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Unstable — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
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Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Gladius leaned into the cleaning, feeling calmed by the female's kindness towards her. It had been long since she'd felt another female care for her so, and it made her chest warm in a way that it would towards her mom or a denmother. She followed the female out of the water, leaning against her side as they departed the cold grasp and reached shore. She flicked her head to rid her ears of water and looked at the female happily. "Gladius Blacksea, and what might you be called madam?" Gladius tilted her head and shook her whole frame, sending crystal droplets in all directions. She licked her limbs and padded back to the female's side, her tail wagging softly.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She turned her attention back to the male, who had wandered off while they had been in the water. He was back with two rabbits that he placed at his feet, and she noticed just how quiet he had been during this whole exchange. "You are not one for talking, huh." She padded over and sniffed at the rabbits, dipping her head in thanks and tearing at one of them hungrily while she eyed the black male curiously.</font>
Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
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Kama Rydell
OOC: and so the insanity in Kama disapears as her overprotective motherly instincts kick in

Kama smiled at Gladius as she introduced herself. <b>"I'm Kama Rydell."</b> She watched as Gladius moved closer to Rios and her whole body tensed, watching Rios carefully. She was already overly protective of the girl. Gladius started eating one of the rabbits as Kama walked up to her and sat next to her. She lowered her head and began licking Gladius' head, moving to her shoulders and back as she dried the girls fur.

When she finished drying Gladius' fur she turned to the other rabbit and began to rip into it, devouring it quickly. <b>"What were you doing up in the mountains Gladius?"</b>
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
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Rios Haima
<b>"No I'm not really one for talking."</b> He lied. He will talk to a cute female all day, but if the she-wolf he was having a conversation with basically chooses to be all motherly to a girl she just met and ignore him irritates him. He waited until they were both done eating, even though it took a while since Kama had to dry off her new friend first.

Rios was growing increasingly more agitated by the minute and decided it was time for him to take his leave. <b>"I'm going to head back. Kama, hopefully I will see you again. Gladius, good luck with whatever your doing."</b> Yes he was being all grumpy because he didn't get Kama all to himself. Rios turned and ran back into the woods, leaving the two girls to themselves.

Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
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Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Gladius tilted her head and her ears went back as the male lumbered away, obviously fed up with more attention being given to Glad than to him. It was a curious thing how Kama had taken to her so well, but Gladius thought nothing of it other than joy for her affection. It was always better to have immediate friends than immediate foes. Gladius wagged her tail and stretched her muscles under the older female's caressing, feeling the water get pushed from her hide and the soft downy under coat fluff and warm. It was nice to have someone else look after her coat for a change, it's thickness was always getting dirty and matted, and Gladius was not very good at keeping it clean anyways.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She turned her attention back to her companion and smiled at her inquiry, thinking about it herself as she tore another bit off the quickly disappearing rabbit. "Looking." Gladius replied cryptically, twirking an eyebrow at Kama to see if she would pursue the question further, take the bait into some extraordinary tale that Gladius was surly dying to tell her. It could be said that she was just exploring, walking if you will. But that would not satisfy the sheer brilliance that Gladius would find in every paw step and tail sway, everything was an adventure to be told.</font>
Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
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Kama Rydell
<b>"Looking huh? I bet that was quite a view up there. Did you enjoy your adventure up the mountain?"</b> She could tell Gladius was just dying to tell her more. Kama laid next to her, Kama's side pressed up against Gladius', and playfully nibbled her ear.

