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Unstable — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
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Kama Rydell
Kama watched as Gladius inhaled, taking in the scent. She smiled and nodded. <b>"Correct, and can you tell me which direction it is?"</b> Kama would teach her foster child to hunt and perhaps after she would teach her to fight. Gladius would need to learn to protect herself anyways in case Kama wasn't always there or if it was a challenge.

She watched Gladius, waiting to see if she could pinpoint the doe's location.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
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Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Gladius turned this way and that, sniffing hard as she tried to pick up which way the scent was coming from. A small stirring of wind was all that she need, and she pointed her muzzle North-West, tail waving happily at her discovery. "That way- North-western." She looked in the direction that she was pointing, seeing that the trees started to slope downward, in an easily decline that suggested a dip in the forest.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>This brightened her, their advantage would help them be able to navigate around the deer and have easy access to it's escape routes. Gladius looked to her mentor to see what next, her toes itching to hunt and chase.</font>
Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kama Rydell
<b>"Good. Now come, I'll take you down closer to the deer and show you what to do next."</b> Kama playfully nipped Gladius' ear as she walked past her. She motioned for the girl to follow her and began descending down the slope.

Kama followed the scent, slowing as she got closer. She stopped when the doe came into view and then continued past the doe, coming around to the other side to block it off from going down the slope. She motioned for Gladius to get across from her so she was on the slope, above the doe.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
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Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>"Alright." Gladius followed after Kama enthusiastically, giving a sharp whine when her ear was nipped and bumping the female's side with her nose. Her claws gripped the slope's edge and tried to keep silent as she followed after Kama, it would be useless if she ended up startling the deer with her massive, clumsy paws. The smell got stronger as they got closer, and Gladius's stomach tightened with hunger, but she suppressed the growl that echoed up through her spine.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Gladius paused and watched Kama circle around the doe, she followed Kama's motioning and moved opposite her atop the slope, with the deer between them. The slow movements told Gladius that the deer hadn't notice the silent hunters, and she crouched down in the brush patiently, her tail flicking as she waited for Kama's instruction. </font>
Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
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Kama Rydell
Kama motioned for Gladius to attack after her. She moved forward quietly. Kama leapt towards the doe, gripping onto one of its front legs and moving to the side so the doe couldn't kick her with her other leg. She held on tight, bringing a paw up to claw at the doe's side.

Kama held the deer and backed her up so she was closer to Gladius. She hoped Gladius would attack soon and would be able to bring it down.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Gladius rushed down the hill, picking up speed and momentum and crashing into the deer with force. She reared, attacking from the side to avoid the deer's hooves, clawing and reaching out to grab the back of the doe's neck in her powerful jaws. The deer bucked from under her, but it was no match for the sizable Kama and the forceful Gladius. This time, it did not have the chance to get a shot at Gladius. She twisted her jaws and tugged, bringing the beast down under her and Kama's combined weight. As soon as it touched the hard ground Gladius squeezed harder on it's throat, suffocating it and quickly ending it's life. She sighed and stood back as the final bits of life kicked out of the deer, looking at Kama happily.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Her tail wagged and she offered the first bite to her companion, seeing as how she had been the one to lead her to this fine prey animal, and instruct her on taking it down. Gladius was satisfied enough with being able to bring it down without a scratch, an improvement from her last hunt.</font>
Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kama Rydell
Kama held onto the deer and Gladius attacked. Kama saw her grab onto the doe from the side so she would avoid the hooves, smart girl. She was learning. With their combined weight the deer was easy to bring down and Gladius was quick to end its life.

<b>"Very good Gladius. That was perfect."</b> Kama looked between the girl and the doe. She shook her head when Gladius offered her first bite. <b>"You earned first bite Gladius."</b> Kama sat and wated for her to dig into the doe.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Gladius looked a moment between the deer and her companion before she dipped her head and dug into the deer's stomach, going first for the delicate organs and soft meat. Her tail wagged with the praise, and she moved over to let Kama join her in the feasting. It seemed this season would feed her well, for the past weeks had graced her with rich meat. This land had so far offered bounty to her, and she accepted it's care and gave back kindness to it's occupants. This meat would grow her strong, and she needed all the training she could grasp.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>"Tell me of your life before this place." Gladius motioned to the world around them, pausing from her meal to look at Kama curiously. She knew nothing about the female, and wanted to know of her new foster mother's tales. It was a grand subject to pursue, the exchanging of stories always made companions strong. And with a hot belly and clean hide, Gladius felt it right for story telling.</font>
Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
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Kama Rydell
She looked at Gladius, wondering where to begin. <b>"Well I guess I'll tell you about my pack before I came here. I had joined a pack and not long after I joined, I met the most handsome wolf I had ever seen. His coat was black as night and his orange eyes glowed like fire. He was very sweet and kind. We grew close quickly. Winter came and he asked me to be his mate. I accepted of course. I was madly in love with him, and him with me. Spring came and soon I was carrying his pups."</b> Kama took a long pause. Hesitant on telling the next part of the story.

She looked over at Gladius who seemed eager for stories. <b>"His father, our leader, Gave orders to the other pack members to destroy a rival clan. I stayed behind since I was supposed to bare my pups just a few weeks later. I waited at our den, hoping my mate would be alright. A little while later, I heard him yelling at his father about how it wasn't right. I'm assuming he attacked my mate for speaking out because I heard him yelp in pain. I was going to run to him when his siblings showed up. The two of them and a few other pack members attacked me and eventually I fell unconscious.</b> Kama paused again. <b>"I awoke and all of my pack members were dead. I tried to stand and a terrible pain shot through my belly. I tried to stand again, ignoring the pain and went to find my mate. I found his father and everyone else dead, but he was gone. I searched for him for days, and a few weeks later the pups came. All stillborn. Grief stricken, I went a little insane and ended up here. That is my story."</b>
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Gladius listened long to Kama's story, her attention never straying as the dark wolf told her tale. Halfway through, Gladius felt a tang of familiarity, like she'd heard this story before. She shook the feeling away and listened, only allowing her thoughts to return when Kama's story was finished. She felt sadness for her companion's loss, and yet still there was that familiar feeling. Maybe this was a common happening. Maybe there were numerous packs that treated their kind in this fashion. Gladius thought hard, her brow knitting. "Your story.. I feel like I've heard it before.." She turned it over and over in her head, and looked at Kama sheepishly, shaking it off. "Perhaps it's nothing."</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She licked Kama's head, trying to comfort the elder of her past. It was a terrible thing what some wolves would do, most of the time, it was what they thought was right. The law of packs and the wild were sometimes harsh ones, and the lessons that this female had learned had not been easy ones. Gladius could wish for hard lessons as well, but never as hard as those. "A hard story, you must have a hardy heart Kama." Gladius said, looking at her affectionately and resting her crown against her shoulder, feeling even more respect for the older fae.</font>