather dark part of the forest, and as she shook her head to clear the spinning world from it, she heard voices quite nearby.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Very nearby it seemed, as she turned her head and watched a couple only a yard or two from her exchange in conversation. She blushed, knowing that the ruckus she had caused would certainly have caught their attention, and smiling big, she waved her tail in greeting. "Greetings madam and sir, sorry to interrupt, my departure from the mountain was not as graceful as I'd hoped." She pointed back up with her nose, and then at her dirtied pelt, to emphasize. The two dark pelts were rather large, and although their conversation had sounded calm, Gladius kept her tail at medium height and her chin even, as to show that she was not the submissive type.</font>
Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kama Rydell
OOC: Sure :)

Kama didn't like that the male had assumed he knew what she was doing here. She dismissed it though, not wanting a fight at the moment. <b>"I just recently came here actually. I haven't been here long."</b> She turned her head, hearing a lot of commotion as another female came down the mountain and into the woods near them.

She eyed the young girl. Probably a year younger than Kama. She had a dark brown pelt that was covered in mud at the moment from going down the mountain. Her motherly insincts took over and Kama went over to the she-wolf and circled her to make sure she wasn't injured at all. <b>"You're fine dear, you didn't disturb us. We were just talking. Are you alright? You weren't hurt coming down the mountain were you?"</b> The girls coat was completely filthy. <b>"Come, there is a river not too far from here. Lets get you cleaned up."</b> She started leading the girl towards the river that was on the edge of the Ghastly Woods.
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
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Rios Haima
So Kama was new to Relic Lore. He was interested in learning more about her and was going to continue talking with her until a she-wolf came down the muddy mountain towards them. He was a little annoyed when Kama left him to go to this yearling.

Kama was taking her to the river on the edge of the woods. Rios figured he would tag along. He had nothing better to do and he could still get to know the black girl better. He watched as the girl with the brown pelt and yellow eyes stood there, clearly not going to submit to her elders. How disrespectful. He wasn't going to do anything about it though since it seemed Kama had already taken a liking to her.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
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Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Her tail wagged harder as the female seemed to take to her, her stance shifting to welcome her as she came up to Gladius and inspected her messy hide. This wolf was the first to show such open regard for Glad's safety, not including her mishap on a hunt with Thanatos. "Ah I am fine miss, only a light tumble, nothing to worry yourself over." Gladius looked over to the female's male companion, and noticed that he wasn't as enthusiastic about helping her as the female was. She sensed that he wasn't at all pleased with her disturbing them, but she didn't place too much thought on it as she followed after the female like an obedient cubling.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>The river looked cold but inviting, and Gladius wasn't going to refuse the miss of her kindness. She stepped into the water in a place where it wasn't rapid and lulled by lazily, and waded in till the cool water soaked her stomach and chest. It splashed up over her shoulder, and Gladius blew a hiss of air between her teeth when she noticed the wound that had just started to heal up nicely had a thin tear where it had caught on something on the way down the mountain. "That is unfortunate." She murmured as she turned her head to try to lap at the cut, but could not reach it however hard she strained her neck and tongue.</font>
(This post was last modified: Feb 29, 2012, 03:07 AM by Gladius.)
Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kama Rydell
Kama watched over the she-wolf protectively as she washed the mud from her fur. Kama heard the his of air that sounded like the girl was in a little bit of pain. Kama rushed into the cold water and walked up to her side, examining the wound on her shoulder that had just recently opened up. She licked the girls shoulder, cleaning the wound.

It seemed all the mud had been washed away by the water and Kama spoke to the girl. <b>"Come, lets get you dried off now. What is your name little one?"</b> Kama was unsure how old the she-wolf was but she appeared to be a yearling or possibly even two years old. She still felt the need to mother the girl though. She got out of the water and shook most of the water off of her coat and waited for the girl.
(This post was last modified: Feb 29, 2012, 03:16 AM by Kama.)
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rios Haima
Rios sat and watched silently as Kama babied the she-wolf. She didn't appear to be any more than a year younger than himself and yet Kama was treating her like a pup and the girl in return was following Kama around like she was her mother. Figuring Kama would be taking care of the wolf for a moment he thought he might as well help out and find them something to eat.

Rios picked up the scent of a couple of rabbits and chased after them. He bit into ones tiny neck and watched as the other bounded into its hole. He thrusted his paw in after in, scratching in badly enough that it wouldn't run anymore and pulled it out. He noticed there was another, smaller rabbit still in the hole and quickly pulled it out as well. He ate his rabbit quickly, wanting to get back to Kama. Rios picked up the other two rabbits and carried them back to where the females were and placed them in front of his paws, waiting for them to finish.