She really enjoyed having Gladius with her. Perhaps this young girl would even let her adopt her as her own daughter. Kama thought she could at least give it a try. She already thought of Gladius as her own pup anyway. <b>"Gladius how would you feel if I asked to take you under my wing?"</b> She hoped the girl would accept, she would really enjoy having her around.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
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Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Gladius sat down beside her elder, tail thumping the ground rhythmically as she indeed pushed it further, a move that most pleased the young adventurer. "Why yes, it was exhilarating! Breathing the freshest of air, walking along the world's spine, it was an experience worth repeating." Her eyes shined and she sighed as she thought about it more, resting against Kama's side as if she were a worn seven-year-old, remembering her glory days. She could wait to have that feeling, for now, she would gain her experience and earn her fangs. These days were hers! And she would live them with joy that never exhausted.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She tilted her head at Kama's question, not looking at the older wolf but looking off into the distance, thinking it over. A mentor? How wonderful! It's just what the young wolfess needed, another teacher to extend her knowledge of the world. Her grin almost split her face in two as she turned her attention back to Kama, her tail wagged furiously behind her. "I would feel.. Extraordinary! What a grand idea, it would be an honor miss." Gladius butted the older female's shoulder with her crown, giving it a respectful lick as she shook with the idea of having someone to teach her and guide her.</font>
(This post was last modified: Feb 29, 2012, 07:31 PM by Gladius.)
Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kama Rydell
Gladius agreed to let Kama take her in. She waged her tail furiously like a pup excited for its first hunt. Kama smiled at the young girl and licked her muzzle. <b>"In the short amount of time I had known you Gladius I have already come to think of you as my own pup. So, I figured I might ask if you would like me to take you in, mentor you, protect you, be anything you needed me to be. I'd be here for you for anything you may need."</b>

She looked between Gladius and the mountain and smirked as she spoke again. <b>"Would you like to go back up the mountain in a few days? I'd like to see the view."</b> She knew the girl was adventerous and wanted to bring some excitement into her life. <b>"For now, I thought we could hunt."</b> She stood, smiling at Gladius, waiting for an answer.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She felt very honored to be considered blood to a wolf that barely knew it, it made Gladius think that she had sparked a motherly instinct and earned her trust. Kama would be a much needed ally, someone that was older and knowledge, keep her from blundering into things. Gladius smiled silently as Kama vowed to care for her as a foster child, and she thought how much the affection was appreciated and welcomed in her heart. Her own mother would be thankful that there was someone willing to watch Gladius's mischievous little tail, lord knew she needed it.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She brightened at the mention of the mountain, her head nodding up and down in agreement. "Oh yes, I can show you the way to the peak, it's a terrific journey." Gladius assured her, already imaging making the trek again. Her paws tingled with anticipation. At the mention of a hunt, Gladius perked and stood, attention caught from the mountain to the present. "Show me what you know dear Kama, last time I did not have such an easy tussle with my prey." Gladius motioned to her shoulder and looked sheepish, admitting her skills were not as attuned as she wished. She hoped Kama could help her in that field, maybe tell her what she did wrong in her last hunt.</font>
Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kama Rydell
Kama smiled when Gladius agreed to take her up the mountain. She imagined an amazing view of Relic Lore from that height. Perhaps they could build themselves a little den for the two of them up there as well. Kama was glad to have the young girl as her adopted daughter. She always did want to have pups again.

Kama lifted her muzzle into the air, picking up the scent of a doe not too far away. <b>"Alright do you smell the prey?"</b> Kama figured she might as well teach the young girl as she would any other pup. She didn't know the extent of the girls skills in hunting but figured she would start with the basics.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Gladius lifted her own muzzle to the wind and caught the smell immediately. She knew enough about scenting to catch that it was a female deer- a doe. She thought it would be best to start from the beginning, that way she could go over all she knew and fill in the spots that were without knowledge. She felt like a child again, with her father on the hunt, his lessons came back to her and she breathed the smell deep, memorizing it, graphing it to her brain. "Yes, it's a doe." She looked at her mentor to make sure she got it right, breathing the smell and trying to pinpoint which direction it was coming from.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Although Gladius was more into battle than the hunt, it was still exhilarating. racking and waiting in the brush, feeling the thrill of the chase and the first drawing of blood. Meat was what made her strong, and the meat of a kill was the meat of the gods. She preferred to hunt her food, feeding off carcasses was only out of desperation. She was raised to take her own meat, only scavengers fed off of already killed animals.</font>