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Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
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Silver Wintercoat
Silver was not one to pettifog, but rather she belived everyone would have a say and opinion. She knew this wolf would not be judge mental of others because of his back ground. Silver hung her head in a moment for his lost.<b>"I-I'm sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was stubborn, in a good way though,"</b> she said looking at her paws. Silver had never know that type of sorrow, but she knew another who had. Looking over him she decided that he was indeed a great warrior.

Silver licked the male's cheek and wondered if she should maybe give him some hope for the female. She laid her ears back and said,<b>"What if she is alive?"</b> she asked quietly.<b>"What would you do?"</b> she added.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
Thanatos forced a smile as she spoke. <b>"Thank you Silver. And yes she actually was very stubborn."</b> She stepped forward and licked his cheek. Thanatos rubbed his neck against Silver's, nuzzling her. He smiled at her. This was his opportunity for a new start.

He frowned when she asked what he would do if Kama was alive. <b>"I don't know what I'd do but it doesn't really matter, I had seen her limp body lying in a pool of her own blood. I know she's dead."</b> He looked into Silvers eyes, loving the teal color. <b>"You have really beautiful eyes Silver."</b> He smiled at her and licked her cheek.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver leaned into the male's neck, reveling in the feeling. Pulling back slowly she looked up at his face again hoping that no one had seen her, and her efection she had given him. She was sensible, yet she knew that it mite be enterpreted as some thing personal. For now she didn't want to go into that expecially with joining her new pack. Silver had to admit that he was strong and seemed trustworthy and loyal. Listening to him she felt a little hypinosed by the voice.

She shook her head, still having a picture of Rolu flash through her mind with his stunning green eyes. Then, she looked back up at him and instead of the male having a blind eye a half picture of Rolu appeared. The green eye of Rolu taking place of the clouded one. Then, both mouths moved in unision as Thanatos spoke the same words as Rolu had said not long ago. She smiled at him again. For some reason she new that Rolu would aprove of what was going on in her mind.

She felt the lick after his words then teasinglty she said,<b>"So what made you join Grizzly Hollow,"</b> Silvers words where light and sweat, like a bird's song. Twisting her self around him and her head on his blind side. She brushed her tail across his side, but not puposly. She pulled on his ear like a pup waiting for his answer.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Even though Thanatos couldn't see Silver when she sat on his blind side he could still feel her there. Her tail didn't seem to be done on purpose but when he brushed his tail against hers it was. He was teasing her a little and playing around. Silver pulled on the ear that had a bite taken out of it already. Thanatos pushed his head into her side, hoping to push her over. If he had managed to push her over he would stand over her as he spoke. <b>"I came looking for a new life. And who should be here already but the pretty silver coated girl with gorgeous eyes that I met a little while before I came."</b>

He smiled at her and wagged his tail. Thanatos pulled on her ear playfully and bounded a few steps away, wagging his tail and waiting to see if she would chase after him. He was acting like a pup the way he was acting with Silver.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver fell over and giggled. She listened to him as he stood over her and spoke. As he bounded away she got up shaking her pelt, then chased after him. Instead of staying where she was speed past him and stopped. Turning her head to look at him she beconed him with her tail, before disappearing into the bushes. She was playing around and waited for him to come close so she could pounce on him.

She had played like this with her fox brother Red when she was still a pup, and hoped it worked on wolves. She waited in the bushes swishing her tail to balance herself out. After she pounced on him she hoped that she would knock him of balance, and onto the ground.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos watched her run past him and beckon for him to follow as she took off. He chased after her as she disappeared into the bushes. He play bowed to her, wagging his tail and acting like a pup. She pounced on him, knocking him onto the ground. He laid on his back laughing.

He watched her, wagging his tail and wondering what she was up to.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
She saw him fall and stood over him. In a pretend angry voice she said,<b>"I'll show you!"</b> Silver went in for a none skin punchtering bite to his neck.She looked up at him and watched his eys, keeping herself a little under control, she went for another bit to his bitten ear.

Then, she rolled of him hoping to take him with her down the small slop. She rolled her self even if he didn't roll with her. Landing at the bottom she giggled again like a 3 month old pup.
(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2012, 10:39 PM by SilverWintercoat.)
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
OOC: god this is just getting cute as hell :)

She growled, pretending to be angry. He let her bite his throat and went to softly bite her leg as she stood over him. She bit his ear again and as she let go he tried to bite her muzzle, not hard enough to hurt her though.

She rolled and he went with her, rolling down the slope. They landed at the bottom with Thanatos half laying on top of Silver. She was giggling like a pup and Thanatos was chuckling. He hadn't had fun like this since he first met Kama. He nudged her nose with his and looked into her beautiful eyes.
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver peared up at him with her teal eyes still gigling a bit. She was having so much fun, almost as much as she had with Firefox. She lifted her head to get at his ear again with him still half laying on her. She looked up at him and peared at his orange eye. A cold thrilling chill wnet down her back and she licked his nose.

Struggling out from underneath him she asked,<b>"Do you believe in fate, or at least that there are not coquencidences in life?"</b> Silver stood up finaly free of the weight. She sat down going over her shoulder again where it was still sore from reopening it again.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos stared into her eyes as she giggled and licked his nose. He stood once she was out from under him and looked at her with curiosity as she spoke. <b>"Yes I believe in fate. After all, I met you and barely a week later I meet the leader of your pack and am accepted into the same pack as you."</b> He smiled at her and nudged her side with his shoulder. <b>"Actually now that I think about it, I think I saw you when I met Vlarindara as well. So I see you twice in the short amount of time before I joined your pack. Looks like fate is trying to tell us something."</b> He smiled at her, teasing her and at the same time he wasn't. He had already begun to fell a connection with his silver companion.

She sat down and looked at her wounded shoulder. He had almost forgotten she had been hurt. He moved to her side and licked the wounded shoulder. Thanatos thought it was funny how they both had a somewhat fresh injury on the same shoulder. His was fresher since it happened the day he joined but hers was still healing as well.
(This post was last modified: Feb 29, 2012, 01:31 AM by Thanatos.)